Supra - (Carbon Dots) With Versatile Morphologies and Promising

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Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

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Supra-(carbon dots) with versatile morphologies and promising

optical properties
Di Li a, *, Yanfei Qu a, Xiaoyu Zhang a, Weitao Zheng a, Andrey L. Rogach b, c, *, Songnan Qu d, e, *
Key Laboratory of Automobile Materials, MOE, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012 PR China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Centre for Functional Photonics (CFP), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR 999077 PR China
Shenzhen Research Institute, City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518057 PR China
Joint Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macao
SAR 999078 PR China
Department of Physics and Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macao SAR 999078, PR China


Keywords: Through non-covalent or covalent assembly of carbon dots (CDs), functional CD assemblies (supra-CDs) with
Carbon dots versatile architectures can be created. Among non-covalent forces, various supramolecular interactions can be
Assemblies used for this purpose, including amphiphilic interactions, H-bonding, electrostatic and π–π interactions, and van
der Waals forces. Among covalent ones, chemical reactions including coordination interactions and interparticle/
Optical properties
intermolecular covalent condensation of CDs result in the formation of supra-CDs. All these different kinds of
interactions of CD building blocks have an impact on energy band structures and photophysical and photo­
chemical processes and thus endow supra-CDs with intriguing optical properties. We review the recently
emerged research field of supra-CDs in terms of their synthesis, morphologies, assembly-induced optical prop­
erties such as emission quenching or enhancement, occurrence of polarized emission and optical chirality, and
underlying mechanisms. Their specific advantages for applications such as photothermal conversion and
photodynamic therapy are presented, in order to inspire further development of supra-CDs.

1. Introduction influenced by the core/surface physicochemical properties as well as

interactions with environment [2,9,18–21]. For example, sp2 domains
As a rather young member of the extended family of carbon-based and heteroatoms doping in the cores of CDs commonly influence the
nanomaterials, carbon dots (CDs), which are carbon-based colloidal intrinsic bandgap of CDs, and surface groups with electron donating/
nanoparticles with dimensions typically below 10 nm, have attracted withdrawing properties, different oxidation degrees, or molecular flu­
great attention and experienced rapid development in the past decade orophores play important roles in the alignment of energy levels and the
by virtue of their well-documented biocompatibility, low cost, and related optical transitions. Moreover, the PL of CDs is highly susceptible
intriguing optical properties, in particular rather efficient color-tunable to environment changes e.g. solvent, pH and temperature. Besides the
photoluminescence (PL) [1–7]. CDs are generally considered to be control of core/surface states, interparticle interactions provide yet
composed of the carbon-based core containing sp2/sp3 domains, and another pathway in regulating the optical properties of CDs, because
functional groups at the surface which include organic moieties or abundant surface groups of CDs offer active sites for supramolecular
polymer side chains. As this kind of structures can be easily obtained by interactions or chemical bonding. Consequently, exploring CDs as
conjugation/carbonization of widespread small molecules, polymers building blocks, their assemblies denoted as “supra-CDs” can be con­
and even natural sources of carbon, or decomposition of bulk carbon- structed through either non-covalent or covalent assembly of CDs, which
based materials, various kinds of precursors, synthesis routines and exhibit extended dimensions, peculiar morphologies and optical prop­
post-preparative treatments have been developed to tailor the structure, erties absent in individual CDs, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The spatial
morphology and optical properties of CDs [8–17]. arrangement of CD building blocks and their interparticle interactions
It is well established that the optical properties of CDs are strongly not only determine the morphology of supra-CDs but also play important

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (D. Li), (A.L. Rogach), (S. Qu).
Received 12 July 2022; Received in revised form 7 October 2022; Accepted 24 October 2022
Available online 8 November 2022
1385-8947/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

roles in their physicochemical properties. Accordingly, both energy 2. Synthesis of supra-CDs

levels and electron transition pathways in supra-CDs are determined by
the synergistic effect of intrinsic electron structures and interparticle The synthesis of CDs, acting as building blocks of supra-CDs, can
interactions of CDs, which determine the related optical processes, such involve either top-down or bottom-up routines; both of these approaches
as absorption, PL, photothermal conversion, and photosensitization have been extensively summarized in numerous reports [10,39,40]. The
(Fig. 1). Due to such versatile morphologies and optical properties, abundant surface functional groups, such as O containing groups (e.g.
supra-CDs recently attracted increasing research efforts to deeply un­ carboxyl, aldehyde, hydroxyl, epoxy), N containing groups (e.g. amine,
derstand the underlying structures and photophysical mechanisms in pyrrolyl, pyridyl), hydrophobic organic groups (e.g. alkyl chains) and
assembled state, to engineer their optical properties, and furthermore, to polymers (e.g. polyethylene glycol, polyethylenimine), as well as the
explore their potential applications, e.g. imaging, sensing, photo­ rigid carbon core dominated by sp2 domains can provide active sites on
catalysis, energy conversion, and phototherapy. CDs for further surface modification or interactions with other species.
Moreover, the construction of supra-CDs has often been extended to As the construction of supra-CDs depends on the interactions of these
hybrid assemblies, where CDs are integrated via supramolecular in­ building blocks, their synthesis can be generally carried out in two ways,
teractions or chemical reactions with other counterparts, such as organic namely through interparticle supramolecular assembly (non-covalent
molecules, biomaterials, polymers, and inorganic nanostructures. For assembly) and interparticle chemical condensation (covalent assembly).
example, CDs have been combined via ionic self-assembly with bio­ In terms of non-covalent assembly, various supramolecular in­
polymers such as DNAs, proteins, polypeptides, and enzymes, which teractions, including amphiphilic interactions, H-bonding, electrostatic
generated hierarchical assemblies featuring attractive optical charac­ and π− π interactions and van der Waals forces, can occur between CDs
teristics for biosensing and biocatalysis [22–26]. Energy and/or charge depending on their peculiar surface characteristics, and either one or
transfer are important processes which strongly influence optical be­ several of these interactions could trigger the formation of supra-CDs,
haviors (e.g. activation or deactivation of emission) of hybrid CD as­ and stabilize them afterwards. For example, above the critical micelle
semblies. In particular, the photoinduced energy/charge transfer within concentration, amphiphilic CDs (those possessing both hydrophilic and
CD assemblies could be vital for their utilization in energy conversion, lipophilic surface groups) could assembly into micelles or inverse mi­
including photosensitization, photocatalysis, and optoelectronics celles in H2O or nonpolar organic solvents, respectively [41–43]. H-
[15,27–31]. Guldi’s group assembled CDs together with various mo­ bonding and/or electrostatic interactions could provide driving forces
lecular materials, including electron-donating porphyrins [32,33] and for CD assembly in many cases, arising from the abundant surface
tetrathiafulvalenes [34], as well as electron-accepting perylendiimides groups such as carboxyl and amino groups [44,45]. In some reports, the
[35], tetracyanoanthraquinodimethane [36], or polymer-wrapped sin­ layered structure of CDs’ core facilitated layer-by-layer stacking of CD
gle-walled carbon nanotubes [37], to systematically investigate the building blocks via π− π interactions and provided nucleation sites for
electron transfer in those hybrid assemblies. Charge transfer occurring formation and structure evolution of supra-CDs [46,47]. In another
both in ground and excited states of these supra-structures was revealed, interesting case, the built-in chemical information of CDs, in term of
influenced by supramolecular and covalent intermolecular interactions graphene core sizes, species and locations of surface groups, were found
[38]. Numerous hybrid CD assemblies have been constructed for en­ to guide the assembly of CDs on water surface and control the CD ori­
ergy/charge management as well as integration of multiple functions, entations [48]. CDs with large core size became aligned parallel to the
which could largely enrich the research of CDs and give rise to versatile water surface, which was driven by van der Waals interactions, whereas
platforms for their specific applications. This review mainly focuses on CDs with smaller core size and carboxylic acid groups changed the
the interactions between CD building blocks in supra-CDs and the orientation in assemblies with the rigid core aligning out of plane from
resultant versatile optical properties, and thus only offers rather brief the water surface, because of the hydrophilic interactions induced by
introduction on the hybrid assemblies based on CDs. carboxylic acid groups.
Herein, we will consider the current research progress of supra-CDs, In terms of covalent assembly, chemical bonding of the building
in terms of their synthesis, morphologies and attractive optical proper­ blocks, e.g. coordination interactions and interparticle/intermolecular
ties. Driving forces of the formation processes of CD assemblies are covalent condensation, offer a way for production of supra-CDs. Some
discussed, and the structure-related optical properties are revealed. surface groups on CDs, e.g. carboxyl groups can easily coordinate with
Finally, their specific advantages for applications such as photothermal metal ions such as Fe3+, Al3+, Gd3+, Ca2+, Cd2+ and induce assembly of
conversion and photodynamic therapy are presented, in order to inspire CDs via coordination bond bridges [49–53]. In other cases, CDs can
further development of supra-CDs. fuse/interconnect via surface chemical bonds upon thermal/electro­
chemical treatment. For example, dehydration and carbonization
occurred between surface carboxyl and amino groups of neighboring

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of formation of supra-CDs through non-covalent or covalent assembly, and some of their versatile optical properties. The green and
orange short wavy lines represent different kinds of surface groups on individual CDs, while the red short wavy lines represent the covalent bonds formed by the
corresponding surface groups of adjacent CDs.

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

CDs in solvothermal reactions and yielded supra-CDs composed of fused

particles [54,55]. Schiff base reaction of amine-passivated CDs and
carbonyl contained agents resulted in crosslinking of CDs into supra-CDs

3. Morphology control

Programmed assembly enables hierarchical organization of nano­

scale particles. The formation of CD assemblies depends on multiple
factors, including driving forces, particle interactions and environment,
and as a result, the morphology of the resulting assemblies may greatly
differ on basis of different dynamic processes [52,58]. Morphology
control from individual dots to spheres [59–63], capsules [64], vesicles
[65,66], rods [67], rolls [54], ribbons [43], fibers [65,68], tubes [69],
sheets [70], crystals [46,47], etc., which can appear at nano- to micro­
meter scales has been realized for CD assemblies through different
pathways, as will be considered in this section.
As an important kind of driving force for non-covalent assembly,
amphiphilic interactions can strongly impact the assembly processes of
CDs. Ding et al. prepared supra-CDs in the form of microspheres with
diameters in the range of 0.5–3 µm in a water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion
system [61]. CD building blocks were confined in the water droplets,
and interlocked through the van der Waals forces, electrostatic in­
teractions and hydrogen bonding of hydroxyl and ammonia groups on
their surfaces, which resulted in the formation of solid spheres. Hou
et al. produced analogous spherical supra-CDs of ca. 100 nm in size
through the assembly of amphiphilic CD building blocks in the oil-in-
water (O/W) inverse emulsion [62]. Jia et al. constructed supra-CDs
in the form of nanospheres (with diameters around 100 nm) via ionic
self-assembly of positively charged CDs using negatively charged
amphiphilic sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate as the crosslinking re­
agent [63]. Different from the isotropic spheres, Xiong et al. synthesized
anisotropic carbon nanorods (length: 50 ± 5 nm, diameter: 20 ± 2 nm)
through solvothermal treatment of precursor-assembled inverse micelles
formed by quarternarized citric acid surrounded by amino­
propylisobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS), as illus­
trated in Fig. 2A [67]. These nanorods consisted of interlinked small
polyaromatic hydrocarbon domains (<5 nm) which formed during the
dehydration and carbonization of citric acid molecules inside the inverse
micelles; they could be visualized in transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) images by etching away the surface POSS-cage layer (Fig. 2B).
Amphiphilic CDs synthesized by Xi et al. could also form W/O inverse
emulsion in water-chloroform system, and freeze drying of aqueous
solution of these CDs produced a monolith consisting of aligned
microribbons made from nanofibers [43]. Nandi et al. reported uni­
lamellar spherical vesicles, hundreds of nanometers to micrometers in
size, assembled from amphiphilic CDs adopting a bilayer arrangement
[66]. Sarkar et al. found out that amphiphilic CDs with aliphatic/aro­
matic substitutions on the surface could form self-assemblies in
Fig. 2. (A) A scheme of the inverse micelle formation with a subsequent
dimethylsulfoxide-water solution. Once the surface passivation of these
carbonization occurring during the synthesis of carbon nanorods. Possible
CDs changed from cholesteryl to naphthyl to palmitoyl in sequence, the linkages of POSS-C3H6NH2 with polyaromatic hydrocarbon domains in the
morphology of the respective assemblies progressively transformed inner part of the rods are presented. (B) TEM image of a single carbon nanorod
from vesicles to fibers (Fig. 2C) [65]. Addressing other kinds of non- (denoted here as “CNR”) before and after etching, whose inner structure was
covalent interactions, Srivastava et al. observed that the mixture of visualized by etching away the surface POSS-cage layer. The resultant structure
CDs passivated with electron-accepting and electron-donating groups, (denoted as “aq-CNR”) consists of interlinked small quasi-spherical particles,
respectively, formed hierarchical structural assemblies with rod-like which can be attributed to polyaromatic hydrocarbon domains. Reproduced
(first stage) and hollow ring (second stage) morphologies [71]. Singh with permission [67]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. (C) Sche­
et al. reported that CDs with hexabenzocoronene as a core and aliphatic matic representation of the formation of various assemblies from different
hydrocarbons at the surface assembled into ordered fibers with di­ surface functionalized CD-based amphiphilic structures. Reproduced with
permission [65]. Copyright 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry. (D) A scheme
ameters of 100 nm and lengths of tens of micrometers [68]. Chen et al.
illustrating the structural evolution of CDs towards carbon nanorolls (denoted
adjusted the mass ratios of m-trihydroxybenzene to water, which trig­
here as “CNRs”), and further towards carbon nanobelts (denoted here as
gered assembly of hydrothermally produced CDs into supra- “CNBs”) via the solvothermal fusion and photothermally induced unfolding
architectures with different morphologies including stringed micro­ steps, respectively. High resolution TEM image of a carbon nanoroll (E), and a
tubes, biforked microtubes, branch-like structures, and microtube arrays fragment of carbon nanobelt (F). Reproduced with permission [54]. Copyright
[72]. Maity et al. [73] investigated the influence of the chain length on 2021, American Chemical Society.
the self-assembly of CDs with poly(ε-caprolactone) of different

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

polymerization degrees grafted on the surface. The CD assemblies use of Schiff bases forming at the surface of CDs which triggered the
transformed from J-aggregates (polymerization degree of 3) to H-ag­ assembly of CDs into rod-like polycrystalline structures bundled
gregates (polymerization degrees of 7, 15, 21), along with variation in together [57]. Wang et al. observed that supra-CDs with hyperbranched
morphology from toroid (polymerization degree of 3) to spheroid fractal structures could be formed via assembly and further carboniza­
(polymerization degree of 7) to rodlike (polymerization degrees of 15 tion of in situ generated CDs featuring low surface ζ-potential in hy­
and 21) structures, when the chain length of poly(ε-caprolactone) drothermal process [74]. Upon electrochemical treatment, Gao et al.
increased. The authors ascribed this kind of behavior to the polymer fabricated crystalline graphite nanocapsules (10–20 nm in size) through
chain interactions including van der Waals forces and H-bonding, which assembly and graphitization of CD building blocks using H2 gas bubbles
dictated the π stacking of CDs and resulted in different kinds of as soft templates [64]. Cheng et al. conducted electrophoretic deposition
assemblies. of CDs with abundant carboxyl groups within a nanoporous anodic
Reports on assembly of CDs into superlattices realized by weak su­ aluminum oxide template, and obtained CD-based nanotubes with di­
pramolecular interactions are relatively scarce. Kim et al. reported that ameters of ca. 200–300 nm and porous walls [69]. Hou et al. produced
CDs could assemble into superlattices with layer-by-layer internal ultrathin (2.15 nm in thickness) carbon nanosheets of several micro­
structures in a binary solution system comprising N,N-dimethylforma­ metres in lateral size through the CD assembly driven by thermal
mide (DMF) and several other solvents, such as water, amyl alcohol, and treatment in the presence of Na catalyst [70]. Qu et al. used CDs with
hexane [46]. Several shapes of the formed superlattices were visualized carboxyl groups on the surface to assemble them into different structures
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ranging from hexahedron, driven by coordination interactions with trivalent metal cations, such as
truncated hexahedron to truncated octahedron in DMF-H2O (Fig. 3A-D), Al3+, Fe3+ [49]. These assemblies exhibited diverse morphologies
rectangular rods in DMF-amyl alcohol, or slab-like particles in DMF- including chains, sheets, shells and stars, on a size scale of tens to
hexane. Their different morphology was diversified due to intimate as­ hundreds of nanometers, which was controlled by the energy of coor­
sociation of CDs with those different solvents, resulting in the highly dination bonds between metal cations and carboxyl groups. A stepwise
faceted structures by forming efficient molecular packings and tuning assembly mechanism of CD aggregation in aqueous solution triggered by
the cohesive energies of crystal facets. Xiong et al. obtained needle-like Ca2+ cations was revealed by Li et al. [52], which involved protonation/
microcrystals of CD assemblies (Fig. 3E) at the liquid–air interface using deprotonation of CDs and self-assembly into CD-water-CD for the first
templates of amphiphilic cellulose nanocrystals [47]. Microcrystals with step, edge-to-edge crosslinking of small CD pieces induced by Ca2+ and
lengths of 53 ± 10 μm and diameters of 2.1 ± 0.5 μm exhibited multi- then conversion into 3D structures via π− π stacking for the second step,
lamellar morphology and were composed of nematic CD nanofibril and subsequent aggregation into precipitates at the end.
bundles (Fig. 3F). Moreover, microcrystals with several other shapes, Apart from the mentioned nano/micro-sized structures, CDs could
including long fibers (Fig. 3G), microflowers (Fig. 3H) and microplates also assemble into macro-scale 3D architectures via different ap­
(Fig. 3I) could be obtained with an aid of different amphiphilic tem­ proaches. For example, 3D porous carbon-based frameworks were
plates such as polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (Tween 60), formed by calcining CD building blocks [75,76]. Non-covalent in­
polyvinylpyrrolidone, and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, teractions drove CDs assembly into layered structures [77] or porous
respectively. solid networks [78]. Pal et al. found out that CDs could assemble into 3D
Various kinds of covalent interactions can also result in the formation crystalline structures via complexation (growth of orthorhombic hopeite
of supra-CDs with versatile morphologies. Liang et al. used a fusion structures) between the phosphate surface groups and Zn2+ cations [79].
enabled by interface dehydration of CD building blocks as shown in
Fig. 2D to produce carbon nanorolls adapting the shape of multilayer 4. Optical properties of supra-CDs
cylinders (diameter: 20–40 nm, height: 7–20 nm, as exemplified in TEM
image presented in Fig. 2E). Upon 655 nm laser irradiation, these carbon Different morphologies, and functional groups of supra-CDs can have
nanorolls could be further uncoiled (Fig. 2D) into carbon nanobelts with a significant impact on their photophysical properties, e.g. the align­
lengths reaching several hundreds of nanometers (Fig. 2F), which was ment of energy levels in ground and excited state, and thus determine
ascribed to the decrease of the interlayer H-bonding [54]. Hu et al. made their optical properties different from those of individual CD building

Fig. 3. (A)-(D) SEM images of assembled CDs, showing hexahedron, truncated hexahedron, octahedron, and truncated octahedron morphologies (scale bar: 200 nm).
Reproduced with permission [46]. Copyright 2017, John Wiley & Sons. (E) Confocal fluorescent microscopy image of needle-like microcrystals of CD under exci­
tation of 488 nm; frame (F) shows the atomic force microscopy (AFM) height image of these microcrystals. Optical microscopy image of (G) long CD crystal obtained
with an aid of Tween 60 (bottom left inset: the photo of a freestanding crystal handled by a regular tweezer), (H) CD microflower obtained with an aid of poly­
vinylpyrrolidone (bottom right inset: multiple CD discs formed after 1 day), and (I) CD microplates obtained with an aid of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide.
Top right insets in the frames (G), (H), and (I) provide photographs of the corresponding crystal dispersions. Reproduced with permission [47]. Copyright 2020, John
Wiley & Sons.

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

blocks. In this section, optical properties of supra-CDs including ab­ shown to induce narrow band electron transitions in CD aggregates [83].
sorption and switchable/polarizable PL, the related photothermal con­ Li et al. constructed supra-CDs with a strong visible to near-infrared
version and photodynamic processes, and their possible applications in (NIR) absorption band centered at 700 nm via assembly of UV-
sensing, encryption, etc. will be considered. absorbing CDs with spatially separated surface energy levels. The
coupled surface energy levels of adjacent CDs in the assembly contrib­
4.1. Absorption uted to the narrow band absorption of supra-CDs [44]. Similar phe­
nomenon was reported by Shen et al [84], who observed a broad visible-
Energy levels of supra-CDs can be influenced by geometrical NIR absorption band with maximum at 600 nm after assembly of UV-
arrangement of building blocks and their interactions, and conse­ absorbing CDs under acidic environment. In the report of Wu et al.,
quently, supra-CDs often exhibit absorption characteristics different solvothermal post-treatment of CDs resulted in the formation of supra-
from those of the individual CDs. As an example, enhanced interlayer CDs through interparticle dehydration [55]; different from CDs with
π− π conjugation was realized in compact rolling geometry of supra-CDs, absorption tail extending over visible spectral range, additional ab­
which contributed to the narrow-band main absorption centered at 665 sorption bands covering the spectral region of 550–700 nm arose in
nm, while the main absorption bands of individual CD building blocks supra-CDs, originating from the fused interfaces of CD building blocks.
and uncoiled supra-CDs in the form of nanobelts were located at shorter In supra-CDs constructed by crosslinking between amine groups on
wavelengths [54]. H-type and J-type aggregates refer to “side-by-side” surface of CDs and aldehyde groups of glutaraldehyde [56], the imine
and “head-to-tail” packing arrangement of fluorophores in assemblies, bonds introduced additional chromophore centers with absorption
respectively. Dipolar coupling between monomers causes splitting of bands in yellow and red regions, which was different to individual CDs
excited energy levels, and only electronic transitions to higher (lower) absorbing in the UV-blue region.
excited levels are allowed in H-(J-) aggregates. Consequently, a blue-
shifted (red-shifted) absorption and a suppressed (enhanced) radiative 4.2. Photoluminescence
decay rate are observed in H-(J-) aggregates as compared to their
respective monomers (Fig. 4) [80]. Various interparticle interactions, 4.2.1. Photoluminescence in assembled state
and mostly interactions of the surface groups of CDs might dictate the Intermolecular interactions play important role in the PL properties
stacking geometry of CD cores (sp2 domains) and stabilize their as­ of aggregated fluorophores [85,86]. Aggregation-caused PL quenching
semblies, and result in the formation of H-/J-aggregates of CDs. Several is a common phenomenon for many fluorophores, including CDs
reports have revealed that assembly of CDs into H-type or J-type ag­ [87,88]. In other cases, specific interactions of CD building blocks have
gregates could occur and induce blue or red shift of CD absorbance influenced PL characteristics of the supra-CDs, eventually resulted in the
respectively [63,81,82]. Devi et al. validated the existence of CD ag­ appearance of aggregation induced emission (AIE) [89,90].
gregates in polar solvents via spectroscopic study [81]. Appearance of Concerning CDs assembled into J- or H-aggregates as illustrated in
the high-energy sharp absorption band (at ca. 260–300 nm) in aprotic Fig. 4, Devi et al. proposed that the excitation-dependent emission of
solvents and in highly viscous ethylene glycol revealed the formation of CDs could indeed be a consequence of the existence of J-aggregates, H-
H-aggregates through hydrogen bonding, whereas the low-energy ab­ aggregates, and higher-order assemblies including HH-, HJ-, JH-, and JJ-
sorption band (at ca. 300–350 nm) which was more intense in protic aggregates [81]. Sharma et al. reported that the main excitation band
solvents suggested that J-aggregates formed via dipole-dipole interac­ (at ~ 350 nm) of CDs split into concomitant blue-shifted and red-shifted
tion. Jia et al. reported the absorption redshift of ca. 50 nm for the CD excitation bands with increasing concentration of CDs [91]. Meanwhile,
assembled nanospheres, which was ascribed to the formation of J-ag­ their temperature-dependent PL spectra revealed a strong decrease in
gregates [63]. intensity with temperature for the high energy emission at 450 nm, in
The coupling of surface states between adjacent CDs have been contrast to the low energy emission at ~ 530 nm, whose intensity was
not obviously affected by temperature change. This behavior was
explained in terms of assembly of CDs into weak and strong H-aggre­
gates simultaneously existing in solution. In the report of Song et al., CD
assembly through the formation of H-bonds was found to occur in the
concentrated CD solution [92]. The emerging excitation bands with
maxima at 465 and 520 nm were ascribed to the formation of H-ag­
gregates and J-aggregates respectively, which facilitated the surface
energy transfer and thus gave rise to the long-wavelength emission in
yellow and red region. In another case, CDs assembled into J-aggregates
with the assistance of melamine via H-bonding [82]; yellow emission
was detected in the J-aggregates while individual CDs exhibited blue
emission. Wang’s group reported supra-CDs assembled from CDs pre­
pared from aromatic precursors, and ascribed their redshifted emissions
in NIR region to the formation of J-aggregates [59,63]. As stated in Ref.
[73], when compared to individual CDs, J-aggregates made of CDs with
Fig. 4. Exciton band energy diagram for a monomer (middle), and its J- short surface polymer chains displayed red-shifted absorption and
aggregate (left) and H-aggregate (right). Left: The “head-to-tail” arrangement of enhanced fluorescence intensity, whereas CDs with longer surface
adjacent monomers (here: CDs) in a J-type aggregate results in the splitting of polymer chains assembled into H-aggregates with blue-shifted absorp­
excited energy levels where the electronic transitions to lower excited level are tion and quenched fluorescence.
allowed. Right: “side-by-side” arrangement of adjacent monomers (here: CDs) In some other cases, AIE mechanism has been found to be deter­
in an H-type aggregates results in the splitting of excited energy levels where
mining the PL properties of supra-CDs. Yang et al. synthesized hydro­
the electronic transitions to higher level are allowed. Absorption (Abs) and
phobic CDs with blue emission in dispersed state, and red emission in
subsequent fluorescence (Fluo) processes are represented by upward and
downward arrows, respectively; possible internal conversion (IC) is also shown aggregated state (Fig. 5A) [93]. These CDs could form J-aggregates after
as dashed downward arrows. θ is the angle between the transition moment of addition of water, and as a result, the blue emission originated from the
the monomer and the line joining the monomer centers, which equals to 0◦ in carbonized cores was quenched due to π–π stacking, while the surface-
ideal J-type arrangement, and 90◦ in ideal H-type arrangement. Reproduced related red emission was turned on due to restriction of intra­
with permission [81]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. molecular rotation of symmetrical heterocycles around the disulfide

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

Fig. 5. (A) Formation of CD monomers and their aggregates (disulfide bond in dithiosalicylic acid is highlighted in yellow). (B) Responsible interactions and the
proposed structure of CD’s core and surface; the colors of glowing edges represent their PL color. Reproduced with permission under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License [93]. Copyright 2019, Springer Nature.

bonds on the surfaces (Fig. 5B) [93]. CD assemblies with green emission structure of crystals, which restricted the intermolecular energy transfer
were formed upon increasing concentration of blue emissive CDs in and thus enhanced the emission. Another kind of supra-CDs displayed a
solution [94]; their close packing induced restriction of π–π interactions, red-shifted PL peak at 596 nm in DMF/water mixture with an enhanced
and caused electron redistribution and distortion of oxygen-related PL intensity when their crystallization proceeded, as compared with
surface groups, which was responsible for the observed redshift of the individual CDs emitting at 425 nm in DMF [46]. Interactions with
emission band. The CD assembled microscopic crystals featured an melamine–formaldehyde induced CD assembly allowing their encapsu­
intense PL with a maximum at 542 nm, while the PL of random CD lation within polymer microspheres. The blue emission of individual
aggregates was quenched [47]. This was because the molecular rota­ CDs decreased while new emission bands covering 500–700 nm
tions within monolayers were suppressed by ordered and dense packing increased because of the aggregation of CDs in the microspheres, which

Fig. 6. (A) Schematic illustration of the synthesis

and crosslinking structure of supra-CDs. Reproduced
with permission [56]. Copyright 2019, Royal Society
of Chemistry. (B) Assembly of the green emissive CDs
into fused supra-CDs via solvothermal treatment. (C)
Absorption and PL spectra of CDs and supra-CDs
(635 nm laser signal is removed and replaced with
dots). (D) Energy diagrams of CDs and supra-CDs,
which illustrate how the long-wavelength absorp­
tion and emission of supra-CDs are originated from
the fused interface (FI) structure. G0 represents the
ground state, and S(Cor) and S(FI) are energy states of
the cores of CDs and fused interfaces in supra-CDs,
respectively. Reproduced with permission under a
Creative Commons CC BY license [55]. Copyright
2021, John Wiley & Sons.

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

broadened their PL spectrum into white emission [95]. CDs assembled or enhanced upon formation of supra-CDs, while it can return to the
into supra-CDs via the interaction between the negative CDs and the original state when supra-CDs disaggregate into well dispersed CDs. This
positive amino compounds during the reaction with polyethyleneimine aggregation-dependent optical behavior makes the PL of supra-CDs
showed photoluminescence quantum yield (PL QY) increasing from 15 sensitive to the external stimuli which trigger their formation, struc­
% to 23 % [96]. Supra-CDs produced by Gd2+ induced CD assembly ture evolution, and eventual disassembly; this may lead to applications
exhibited PL intensity 6 times higher than for individual CDs, because of of supra-CDs in sensing and encryption. Chen et al. used yellow-green
the strengthened inter-cluster aurophilic interactions and reduced non- emissive CDs with thiol groups at the surface to expose them to H2O2,
radiative transitions in assembled structures [51]. Similar PL enhance­ which resulted in the oxidation of the latter to -S–S- bonds; this induced
ment occurred in Cd2+ induced CD assemblies due to metal-induced the CD assembly and resulted in the PL quenching [99]. The authors
aggregation-induced enhanced emission effect [53]. In yet another used this assembly for the glucose detection with a rather low detection
related study [71], supra-CDs were composed of electron-accepting limit (0.03 μM) and high selectivity, because glucose-oxidase catalyzed
groups modified CDs (CD-A) and electron-donating groups modified oxidation of glucose resulted in the generation of H2O2. Lou et al.
CDs (CD-D). The optical characteristics of these supra-CDs were domi­ assembled amphiphilic CDs into supra-CDs which was accompanied
nated by CD-A, due to the interactions of CD-A and CD-D in the hier­ with the PL quenching in toluene [41]. When these supra-CDs were
archical assembly. treated with water, their PL band located at ca. 500 nm was enhanced,
Crosslinking of amine functionalized CDs and glutaraldehyde resul­ with PL QY increasing from 6 % to 40 %. This happened because water
ted in formation of supra-CDs with multiple emission bands in blue, triggered the decomposition of supra-CDs into CDs in dispersed state
green and red [56]. Compared to the original blue emission (454 nm) (Fig. 7A schematically shows how does this happen between the paper
from individual CDs, additional emission bands in green (559 nm) and fibrils), so that after water spraying on the paper the emission of CDs
red (656 nm) originated from the imine bonds in a condensed envi­ became turned on (Fig. 7B). On this basis, water-jet printing and sweat-
ronment (Fig. 6A). PL properties of these supra-CDs could be modulated pore mapping of fingerprints could be demonstrated using supra-CD-
by varying the amine compounds or aldehyde linkers. Ultra-small CDs coated paper, as illustrated in Fig. 7C-F. Fig. 7C shows a photograph
with diameters of ~ 0.5 nm assembled into supra-CDs exhibited white of a fingerprint appearing on a supra-CD-coated paper under UV irra­
fluorescence [97], originating from widely distributed surface-state diation, with the fluorescence microscopy image of the magnified
emissive centers. Chen et al. synthesized CDs capped with fatty acids, fingerprint area marked in (C) provided in Fig. 7D. The green lumines­
which self-assembled into blue-, green-, yellow-, and red-emissive CD cent dots result from the disassembly of supra-CDs into CDs triggered by
aggregates with increasing diameters by tuning the amount of those water secreted from sweat pores. The respective superimposed image of
acids [98]. In another example, interparticle dehydration of green contrast-enhanced luminescent CDs (in red) on a digital fingertip image
emissive CDs at a high concentration produced supra-CDs featuring long and its magnified image are shown in Fig. 7E and 7F, respectively. The
wavelength absorption band and efficient deep red emission in DMF, locations of sweat pores (black microdots) in the digital fingertip image
with PL QY of 15.6 % (Fig. 6B-C) [55]. The fused interfaces of CDs match well with the luminescent dots.
(Fig. 6B) endowed interactions of their surface electron-withdrawing In other cases, supra-CDs with suppressed PL were constructed by
and electron-donating groups, which resulted in narrow-bandgap elec­ using anti-solvent treatment [60], or in situ self-assembly driven by non-
tron transitions and thus an appearance of deep red PL, as illustrated in covalent interactions during the CD synthesis [78]. Similar to what has
Fig. 6D. been described above, these supra-CDs could be disassembled into in­
dividual CDs in a good solvent, which resulted in PL recovery. As re­
4.2.2. Photoluminescence quenching or enhancement ported by Liu et al., amphiphilic CDs which have formed reversed
As we discussed above, emission of individual CDs can be quenched micelle-like assemblies in alkane solution exhibited yellow and blue PL

Fig. 7. (A) Schematic presentation of the water-induced disassembly of supra-CDs confined between the paper fibrils. (B) Changes in the emission spectra of a paper
coated by supra-CDs (excitation at 405 nm) happening upon water spraying. (C) Photograph of a fingerprint image printed on supra-CD-coated paper (scale bar: 5
mm). (D) Fluorescence microscopy image of the magnified fingerprint area marked in (C), whose green fluorescence signals are imaged in red pseudo-color here
(scale bar: 2 mm). (E) Superimposed image of contrast-enhanced luminescent CDs on a digital fingertip image (scale bar: 2 mm). (F) Magnified image of the marked
area in (E) (scale bar: 0.5 mm). Reproduced with permission [41]. Copyright 2015, John Wiley & Sons.

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

bands corresponding to carboxylic and amide groups, respectively [42].

PL QY of the yellow emission (33 %) was stronger than of the blue one
(12 %), because the rotation/stretching of –COOH groups were limited
by the formation of H-bonds, and also because the energy transfer pro­
cess from the blue to yellow fluorophores was effective in the aggregated
state. Once dissolved in protic solvents, CDs appeared in the dispersed
state, and the blue emission became dominate alongside with an obvious
decrease of the yellow one, caused by the absence of H-bonding and
diminished energy transfer. Cho et al. embedded CDs into polyacrylic
acid block of polystyrene-b-polyacrylic acid, which then formed micelles
either in water or in toluene [100]. The micelles in water had a
strawberry-like shape with CDs appearing as patches on the polyacrylic
acid corona surface, while those in toluene had a reversed arrangement
with CDs in the micelle core. The PL intensity of micelles in water was
approximately twice as strong as in toluene, because π− π interactions of
closely packed CDs in the core induced PL quenching in the latter. Op­
tical characteristics of CDs in NIR region also varied upon formation and
uncoiling of supra-CD nanorolls [54]. Thanks to their compact rolled
structure which protected emissive centers from environment and thus
suppressed nonradiative recombination, carbon nanorolls showed
enhanced NIR emission with a maximum at 695 nm and PL QY of 9.2 %,
which was significantly higher than of individual CDs with PL QY of 2.8
%. Irradiation with a 655 nm laser triggered unrolling of carbon nano­
rolls into carbon nanobelts, which was accompanied with significantly
decreased NIR emission and appearance of green and red emissions.
Taking advantage of this morphology depended emission changes,
multilevel luminescence encryptions has been realized on paper stam­
ped with carbon nanorolls based ink [54].
Wang et al. designed a ratiometric fluorescent probe by making use
of dual luminescent centers in supra-CDs sensitive to external temper­
ature [45]. Supra-CDs with dual emission at 440 and 590 nm were
fabricated via electrostatic assembly of oppositely charged CDs with
blue and orange PL bands. The orange PL band at 590 nm of supra-CDs
showed reversible response to external temperatures in the range of
15–85 ◦ C depending on the configuration of surface amide bonds, while
the blue PL was insensitive to temperature in this range, and thus could
be conveniently used as an internal reference. Consequently, these
supra-CDs were employed as a fluorescence nanothermometer for Fig. 8. (A) A sketch illustrating the emission anisotropy of carbon nanorods,
cellular temperature imaging. and (B), (C) their blue and orange PL spectra recorded with parallel (//) and
perpendicular (⊥) excitation and emission polarizer settings under excitation at
4.2.3. Polarized photoluminescence and optical chirality 365 nm (B) and 450 nm (C). Reproduced with permission [67]. Copyright 2019,
Optical properties of CDs such as linearly polarized PL, circular di­ American Chemical Society.
chroism, and circularly polarized luminescence, have attracted growing
attention in recent years, as they may extend their potential applications and porphyrins [110]. To realize the CPL, an effective strategy is to
to liquid crystal displays, detectors, optical data storage, chirality confine CDs within chiral templates. Co-assembly of the cellulose
sensing, life sciences and catalysis [101–105]. Anisotropic morphology, nanocrystals (CNC) and CDs resulted in formation of helical super­
internal structure and geometrical arrangement in different kinds of structures with left-handed chiral nematic orientation, which could
supra-CDs could influence the light-matter interactions and thus induce transform spontaneous emission of CDs to right-handed CPL [105,111].
chirality or polarized emission. As an example for the latter, the struc­ The wavelength-tunable CPL of CNC/CD assemblies was influenced by
tural anisotropy of carbon nanorods illustrated in Fig. 8A (which were intrinsic helical organization and optical properties of CDs, and showed
introduced earlier in this review, see Fig. 2A) resulted in the dual high degree of CPL with a dissymmetry factor (glum) of − 0.2 [111] and
polarized emission changing from blue (460 nm) to yellow (565 nm) − 0.74 [105]. In other cases, supramolecular assemblies of CDs and
upon excitation at 365 nm and 450 nm, respectively (Fig. 8B-C) [67]. organic lipid gel enantiomers showed circularly polarized multi-color
The emission of these nanorods originated from the POSS-interlinked and white emissions with glum reaching ~ 0.01 [112,113]. In a recent
polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) domains incorporated within supra- study, Zhang et al. prepared achiral CDs which were self-assembled into
CD framework, and was polarized due to selective excitation of PAH helical structures with two diverse assembly modes (P and M) in
domains oriented along the excitation path. The anisotropy of emission different bi-solvent systems. As a result, the CD assemblies exhibited P-
of supra-CDs depended on the excitation wavelength and reached a chirality and R-CPL in ethanol-water bi-solvent system, and M-chirality
relatively high value of up to 0.3. and L-CPL in acetonitrile-water bi-solvent system [114].
Chiral CDs have been produced by exploiting chiral precursors or Overall, the formation of supra-CDs should have a significant impact
surface modification with chiral ligands [102,106], which endows the on the core and surface states of CD building blocks based on different
chiral optical activity on CDs, evidenced by the appearance of circular structures, geometrical arrangements, and interparticle interactions,
dichroism and, in some cases, circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) resulting in the occurrence of versatile optical properties. The local
[101,107]. The reported chiral CD assemblies could either retain the confined environment of cores in assemblies, for example, could induce
chirality in self-assembled hydrogels [108], or facilitate chirality PL quenching via π− π interactions or energy transfer, or PL enhance­
transfer from the chiral CDs to organic molecules such as pyrene [109] ment via restriction of intramolecular motions, or red/blue shift of the

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

absorption/PL bands due to the formation of J-/H-aggregates. Inter­ 5. Application in photothermal conversion and
particle interactions may also quench or activate the surface PL signals, photosensitization
as well as introduce new fluorescent centers. Furthermore, formation of
anisotropic supra-structures may induce optical anisotropy which was 5.1. Photothermal conversion
absent in individual CDs. Thus, the formation of supra-CDs may have a
complex and diverse impact on the core/surface state of CDs due to the As already outlined above, interactions of CDs in a CD assembly can
diversity of core and surface structures of CDs and different assembly induce their long-wavelength absorption. Upon excitation with a long-
approaches. As a result, studying the optical properties of supra-CDs and wavelength light, especially within the NIR region, excited electrons
the underlying mechanisms necessitates a case-by-case analysis. can relax to the ground state via nonradiative transitions, accompanied
with an increased temperature of the sample and the environment. This
ability of supra-CDs allows us to employ them for the photothermal
conversion, and makes supra-CDs with a long-wavelength absorbance

Fig. 9. (A) Schematics of the structure, energy

alignment, absorption pathways (shown by violet
arrows) and photothermal conversion process
through the nonradiative deactivation of the
electrons within the coupled surface energy
levels in the form of heat (shown by wavy red
arrows). Blue and yellow horizontal bars repre­
sent the surface energy levels; red jagged lines
represent the NIR laser irradiation. (B) Absorp­
tion spectra (normalized at the absorption max­
ima in the UV region) of supra-CDs and
individual CDs they were built from. (C) Tem­
perature elevations of supra-CD aqueous disper­
sions with different concentrations under 808 nm
laser irradiation, compared with a pure water.
Reproduced with permission under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
4.0 International License [44]. Copyright 2016,
Springer Nature. (D) IR thermal images of a
mouse taken at different time intervals under
655 nm laser irradiation at the tumor region after
intratumor (i.t.) injection of supra-CDs. PA B-
scan images of tumors in mice after intratumor
injection of supra-CDs (E), and after intravenous
injection of supra-CDs at different time points
(F). Reproduced with permission [115]. Copy­
right 2018, John Wiley & Sons.

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

attractive for applications in photothermal therapy (PTT) at ~ 705 nm via self-assembly of CDs with 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-
[55,62,84,115], photoacoustic imaging (PAI) [116,117] and solar water phosphoethanolamine-poly(ethylene glycol), which exhibited a
evaporation [118,119]. concentration-dependent linear increment of photoacoustic amplitude
under excitation with a 700 nm pulse laser, and revealed the passive
5.1.1. Photothermal therapy targeting ability of supra-CDs based on the strongest photoacoustic
PTT is dealing with the light-to-thermal energy conversion and signal in a tumor region at 9 h post-injection [117]. Xu et al. investigated
subsequent thermal ablation of cancer cells. Photoabsorbing agents are the in vivo PAI performance of supra-CD contrast agents after their
critical in PTT, and should exhibit large extinction coefficient in NIR intratumor and intravenous injection, as mentioned above in relation to
region, high photothermal conversion efficiency, low toxicity, and Ref.[115]. After intratumor injection, strong PA signals were observed
tumor-homing ability. Supra-CDs introduced by Li et al. [44] had strong from the tumor area (Fig. 9E), while increasing PA signals were recorded
NIR absorption band peaked at 700 nm (Fig. 9A-B), and their photo­ from the tumor tissue over time after intravenous injection, peaking at 5
thermal conversion ability (Fig. 9C) reached a noticeable efficiency of h post-injection (Fig. 9F).
53 %, when measured under 808 nm laser irradiation. Inhomogeneously
distributed positive and negative surface groups on individual CDs 5.1.3. Solar water evaporation
evoked spatially separated surface state energy levels, but electron Solar-driven water evaporation can be also realized via photo­
transitions between them were forbidden in individual CDs. After for­ thermal conversion process. Hou et al. found out that increasing the
mation of supra-CDs driven by electrostatic interactions and hydrogen concentration of CD suspension could induce the formation of branch-
bonding between the charged surfaces, the surface energy levels of shaped supra-CDs [118]. Comparing with individual CDs, the supra-
adjacent CDs overlapped spatially, and electron transitions through the CDs showed enhanced absorbance over the entire UV–vis region with
coupled surface energy levels occurred and contributed to their narrow obviously red-shifted absorption edge and thus good photothermal
band absorption. The photothermal conversion process was ascribed to conversion ability corresponding to the nonradiative recombination
the nonradiative deactivation of excited electrons within the coupled within the coupled surface levels. Using supra-CDs as a photothermal
surface energy levels of adjacent CDs (Fig. 9A). Because of their small layer and a balsa wood with microchannels as a heat barrier layer, supra-
dimensions, supra-CDs could accumulate in tumor sites via passive CDs@wood composites exhibited good performance in solar water
targeting, and were further used as imaging and therapeutic agents in evaporation, with a water evaporation rate of 2.27 kg m− 2 h− 1 and en­
PAI (vide infra) and PTT [115]. After intratumor injection of supra-CDs ergy efficiency of solar vapor generation reaching 92.5 %. Hang et al.
(500 µg mL− 1, 200 µL), in vivo tumor PTT was conducted under 655 nm produced supra-CDs via co-assembly of CDs and molecular fluorophore
laser irradiation (1 W cm− 2). The local tumor temperature reached 65 ◦ C by-products simultaneously formed during the preparation of CDs
within 300 s (Fig. 9D), which resulted in eradication of the tumor. PTT [119]. These supra-CDs exhibited a broad absorption covering the whole
conducted after intravenous injection and subsequent tumor accumu­ UV–vis–NIR spectral region in solid state, and a high internal solar-to-
lation of supra-CDs inhibited the tumor growth and prolonged the life heat conversion efficiency of 98.8 %. The interfacial water evapora­
span of mice. Other visible-NIR absorbing supra-CDs (maximum ab­ tion system based on those supra-CDs exhibited an evaporation rate of
sorption at 600 nm) offered photothermal conversion with an efficiency 2.1 kg m− 2h− 1 and solar-to-vapor energy efficiency of 133.9 % under
of 41.7 % under excitation of 808 nm laser [84], and their subsequent one sun irradiation, and a good salt-rejection performance.
surface modification with mitochondria- and cancer cell-targeting pep­
tides improved the cancer cell subcellular organelle specificity without 5.2. Photosensitization
influencing the efficiency. Consequently, these supra-CDs could be used
as active targeting agent which precisely induced cancer cells ablation in In several other systems, intersystem crossing of the excited electrons
PTT. Supra-CDs with fused interfaces introduced in Ref.[55] possessed to triplet state permitted energy transfer from supra-CDs to ground state
an absorption band in the range of 550–700 nm and exhibited photo­ of oxygen, which generated singlet oxygen (1O2), which can be used for
thermal conversion in water under 655 nm excitation, with an efficiency photodynamic therapy. Also here, enhancement of absorption in the
of 26 %. In vivo tumor PTT was realized via intratumor injection of long wavelength region enabled excitation with deep red/NIR light
supra-CDs (800 µg mL− 1, 100 μL), and the temperature of tumor site sources. Several kinds of supra-CDs able to generate 1O2 with consid­
increased to 70 ◦ C within 5 min under 655 nm laser irradiation (0.5 W erable yield were developed and employed as photosensitizers by
cm− 2). As reported by Hou et al. [62], supra-CDs showed red-shifted (by Wang’s group [59,63,120]. As an example, assembly of CDs resulted in a
ca. 30 nm) absorption with an enhanced absorption tail in the 600–800 significant red-shift (by ca. 50 nm) of absorption peak as illustrated in
nm spectral range, which resulted in photothermal conversion efficiency Fig. 10A, allowing activation of the 1O2 generation with a QY of ca. 45 %
of over 43 %, as compared with 38.5 % for individual CDs, under 671 nm under 671 nm excitation [63]. As a result, CD nanospheres could be used
irradiation. We can conclude that supra-CDs showed better performance as efficient photosensitizers for tumor ablation under 671 nm laser
than individual CDs during in vitro PTT, because of the enhanced irradiation (Fig. 10B-C), which improved the survival rate of the treated
cellular uptake and photothermal effect. mice (Fig. 10D). In another study [59], CDs synthesized with an aid of
manganese(II) phthalocyanine assembled into supra-CDs with a red-
5.1.2. Photoacoustic imaging shifted absorption, which generated 1O2 with QY of 40 % under 635
Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is a hybrid biomedical imaging method nm excitation. Integrating their NIR emission (at 745 nm) and para­
which involves photon absorption, photothermal conversion, thermo­ magnetism, the supra-CDs were applied as a smart contrast agent in NIR
elastic expansion (with generation of acoustic waves), and ultrasound fluorescence (FL) and T1-weighted magnetic resonance dual mode im­
detection; it offers high contrast and high spatial resolution. CDs with a aging, and as an effective agent for photodynamic therapy, which could
good photothermal conversion performance are commonly explored as ameliorate tumor hypoxia due to Mn(II) catalyzed H2O2 decomposition
photoacoustic imaging contrast agents alongside with PTT. Bu et al. (Fig. 10E). Moreover, the use of supra-CDs could promote enhanced
prepared CD assemblies using a covalent click reaction between the tumor accumulation of therapeutic agents and improve the targeted
surface functionalized CDs in a W/O emulsion system, which exhibited anti-tumor therapy [50,51].
enhanced NIR absorption as compared with individual CDs, and showed
a photothermal conversion efficiency up to 32.3 %. Acting as a PAI 6. Conclusions and outlook
contrast agent, these CD assemblies generated significant PA signals,
which increased linearly with concentration, under excitation with an As rather recently evolved materials within the booming research
808 nm laser [116]. Jana et al. prepared supra-CDs with NIR absorption field of CDs, the variety of demonstrated supra-CDs is growing. Control

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

Fig. 10. (A) Absorption spectra of individual CD

and CD nanospheres (denoted as “CDNS”)
assembled thereof. (B) Photographs of tumor-
bearing mice which underwent 4 kinds of treat­
ments (irradiation with 671 nm laser; laser irra­
diation in the presence of CDs or CDNS; and
treatment with CDNS only), at day 0 and day 14.
(C) Time-dependent tumor growth curves and (D)
survival curves of mice which have received the
mentioned treatments. Reproduced with permis­
sion [63]. Copyright 2016, John Wiley & Sons.
(E) Schematic illustration of the formation of
supra-CDs, and their applications as a contrast
agent in fluorescence / magnetic resonance (MR)
imaging and as an acidic H2O2-driven oxygen­
erator to enhance the anticancer efficiency of
photodynamic therapy (PDT; the related chemi­
cal reactions are illustrated on zoom-in frames) in
a solid tumor. Reproduced with permission [59].
Copyright 2018, John Wiley & Sons.

of the assembly processes of CDs and the related understanding of op­ properly addressed, because they play key roles in the formation of CD
tical properties of resulting supra-CDs strongly rely on identification of assemblies and comprehensive understanding of the related physico­
the geometrical arrangements and interactions of CD building blocks. chemical properties. The numerous precursors and methodologies for
Among the topics we discussed in this review, the versatile morphology the preparation of CDs available in literature make it somewhat hard to
of supra-CDs, rearrangement of the energy bands, tunability of PL choose the most appropriate synthetic pathway. In this respect, bottom-
spectra in the assembled state, structure- and environment-responsive up chemical synthesis of molecular nanocarbon structures (such as
PL emission, polarized PL, and charge and energy transfer are among hexabenzocoronene units) [121–123] starting from small organic mol­
advantages of CD assemblies which may be absent in individual CD ecules might be a useful tool for precisely controlling inner structure and
building blocks and can promote their applications in areas of biomed­ functionalization of CDs on a molecular level. Based on the remarkable
icine, imaging, energy conversion, sensing and photocatalysis. Thus, the research progress on supra-CDs, controllable construction of supra-CDs
development of supra-CDs with versatile assembly-guided optical in terms of the morphology, size and shape, energy-level alignment,
properties might unlock novel research perspectives and enrich the and excited state processes is of special importance for the development
family of the existing CDs. of supra-CDs, and deserves increasing research efforts. We anticipate
In order to inspire further development of supra-CDs, some issues several main directions in this area, as summarized below. (i) Supra-CDs
inherently related to the CDs, such as determination of their exact in­ with anisotropic morphology can be produced via oriented assembly of
ternal structures, mechanisms of PL emission, as well as the reliable CDs, which could induce both anisotropic absorption and polarized
synthesis and thorough purification/separation procedures should be emission. Currently, our ability to fabricate optically anisotropic CDs is

D. Li et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140069

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