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1) HTML stands for-

a. HighText Machine Language

b. HyperText and links Markup Language
c. HyperText Markup Language
d. None of these

2) The correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is -

a. Head, Title, HTML, body

b. HTML, Body, Title, Head
c. HTML, Title, Head, Body
d. HTML, Head, Title, Body

3) Which of the following element is responsible for making the text bold in HTML?

a. <pre>
b. <a>
c. <b>
d. <br>

4) <input> is -

a. a format tag.
b. an empty tag.
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

5) Which of the following tag is used to make the underlined text?

a. <i>
b. <ul>
c. <u>
d. <pre>

6) Which of the following tag is used to mark a beginning of paragraph ?

a. <TD>
b. <br>
c. <P>
d. <TR>

7) How to insert an image in HTML?

a. <img href = "jtp.png" />

b. <img url = "jtp.png" />
c. <img link = "jtp.png" />
d. <img src = "jtp.png" />

8) How to create a hyperlink in HTML?

a. <a href = ""> </a>

b. <a url = "" /a>
c. <a link = ""> </a>
d. <a> < /a>

9) How to create an ordered list (a list with the list items in numbers) in HTML?

a. <ul>
b. <ol>
c. <li>
d. <i>

10) Which of the following tag is used to define options in a drop-down selection list?

a. <select>
b. <list>
c. <dropdown>
d. <option>

11) Which of the following tag is used to add rows in the table?

a. <td> and </td>

b. <th> and </th>
c. <tr> and </tr>
d. None of the above

12) The <hr> tag in HTML is used for -

a. new line
b. vertical ruler
c. new paragraph
d. horizontal ruler

13) Which of the following attribute is used to provide a unique name to an element?

a. class
b. id
c. type
d. None of the above

14) Which of the following HTML tag is used to display the text with scrolling effect?

a. <marquee>
b. <scroll>
c. <div>
d. None of the above

15) Which of the following HTML tag is the special formatting tag?

a. <p>
b. <b>
c. <pre>
d. None of the above

16) Which of the following is the container for <tr>, <th>, and <td> ?

a. <data>
b. <table>
c. <group>
d. All of the above

17) Which of the following is the correct way to create a list using the lowercase letters?

a. <ol alpha = "a" >

b. <ol type = "a">
c. <ol letter = "a">
d. None of the above

18) A program in HTML can be rendered and read by -

a. Web browser
b. Server
c. Interpreter
d. None of the above

19) The tags in HTML are -

a. case-sensitive
b. in upper case
c. not case sensitive
d. in lowercase

20) Which of the following is the root tag of the HTML document?

a. <body>
b. <head>
c. <title>
d. <html>

21) In HTML5, which of the following tag is used to initialize the document type?

a. <Doctype HTML>
b. <\Doctype html>
c. <Doctype>
d. <!DOCTYPE html>


22) CSS stands for -

a. Cascade style sheets

b. Color and style sheets
c. Cascading style sheets

23)If we want define style for an unique element, then which css selector will we use ?

a. Id
b. text
c. class
d. Name

24)Which of the following is the correct syntax for referring the external style sheet?

a. <style src = example.css>

b. <style src = "example.css" >
c. <stylesheet> example.css </stylesheet>
d. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="example.css">

25) The property in CSS used to change the background color of an element is -

a. bgcolor
b. color
c. background-color
d. All of the above

26) The CSS property used to control the element's font-size is -

a. text-style
b. text-size
c. font-size
d. None of the above

27)Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property for the padding

a. padding-left
b. padding-right
c. padding
d. All of the above

28) How to select the elements with the class name "example"?

a. example
b. #example
c. .example
d. Class example

29) Which of the following CSS property is used to add shadows to the text?
a. text-shadow
b. text-stroke
c. text-overflow
d. text-decoration

30)Which type of CSS is used in the below code?

<p style = "border:2px solid red;">

a. Inline CSS
b. Internal CSS
c. External CSS
d. None of the above

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