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Ze ‘he unit vecton ( 4+ Angie between # and ® ¢ nase shoo by ES 7 é exams Best of Gant? fo" - "got fe Fn gel Umesh Sheiya @ Blige with you CBG NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali cuneree-2 UNIT-1 (ELECTROSTATICS) electrostatic potentral @lNG) capacitance —— -* cece. i Me womk = posiuve te ehage ye > Poe | FRE = ie? a... > Honkiidone vin” taking aiichahge ‘between twoNpoints jin an Extennal field GBOOSAGR GHOD —\> | seis" vol Cow) = L6 K 0" Towle [ee axay] 1 iileeecinon voit = fOP eV = 4-6 x 10" Joule { Miltionclectnon, volt -\ 10" eVy= 16 X 10°” Joule 1 wiltionéleetnan volt ~ JO%eV > 1.6 X (0°? Soule + sunface change densi, ot = unit veclon monmal to the sunfoce in the outwand.dinectin > Wonk done in rotating Clectuic dipole [Ww = pe (cos®,~ cose) | @ 4-0 [We pet e8)] © 9=90 [WEB © 0= 180 [w= ape] 2 = BG ET KRekcha = mesh | TT frites us on instagnary ncentkaksha CG NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali UNIT- I] (CURRENT ELECTRICITY) Current electricity —> Electnic cunnent Pr (c qene) GOOsaER Sioa > J Ampene ~ 1 colournd [sec => ohm'silaw) CERT] : 4 { Ampene = 6:25 X08 e/sec CHAPTER -3 Pe Reston (eae fl 1 Megaohm + 10° ohm (>) Clectieal “Resistance PH Bone ob ria => Resistivity, OR comet tear: Al ea => Specific conductance oR Pray] fee] [Foe Cete + ann) => Relation between Specific Conductance and CuRReRCmdeniEp ~ [ 7" ? | v => Gnifl Velocity on the basis of ohm’s law - mosanp ws [+ = <2} rift veloc —> Relation between dnift velocity of free electnons and electnic oa) —— ae) » me] at => Tempenolune dependence of Resistivity [ae gtecrl | | ieee > Dynomic Resistance [#] => Electnic Power Pee @008088 Snead => Resistons in Senies 8 wate + 4 Toate fee 1 kilowatt hour + 3-6 X10 Watt see + 5.6. 10 Joule => Resistons in panallel oor => EMF of a cell ss | => Tenminal Potential diffenence wy -3= © G NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali => Relation among Tenminal Potential difference , EMF and intennel nesistance of a cell = a GL, 4 (= length => Meten bridge [5-*(==)| A= standand known Resistance S= unknown Resistance => Potentiometen ae [c= o] ey => Flectnic Enengy on dissipated Enengy a a eanch n gouture Neent Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali CAG NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali UNIT- III (MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENT CHAPTER-4 AND MAGNETISM ) —Moving charges and Magnetism— a2 107 w/t oneal) : \ 1a + oli of lop Ne he of nord in ci y Pe ee] ree ee ena te : al (Si ' FRA] a - ___7 i + $ $ $ “Mognetic field inside a tong solenoid [6 ari, ] pe] ‘Magnetic field due to a tonoid Cendiess) solennid [A= wri] “Magnetic field outside tne tonoid (a=0] “Motion “in Combined electric and magnetic pel [F- 4(F+Fx8) = +P] > Fonce between two ponatiel cunnents | sh Ai => ctonquemonsamcunnentemtoop> [= inésinn ] 6 lng of conductive wine * 8 $e rf doopeneeeusns © (= niassind) A = Anca of (oop ht 2 la? Tf gO? [emia] 6+ ange vetween fied & Nona t0 ine cit ow mb fa a 1 WoN (rnognetic_ moment ) [= mbsind | > cconentzmyonce = [Fave] a wa (8) x EY x ee Sas re Onn “1 Poraued to the fied [F=0] =4—= ©) G CERT Kaksha = Vmesh Vaishalt oT ioe ld ot vee ot nmennene FEE) FB EE |, -oee FE | ee ey Dy = foxce on a cunnent cannyings conducton (E=18tSir0) (@ End on position eel (0 on sem pts [a “> Moving coil Galvanometer Beflection forrnala [r-e)] Canment serstivity A vatagesenstity > Magnetic dipole moment of xevolving electron” r Feed] flatten omid eS Le rawemapas [ae en] OG NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali UNIT- 11 (MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF CURRENT CHAPTER -5 AND MAGNETISM ) = —=Magnetism and matter—_ > —? Et ap wruve mane homey) (BR) FE) Myé1 — Biamagnetic uy > 1 Panamagnetic uy >> 1 —Fennomagnetic > magnetic Susceptiolty (Hq) [=| > => cunie law ee In Panammagnetic. Phase , Teh “ T= moment of Inentia MAGNETC SUSPECTIBILITY OF SOME ELEMENTS AT 300K » ed Ee ecocae UE Bismuth 166 X10°5 Aluminium -2.3 x 10° Coppen =48 x 10° = Calcium -1.9 x 10°F Diamond 2.2 x 10% Chmomiur -2.7.x 10" Gold 3.6 X10 Lithium -2.1 x 0 Lead <7 x 10% Magnesium = x lot Mencuny 2.9 x 10° Niobium 2.6 x 10°F Nitnogen (STP) -5.0 X10" Oxygen (STP) -2.1 x 10°F Silven -2.6 x10 Platinum -2.9 x 10° Silicon -4.2 X 10% Tungsten -6.8 x 10°F yew =5—= 9G WCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali UNIT-IV (ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND CHAPTER-6 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ) So a o Electromagnetic induction== tet I i ‘ am DF g, = 840058 Weven Aive uP xX AG WICERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishali UNIT-1V (ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND cwerer-7 ALTERNATING CURRENTS ) ——Alternating current— > nltenmatingvoltage [EE NERO] © = ¢Sinwt i, nd ty axe rosin vats Lt ingSinwl , of curnent & voltage nespectivly V > Yq Snook “> Meamvaluenoy "Altennatingvoltage | inem® ime #67 ima | => Root mean squane value of alternating cunnent > Poniadic Time [T7AE] -» Avenage value of powen oven a cycle EY « FG] => The avenage value of a function F(t) oven a peniod T > AC voltage applied to inducton =» AC voltage applied to capaciton Inductive Reattence Inductive Reactance (caer == - Ss) o> CUNEO MEREREMSEHTED verge powen oven a eycte [Fe~ %= 0] Impedance [Z=JR4 (woLP] Phase angle => when Cand R in senies — tril foe [or i] => when Land C in senies Resonance (requency FE oe ft teatene > when L, C,R in senies inmtoce [=H AT] rs om [nd - AE] -6—= 9G WCERT Keksha -Vmesh Vaisholt => Senies L-C-R Resonance cincuit ae => Powen in AC cincuit ___@u“«uoo | ) When cimeuit contains | and R--both = > Walless “Cunnent Bie wa = amt tm [FHF => Transfonmen Effictency =a => L-C oscillations of a4 @ [yr ore] © 0 vy 9 one FEE al uo* (CG NCERT Keksha = Ymesh Vaishali cinerer-g - VNIT-V (ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES) =tElectromagnetic Waves=— => Displace cunnent | ia fate Gay => Maxwell” Equations» + qusssarepecanany [F OE) 1 ess of tao an | . Ae 7 7 > tnengy density of electromagnetic waves | ‘a aad paeetess) ire detaee 4 ae "Dat le tlectnical Erengy density Um, * Magnetic Energy density =4—= ©8 © NCERT Keksha - Vmesh Vaishali coarter-4 UNIT- VI OPTICS) Ray optics => focablengih of" Sphexical Walnnon » Pike & n+ |nadtus of curvature fon both concave and convex minnon. => ‘Linear = Magnification = fon MIRON | im - A - =v.) mote: sign convention © Acording to contesion w du sign convention oo sneak BD) sD gh opie N= angle of xefletion ' il F => Relation between cnitical angle and nefwactive index |r| |n,- 1] Sine Sine vee a 1+ pane medium — 2 * dansen medium => Powenopuiens> [P> L > focal length of convex lens by displacement method => Fon combination of lenses” {focal tengtn pee: f_ ff = Ppt Py + Pt + 4 z Porien p magnification [7m = m,. ™m,- m; $ =P np rf bm (M-DA] & [Dm= My -A | n= Sin|At “> eetrnctiaeiaenof-tnesprism | ** [tba Sin A. 2 To > Rayleigh's scattening lau 4 VG WCERT Kaksha = Vmesh Vaishals ‘ny + nefnclive index of prism fon violet coloun > ya => DispensivenpowenopypHisrm|®? ~ XFS), ~ rejnective index of prism fon ned colaun My- 1 | ny = nejnective index of prism fon yellow colour “> magnification powen of simple mienoscope |< (+* 2) 3 * [9 fe ob “F > Magnification=powen” of compound \micnoscope> where Op ale a, Magri amtaMitjecue Nene lm > my me A qj ‘me + magnification power of eyepiece Listen tfc becond fot of objecne & fins jes of eypice D = distance of fimal_image fnom eyepiece mobs fe Bo Angle sublented Jat eye 4. noge ain 4 Angle sublented al eye by object 1! r 4 fo = fecal tengin of objective fe * focal tengin of eyepiece =e lens maken foamula | 1. inoai(E- +) f Th : ya. ny = we ~ (a) finst Puineipal foc | fl= -R_ n-L (6) Second “Pxincipal foch | f = nk mL Take the Risk OR loose the chance ———— AG NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaisholt UNIT- Vi (OPTICS) CHAPTER-10 — Wave optics pao es => Huygen'’s Principal of secondany waves a : : Sed oS = = on = oP > copuenuepaune — (ERETral] Ee veining oF tight > Dopplen effect oy yen =---771|__"— 96 DICERT Kaksha - Umesh Yih $$ i > Coherent and non=Ccohenent additional of waves [r= at] {7g a> amplitude > CCOREREREMIHERED + 6 pre ference > GREORERARLNNTAUED = raving pre siferce og — md | “Amplitude (aa) oump HM we ue Amplitude [OF Totensity rr whe aa? => In cohenent “Addition average intersity [ED = 2] ® Path diffenence fon constnuctive intenfenence [PERNBRERA] here n+ 0,1,2,5 B Path aipjenece fon incanstnutve worn | | => Young's Expeniment "© poiition lof fringe “on ‘Senden Path difenemce [rare ss] d= distance between two sits D > distance tetoen tits & neon => Polanization ( matus law) DER] trary oy ties igre fen posing mau polit P< = 2 Faliune is Success in Trogres = 5-Oo8 CERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali UNIT- Vil (DUAL NATURE OF RADIATION AND CHAPTER- 11 MATTER) Dual nature of — Padiation and matter > maximumcrkinesin eneng of Protoelectnons [E-eM] [E> Knox Vo] ~ amore [A TT > Einstein's Photoclectnic EqualiOM — Wy» work farsion f= Plancis conslant coe a coe i ~~ coremntommmrspantce [5] Aa] Patel Pa 4 Av 665110" roefite se = tex 10 Pep m= 951 x 10 ky lev £6410" Joute => «pHaggmequation» §— [A= 2asino] “> Helsenbeng’s Uncentainty —pxinciple [Bap =H] o [axap 2%] [*4] an “Go! Hung tale en AG NICERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali UNIT- Vill (ATOMS AND NUCLET) CHAPTER- 12 —— Atoms =10— ©9 G NCERT Kaksha - Umesh Vaishalt UNIT- Vill (ATOMS AND NUCLEI) CHAPTER 13 —Nuclei— > erzemopmmucteu> TERA] 4: 121 0% ss hie is ~ ia binding Enengy [emma] air mass dere “UM LK a MZ) - Vilinies nol + /aaiiop protons Binding Enengy pen Nucleon Neutnon no. ~' no. of neutnons (A = mass no. = Z4N > Theony of Relativity” "Fz = no. of neutnons and protons N= Number of Nuclei A Radioactive decay constant AG NCERT Keksha = Vmesh Vaishali CHAPTER-14 UNIT-IX (ELECTRONIC DEVICES) Semiconductor electronics : Materials , Devices and Simple circuits —— i fiver otatus | 6 eGaengypebandsgapmpoRD + fo re Se , Semiconducton Eq < 3eV < lie= 4 a] = Smsulaton Eg > 3eV i Callen sunset — wae —taote rAd Ne * 0. of elecinons y= 0. of les ny * Tatwinsic connien concentration CEE ts ar ia % Fon intninsic semi conducton PRgiMye ta] Fon n ye extrinsic. semi conducton VFon p ge extrinsic semi conducton wy % ayramic Resistance win | [pa | == iar “= © G NCERT Kaksha = Umesh Vaishali PHYSICAL FORMULAS DIMENSION SI UNIT QUANTITIES FORMULA Electnic curment (I) Fundamental unit [m°L°T°A] A (ampene) Electnic cunnent Sunnent mM“? TA] Am? density q) aes Electnic change (q) | cuxment X time (mL TA) C (coulomb) A 4 wonk, AT 4-1 Electnic potential (v) chafine Me TA] V (volt) Electnic field fonce MutT A") intensity (6) change Nc! Penmittivity of free change X change i's Ta) C2Nm-? space (€,) fonce X distance? Electnic flux (%) electnic field X anea MUTA") Nm2cv! Electnic capacitance ___P2"9@ 7792] F (fanad) potential diffenence Sunface change fehionge) MeL? TA] Cm-2 density () ae Volume change enange Mec sTA] Cm density (p) volume Electnic dipole change X length MLTA] Cm moment (Pe) Electnic nesistance (a) Potential diffenence [2 t-¥-2] Qehm) cunnent a nesistance X_anea me Tq? Resistivity (p) Tenaith Abe Om ; \ ori yA? : 1 nh Se conductance 1 __ | S¢eiemen) on 2"! (mho) Conductivity «) at pric T43] Soi! on "wr! Coefficient of self emf. X time META?) H (henny) induction (L) on cunnent mutual induction (M) Inductive neactance = wL. MUTA?) a x) Capacitive neactance Mc) Powen facton (cos ¢) Resonant angulan fnequency (do) Quality facton (Q) Penmeability of fmee space (Ag) Magnetic pole stnength (m) Magnetic dipole moment (Pr) Magnetic induction (8) Magnetic flux (%) Coefficient of self induction (L) on mutual induction (M) Magnetic intensity W) Intensity of magnetisation (I) Coencivity Retentivity aes at Tnigonometnic ratio Lc oh R 2m X force X distance cunnent® X length mt X force X distance” Po pole stnength X distance Mo X cunnent 2m X distance 8X anea magnetic flux cunnent magnetic induction Po magnetic moment volume H (opposing) I (nesidual) Met -47) ‘Dimensionless met] M°LT?] Mita“) [M°LT°A] iM 7° A] Meta) Me TA!) Me TA?) MeL'T°A) ML! T°A) M°L' TA] mL! TA] a No unit Hz No unit NA™ on Wh A mt Am Am? Nev! Aon tesla (T) NmA™'on weben (Wb) H (henny) Am on Nov? T"! Ame on Nv? T™! Am on Nov? T! Amon Nev? T"!

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