A 4.0 Sustainable Aquaponic System Based On The Combined Use of Superabsorbing Natural Hydrogels and Innovative Sensing Technologies For The Optimization of Water Use

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A 4.

0 Sustainable Aquaponic System Based on the

Combined Use of Superabsorbing Natural
Hydrogels and Innovative Sensing Technologies for
the Optimization of Water Use
2021 IEEE 6th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI) | 978-1-6654-4135-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/RTSI50628.2021.9597250

Marco Friuli Antonio Masciullo Federica Stella Blasi

Dept. of Engineering for Innovation Dept. of Engineering for Innovation Dept. of Engineering for Innovation
University of Salento University of Salento University of Salento
Lecce, Italy Lecce, Italy Lecce, Italy
marco.friuli@unisalento.it antonio.masciullo@unisalento.it federicastella.blasi@unisalento.it

Marco Mita Licinio Corbari Ivo Surano

Dept. of Engineering for Innovation Dept. of Engineering for Innovation Dept. of Engineering for Innovation
University of Salento University of Salento University of Salento
Lecce, Italy Lecce, Italy Lecce, Italy
marco.mita@unisalento.it lcorbari@clio.it ivo.surano@gmail.com

Abstract—Aquaponics couples aquaculture with hydroponics: automated irrigation linked to soil moisture levels, animal feed,
the water from the breeding tanks is filtered and pumped into milking, etc.), and to rationalize resources, improve profits
the hydroponic system. Aquaponics is gaining much attention and reduce the environmental impact. The combination of
as a farming technique, thanks to its intrinsically sustainable
approach; however, aquaponic systems need continuous mainte- emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
nance and the processes need tight control. Starting from these robotics, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain
considerations, in this work, a 4.0-oriented acquaponic system technology, provides the opportunity to transform industrial
that integrates the relevant enabling technologies of the 4.0 Era agriculture into the next generation, namely Agriculture 4.0.
is presented. In particular, the proposed system relies on two If initially the application of new technologies was mainly
major technologies: i) the adoption of a dedicated microwave
reflectometry-based system for monitoring recycled water quality aimed at reducing production costs, it later proved useful to
inside the tanks; and ii) a superabsorbing hydrogel technology obtain a rationalization of resources, optimizing both the eco-
to improve the system effectiveness. In addition, to these tech- nomic profile and the environmental impact of agricultural pro-
nologies also IoT was adopted for guaranteeing automation and cesses. Practices of automation, remote control of parameters
remote monitoring and control of the overall aquaponic system. and processes have become increasingly frequent, especially
This paper describes the design, implementation and functional
validation of a prototype of the proposed aquaponic system. following the spread of extra-soil cultivation practices (e.g.
Index Terms—4.0 Era, aquaponics, agriculture automation, in- hydroponics, vertical farming) or combined cycles of breeding
novative materials, microwave reflectometry, monitoring systems, and agriculture such as aquaponics but also for traditional
reflection scattering parameters, superabsorbent hydrogels. agriculture practices such as weeds control [15], [16]. These
new practices were born to reduce the global environmental
I. I NTRODUCTION impact (according to the principles of life cycle assessment)
The 4.0 Era paradigm [1]–[6] has permeated a number of of agricultural and livestock practices, acting in a circular
applications contexts, from constructions [7]–[9] to health- economy perspective (reuse of waste) and rationalizing the
care [10]–[13], from public administration to finance. Even use of resources, such as soil and water. These practices,
agriculture and animal husbandry, which are traditionally given their indoor layup, are particularly suitable for ICT-
considered as low-tech sectors, have started to increasingly based control (e.g. exploiting internet of things) with the aim
lean on the 4.0 enabling technologies [14]. In fact, agriculture of optimizing the yield, the quality of the products by reducing
relies on sensors and ICT solutions to improve remote control waste and to monitor the parameters that ensure the most
of typical soil/water parameters, to manage activities (e.g. adequate growing conditions to products.
As well known, aquaponics couples aquaculture with hydro-
This work has received funding from Regione Puglia (Italy), within the ponics: the water from the breeding tanks is filtered, purified
Public Call POR Puglia FESR 2014-2020 - Action 1.6 - INNONETWORK,
through the research project ISEPA – Improving Sustainability, Efficiency and from toxic substances and its chemical-physical parameters
Profitability of large–scale Aquaponics. are brought back to values suitable for hydroponic cultivation.

978-1-6654-4135-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Aquaponics production system plant layup.

Then water is pumped into the hydroponic system. While The paper is organized as follows. Section II addresses
aquaponics is gaining much attention as a farming technique, the design and implementation of the plant. Section III de-
thanks to its intrinsically sustainable approach, aquaponic scribes in detail the sensing technology adopted for monitoring
systems still need continuous maintenance and the processes water quality and the superabsorbing hydrogel technology.
need tight control. Section IV reports the result of the functional validation of
the system, while in Section V conclusions are drawn.
Starting from these considerations, this work addresses the
design, implementation and functional validation of a 4.0- II. D ESIGN AND I MPLEMENTATION OF THE AQUAPONIC
oriented automated acquaponic system pototype. In particular, S YSTEM
the proposed system relies on two major key enabling tech- In the proposed aquaponic system, the water from the breed-
nologies (KETs). The first is the development and adoption ing tanks (rich in nutritious nitrogenous substances deriving
of a dedicated microwave reflectometry-based system for from fish faeces), destined for disposal, after a completely
monitoring recycled water quality inside the tanks. The second automated treatment process (filtering and Nitrogens conver-
technology relies on superabsorbing hydrogel, with the aim sion by bacteria), is pumped into the hydroponic system, made
to further optimize water consumption (by reducing irrigation of a four automated lines based on Nutrient Film Technique
intervals) and the delivery of the nutrients dissolved in it [17]– (NFT), with roots immersed in a thin nutrient water layer [25].
[24]). In addition to these technologies, also IoT was employed Fish derived water parameters like pH values, temperature,
for allowing automation and remote monitoring and control of quantity of dissolved oxygen, redox potential, amount of
the overall aquaponic system (water parameters and environ- nitrites, amount of nitrates, quantity of ammonia must be
mental conditions e.g. light, temperature and humidity). within well-defined ranges to ensure both the survival of
The goal is to assess the overall effectiveness in the treatment farmed fish species and the growth of plants.
and monitoring of water parameters as well as the effect of These parameters are provided through controlled bacteria use
the application of hydrogels in the growth and optimization of and the filtering system, and they are constantly monitored by
the use of plant water. sensors connected to the ICT monitoring network.

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Fig. 1 shows the layout of the plant. It consists of two com-
municating parts: the aquaculture system (aquaculture side)
and the hydroponic cultivation system (hydroponics side).
The whole hydroponic system is powered by the water
coming from the adjacent fish breeding tanks. In particular,
the aquaculture side includes three fish tanks from which water
(after filtering through biological and sand filers) is sent to a
setting/mixing tank, and then collected into a tank/filter, which
is the last element before the culturing system.
The hydroponic system includes three major subsystems: a
floating tank raft (raft basin); a Media Bed system (with
support substrate - in our case expanded clay); and a vertical
NFT system (an espalier system composed by pipes placed in
parallel in which the water flows).
The arrangement of the hydroponics section based on NFT
is shown in Fig. 2. The hydroponic system has four different
lines (connected to the water delivery system) made of tubular
structures with holes for small plastic open pot supports. Each
pot in standard setup contains a sponge support for stem, and
expanded clay as wetting agent for roots, as shown in the
bottom sketch of Fig. 2.
The aquatic system is completely automated. In fact, there
are sensors and solenoid valves that can be controlled by the
decision support system (DSS); in the hydroponic part there
are sensors for the light regulation and solenoid valves to
switch on/off the water flow and/or isolate the tanks from one Fig. 2. Hydroponics system based on NFT method.
another. Sensors for measuring pH, temperature, oxygen, OR
potential, ammonium ion, nitrates, pressures of the pumps and
volatile substances both in the water and in the environment, constant humidity levels to the shoots [26].
are positioned in the recovery tank that is the collection tank SAHs are polymer (natural or synthetic) based material able to
for filtered water in common with the two systems. The plant absorb and slowly release a large amount of liquid solutions
combines Nile tilapia breeding (aquaculture) and micro greens also containing nutrients or drugs. Here they were prepared
of typical South Italy’s plants species (hydroponics). through a crosslinking process described in [27]. SAH were
Environmental and water parameters are measured through prepared starting from a water-3% weight carbossimethyl
dedicated sensors to monitor pH, temperature, oxygen, OR cellulose (as natural gelling polymer) containing citric acid
potential, ammonium ion, nitrates, pressures of the pumps and as crosslinking agent. SAH was grained and then compressed
volatile substances. They are mainly positioned in the recovery into a 0.5 mm into a sandwich structure made of TNT fibers
tank that is the collection tank for filtered water in common and SAH core.
with the two sides. Additionally, the plant employs solenoid The use of hydrogel allows a) a gradual and prolonged release
valves to switch on/off the water flow and/or isolate the tanks of moisture to the root system of plants, reducing the frequency
from each other. Sensors and valves are remotely controlled of irrigation; b) the delivery of nutrients dissolved in the water
by a DSS to monitor and adjust the plant condition but also and therefore superior growth; c) physical support for the root
to set automated irrigation (e.g. irrigation intervals, duration, system and therefore better plant survival.
water amount etc.) As shown in Fig. 3, for assessing the benefits of hydrogel
technology, plants were also placed in pots containing the
III. T HE K EY E NABLING T ECHNOLOGIES A DOPTED IN developed SAH in place of expanded clay. As detailed in the
THE P ROPOSED AQUAPONICS S YSTEM following section, the plant growth in these pots was used as
A. Superabsorbing hydrogel (SAH) technology a figure of merit of the efficacy of the SAH technology.
As mentioned in Section I, the optimization of the
aquaponic system (and in particular of the water consumption B. Sensing technology for monitoring water: microwave re-
and the delivery of the nutrients dissolved in it) was also flectometry
pursued through the adoption of hydrogel technology. More To assess the quality of water, microwave reflectometry
specifically, superabsorbing hydrogel (SAH) based on natural (MR) measurements were carried out on the water sampled
polymers optimized for the absorption of water deriving from from different points of the plant. MR is an electromagnetic
the fish tanks. This was used as an alternative to the expanded measurement technique, largely used for monitoring purposes
clay usually employed to guarantee physical support and in a number of application fields [28]–[40]. MR operates in

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Fig. 3. Schematization of the alternative setup with two dishes of CMC
hydrogel used as substrate (left) and standard setup with expanded clay used
as a substrate (right).

Fig. 4. MR measurements results carried out with an “N type” coaxial

real-time and can be employed directly online, along any connector probe. Comparison of the |S11 (f )| for tap water, water from fish
tank, and filtered water.
industrial process; it is also flexible in terms of adaptability
to the specific operating contexts. Hence, this technology was
adopted to ensure the possibility of implementing an online
monitoring system that could provide real time information
about the quality of the water supplied to hydroponic plants.
In MR measurements, the measuring instrument generates a
low-power electromagnetic (EM) signal, which is propagated
along a probe inserted in the material under test (water in the
considered application). Due to the interaction between the
EM signal and the material under test, a portion of the EM
signal is reflected back towards the MR measuring instrument.
Through the analysis of the reflected signal, it is possible to
retrieve information about the dielectric characteristics of the
material under test.
For the MR measurements in the aquaponic system, an Fig. 5. MR measurements results carried out with an “N type” coaxial
open-ended coaxial probe with dimensions equal to those of connector probe: comparison between the |S11 (f )| for mains water and
a N-type electrical connectors was used. The probe can be filtered water, before and after the addition of the SAH.
inserted inside the liquid to be monitored. The MR measure-
ments were carried out by measuring the reflection scattering This behaviour is attributable to variation of the dielectric
parameter (S11 ): measurements were performed using a vector properties of the water, as a result of changes in the chemical
network analyzer (VNA), model VNA R&S ZVA50. To reduce characteristics.
the effect of systematic errors, a short-open-load (SOL) cali- To verify that the addition of SAH do not change the
bration was carried out. properties of water, MR measurements were also carried out
The quantity |S11 | is related to the frequency of the excitation on sample of tap water and of filtered water, before and after
signal (f ) and to the dielectric characteristics of the liquid, ε. the addition of SAH. Fig. 5 shows the obtained results. It
In particular, the resonant frequency, fr exhibited in the |S11 | can be seen that the resonant peaks of the resulting curve
shifts as a result of the dielectric characteristics of the liquid. exhibit the peaks as that of the filtered water. This confirms
IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS the effectiveness of the plant in water treatment.

A. Aquaponic plant efficacy evaluation in water purification B. Effects of hydrogel use on irrigation intervals and plants
through MR measurements growth
MR measurements were carried out on different water The aim of the test was to assess reduction in irrigation
samples along the process: from the fish tank and from the interval by using CMC hydrogel rather than expanded clay as
filtered water. For comparison, MR measurements were also a substrate for plants.
carried out on tap water. Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the Same aged lettuce plants were used for the test. Different
obtained results in terms of S11 (f ). The reflection scattering irrigation intervals were used on lines from #1 to #4. In
parameters exhibit the typical resonant peaks. It can be noticed particular,
that the resonant peaks corresponding to the water sample from • line #1 was watered every seven days;
the fish tank occurs at f1 = 1.75 GHz and at f2 = 3.15 GHz. • line #2 was watered every other day;
The resonant peaks of the filtered water sample shift towards • line #3 was watered every three days;
lower frequency values, at f1 = 1.70 GHz and f2 = 3.05 GHz. • line #4 was watered every five days;

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Fig. 7. Picture of the experimental setup and indication of the irrigation
Fig. 6. Schematization of the experimental setup and irrigation intervals for interval for each line.
each line.

For each irrigation interval, three plants were prepared using

SAH and three were grown in standard settings, as shown in
Fig. 3. The irrigation scheme is shown in Fig. 6. Irrigation
time was two minutes, and all plants were subjected to a 16:8
light/dark ratio (provided by UV lamp) and 25◦ C.
Lettuce plants growth and vitality were visually evaluated by
monitoring them in a period of two weeks. As positive control
were used same-age lettuce plants in expanded clay setup,
and daily irrigation (typical irrigation interval in traditional
agriculture) and plants with no irrigation as negative control.
Fig. 7 shows the pictures of the lettuce plant evolution during
a two-week observation period. In particular, Fig. 8 shows the
zoom of the comparison between the plants with SAH and Fig. 8. Difference in growth between lettuce plants at week #2, for different
the plants with clay, after the observation period. A survival irrigation intervals and growth substrates.
difference emerged between the different irrigation times and
for the same irrigation interval but different substrate.
With regard to rows #1 and #4, which correspond to the largest system and in particular of hydroponics environmental condi-
irrigation intervals, it can be noticed that neither the plants with tions and irrigation management (i.e. irrigation frequency and
clay nor the ones with SAH survived. duration).
Observing row #3, with irrigation interval of three days, it can Results of the experimental validation showed that: i) recycled
be noticed that the plants in clay withered. On the other hand, water can be successfully purified and employed in hydro-
the plants with SAH were still healthy, although not luxuriant. ponics and ii) through the combined use of an automated
Observing row #2, which corresponds to an irrigation interval aquaponic plant and superabsorbing hydrogels, it is possible
of alternating days, the plants with SAH thrived, while the to optimise water consumption. In particular, here emerged
plants in clay withered. As clearly emerged, alternate days as it is possible to halve irrigation frequency compared to
irrigation is possible if hydrogel substrate is used instead of traditional agriculture for lettuce plants. Although results refer
expanded clay. In fact, plants showed the same growth of to a specific type of plant, they could be generalized to other
positive control. species. In addition, once identified the minimum irrigation
interval for a specific species using the hydrogel, by exploiting
V. C ONCLUSION the possibility to control separately the irrigation on every
In this work, a 4.0-oriented automated prototypal aquaponic line of the espalier system, it could be possible to allow
system was presented. The proposed system relies on two the simultaneous growth of different species, guaranteeing an
major key enabling technologies: i) the development and optimized water consumption.
adoption of a dedicated microwave reflectometry-based system R EFERENCES
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