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Name : Cika Azzahra

NIM : 2001121016

1. Please reconstruct these heading and sub-heading using APA style format.


Previous Work

There are four final projects conducted by English Department students of Politeknik

Negeri Padang that will be used as references. Two of the final projects are related with tourist

object in Padang, and the other two are about tourist objects in Bukittinggi.

Theoretical Background

Theoretical background is divided into two topics. They are feature as the main topic

and writing as an additional topic because, in making features, writing techniques are needed

in making scripts.

Steps of Making Feature

It takes several steps to create a video feature that is inferred based on Fachruddin

(2012). These stages consist of; pre-production, production, and post-production.

Pre-Production. Pre-production is a necessary process and the first step in the

production of video features. There are several stages in pre-production which can be seen as


Formulating Ideas

Idea is essential in creating feature because with an idea, the feature can be developed.

There are several categories to get ideas for creating feature such as personal experience,

networking, trending news, and public opinion.


The process for finding and gathering information, evaluating, and analyzing projects

to help build themes.


Observation assesses the data collected, such as the place used to take pictures and how

much information is needed. Observation relates to understanding procedures, process steps,

concepts, and case details.

2. Write quotations from the following sources.

1. Paraphrase

For strategies instruction to have an impact, students must first believe they are capable of
more independent learners. They must also believe that what causes their success or failure
is the use of effective or ineffective strategies, not luck or innate ability alone. Finally,
students must be willing to take reponsibility for their learning. Teachers need to nurture
and encourage these beliefs and may need to provide extensive support so students can
experience the success that comes by willingly using effective strategies.

Author: Sarah Barnhardt, Pamela Beard El-Dinary

Year: 2010

Page: 35

Result :

Sarah Barnhardt & Pamela Beard El-Dinary (2010) highlighted that, the students can take
several ways to make strategy instruction have an impact. The first, students must believe
that they are capable of becoming more independent learners. The second, students must
know that success or failure doesnt come from their innate achievements or abilities that
they have, but from the use of effective or ineffective strategies. Thus, the students must
take responsibility for their learning. The role of the teacher is also needed here because
the teacher needs to maintain and encourage confidence and provide extensive support,
so that students can experience future success using effective strategies (p. 35).

2. Short Quotation
Original Source:
Research helps educators understand problems or issues through the accumulation of
knowledge. It can assists educators in improving practice.
Author: John W. Creswell
Year: 2008
Page: 15
Result :
According to John W. Creswell (2008), “research helps educators understand problems or
issues through the accumulation of knowledge. It can assists educators in improving
practice” (p. 15).
3. Secondary Quotation
Original Source:
There is a fundamental difference between a philosophy of language teaching at the level
of theory and principles and a set of procedures derived from them.
First Source: Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. Rogers
Year: 1986
Page: 15
Second Source: Alice Omaggio Hadley
Year: 2002
Page: 91
Result :
“There is a fundamental difference between a philosophy of language teaching at the level
of theory and principles and a set of procedures derived from them.” ( Hadley, A. O. 2002,
p. 91 as cited in Richards, J. C. & Rogers, T. S. 1986. p. 15)

3. Please make corrections to the citation, including spacing, punctuation, or eliminating

unnecessary information.

1. Andereck, K. L. 2005. Evaluation of a tourist brochure. Journal of Travel and Tourism

Marketing, Vol.18, No.2, pp.1–13.
Result :
Andereck, K. L. 2005. Evaluation of a tourist brochure. Journal of Travel and Tourism
Marketing, 18(2), 1-13.
2. Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching (4th edition).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Result :
Richards, J. C & Renandya. W. A (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching (4th ed).
Cambridge University Press.

3. Media, C. 2017. Advantages of E-Brochure Design Over Traditional Brochure Printing.
printing/. Found on July 24th, 2021
Result :
Media, C. (2017). Advantages of E-Brochure Design Over Traditional Brochure Printing.
Retrive July 24, 2021, from

4. Ammar, A., Spada, N. 2006. One Size Fits All?: Recasts, Prompts, and L2 Learning. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 28(4), pp.543-574.
Result :
Ammar, A., Spada, N. 2006. One Size Fits All: Recasts, Prompts, and L2 Learning. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition. 28(4), 543-574.

4. Please construct a framework for the dummy report with following details.

Title: Internship Report at iNews TV

1. Clues about iNews TV: iNews TV is national television network, which has the
biggest and most extensive local television network in Indonesia. iNews TV is
television station that promotes information, news and sports programs.
2. Date of implementation: March 1st, 2021 – May 31th, 2021.
3. Job desk:
a. Daily activities: production assistant in two programs
b. Other activities: camera operator, digital editor
4. Problem
a. Video link couldn’t be downloaded because it was prohibited by social media
account. Solution: recording the screen by using computer
b. Tools. Solution: more practice
Internship Report

iNews TV

1. Introduction
a. Background of the Problem
b. Objective
c. Benefit

2. Company’s Profile
a. General description of iNews TV
iNews TV is national television network, which has the biggest and most
extensive local television network in Indonesia. iNews TV is television station that
promotes information, news and sports programs.
b. Brief Description of Company’s Activity
c. Working System
d. Structure of Organization

3. Implementation of the Internship

A. Internship and Time Schedule
March 1st, 2021 – May 31th, 2021
B. Description of Internship Activities
a. Daily activities: production assistant in two programs
b. Other activities: camera operator, digital editor
C. Problem and Solution
Problem : Video link couldn’t be downloaded because it was prohibited by
social media account - Solution = recording the screen by using computer.
Problem = Tools – Solution = practice.

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