Motivational Activity

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Belen, Calabanga, Camarines Sur


(Preparation Of Language Learning

Materials Development)
This game will determine how blessed you are and how knowledgeable you are with vocabulary

The 50 participants will be group into 5 with 10 members each. The first group will be the one to
play the game first.

Here’s the MECHANICS:

 On the cue of the host “vocab-roll-ary”, the player should roll the ball towards the boxes-
which has a corresponding points and penalty (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Bankrupt, and Steal).

 Each group will have one representative to alternately roll the ball. Each group will only
have 5 chances of rolling the ball.

 Within 5 seconds, the rest of the group members can collaboratively “think” for an answer
(provided that only one member of the group will voice their answer.

 Whichever box the ball reaches, the corresponding points will only be counted for them if
they can answer a question correctly but if they got it wrong, the next group will be the one
to play the game.

 1- Means 1point

 2- Means 2 points

 3- Means 3 points

 4- Means 4 points

 5- Means 5 points

 Bankrupt- means they lose a turn and all their points will be down to zero.

 Steal- means your group opponent with the highest score will have the chance to
play the game and earn your group accumulated points.

 The first group that get highest points will be proclaimed the winner!

Category 5 4 3 2 1

Collaborative, It is clear that a It is clear that a It's clear that It is clear that There was
Cooperative lot of work went lot of work some thought little effort obviously no
Effort into making the went into went into was put into work put into
game. An making the making the creating the making the
organized game. The game. game. game. No
presentation, majority of Evidence Evidence supporting
thorough requirements involves a includes a data are
information, and are met, there well-organized neat provided.
compliance with is a clean presentation, presentation,
all criteria are all presentation, the majority of and
considered and the content the data, and fulfillment of
evidence. is complete. the some
achievement of requirements.

Team They all They all They made They didn't They made no
Contribution contributed contributed some make much of contributions
equally to the equally to the contributions an impact on to the game's
game's creation. game's to the game's game creation. They
They completed creation. They creation. They creation. They failed to
every aspect of completed the completed a barely complete their
their task. majority of the portion of their completed assignment for
task's task's their portion the task.
requirements. requirements. of the task.

Enhancing Explicit They are Student Shows Shows no

Vocabulary knowledge on all knowledgeable appears to have minimal prior prior
Knowledge vocabulary enough in partial knowledge on knowledge on
words. vocabulary understanding the the vocabulary
words. of the vocabulary words.
vocabulary words.

Name: Grade and Section: Score:

“VERBatim Reading!”

Directions: Read the poem "Dead Stars" and fill in the blanks the right action
verb from the box.

think wondered
tell written
saved worshipped shown
learned found ask


By H.O. Santos

If I still of her today

Why didn’t I her long ago?

I could have all wondering

For I’d have peace if I did know.

If I had of metaphors

Before I ’bout the stars

Would I have verses then

And Venus instead of Mars?

If I had my tongue could rhyme

Would I have a face sans mask,

A heart unsure? But woe is me–

I’ll never know, I didn’t


Name: Grade and Section: Score:

“Dear me, myself and I!”

Instructions: Write a letter to yourself, set goals,make prediction about the

world. Envision the future then use action verbs to convey your message.
Please be guided by the Rubrics.

Dear ,
Your Friend,

Letter Writing Rubric

10 7 3

Headings With Complete With incomplete No Headings

Headings Headings
Construction of The Letter is well The letter is The letter is
letter constructed. goodly not well
constructed. constructed
Could have done
Grammar,Punctuati The letter has use The letter used The letter did
on, proper Grammar, Punctuation, and not observe
Capitalization Punctuation, and Capitalization. proper
Capitalization. Punctuation,
and Grammar.
Use of action verbs 0 plus omissions 5 plus omissions 10 omissions
Cultural Awareness

Name: Grade and Section: Score:

“My Culture and Traditions”

Instructions: Tell more about your culture and traditions of your family
using action verbs.
Instructions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the
statement is wrong. Then find the action verb in each sentences.

1) The people from Davao City is dancing in Kadayawan Festival.

2) The Fiest of Black Nazarene is celebrated in Ilo-ilo.

3) Cebu celebrates Sto. Nino Festival every January.

4) Siargao is the best Tourist Spot in Mindanao that people can rest

5) Cultural Por pourni is a Visayan Habi that woven by all women in


6) Kadayuhan is a celebration of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest

from Ilo-ilo.

7) Basco light house is from Batanes that people often like to visit.

8) T’ Boli Tribe is from Mindanao and an animist ethnic group

inhabiting highland areas in southwestern Mindanao.

9) Mayon volcano is from bikol and the most active volcano in the

10) Aklanon is an Ethnolinguistic group that share a language,

common ethnicity, and cultural heritage from Mindanao.

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