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Year 2 Weekly Newsletter

Term 1, Week 5
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Formal Uniform Day/Sports Uniform Day/Sports Uniform Day/Sports Uniform Formal Uniform

No Specialists Run Club @7:30 Drama with Mrs Health with Mr Jordaan Learning Breakfast
Thurston @8:10am
Miss Agnew Away Miss Agnew Away LOTE (French) with
Mrs Smith Free Dress. Pink, Blue
or Green for Mrs

This week in year 2:

Math: We will continue to work on students skip counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s
beginning and ending from any number.

English: We are focusing on identifying to correct conjunctions when creating a

compound sentence. Students will also continue their work on writing their own
compound sentences.

Science: We will further be looking at water and how it reacts when poured on
different surfaces. Students will be engaging with hands on experiments.

HASS: We will be exploring artefacts from the past and comparing them with
things from the present. Focusing on how life has changed overtime.

Religion: We will then begin exploring the new focus scripture of: The Parable of
the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35).

In Year 2 we will also be taking a closer look at healthy friendships, what this
looks, feels and sounds like. We will be combining both year 2 classes together for
this to ensure we are building a healthy year 2 community.

Miss Agnew will be away Monday and Tuesday, please feel free to email her if
you have any concerns during those days.
Notices & Reminders

Munch & Crunch: Please ensure Munch & Crunch is a healthy fruit or yoghurt snack that is is a
separate, labelled container.
Can students with HFW books please bring these in Monday for some testing.
Please remember:
- Homework is due Friday the 23rd.
- We are an egg and nut free zone. Nutella contains Nuts.
- No toys are allowed at school. This ensures they do not get lost or
- Please ensure you are packing enough lunch for your kids, and food that
they like. Many kids are finishing their lunches at Morning Tea.
- No Library due to Book Fair.

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