The Industrial Revolution

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Name:Jesus Armando Leija Rangel

Subject:Information and Communication

The industrial revolution

The industrial revolution has been one of the most important processes for the
advancement of technology, as well as for economic and social transformation.
This change began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great
Britain in the year 1760 and ended in the year 1840.
The industrial revolution so far has 3 revolutions since we have not yet reached the
4th revolution of these advances even though many say we are already in the 4th
industrial revolution some say we are not yet so we are not even sure if we are
already in the 4th industrial revolution or we still have some way to go, in my
opinion we may still be some way to go to achieve the 4th industrial revolution
even with the implementation of electric cars and AI has helped us to give a
breakthrough to achieve almost that 4 revolucionl. Well now returning to the topic
below will be presented the 3 industrial revolutions and their most important points
of each:

The First Industrial Revolution

The first industrial revolution began in England in the second half of the eighteenth
century in this first industrial revolution tripled the production of fabrics as new
machines were implemented.
One of the most important inventions of this industrial revolution was the steam
engine invented by a blacksmith and perfected by James Watt this was
undoubtedly a very important innovation the steam engine was a type of external
combustion engine, capable of transforming a certain amount of steam doing a
mechanical or kinetic work.

The Second Industrial Revolution

In this revolution there were many changes, but now in the companies, since the

size of the companies had to be increased and too much had to be invested for a

company to stand out and not decrease its number of purchases. From 1870 there

were many advances in the field of scientific technology, oil and rubber were

introduced for a transformation process. One of the most relevant points was the

substitution of iron for steel. Also some knowledge of organic chemistry was used

for the creation of dyes, dyes, artificial fibers and celluloids.

n this revolution there were many changes, but now in the companies, since the

size of the companies had to be increased and too much had to be invested for a

company to stand out and not decrease its number of purchases. From 1870 there

were many advances in the field of scientific technology, oil and rubber were

introduced for a transformation process. One of the most relevant points was the

substitution of iron for steel. Also some knowledge of organic chemistry was used

for the creation of dyes, dyes, artificial fibers and celluloids.

n this revolution there were many changes, but now in the companies, since the

size of the companies had to be increased and too much had to be invested for a

company to stand out and not decrease its number of purchases. From 1870 there

were many advances in the field of scientific technology, oil and rubber were

introduced for a transformation process. One of the most relevant points was the

substitution of iron for steel. Also some knowledge of organic chemistry was used

for the creation of dyes, dyes, artificial fibers and celluloids.

The Third Industrial Revolution

The third industrial revolution began between the 70s and 80s in the United States,

this revolution is characterized by the fact that old energies such as coal were

changed to renewable energies, the use of rechargeable batteries and other

sources of energy storage was also implemented. It also brought with it the arrival

of smart phones and flat screens and the internet was also created and its speed

has been improving over time. This revolution has as its greatest challenge to no

longer depend on fossil fuels and opt for the use of electric cars and the

implementation of solar panels

The Four Industrial Revolution

The fourth industrial revolution or revolution 4.0 is not yet known if we have

reached that point or not, but I consider from my point of view that we still need to

improve technology, perhaps we are already in this stage 4 of the revolution for the

use of technology. IA but we still don't know exactly if we have reached this point to

say if we are already in the fourth industrial revolution

In conclusion, this topic helps us to know the history of technological advances

over time and how new knowledge has been developed, for example, we started

with the steam engine and now we are with automated machines or before the

train was used. of steam with the new advances that we have now we use the

subway to transport ourselves and this has happened with everything with the
radio, the telephone, the television, etc. and to conclude from my point of view

these revolutions have benefited us a lot for the advances of the technology and its

impact that has many of the occasions is positive

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