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Rapid Prototyping Journal

On design for additive manufacturing: evaluating geometrical limitations

Guido A. O. Adam, Detmar Zimmer,
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Guido A. O. Adam, Detmar Zimmer, (2015) "On design for additive manufacturing: evaluating geometrical limitations", Rapid
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On design for additive manufacturing:
evaluating geometrical limitations
Guido A.O. Adam
Direct Manufacturing Research Center, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, and
Detmar Zimmer
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present Design Rules for additive manufacturing and a method for their development.
Design/methodology/approach – First, a process-independent method for the development of Design Rules was worked out. Therefore,
geometrical standard elements and attributes that characterize the elements’ shapes have been defined. Next, the standard elements have been
manufactured with different attribute values with Laser Sintering, Laser Melting and Fused Deposition Modeling, and their geometrical quality was
examined. From the results, Design Rules for additive manufacturing were derived and summarized in a catalogue.
Findings – Due to the process independent method, Design Rules were developed that apply for the different considered additive manufacturing
technologies equally. These Design Rules are completely function-independent and easily transferable to individual part designs.
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Research limitations/implications – The developed Design Rules can only apply for the considered boundary conditions. To extend the Design
Rules’ validity, their applicability should be proven for other boundary conditions.
Practical implications – The developed Design Rules practically support the design of technical parts. Additionally they can be used for training
and teaching in the field of “design for additive manufacturing”.
Originality/value – The developed Design Rules constitute a first step toward general Design Rules for Additive Manufacturing. Thus, they might
form a suitable basis for further scientific approaches, and the Design Rules can be used to set up teaching documentations for lessons and seminars.
Keywords Design for additive manufacturing, Laser Sintering, Fused Deposition Modeling, Design rules, Design verification, Laser Melting
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction Additive Manufacturing (Gausemeier et al., 2011). At times,

lots of case studies are known which point out Additive
Since its emergence, Additive Manufacturing progressively
Manufacturing’s design freedoms related to some
turns from a prototyping to a production capable technology
functionality. But these studies only lightly address relevant
(Kruth et al., 1998). Important developments of significant
issues that occur during designing technical parts. Therefore,
aspects, such as processes and materials, increasingly enable
concrete and function independent Design Rules are needed.
the usage of Additive Manufacturing as Direct Manufacturing –
Nevertheless, such Design Rules are rarely available and only
to create end-use parts (Hague et al., 2004). Thereby, the
for specific technologies (Wegner and Witt, 2012).
layer-by-layer manufacturing provides new benefits that
So far, Design Rules have been developed and published by
cannot be obtained with conventional production
Wegner and Witt (2012) and Seepersad et al. (2012) for Laser
technologies like milling or casting. Especially the capability to
Sintering (LS), as well as by Thomas (2009) and
extend design freedoms is one of Additive Manufacturing’s
Aumund-Kopp and Petzoldt (2008) for Laser Melting (LM).
most important potentials (Levy et al., 2003). Additionally,
Within these publications, different Design Rules, for
the impact of the provided design freedoms on the industrial
instance, for wall thicknesses, diameters of cylinders or gap
relevance of Additive Manufacturing is well intensified due to
heights, are presented. Publications on Design Rules for
the decoupling of parts’ complexities and parts’
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) are not generally known.
manufacturing costs (Hague et al., 2003).
It is common for all currently known Design Rules that they
In spite of its great potentials and benefits, Additive
always consider only one specific Additive Manufacturing
Manufacturing’s industrial establishment for end-use part
process, such as LS or LM. Comparisons between different
production purposes is still limited. One reason for this is the
technologies and identifications of communalities are still
insufficient availability of comprehensive Design Rules for

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on
The authors would like to thank the Direct Manufacturing Research
Emerald Insight at:
Center (DMRC), its industry partners and the State of North
Rhine-Westphalia for financial support of the presented study.

Received 6 June 2013

Rapid Prototyping Journal Revised 23 December 2013
21/6 (2015) 662–670 5 May 2014
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1355-2546] 16 May 2014
[DOI 10.1108/RPJ-06-2013-0060] Accepted 16 May 2014

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

Thus, the research project “Direct Manufacturing Design Using design measures, standard element’s qualities can be
Rules” (DMDR, 2010-2013) had the aim to develop Design directly influenced by varying standard element’s attribute
Rules for Additive Manufacturing. These shall systematically values. Thus, Design Rules need to recommend suitable
point out Additive Manufacturing’s strengths and constraints ranges for attribute values that ensure the manufacturability of
concerning part design. The Design Rules shall also be standard elements with high qualities (Zimmer and Adam,
function independent, easily transferable on individual part 2011).
designs and comparable for different Additive Manufacturing To figure out those suitable ranges, standard elements can
technologies (Zimmer and Adam, 2011, 2013). be manufactured with different attribute value settings.
To reach this aim, standard elements, which often reoccur Furthermore, the quality of the manufactured elements can be
by designing technical parts, were defined first. Based on these examined and related to the assigned attribute value. Based on
elements, Design Rules were developed for LS, LM and the results, Design Rules can be derived (Zimmer and Adam,
FDM. The Design Rules were summarized in a Design Rule 2011).
catalogue (Zimmer and Adam, 2011, 2013). Next, the proceeding for the development of Design Rules
The DMDR project was performed in collaboration of the is exemplarily shown for basic elements. Therefore, eight
Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC, University different attributes will be considered exemplarily for the
of Paderborn) and the Chair for Design and Drive Technology examination of geometrical limitations and the derivation of
(KAt, University of Paderborn). The required funding was Design Rules.
provided by DMRC’s industrial partners as well as by the
government of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, 3. Development of Design Rules
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To figure out suitable ranges for attribute values, standard
elements were manufactured with LS, LM and FDM.
2. Method for the development of Design Rules Thereby, the boundary conditions listed in Table I were kept
constant and the attribute values were varied. Per considered
Most Additive Manufacturing processes principally use equal
process and for each attribute value variation, standard
iterative process steps for part production: carrying initial
elements were manufactured three times.
material into the building plane – creating solidified part
layers – lowering the building platform. Nonetheless, the
applied working principles to perform these process steps can 3.1 Walls: suitable positions and directions
strongly differ for different Additive Manufacturing processes The position characterizes the location of a wall inside the
(Zimmer and Adam, 2013). building chamber and the direction ␦Dir characterizes a wall’s
Taking these differences into account, the method for the rotation around the vertical z-axis. For the examination, both
development of Design Rules, which meet its previously suitable positions and directions for walls test specimens as
mentioned requirements, has to be process independent. shown in Figure 1 were considered. These consist of three
Thus, Design Rules should not be developed for parts but for combined walls. The attributes were varied as follows.
standard elements. These are geometrical elements of which The test specimens were located in different positions in the
technical parts can be assembled (Zimmer and Adam, 2011). building plane: one is centred in the middle, four at the edges
The spectrum of standard elements is divided into three and four in the corners (Figure 2).
groups (Zimmer and Adam, 2013): Next, the thicknesses of the manufactured walls were
1 Basic elements: Elementary geometrical shapes (e.g. walls, measured in micrometres. Figure 3 shows the thicknesses’
Table I Boundary conditions for production
2 Element transitions: Areas in which basic elements are
combined with each other (e.g. joints). Process Parameter
3 Aggregated structures: Arrangements of two or more basic LS Machine: Eosint P395
elements and its element transitions (e.g. overhangs). Material: PA2200
Each standard element has different attributes assigned to it. Parameter-set: part property profile – balance
For instance, the outer radius is one of a cylinder’s attributes. Layer thickness: TL ⫽ 0,120 mm
By setting the attribute values, standard element’s shapes are Hatch distance: dHI ⫽ 0,33 mm
concretized (Zimmer and Adam, 2011). LM Machine: SLM 250HL
While designing, technical parts’ structures are assembled Material: stainless steel 316L
of standard elements. Therefore, the required elements are Layer thickness TL ⫽ 0,030 mm
selected and assembled individually. Coevally, the attribute Laser power: PL ⫽ 175 Watt
values are set as required (Zimmer and Adam, 2013). While Scan velocity: vSc ⫽ 750 mmⴱs⫺1
doing so, a suitable Design for Manufacturing is always in Hatch distance: dHI ⫽ 0,12 mm
focus. Thereby, “Design for Manufacturing” aims at a FDM Machine: Fortus 400mc
requirement-orientated compliance of manufacturing Material: Ultem
dependent quality aspects using design measures (Pahl and Parameter-set: standard insight V7
Beitz, 2007). Assuming that parts are assembled of standard Layer thickness: TL ⫽ 0,250 mm
elements, part’s qualities are mainly influenced by standard Tip size: T16
elements’ qualities. Thus, all assembled standard elements Hatch distance: dHI ⫽ 0,50 mm
need to have high qualities to achieve high part qualities.

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

Figure 1 Test specimen for the examination of suitable positions dimensional accuracies of walls. Thus, walls can be positioned
and directions for walls freely in the building plane.
Figure 4 shows the thicknesses’ average values of all walls
with the same direction versus different directions ␦Dir of the
walls. Additionally, the data variances are displayed, too. The
results show that all average values and data variances are
independent from the walls’ directions. Thus, the direction of
a wall can be chosen freely.

3.2 Walls: suitable orientations and thicknesses

For the examinations of both suitable orientations (polar
rotations of a wall around a horizontal axis) and thicknesses,
walls test specimens as shown in Figure 5 were considered
(Zimmer and Adam, 2013).
Next the thicknesses of the manufactured walls were
measured in micrometres. From the results the dimensional
deviations e were calculated as the difference between the
nominal and the measured thickness. Figure 6 displays the
dimensional deviation e versus the nominal thickness t
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(Zimmer and Adam, 2013).

Figure 2 Test specimen’s locations in the building plane with its The Additive Manufacturing processes considered within
positioning numbers 1-9 this paper always try to create part layers with a complete layer
structure which consist of contour-lines and enclosed
raster-lines (also named hatch-lines) (Zimmer and Adam,
2013). The contour-lines limit the dimensional expansions of
a part layer and the raster-lines fill the space in-between the
contour-lines. Considering ␦Ori ⫽ 45° and ␦Ori ⫽ 90°
orientations, large dimensional deviations occur for small

Figure 4 Measured thicknesses t versus the test specimens’


Figure 3 Measured thicknesses t in the positions 1-9 in the

building plane

Figure 5 Test specimen for the examination of suitable

orientations and thicknesses for walls

average values of all walls in one position versus the walls’

positions in the building plane; additionally, the data variance
is added, too. The results show no significant dependencies of
the average values and data variances on its positions in the
building plane. All measured values lie within the range of ⫾
0.2 mm; outliers were not recognized. Thus, the position of a
wall inside the building plane does not significantly influence
the wall’s dimensional accuracy. Assuming that due to the
laser beam’s deflection during the LS and LM processes,
the beam’s spot shape turns from round at the centre of the
building plane to elliptic at the building plane’s edges and
corners, this effect does not significantly influence the

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

Figure 6 Dimensional deviations e of the manufactured walls’ Considering FDM the test specimens show no oversizes. For
thicknesses versus the walls’ nominal thicknesses t t ⱕ 0.8 mm gaps arise inside the element’s structure. Different
to powder-based processes, FDM-manufactured contour-
lines and raster-lines do not overlap themselves within one
part layer; the lines are just lightly connected to each other.
Thereby, sometimes gaps arise in-between the raster-lines.
These gaps can be closed due to a sufficient superimposing of
the deposed lines which is given for t ⬎ 0.8 mm (Zimmer and
Adam, 2013).
For all processes it applies that walls show smallest
dimensional deviations if they are ␦Ori ⫽ 90° oriented. The
more the orientation tends to ␦Ori ⫽ 0°, the more the
thicknesses are approximated by layers. This causes increased
dimensional deviations.

3.3 Cylinders: suitable outer radii and orientations

For the examinations of both suitable outer radii and
orientations for cylinders, test specimens as displayed in
Figure 7.
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Next the outer radii of the manufactured cylinders were

measured digitally. Therefore, microscope pictures were taken
of each test specimen (Figure 8). With the software tool
“Datinf Measure”, two rectangles with a twist of 45° towards

Figure 7 Test specimen for the examination of suitable outer radii

and orientations for cylinders

nominal thicknesses. This is because small nominal

thicknesses do not provide the required space to create
complete part layer structures, made of contour-lines with
enclosed raster-lines. Nevertheless, the machines try to create
a complete layer structure. Thereby, dimensional deviations
arise. These become small and behave stabile once the
nominal thickness enables the creation of complete layer
structures in the x–y plane. From this nominal thickness on,
enough space is given to create contour-lines with enclosed
Figure 8 Microscope picture of a cylinder with rectangles to
raster-lines. Such enough space is given if the thickness
examine the outer radius
becomes larger than 1.0 mm for LS, 0.6 mm for LM and
1.5 mm for FDM. These results are similar to the results
presented by Wegner and Witt (2012) who recommend
thicknesses of 0.7 mm for LS and Thomas (2009) who
recommends a thickness of 0.4 mm for LM.
For ␦Ori ⫽ 0° orientations, the graphs differ for the
considered processes. Considering LS and LM, the test
specimens are oversized about tOs ⬇ 0.2 mm (LS) and tOs ⬇
1.5 mm (LM). These oversizes occur due to the melting bath,
which penetrates deeper than through only one layer. In most
cases, this is useful to connect the manufactured part layer
with the partially finished part beneath. But while creating the
first layer, there is no partially finished part beneath. Thus, the
melting bath connects particles to the part that do not belong
to the part. Thereby, oversize occurs.

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

each other were placed around each test specimen. The sizes Considering ␦Ori ⫽ 0° orientations, almost all test specimen
of the rectangles were reduced to a minimum without were manufacturable, but with large dimensional deviations.
penetrating into the specimen’s outer shape. Thereby, the use These occur due to the curvature’s approximation with layers.
of a calliper was imitated digitally. The edge lengths of the Additionally, the deviations’ values are independent from the
rectangles correspond with the diameters of the cylinders. nominal outer radii – they are all of the same size. Thus,
From the results, the dimensional deviations e were cylinders’ outer radii should be as large as possible to decrease
calculated as the difference between the nominal and the the deviations’ value related to the nominal outer radii.
measured outer radii. Figure 9 shows the dimensional Similar to walls, cylinders should be oriented
deviations e versus its nominal outer radii ro. Considering perpendicularly to the building plane (␦Ori ⫽ 90°) to receive
␦Ori ⫽ 90° orientations, different quality defects occurred for smallest dimensional deviations. With a ␦Ori ⫽ 90°
small nominal outer radii ro. Considering LS, cylinders with orientation, cylinders’ shapes are not influenced due to the
nominal outer radii ro ⱕ 0.4 mm were not manufacturable or layer by layer manufacturing. Thus, the approximation error
did not break during the powder removal after manufacturing. caused by the layer by layer manufacturing is reduced to a
This result is similar the diameter of 0.8 mm which Seepersad minimum.
et al. (2012) recommend for cylinders manufactured with LS.
Different to this, cylinders manufactured with LM show no 3.4 Bores: suitable inner radii without solid support
cylindrical shape for nominal outer radii r0 ⱕ 0.3 mm, they material
look drop-shaped. For ro ⱕ 1.0 mm, FDM-manufactured Regarding LM or FDM, down-facing surfaces with surface
cylinders show insufficiently filled part layers; hollow spaces angles below a certain value, for instance, 45° for LM
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inside the cylinders arise as the radius provides not enough (Thomas, 2009), need to be underpinned with support
space to produce raster-lines enclosed between the structures. Such surfaces always occur if bores are ␦Ori ⫽ 0°
contour-lines. For all processes it applies that they can oriented with their rotating axis parallel to the building plane.
manufacture cylinders robustly and without defects if the For many cases, it is necessary to create bores with ␦Ori ⫽ 0°
values of the nominal outer radii allow the creation of orientations and without support structures. Thus, within this
complete layer structures in the x–y plane (contour ⫹ test, inner radii will be identified for which bores are
raster-lines). manufacturable with ␦Ori ⫽ 0° orientations and without
support structures. Therefore, test specimens as shown in
Figure 9 Dimensional deviations e of the manufactured cylinders’ Figure 10 were considered.
outer radii versus the nominal outer radii ro Next the manufacturability and the shape of the
manufactured test specimens were examined with a visual
inspection and subjectively evaluated (Table II).
The test specimen’s manufacturability decreased with
increasing inner radii. Considering LM, test specimen’s
manufacturability was given for inner radii ri ⱕ 4.5 mm. Test
specimens with larger inner radii were destroyed. Their part
layers bent out of the building plane due to thermal induced
internal stresses (Figure 11). Comparing these results to
results presented in literature, communalities are given;
Thomas (2009) recommends bore diameters of 7.0 mm to
avoid support structures. Considering FDM, test specimen’s
manufacturability was given for inner radii ri ⱕ 5.0 mm. Test
specimens with larger inner radii showed strong surface
defects or were even destroyed. These defects occurred
because unsupported filaments fall out of their nominal
position (Figure 12).

Figure 10 Test specimen for the examination of unsupported inner

radii ri

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

Table II Qualities of cylinders’ unsupported insides versus its nominal contained powder. Thus, suitable lengths for bores related to
inner radii ri their inner radii were examined within this test. Therefore test
ri LM FDM specimens as displayed in Figure 13 were manufactured with
LS and LM.
1,5 Ok Ok
Next, the contained powder was removed by the use of
2,0 Ok Ok
compressed air and glass beads (pressure 4 bar) which were
2,5 Ok Ok
blown into the test specimens from one side. The compressed
3,0 Ok Ok
air and glass beads were injected until the powder was
3,5 Ok Ok
completely removed or not further removable. Afterwards, the
4,5 Ok Ok
length lF was measured with a calliper, along which the
5,0 Destroyed Ok
powder could be removed.
7,5 Destroyed Surface defect
As a result for LM, the powder was completely removable
10,0 Destroyed Surface defect
from all test specimens’ insides. Thus, bores’ lengths can be
12,5 Surface defect
selected independently from their inner radii.
15,0 Destroyed
Concerning LS, an almost linear correlation between the
17,5 Surface defect
bores’ nominal inner radii and its lengths lF was detected
20,0 Surface defect
(Figure 14). The belonging lF/ri ratio shows that bores’ lengths
22,5 Destroyed should maximally be eight times as long as its inner radii to
25,0 Destroyed
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remove the contained powder safely.

Comparing the results, powder was much easier removable
for LM than for LS. A reason for this is that the temperature
3.5 Bores: suitable lengths related to the inner radii inside the building chamber is very close to the melting point
During manufacturing, parts built by LS and LM are temperature of the plastic material for LS, while the
surrounded by powder. In most cases, this must be removed temperature difference between the inside of the building
after manufacturing. Particularly bores, for instance, used as chamber and the melting point of the metal material is large
cooling channels, might cause difficulties by removing the
for LM. This harms the flowability of the plastic material used
within the LS process.
Figure 11 Test specimen manufactured with LM and with
ri ⫽ 10.0 mm Figure 13 Test specimen for the examination of bores’ suitable
lengths depending on their inner radii

Figure 12 Test specimen manufactured with FDM and with

ri ⫽ 20.0 mm Figure 14 Bores’ free lengths lF and lF/ri ratios versus its nominal
inner radii ri

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

4. Design Rules’ catalogue definitions identified relevant issues for the development of
Design Rules.
Design Rules were derived from the previously mentioned
Using the previously defined method, Design Rules
experimental results and summarized in a Design Rules’
were developed for LS, LM and FDM. The Design
catalogue (see extracts in Figures 15 and 16). Hereby, the
determined numerical values as well as their normalizations Rules are completely function-independent, easily
with the layer thickness tL and the hatch distance dHl do transferable on individual part designs and cover
only apply for the considered boundary conditions information for single elements as well as for complex
(Table I). aggregated structures.
The Design Rules were developed with the same
proceeding for all considered Additive Manufacturing
5. Summary and outlook technologies. This allows a direct comparison between the
Additive Manufacturing provides a lot of benefits to their technology specific test results. Thereby, commonalities
users. Especially the given design freedoms offer many could be identified that enabled the development of Design
potentials. But, nonetheless, Additive Manufacturing’s use for Rules, which apply for all considered Additive
Direct Manufacturing is still limited. One reason for this is the Manufacturing processes equally. This is an important step
insufficient availability of Design Rules for Additive towards the development of universally valid Design Rules
Manufacturing. for Additive Manufacturing.
Thus, the project “Direct Manufacturing Design Rules” Nonetheless, the developed Design Rules can currently
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had the aim to develop comprehensive Design Rules for only be applied for the considered process and boundary
Additive Manufacturing systematically. Therefore, a conditions. Thus, the range of validity of the Design Rules
method for the development of Design Rules has been has to be extended within a next step. Therefore, the
worked out first. This method is based on geometrical applicability of the Design Rules for different materials,
standard elements (e.g. cylinders) of which technical parts process parameter settings and machines will be proven in a
can be assembled. Thereby, elements’ mathematical follow-up project.

Figure 15 Design rules for walls

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

Figure 16 Design rules for cylinders and bores

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pp. 589-609. and Kruth, J.P. (2011), “Process optimization and

Additive manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Journal
Guido A.O. Adam and Detmar Zimmer Volume 21 · Number 6 · 2015 · 662–670

microstructural analysis for selective Laser Melting of Detmar Zimmer is the Owner of the Chair for Design and
AlSi10Mg”, Solid Free Form Fabrication Proceedings. Drive Technology, in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Pham, D.T. and Gault, R.S. (1998), “A comparison of rapid of the University of Paderborn. After his studies in Mechanical
prototyping technologies”, International Journal of Machine Engineering, he received his PhD from the University of
Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 38, pp. 1257-1287. Stuttgart in1990. His dissertation “Flankenspielorientierte
Einstellung der Hypoid- und Kegelradgetriebe” was awarded
About the authors with the advancement price from the Society of Tribology.
Guido A.O. Adam is a PhD-Candidate at the Chair for From 1990 to 2001, Prof Zimmer was employed by the Lenze
Design and Drive Technology, in the Faculty of Mechanical Company. There he directed the business unit “Geared
Engineering of the University of Paderborn, Germany. He Motors”. As well Prof Zimmer is a member of the Scientific
received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with its Society for Product Development (WiGeP). From 2008 to
emphasis on product development and design from the 2011, he was the Dean of the Faculty for Mechanical
University of Paderborn in 2009. Guido A.O. Adam is the Engineering, and, since 2007, he is responsible for the
corresponding author and can be contacted at: cooperation between the University of Paderborn and the Technical Faculty in Qingdao, China.
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