FA2 SanchezJ

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Sanchez, Jastine Mhae A.
GED 321
Formative Assessment 2
A brief discussion as to why this Communication model is called
EpisrolaryConnect Communication Model. It signifies a focus on
intimate, thoughtful, and personalized communication, primarily through
writing. it immediately tells people that your model is about one-on-one
interactions through written words. "Connect" emphasizes going beyond
simple information exchange to create a personal and meaningful bond
between sender and receiver. "Epistolary" It covers modern written
communication like emails and digital messages. In the end,
"EpistolaryConnect Model" suggests a focus on thoughtful and personal
expression, drawing from letter-writing traditions but flexible enough
for today's diverse communication needs.
The EpistolaryConnect Communication Model is a 1 on 1 communication. Between 2 parties only. As you can see
there are only 2 and they are both receivers and senders. Sender-Receiver 1 encodes a message through a
thoughtful and personalized message within a letter (channel). Sender-Receiver 1 sends it to the second party,
Sender-Receiver 2. Waits a few hours or days for it to be received by Sender-Receiver 2. Upon receiving the
letter, Sender-Receiver 2 becomes the new sender as they decode the message. In this Model, the envelopes are
message and feedback channels and it also suggests privacy and care in conveying the message or feedback to the
receiver or sender. The letters inside of the envelopes are encoders and decoders. They both go through mediums
and noises to pass their messages and feedback. They also interpret the messages for themselves and give feedback
and turn it back into thoughts to make meaning. They also represent the connotation of thoughtful, detailed, and
intentional communication. The noises are seen as mailboxes or postboxes. These are meant to be seen as the
“waiting time”

Some of the strengths would be that there would likely be minimum misintrepretation as these are personalized
and are only limited to 2 parties. The waiting time introduced by the physical delivery of letters can enhance the
sense of anticipation and privacy. However this Communication Model can also be not suitable for urgent matters,
the waiting time introduced by the model may not be suitable for urgent or time-sensitive matters. It could also be
lost in the mail, which could also be a major weakness
The EpistolaryConnect way of talking is great for making close
friendships or romantic relationships stronger, especially when people
are far away from each other. Imagine a couple in a long-distance
relationship using this way of talking. One person, let's call them
Partner A, starts by writing a heartfelt letter expressing feelings
and thoughts about the relationship. Using envelopes adds a bit of
excitement, and waiting for the letter to arrive makes the feelings
even stronger. Partner A sends the letter to the other person,

Partner B, showing that they really mean to share their thoughts and
feelings. The waiting time gives both partners a chance to think,
making their connection even deeper. When Partner B gets the letter,
they become the new sender, reading the message, understanding the
feelings, and responding with their own thoughtful letter. This back-
and-forth communication helps them keep talking and understanding
each other, even when they're far away. The careful and thoughtful
way of writing letters makes it a good choice for building relationships
with lots of feelings and closeness.

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