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5. One social networking site that can be a real aid for instruction is "Edmodo.

" Edmodo is an
educational platform that provides a secure and private space for teachers, students, and parents to
communicate, collaborate, and share resources related to classroom learning. Edmodo allows teachers
to communicate with students and parents in a safe and controlled environment. Teachers can post
announcements, assignments, and important updates, fostering effective communication between all
stakeholders. Teachers can create, distribute, and collect assignments digitally through Edmodo.
Students can submit their work, and teachers can provide feedback and grades directly on the platform.
Edmodo provides a platform for class discussions and collaboration. Teachers can initiate and moderate
discussions on specific topics, encouraging student engagement and critical thinking. Using Edmodo
provides an opportunity to teach students about responsible digital citizenship and online etiquette
within a controlled educational environment.

Edmodo serves as a valuable aid for instruction by providing a secure and interactive digital platform that
enhances communication, collaboration, resource sharing, and assessment in the classroom. It creates a
dynamic learning environment where teachers, students, and parents can actively participate in the
educational process and work together to achieve learning goals.

Digital literacy has become highly relevant and significant in the teaching and learning environment of
the 21st century due to Information Access: Digital literacy enables students and educators to access a
vast amount of information and knowledge available on the internet. Communication and Collaboration:
Digital literacy facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among students and educators. It
enables them to connect, share ideas, and work together on projects regardless of physical distances.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Digital literacy foster critical thinking skills as learners navigate
through various online resources, discerning reliable information from misinformation or fake news. And
Preparation for the Future: In a rapidly evolving digital world, digital literacy equips students with the
skills needed to thrive in the future job market, where technology plays an increasingly critical
role.Digital literacy is a critical aspect of modern education, reshaping the teaching and learning
environment. It equips students with essential skills for the 21st century, fosters creativity and
innovation, and enables transformative educational experiences that prepare learners for success in an
increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly revolutionized our lives, presenting remarkable possibilities in
various fields. However, as we marvel at its accomplishments, we must critically evaluate the potential
harms it may bring. While AI holds immense promise, we cannot overlook the ethical and societal
concerns it raises. In this discourse, we will shed light on how AI can indeed give more harm than good if
not managed carefully. This may lead to Job Displacement, Bias and Discrimination, Loss of Human
Touch, Security Risks, and AI Bias in Decision-making. However, it is essential to acknowledge that AI,
when harnessed responsibly, can bring immense benefits to society example of this are Medical
Advancements, Environmental Conservation, Disaster Response, Improved Education, and Efficient
Transportation. The impact of artificial intelligence on our society is complex, comprising both potential
benefits and significant risks. To harness the power of AI for good, we must address the ethical concerns,
ensure responsible AI development, and promote transparency and accountability. A balanced approach
is necessary to navigate the path to a future where AI enhances human capabilities, rather than
overshadowing them, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the harms. Only then can we realize the true
potential of this transformative technology for the betterment of humanity.
As an instructional designer and welding shop teacher, I will use the ADDIE method to develop a
comprehensive training program on " Techniques and procedures in welding." This program aims to
equip participants with essential welding skills, safety practices, and knowledge to complete simple
metal projects.

Phase 1: Analysis

Identify the Target Audience: The training program will target beginners, such as high school students or
welding enthusiasts with little to no prior experience.

Assess Learning Needs: Conduct surveys, interviews, and pre-assessments to determine the participants'
knowledge, skills, and learning preferences related to welding.

Define Learning Objectives: Create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)
learning objectives, such as:

Identify and demonstrate the safe use of welding tools.

Explain fundamental welding techniques and procedures

Phase 2: Design

Course Structure: Divide the program into modules, each focusing on different welding aspects, such as
safety, tools, techniques, and projects.

Content Development: Prepare instructional materials, including presentations, videos, handouts, and
interactive activities.

Learning Activities: Incorporate hands-on activities and practice sessions to reinforce learning.
Participants will work on mini-projects to apply the newly acquired skills.

Assessment Methods: Create formative assessments, such as quizzes and practical evaluations, to gauge
participants' progress throughout the program.

Phase 3: Development

Create Learning Materials: Develop presentations, handouts, videos, and other instructional materials to
support the learning objectives.

Setup Welding Shop: Arrange the shop space with necessary tools, equipment, and safety measures to
ensure a conducive learning environment.

Prepare Practice Materials: Set up materials for practice projects, ensuring participants have access to
adequate supplies.

Phase 4: Implementation

Orientation: Conduct an orientation session to introduce participants to the program's objectives,

expectations, safety guidelines, and schedule.

Instructional Delivery: Engage participants through interactive presentations, demonstrations, and

hands-on practice sessions. Encourage questions and discussions.
Formative Assessment: Administer formative assessments during the program to monitor participants'
learning progress and provide timely feedback.

Phase 5: Evaluation

Gather Feedback: Conduct post-training surveys or interviews to gather participants' feedback on the
program's effectiveness, relevance, and learning experience.

Assess Learning Outcomes: Evaluate participants' performance in the practical projects and assessments
to measure the achievement of learning objectives.

Review and Revise: Use the feedback and assessment results to make improvements to the training
program for future iterations.

By following the ADDIE method, the " Techniques and procedures in welding " training program will
provide a structured and effective learning experience, enabling participants to gain valuable welding
skills and confidence in a safe and supportive environment.

The SAMR model is a framework designed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to guide educators in integrating
technology into teaching and learning effectively. It categorizes technology integration into four levels:
Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. The goal is to move from simple
enhancements to transformative, innovative uses of technology in the classroom. Let's apply the SAMR
model to the topic of "Teaching History with Augmented Reality (AR)."

Substitution (S):

At the substitution level, technology is used as a direct substitute for traditional methods without
significant functional improvement. In this case, history lessons could be delivered using digital devices
like tablets or computers instead of traditional textbooks. Students might access e-books or digital
resources to read about historical events.

Augmentation (A):

At the augmentation level, technology enhances the learning experience slightly beyond what was
possible without technology. In this context, students could use augmented reality (AR) apps to scan
images in their history textbooks and access additional multimedia content like videos, interactive
timelines, or 3D models of historical artifacts, making the learning experience more engaging.

Modification (M):

At the modification level, technology allows for significant redesign of tasks that were previously
impossible without technology. Here, students could engage in virtual historical reenactments using AR.
They might use AR simulations to witness historical events, visit historical sites virtually, and interact with
historical figures through augmented reality storytelling.

Redefinition (R):

At the redefinition level, technology enables entirely new and transformative learning experiences that
were previously inconceivable. With AR, students could collaborate on historical research projects in an
augmented virtual space, combining historical artifacts, multimedia, and interactive elements to present
their findings. They might also create AR-based historical documentaries, allowing them to share their
understanding with a global audience in an innovative and immersive way.

I choose Moodle as the platform for flexible mode of learning. Moodle is an open-source learning
management system (LMS) that offers a wide range of features and customization options, making it
suitable for various educational settings. I choose Moodle because, Moodle is open-source software,
meaning it is freely available for use, modification, and distribution. This makes it a cost-effective option
for educational institutions with budget constraints. Moodle allows educators to customize the platform
to suit their specific needs and preferences. They can create personalized courses, design interactive
activities, and incorporate multimedia elements for engaging learning experiences. Moodle's intuitive
interface makes it easy for both educators and students to navigate and use the platform effectively. And
Moodle offers diverse assessment options, including quizzes, assignments, and interactive assessments,
along with instant feedback, fostering continuous learning and improvement.

Real time application in TESDA is Competency-Based Learning: Moodle's flexible design allows educators
to design competency-based learning paths, where students progress based on their demonstrated
mastery of specific skills or knowledge.

In a nutshell, the ASSURE model provides a systematic approach for educators to incorporate technology
into their lessons in a purposeful and meaningful way. It ensures that technology is chosen based on
learners' needs, aligned with clear objectives, and utilized to actively engage students in the learning
process. The model also emphasizes continuous evaluation and improvement to enhance the
effectiveness of technology integration in instruction. Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction and Bloom's
Revised Taxonomy contribute significantly to student learning. Gagne's model ensures engaging and
structured instruction, while Bloom's taxonomy guides educators in promoting higher-order thinking
skills and diverse learning outcomes. Together, these frameworks support effective and meaningful
learning experiences, empowering students to achieve deeper understanding and application of

Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, also known as the Learning Pyramid, is a visual representation that
depicts different methods of learning and their relative effectiveness. According to Dale, the cone
illustrates a general pattern of how people retain information based on the level of sensory engagement.
However, it is essential to understand that the cone is an analogy and not a precise scientific model. This
means that the percentages and specific relationships depicted in the cone should be interpreted with
caution and are not universally applicable. The Cone of Experience suggests that learners remember
information better when they engage multiple senses during the learning process. It arranges different
learning experiences on a continuum, ranging from passive to active participation. At the base of the
cone, passive experiences such as reading or listening are shown, while at the top, active experiences
like doing or teaching are represented.

The Cone of Experience serves as a visual analogy to emphasize the importance of active learning and
engagement in the learning process. However, the specific percentages depicted in the cone should be
interpreted with caution, as learning and retention are influenced by various factors and can vary widely
from person to person and context to context. It is essential for educators to use a diverse range of active
learning strategies and continually assess the effectiveness of instructional methods to create
meaningful and lasting learning experiences for their students.
Cognitive Digital Literacy Skill: Digital Communication

Cognitive Skill: Adapting communication styles and conventions for different digital platforms.

Technical Skill: Using email, social media, or video conferencing tools effectively for various purposes.

Example: A professional needs to communicate with colleagues from different countries. They use
appropriate communication platforms, adapt their language, and consider cultural differences to ensure
effective communication and collaboration.

Application of Digital Learning in the Teaching and Learning in Environment Online Learning Platforms:
Utilize Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Moodle, Google Classroom, or Canvas to deliver course
content, assessments, and collaborative activities. Teachers can share digital resources, engage students
in discussions, and provide timely feedback.

Technology in education is crucial, not only for students and professionals but for everyone, due to
Access to Information: Technology provides easy access to a vast amount of information, knowledge, and
resources from all over the world. Anyone can learn new skills, explore various subjects, and stay
updated on the latest developments regardless of their age or profession. Utilizing educational
technology can significantly improve students' performance and enhance a teacher's effectiveness by
Interactive and Engaging Lessons: Integrating technology into lessons makes them more interactive and
engaging. Multimedia elements, simulations, and virtual reality experiences capture students' attention
and make learning enjoyable, increasing motivation and retention. And ccess to Vast Information and
Resources: Technology provides access to a wealth of information and resources beyond traditional
textbooks. Students can explore diverse perspectives, conduct research, and access up-to-date
information, enhancing their knowledge.

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