Why Vaping Is Bad

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WHAT IS VAP NG? MYTH BUSTER! If you are struggling with substance abuse,
specifically with vaping, there are a couple ways
The inhalation of a vapour to help yourself with nicotine withdrawal. The
created by an electronic reason most people vape is because of stress. To
Myth #1: "Vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes." help quit, start by trying to find different
cigarette is known as vaping. solutions to your stress. Exercise often to crush
This is false! Though vaporizers are less
The liquid heated into a vapour harmful than cigarettes, this does not mean that your nicotine cravings and recover from the
they are safe. They still contain multiple damages of vaping. Talk to someone you trust, a
found in an e-cigarette may friend or a family member, and find the
harmful chemicals that may seriously affect your
contain harmful drugs and memory and concentration. motivation to quit. If you do not have anyone you
trust by your side, call an expert.
chemicals such as nicotine. Myth #2: "Vapes only produce water vapour."
Vaping is most common in youth They do not produce water vapour. Vapes
produce an aerosol packed with chemicals that
and young adults. Most vapers, does not benefit you or your health. Inhaling
underage or not, may experience these chemicals will lead to lung damage.
and develop addiction, anxiety, Myth #3: "Vaporizers don't contain nicotine."
depression, and severe lung While some vaping liquids claim to be
nicotine-free, you can never be 100% certain. HELPING A FRIEND
damage over time. More than half of the vaping liquids in Canada
labelled as "nicotine-free" were found to If you know a friend or family member
actually contain nicotine. Most vapes contain struggling to quit vaping, here are some helpful
more nicotine than cigarettes.
tips. First, ask them how they are and talk to them
Myth #4: "Vaping helps relieve stress." about their addiction if they are comfortable and
not sensitive to the topic. Remind them that you
This is not true! According to most e-
cigarette users, vaping had a negative impact on are there for them and remain positive. Meet up
their lives. It made them feel more stressed, and hang out at vape-free places to limit how
anxious, and depressed. much they vape in a day. Be active and encourage
them to quit. Encourage them to dispose of their
Myth #5: "Vaping is not bad for you." vapes. Recommend an expert to them if they have
Vaping can cause many serious health trouble opening up to you.
issues. One vape containing nicotine can equal
50 cigarettes. Using a vape can alter your brain
because it contains harmful drugs and chemicals,
so it is especially not safe for younger users.

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