16 Source Free Series RLC Circuits

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Electric Circuits I

The Source-Free Series RLC


Dr. Firas Obeidat

The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit
Assume initial inductor current Io and initial
capacitor voltage Vo

Applying KVL around the loop

differentiating the equation with respect to time

Our experience with first-order equations might suggest that we at least

try the exponential form once more. Thus, we assume

Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit

The roots of the above equation are

 The roots s1 and s2 are called
natural frequencies, measured in
nepers per second (Np/s), because
they are associated with the
natural response of the circuit;
 ωo is known as the resonant
In more compact for we obtain frequency or strictly as the
undamped natural frequency,
expressed in radians per second
(rad/s); and
 α is the neper frequency or the
damping factor, expressed in
nepers per second.
Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit
The two values of s indicate that
there are two possible solutions for i

The natural response of the series RLC

circuit is

The constants A1 and A2 in each case can be

determined from the initial conditions. We need
i(o) and di(0)/dt

Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit
From the roots s1 and s2 we can infer that there are three types of solutions

The roots of the characteristic

equation are real and negative.

Using Euler’s identities

The roots are real and equal.

Replacing (A1+A2) constants and j(A1+A2)
with constants B1 and B2 we write

Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit
Example: for the circuit in shown figure, if
R=40Ω, L=4H, and C=1/4F, Calculate the
characteristic roots of the circuit. Is the natural
response overdamped, underdamped, or
critically damped?

Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit
Example: Find i(t) in the circuit of shown
figure. Assume that the circuit has reached
steady state at t=0-.
For t<0 , the switch is closed. The capacitor acts like
an open circuit while the inductor acts like a shunted
circuit. The equivalent circuit is shown in fig.(a). At

Where i(0) is the initial current through the inductor

and v(0) is the initial voltage across the capacitor.

For t>0 the switch is opened and the voltage source is

disconnected. The equivalent circuit is shown in fig.(b),
which is a source free series RLC circuit. Notice that the
3Ω and 6Ω resistors, have been combined to
Give R=9Ω in fig.(b) . The roots are calculated as follows:

Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit

Substitute t=0 in the above equation

Dr. Firas Obeidat – Philadelphia University
Summary of Relevant Equations for Source-Free RLC Circuits


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