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Name : Maulida Hanifah Erlian Putri

NIM : 126203211044
Class : TBI 3A
Self Reflection Speaking for Academic Interaction
Week 3:
1. Report text (alhimi)
 Definition : a text in English that present informations about something
from the results of research or systematic analysis.
 Characteristic : Containts Scientific Facts, More Generic Title Text, Use The
Simple Present Tense.
 Language Feature : Use Cummon Nouns, Use Simple Present, Timeless
Present Tense, The use of technical terms or scientific
 Structure : General Classification and Description

2. The Importance of University Student’s Role as Agent of Change (achfina)

Each student has an important role to play. Not only carrying out the lecture process
responsibly, but also playing a role as an agent of change. Soft skills and attitude are two
important things that will shape students as agents of change. A student is able to map the
situation that occurs and formulate in their brains whether this condition is right or not,
able to see how a system should work. Through the role of a student, change can occur.
Look at what happened in the Reformation era, everything happened because of the
students' thoughts. In the current era, the role of students may be different in
implementation from 1998, but in their own way, students can become agents of change
for a better Indonesia
3. Imperative sentence (Indri)
 Definition : Imperative sentence is a sentence that has the meaning or ordering,
asking, and giving instructions to the other person to do something.
 Types : command, request, direction.
Command : go away, close the door, be nice
Request : Could you bring me the book?
Direction : Turn Left when you see a roundabout.
4. Quarter life crisis
 Definition : Similar to the more widely recognized midlife crisis, the quarter-life
crisis is a period of uncertainty and questioning that typically occurs
when people feel trapped, uninspired and disillusioned during their
mid-20s to early 30s.
 Causes : identify confusion, frustration with relationship, working world,
finding a suitable job or career, insecurity toward, family and peer
 Deal with quarter life crisis: stop with comparing yourself with others, make a plan
and do it, select a supported environment, believe in the future,
love yourselfm stop making excuses.
5. Online learning (anggi. Y)
 Positive Impact:
Effective and time efficiency.
The development of technology in learning.
Students can view the material again in the form of a soft file.
The costs used are relatively cheap both in terms of transportation and learning.
 Negative Impact:
Less than optimal learning.
Limited network.
Increase laziness Students are more passive, less productive and creative.
 Learning Strategies
Placing time management
Prepare the technology needed
To train concentration and focus on learning.
To maintain social relations between lecturers and students.
6. Application letter (ema)
 Definition : A letter that you write to a company or organization when you are
applying for a job. Job appication letters usually containt personal
identification such as name, adress and telephone number as well as
work experience
 Parts :
Heading :Contains information about the intended recipient.
Inside address : Contains the name of the employer his/her position,
compani’s name and address of the company or organization.
Salutation : An expression of greeting to the employer that comes
immediately before the body of the letter.
Complimentary cost: Serve to end the message just as goodbye serves to end a
Signature : contains the name and signature of the writer
7. Technology
 Types : simple Technology and Andvanced Technology
 Advantage :
Reduces the time it takes perform a task
Removes drudgery from a task
Allow you to perfom more than one task at the same time
Improves the quality of the finished product
May improve the health
 Disadvantage :
May negatively impact the environment
Technology some cause unemployment
Technology can cause individuals to become inactive
8. Singular Noun
 Description : the singular tell us about number.
Ex: a book, a girls, an orange, an idea
 Difference between using a and an in singular nouns
a = for vowel
an= for consonant
9. Character building (alisa)
 Definition
is a process that can be do in education to instill basic character in a person to build
that personality
 Purpose
To make individual self-improvement and train self-ability
 character education is very influential in the process of growing every human being,
what is planted is what will be obtained in the character of a human being.

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