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You do not know when you were born.

You do not know when you last slept, if you even need
to, that is. The infernal energies of this place have warped their mind and body beyond what it
could handle, and they died. And from them, you emerged. The true survivor.

You have 100 Vita Infierno points to spend across all categories. Choose your path wisely.

● Base Powers
○ Soul Consumption
■ You have a craving for mortal souls you cannot get rid of. Animal and
plant souls will sustain you in large amounts, but they are not satisfying.
You must consume normal organic matter to sustain your body, however.
○ Long Life
■ Most demons typically live around 1,000 years without consuming souls
of any kind. Devouring a soul resets the counter.
○ Innate Magic
■ All forces of the infernum wield some level of power. Choose one
● Light
● Dark
● Life
● Death
● Fire
● Ice
● Earth
● Wind
■ You know basic cantrips and simple spells from that element (such as a
small blade of ice, a firebolt, or manipulating your own shadow), as well
as gaining resistance to damage from that element
○ Unseen, Unheard, Unknown
■ All forces of the infernum are able to disguise themselves in front of
mortals. You know basic illusion spells, but these are limited to changing
your own appearance, and are dispelled when someone manages to see
through it or attempt to touch you.
○ Planar Jump
■ All forces of the infernum have the ability to transport themselves between
the infernal planes and the mortal plane. You may only transport yourself
and any minor items you carry.

● Base Form
○ Archdemon [15 VI]
■ You wield unfathomable infernal power. The overlord of a region, the
centre of a demonic cult, or simply a powerfully-born demon. Whatever
your past, your brute strength and infernal prowess strikes fear into
mortals and demons alike. Your massive energy is however unstable, and
even middling holy artefacts can tip the scales and cause great damage
to you.
○ Demon [Free]
■ You were nobody. You were not weak, but neither were you strong. You
bided your time, waiting in the background up the upper echelons for your
moment to twist a knife through someone’s back. And it paid off. All of
your magic and physical strength are noticeably weaker, but you
inherited a great variety of things from your… benefactor. +15 VI points
that can only be spent on Infernal Power.
○ Lesser Demon [Free]
■ You are diminutive in size and physical power, but woe be upon those
who underestimate you. You can pose as a familiar or simple servant to
dark sorcerers, with no suspicion. Your presence is barely noticed even in
the real world, and your stealth capabilities are of legend. +15 VI points
that can only be spent on Physical Traits.
○ Formless [10 VI]
■ You are ever-shifting. Whether it be a swarm of bugs, a mass of shadow,
or a swirling gale, your form is borderline intangible and is difficult to force
into a cohesive shape. Disguises become uncomfortable to you, but you
gain the ability to pass through walls and obstacles, and only holy
weapons made to harm a soul will work on you.
○ Fallen [15 VI]
■ You wield the mighty visage of the angels, granting great books to your
charisma and manipulation abilities. Your true form sports tattered wings,
a shattered halo, or other demonic traits that will reveal you, but you can
hide these as needed. You can appear to those in need as a saviour, and
holy weapons are far less effective against you.
○ Shapeshifter [10 VI]
■ You gain the ability to shapeshift your physical form into anything up to
3m tall, wide and/or long at will. You cannot have your form locked or
changed against your will except by the highest of magics. Holy artefacts
that reveal your “true form” have no effect, since any form is your true
form, but they still can do damage. You can take on the appearance of
any physical trait, but you do not gain its benefits.

● Infernal Powers
○ Infernal Elements
■ Shadow
● Shade Armory [5 VI]
○ You can shatter and shape the very darkness into tools of
your own. Armour, Weapons, and Vehicles. Stealing the
shadows of sentient beings allows you to, with greater
mastery of your power, summon servants composed of
● Shade Step [5 VI]
○ You step between worlds, slinking between shadowy
passages and dark hallways. Within 1 km, the shadows
are your home, and you become invisible whilst in them
and travelling through them near instantaneously. Great
mastery of your power removes the range limit entirely.
● Dark Omen [10 VI]
○ The dark and ominous future looms over your victim, its
shadow displaying to them the worst possible outcomes.
You show them not only their death, but the passing of all
they know and love, their cities burned to rubble, their
fields aflame. But you may show only the truth, however
vague or grandiose you make it seem.
● Phase Image [15 VI]
○ You can become blurry, unidentifiable, or straight up
imperceptible to technological means of image and audio
capture at will. And mirrors and similar objects, if you so
choose. Digital files distort, photo reels decay and warp,
mirrors crack, and records of your voice are filled with
static and drive lesser beings mad.
■ Light
● Radiant Armory [5 VI]
○ You wield a bastardised force of once holy energy, warping
it to your own means. Blades of light, shields of radiant
dawn and armour that gleams with golden light is yours to
form and command. Eventually, with greater mastery over
your power, you may even be able to steal a victim's soul
and form it into a radiant soldier.
● Dying Light [5 VI]
○ You absorb and devour light faster than it can spread. The
sun will go red, the sky dark, your body shining beacon of
destruction. Abstract relations of light such as “justice”,
“hope”, and “kindness” can also be devoured this way.
Doing so grants you an immense boost of power and
drains the power of weak holy artefacts in kind,
● Grand Omen [10 VI]
○ The grand and glorious future presents itself to your
subjects, blinding them with its radiance. You gain the
ability to show your victims the best possible futures; great
power, infinite wealth, longevity, the resurrection of a loved
one. But you may show only the truth, however vague or
grandiose you make it seem.
● Be Not Afraid [15 VI]
○ Your brilliance is blinding. Those that gaze upon your true
form are driven mad. Forced to worship you, sacrifice
themselves or simply die from shock, their minds utterly
ruptured in an attempt to comprehend you. Doing this
takes an immense toll on your body, and cannot be done
often (once every decade or so).
■ Death
● Undying Memory [5 VI]
○ You can consume the souls of mortals to gain their
knowledge and memories. These memories are as fuzzy
or inaccurate as the mortal remembers them, but you can
recall everything you gain with perfect clarity. Your mind
never dulls, and as your mastery grows you may even be
able to learn new abilities and skills this way.
● Test of Time [5 VI]
○ You may use your magic power to rapidly age and degrade
organic and inorganic materials within a 0.5 km radius.
Rust, rot, mould, fungus, and cracking are at your
command. The farther it is from you, the slower it
degrades. Melee and touch can instantly disintegrate
simple objects, and holy artefacts that touch you have their
power drained exponentially faster. You can kill living and
organic matter this way, but not sentient beings.
● Fractured Soul [10 VI]
○ Your infernal core is split into shards or fragments,
scattered around your body. As such, you cannot be dealt
a critical blow in the same way demons with a singular
core can. You may also regenerate shards of your soul
slowly (over hundreds of years) as long as one remains.
Bestowing a shard of your soul into an object or person
lets you possess and grant the recipient great power.
● Soul Cage [15 VI]
○ Most demons must slay a human or wait for them to die to
collect their soul. You, however, gain the ability to extract a
victim’s soul while they are still alive, keeping it hostage.
You can store it in anything: an object, a place, behind a
magic seal spell, or even something as abstract as a
phrase. As long as you have their soul contained, they
must follow your will (loosely) and you can resurrect them
easily. Devouring or otherwise destroying their soul will
disintegrate their body.
■ Life
● Beastial Strength [5 VI]
○ Your physical strength becomes herculean. Your muscles
act as a natural armour, hard as steel. You can lift
buildings, topple towers, obliterate mountainsides, and
jump kilometres at a time. Nothing natural can oppose your
strength, and no modern weaponry can blemish your skin,
though being exposed to holy artefacts makes you
vulnerable. You can also empower your subjects into a
bestial frenzy, increasing their strength.
● Prey Upon The Weak [5 VI]
○ You relish the smell of fear and the thrill of the hunt. Beings
that are physically weaker than you have an innate,
instinctual fear to avoid or run from you. Even the most
ineffable and grizzled veteran will be frozen with shock if
their mental defences slip. This does not apply to those
who are wielding holy artefacts or are under holy
● Hunter’s Senses [10 VI]
○ Your physical and magical senses are heightened to an
extreme. You can see via echolocation and tremorsense,
and can clairvoyantly project your senses to a range of 1
km. Tracking anything other than other demons becomes
laughably easy regardless of plane, distance, or time, and
you have a constant knowledge of powerful magic forces
within the same range.
● Regeneration [15 VI]
○ Your body regenerates at a rapid pace. Minor injuries heal
instantly, gouges in flesh take mere seconds, and limbs
take nothing but a minute or a strong surge of magic to
regenerate. The damage itself persists, but you are always
functioning at maximum physical capacity. You may spend
this regenerative ability to heal or bolster others in your
command as well.
■ Fire
● Hellfire [5 VI]
○ You can control any fire telekinetically, and transmute
yourself into fire. Your powers of flame are no longer
extinguished by holy or running water. Your light burns
even submerged, and battlefields you fight upon will burn
for eternity, needing no fuel. You can also stoke the fires of
violence and bloodlust, turning stalemates into a bloody
game of survival.
● Burning Soul [5 VI]
○ You no longer need to consume souls to survive. Any fuel,
material or otherwise, sustains you. You can generate and
store massive amounts of energy that would otherwise
rupture the forms of most demons, and suck the energy
and lifeforce from those around you.
● Gates of Hell [10 VI]
○ Your very touch warps and melts the mortal plane around
you. The landscape of hell seeps into every nook and
cranny within 1km at your will. Trees become blackened
and glowing with embers, hellish protrusions of warped
and spiny chitin burst from the ground, and the earth melts
into magma. This takes a tremendous amount of magic to
● Apocalypse Embers [15 VI]
○ You gain the ability to channel the full fury of the infernal
planes. Your flames can burn away anything you wish it to;
memories, matter, energy, strength, defiance. You forge
your subjects and domain into the purest of ingots for you
to smith to your liking. This flame is limited to touch or a
concentrated artefact (like a furnace or cauldron), and uses
a tremendous amount of magic power.
■ Ice
● Eternal Winter [5 VI]
○ You can control any ice and water telekinetically, and
transmute yourself into ice or water. Your ice magic cannot
be melted even in most hellfires. Afflictions of cold caused
by you persist indefinitely, such as fevers, colds, frostbite
and comatose states. The ice you create is as hard as
steel, and can spread like a plague across any moisture.
● Icy Gaze [5 VI]
○ A glare from you is enough to chill most mortals to their
core. You can heighten feelings of fear, paranoia and
isolation, Mortals targeted this way will eventually be driven
mad, believing someone is watching them or stalking them.
● Gates of Jotunheim [10 VI]
○ The world around you freezes. Blizzards, winds, and rain
tears at your surroundings. Everything, everywhere, of
your choice, is frozen within 1km at will. Organic matter
dies and withers, frost crackles across windows, and lakes
freeze their occupants solid. You have absolute mastery
over the elements of cold and silence, but this takes a
tremendous amount of magic to maintain.
● Absolute Zero [15 VI]
○ You have complete mastery over the concept of cold and
stillness. Emotions, temperature, light. Even time itself
slows to a crawl at your behest. You can slow the air
around you solid, forming impenetrable barriers, slow light
to create illusions, and reduce the emotions of your
subjects to nothing, rendering them cold and calculating
■ Earth
● Terra Infernus [5 VI]
○ You can control any earth (sand, dirt, dust, stone, mud etc)
telekinetically, and transmute yourself into earth. Your
manipulation of the lifeblood of civilization is unparalleled.
You can desiccate any non-living matter you touch, or
bless fields and pastures with nutrients and rich soil. You
can whip dust and sandstorms into existence at the flick of
a wrist, raise an army of sandy warriors, etc.
● Aes Infernus [5 VI] (Requires terra infernus)
○ You gain the ability to manipulate smelted and refined
earth and metals, and transmute yourself into those
materials. Any organic matter you touch can be transmuted
into metals or refined earth, and back again at your will,
with no time having passed for it.
● Volatile Lands [10 VI]
○ You can cause earthquakes and sinkholes to happen.
Mountains will fall and rise, and caverns will collapse and
form at your behest.
○ Choose one:
■ Barren Lands
● The world around you grows barren and
desolate within 1 km at your will. Fields
wither, wells dry up, clouds vanish, and the
earth cracks. The air becomes sweltering
and dry, and those touching the earth are
drained of energy and nutrients faster than
■ Foetid Lands
● The world around you grows slick with mud
within 1 km at your will. Bogs overtake
pastures, trees sprout mould and fungi, and
insects and pests swarm in the air. The air
grows hot and humid, spreading airborne
illnesses easily, and you can send plagues
and maladies unto the world around you.
● Usurper of Gaia [15 VI]
○ You twist your knife into the back of the spirit of the earth,
severing their connection to the world around you. Holy
magic ceases to function as potently whilst on your
claimed land, and life propagates and heals as quickly as
you wish it to. The area becomes unobservable by magic
unless you allow it, and you can cloak your land in a visual
barrier such as a sandstorm wall or fog.
■ Wind
● Whispers On the Wind [5 VI]
○ You can control any air telekinetically, and transmute
yourself into air.You gain the ability to speak into the minds
of anyone you have seen before within 1 km of you. This
can manifest as a voice in their head, a hand on their
shoulder and a whisper in their ear, or a sudden thought
they did not think of themselves. You can disguise this as
the target’s own thoughts, or make it clear that a separate
entity is talking.
● Cloudspinner [5 VI]
○ You gain the ability to fly long distances. You can control
and generate storms and wind force within 1km at will,
manipulating general weather to your desire. You can also
control general humidity and temperature in the air to
create things like rippling and fog. Things like hurricanes
and typhoons require more energy to maintain but are
easily started.
● Howls of Hell [10 VI]
○ The air itself screams with the sounds of the victims of hell,
or falls silent in fear of your presence. You gain the ability
to magically project your voice or increase the volume of
sounds, as well as generate sonic booms and absolute
quiet zones. You can store sounds or messages inside
pockets of air that release when a condition is met, or you
dismiss it.
● Hellstorm [15 VI]
○ Nothing can withstand you. The tallest towers, the sturdiest
bunkers, the most resilient of trees. Everything is sundered
before the power of your winds. You can transmit punches
by hyper-compressing air, or form air into infinitely sharp
■ Cosmic (choose 2 maximum)
● Crushing Weight [15 VI]
○ You have control over magnetism and gravity forces within
1km of you at will. You may ignore the effects of pressure,
gravity, momentum and acceleration, and can control the
speed and gravity of any object you touch at will. This also
applies to the abstract definitions of pressure and gravity,
such as sombre moods, panic, stress, and thought speed.
● Tear Across the Sky [15 VI]
○ Space itself bends to your will. You may travel wherever
you wish via teleportation so long as you have seen or
been there before (this includes things like the moon and
planets in the solar system, but not other solar systems).
You may also temporarily fold space to create pocket
dimensions, but this takes tremendous effort, energy and
● Dark Avatar [20 VI]
○ You represent the all-consuming deletion of a black hole.
You may break the laws of the universe and destroy any
matter you touch directly up to 5m wide, tall or long (you
can simply delete chunks out of larger objects this way). By
doing so, you convert all matter into pure magical energy in
the same way as nuclear fission converts matter into
natural energy. Doing any of this takes a colossal amount
of magical power and can only be done once in a while,
and has no effect on blessed ground or holy artefacts.
● Temporal Harness [30 VI] (cant take if you chose any other cosmic
○ You can grasp and dismantle the laws of the universe,
bending time within a decade to your will. Once per
hundred years, you may rewind time up to a decade, or
fast forward it however long you wish. Other than the once
per hundred years limitation (ie years you experience and
are awake for, hibernation or freezing yourself in time does
not count), this ability has no other limitations. You can
also manipulate time on a smaller scale, jumping back and
forth a couple seconds a few times a day. You can choose
to either “reinhabit” your old self or replace it with your
current one.
○ Physical Traits
■ At default, you are considered to look like the classic depiction of a
demon: ungulate legs, red skin, horns, a tail, and glowing orange eyes.
You can disguise yourself as a basic human with basic clothes but not
much else.
● Odd Hands [Free]
○ Things such as six fingers, holes in palms, backwards
hands, cloven hands, or ulnar dimelia, fall under this
category. These will persist in subtle ways in your
● Odd Face [Free]
○ Things such as eerily disproportionate faces, multiple faces
or facial features, missing facial features, and
mouth/tongues fall under this category. These will persist in
subtle ways in your disguises.
● Odd Proportions [Free]
○ Things such as elongated or shrivelled limbs, gaunt
appearance, and long necks fall under this category. These
will persist in subtle ways in your disguises.
● Magic Sight [5 VI]
○ You can view the souls and magical energy of creatures as
if it was an infrared camera of sorts, the brighter the more
● Extra Features [5 VI]
○ Add extra eyes, mouths, ears, horns or other minor
features in any amount in any location.
● Towering Height [5 VI]
○ Your height makes you an ominous and imposing sight
even to other devils. You may increase your height up to 8
metres at will. The sight of you will make holy warriors
falter and sometimes attempt to flee.
● Miniscule Proportions [5 VI]
○ Your height makes you hard to hit and inconspicuous. You
may decrease your height down to 24 centimetres at will.
Your footsteps leave no trace, and you make no sound
when travelling through normally echoing small spaces.
● Poison Glands [5 VI] (Can be purchased multiple times)
○ Your physical attacks all gain a toxic coating, being
non-fatal but extremely painful and infectious. You may
choose one of the following per purchase:
■ Inflammatory Venom
● Locks joints and inflames muscles to make
movement more difficult.
■ Toxic Venom
● Attacks the immune system directly, causing
illness to invade your victim easier
■ Acid Venom
● Dissolves flesh and causes wounds to grow
over time rather than heal
● Rending Spines [5 VI]
○ Your talons, tail, limbs, etc are coated in razor-sharp
spines, making physical contact with you extremely painful.
■ Projectile Spines [5 VI]
● You can forcefully eject your spines in an
area attack, piercing through metal and
organic material alike.
● Leathery Skin [5 VI]
○ Your hide is tough and battleworn, making normal
weapons struggle to pierce it. Only blades made of
ordained material or a weakness (if you have it) can harm
your skin. This only negates piercing and slashing attacks,
not bludgeoning.
● Extra Limb/s [10 VI] (Can be purchased multiple times)
○ This allows you to wield multiple weapons, travel faster,
climb better, or concentrate on multiple spells at once. (up
to 2 more per purchase)
● Multiple Heads [10 VI[ (Can be purchased multiple times)
○ This allows you to have multiple consciousness,
personalities, or trains of thought in each head (up to 2
more per purchase).
● Radial Symmetry [15 VI]
○ You have two or more torsos arranged in a symmetrical
circle around your waist, granting you the benefits of
multiple limbs and heads, but negatively impacting your
ability to manoeuvre.
● Animal Features [15 VI]
○ Target a single body part (ie head, arms, legs, tail, spines,
wings). That feature is morphed to resemble a
non-legendary animal of your choosing and you gain
benefits similar to the animal you choose. (ie gills,
crocodile maw bit strength, shark fin swim speed, goat leg
● Breathless [10 VI]
○ You no longer need to breathe any kind of air, and can
survive underwater or in a vacuum.
● Tireless [10 VI]
○ You no longer require sleep or rest of any kind, and your
mind does not dull from lack of rest.
● Eternally Sated [10 VI]
○ You no longer need to consume physical food, instead
relying on some form of magical or photosynthetic energy.
● Cartilaginous Bones [10 VI]
○ Impact damage and bludgeoning weapons have a
decreased effect on you, and you can fight into tight
spaces easier.

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