Jamie Magos

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Republic of the Philippines



Tanauan Leyte



At the end of the lesson plan, the students should be able to:

 Understand the concept of Existential Quantification

 Find the truth value for ƎxP(x).


A. Topic: Existential Quantification

B. Materials: Visual aid, Pen/ Marker

C. Values and Integration: Cooperation, Patience, Integrity, perseverance

D. Reference: https://www.whitman.edu



I. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
“Good morning class, before we start Good morning, ma'am
with our new lesson for today, please stand
and we will have our prayer first.

(Student A) please lead the prayer. (The student will stand and pray.)

“Amen” Amen – everyone

b. Greetings
“Once again, good morning, everyone. Same as yesterday ma'am - Everyone
How was your day?”
“I hope that you're all doing great today,
not just only this very moment but also on
the days that will follow. Class let me just
remind you that there are times where in Yes ma'am- Everyone
you might feel tired, lonely, helpless, and
wary but always remember that God will not
give us situations that will makes us feel
inferior or down, rather that situation will
makes us stronger and are only challenges
that will pass by that will make us a better
version of ourselves, is that clear class?”

c. Attendance checking
“Alright before we go any further, let's (Everyone says present.)
check the attendance first. Kindly say
present when your name is called.”

(Calls each student.)

"Very good class. No one is absent. I hope

this not only for today rather this will
continue until the end of the semester. Yes, ma'am we will- Everyone
Class, please refrain from making absences
because it will be hard for you to catch up
with our lessons."

“By the way class, I can see that our room is (picks up the pieces of paper)
a bit messy. Kindly pick up the pieces of
papers under your chair.”

d. Motivation
“Before we start our lesson for today, we
will have a short activity first.”
“We are going to call this activity as
"Arrange Me" since you are going to arrange
a word.”
“Okay, so the class will be grouped into
two. This would be the Group 1 and this side
is Group 2. Listen for my instruction.”
“So, I am going to give you these jumbled
letters and I want you to arrange this to
come up with the topic for today. The first
group to present the answer will receive
extra points during our quiz. This activity will
be done for 3 minutes only.” "Yes ma'am"- Students

“Is that clear class?” (Students starts arranging the jumbled




C A F I I Q U A N T I T O Yes, ma’am – Group 1

For our group, we came up with the word
"Group 1, are you done?" EXISTENTIAL. – Group 1
"That's good, present your answer to Yes, ma’am – Group 2
the class."

“Group 2, do you think their answer is For our group, our answer is
correct?” QUANTIFICATION. – Group 2

“Okay, very good Group 1! Your answer

is correct. Group 2, kindly show your answer Yes, ma'am – Everyone
to the class.”

"Well said Group 2! Your answer is (Everyone applauded.)


“Please let us give a round of applause

to the two groups.” EXISTENTIAL QUANTIFICATION – Everyone

“Combining the answers of Group 1

and 2, what do you think will be our topic
for today?”

II. Lesson Proper

a. Activity
“Let us now proceed to our activity. And this
activity is related to our topic for this day. I
have one problem and I will call 4 students
to collaboratively answer it.” "Yes ma'am "- everyone

“Is that clear class?”

Let P(x) represent “x > 0”, find the truth

value for ƎxP(x) given the domain: {0, 1, 2,
3}. P(0) = 0 > 0 (FALSE) – Student 1
P(1) = 1 > 0 (TRUE) – Student 2
(Starts calling students) P(2) = 2 > 0 (TRUE) – Student 3
P(3) = 3 > 0 (TRUE) – Student 4

"It seems like you already had an advance

study of this since you already have the idea
of what are we going to discussed for this
“I have observed that they just substituted
b. Analysis each given value to the value of P(x) and
“What have you observed with their checked whether the value of x satisfies the
answer?” inequality.” – Student 4

“If the value of x satisfies the inequality,

then that is considered TRUE, ma’am.
“Very well said, Student 4. Student 5, what Otherwise, it is a FALSE.” – Student 5
have you observed if the value of x satisfies
the inequality? If not?” “None so far, ma’am.” – Student 1

“Alright! That was correct, Student 5. Going

back to Student 1, did you find any difficulty
during the activity?”

c. Abstraction
“Alright, thank you everyone for your
participation. Yes, you are all right.
Existential Quantification has something to
do with the activity that we had earlier.”

“This day, the learning target is to find the

truth value for ƎxP(X) and to understand
Existential Quantification.” Yes, ma'am- Everyone

“Are you following class?”

Existential Quantification

Existential quantification is a concept in logic

and mathematics that refers to the assertion
that there exists at least one instance of
something that satisfies a particular
condition. It is denoted symbolically by the
symbol ∃ (pronounced "there exists"). For
example, in the statement "∃x (x is a prime
number)", the existential quantifier asserts
that there exists at least one prime number.

Example 1:
What is the truth value for ⱻxP(x) where P(x)
is the statement "x² > 10" and the universe
of this course consists of the positive
integers not exceeding 4.
Domain: {1,2,3,4}
P(x) = x² > 10
P(1) = 1² > 10
= 2 > 10 (false)

P(2) = 2² > 10
= 4 > 10 (false)

P(3) = 3² > 10
= 9 > 10 (false)

P(4) = 4² > 10
= 16 > 10 (true)
Therefore, ⱻxP(x) is TRUE

“TRUE, ma’am.” – everyone

Example 2:
"Some person in the world is the oldest.
True or False?"

Yes, ma'am – everyone

“Now that you have understood and learned
all about the Existential Quantification and
you are able to find the truth value for
ⱻxP(x), we will have a board work. This is to
check if you really understood the topic. Are
we good with this?”

d. Application x=2

Let P(x) be the statement "2x = x²". If the

domain consists of the integers, what is the
truth value for ⱻxP(x)? x=3

Let P(x) be the statement " 3x = x + 6". If the

domain consists of the integers, what is the
truth value for ⱻxP(x)?

“Ok! Very good, seems like you really

understood our topic for today. Before we
proceed with our assessment, I will be
asking you few more questions regarding
with our lesson, to see and test if you really
listened throughout the discussion and puts
the discussion into your heart, because
when you listen you must not only focus on
the lesson itself but at the same time to the
essence of the content.” " About the Existential Quantification
ma'am"- everyone
“Alright class, what have we discussed
earlier?” Yes, ma'am – everyone

“Ok very good, now, can you determine

whether the condition is existential or not
based on what you've learned?" “You will just find a value of x that can
satisfy the equation or inequality.” –
“How do you do it?” Student 6

Yes, ma'am – everyone

“Very good, what if I would give you right

now a condition, could you answer it

“Very good class, you really listened with my

discussion. It’s good to know that my efforts
are valued. It is a big thing for me” (Get 1/2 sheet of paper)

“Thank you, my dear students, for listening.

Now kindly get a 1/2 sheet of paper we will
be having our quiz for about 10 minutes.”


A. Direction: Answer carefully the following conditions:

1. Let P(x) be the statement " x = x²". If the domain consists of the integers, what is the
truth value for ⱻxP(x)?

2. Let Q(x) be the statement " x + 1 > 2x". If the domain consists of all integers. What is the
truth value of ⱻxP(x)?

B. Give what is asked:

1. How do you denote Existential Quantification?

2. ⱻxP(x) could also be understood as? Give 2 examples.


Read in advance about the Quantification Rule

Prepared by:

Jamie L. Canaleja

April Shane Magos


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