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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2022-23/CEL2105/CM 4

SEMESTER 1, 2022/2023


Participating actively in a meeting is important. Members should contribute to the meeting to

make decisions, exchange ideas, and give feedback on items discussed during the meeting.
This is to ensure that everyone has a say in the meeting.

Activity 1
A. Read the transcription of a meeting below.

Chairperson: Good morning, everyone. I’d like to take a roll call before we start.
James Tee?
James Tee: Here.
Chairperson: Imran Shah?
Imran Shah: Present.
Chairperson: Amrit Kaur?
Amrit Kaur: Here.
Chairperson: Atikah Ramli?
Atikah Ramli: Here.
Chairperson: The objective of today’s meeting is to make a decision on whether or
not to build a new oil processing plant in Kerteh. I’m afraid that Mr
Shan can’t be with us today. He is away on a business trip in
Singapore. Before I go any further, I’d like to go through the minutes
of our last meeting. Are there additions or corrections to the minutes?
James Tee: Yes, item 3.2 has an error. The Green Energy Drive was
spearheaded by Mr Mathew Lim not Mr Mathew Lee.
Chairperson: Thank you, James. Is there anything else?
Amrit Kaur: No.
Chairperson: Now that we have made some corrections to the minutes, can
someone approve the minutes?
Atikah Ramli: I would like to approve the minutes.
Chairperson: Could someone else second the motion?
Imran Shah: I second that!
Chairperson: The minutes are approved as corrected.
Imran, can you tell us how the new project in Macau is progressing?
Imran Shah: Sure. As you all know in April 2016, our company has ventured in….

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Chairperson: Thank you, Imran. Let’s continue with the agenda. Have you all
received a copy of the agenda? (Everyone nods) Good. There are 5
items on the agenda. The first item is …. The second item is on….
The next item is … After that we will discuss item 4 which is … and
the final item on the agenda is …. James, would you mind taking the
James Tee: Alright.
Chairperson: Next, we will hear a short report on items 1 to 3 from the respective
head of departments. Atikah could you please start?
Atikah Ramli: Yes. Thank you, Marcus. I will be presenting the financial report of the
first two months of this year.
Chairperson: Thank you, Atikah for that informative report. Amrit, can you continue
with your report?
Amrit Kaur: Alright. I will proceed with my report from the Sales Department…
Chairperson Thank you Amrit. Imran would you mind reporting from your
Imran Shah: I don’t mind at all, Marcus. My report will ….
Chairperson: Thank you, Imran. Now that we have discussed item 1 to 3, let us
move on to item no 4 which is deciding on whether or not to build a
new oil processing plant. What do you all think?
James Tee: Personally, I feel that we should not build the plant this year because
the economy is not doing so well. Furthermore, some of our clients
have not been paying us on time and this has affected our cash flow.
We should wait until next year before we build a new plant.
Atikah Ramli: I couldn’t agree with you more, James. Furthermore, the market for oil
is rather volatile right now.
Imran Shah: I’m afraid I have to disagree with both of you. I believe that this is the
right time to build the new plant as the price of land and properties are
low, so we should grab this opportunity.
Amrit Kaur: I’m happy either way as our sales report indicate that there was a
slight growth in our products for the last three months.
Chairperson: Thank you all for your feedback. Now I would like to propose a few
things before we make a decision on whether or not to build a new oil
processing plant in Kerteh. Imran could you find out the price of the
land in Kerteh for a processing plant?
Imran Shah: Alright, Marcus.

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Chairperson: James, could you consult someone on the design of the plant?
James Tee: Yes. I’ll start working on it.
Chairperson: Amrit, do you have any suggestions on which building company we
could use for this project?
Amrit Kaur: No, but I can help find out this information from the usual contractors
we work with.
Chairperson: Good. Could you get quotations on the building cost from them as
Amrit Kaur: Sure thing, Marcus.
Chairperson: Next, Atikah could you prepare an analysis on our current cash flow
and tell us whether we are able to sustain the expenses needed for
the new plant in the next three years?
Atikah Ramli: I’ll do that, Marcus. However, I might need the quotation for a better
analysis. Could you send me the information once you have it, Amrit?
Amrit Kaur: Sure, no problem!
Chairperson: I believe, at this point of time, we are still unable to decide whether or
not to build a new oil processing plant in Kerteh. Do you all agree?
Imran Shah: Yes, I agree. In my opinion, we will only be able to make an informed
decision in the next meeting after reviewing the data that will be
collected from everyone here.
James Tee: I have no objections to that.
Amrit Kaur: I second that.
Chairperson: What are your thoughts, Atikah?
Atikah Ramli: I think so, too.
Chairperson: Since there are no objections, let us agree to decide on this matter in
the next meeting. I suggest that we read the reports from everyone
here before attending the next meeting. This will ensure that next
meeting is a productive one. Now that we have concluded item 4. Let
us proceed to the last item which is any other business.
Amrit Kaur: Is there any news on our bonus?
Chairperson: Yes, I believe all of us will be receiving a two-months bonus next
month. Is there any other business? Since there is nothing else, let’s
wrap up then. Before we leave, can we set the date for the next
meeting on the 20th of March?
Everyone: Yes.
Imran Shah: Yes, I’m free on the 20th of March.

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Chairperson: Thank you all for attending this meeting.

B. Complete the table below by writing the language expressions used in the meeting

Language Function Speaker Language Expressions

Asking for opinion

Giving opinion



Giving advise

Making suggestions

Requesting information

Correcting information

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2022-23/CEL2105/CM 4

C. Provide 2 other language expressions for each function below.

Language Function Language Expressions

Asking for opinion

Giving opinion



Giving advise

Making suggestions

Requesting information

Correcting information

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2022-23/CEL2105/CM 4


Interruptions can happen in a meeting. It can be frustrating and demoralising when a

colleague interjects in a meeting especially when we were in a middle of making an
important point. It could also cause the meeting to drag or cause the discussion to go off
topic. Knowing how to handle interruptions in a meeting is very important.

Activity 2
A. Complete the table below on how respond to interruptions during a meeting.

Responding to Explanation Example language

Interruptions expressions
Let it go

Keep talking

Clarify and

Acknowledge the
value and return
to your topic
Address it head

B. Read the dialogues below. Fill in an appropriate response each interruption.

1. Ali : So, we’re hoping to start phase one of the project at the
beginning of September. We know it’ll be challenging…
Murugan : Before you go on, could you give us some more details about
the budget?
Ali : _________________________________ (acknowledge the
value) As I was saying, we know it’ll be challenging, but we’re
confident that we can deliver the project on time.

2. Mei Ling : … and one of the main things we have to consider is what the

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2022-23/CEL2105/CM 4

best time to launch the new service is. We also…

Samuel : Can I add something here?
Mei Ling : _________________________________ (let it go)
Samuel : I’ve already looked into that, and I have a good idea for when we
should launch.

3. Nora : If we don’t take action now, there a big possibility that we’ll lose
a lot of turnovers. In fact, I’m certain that…
Charles : Can I just stop you there? I’m not sure….
Nora : _________________________________ (address it head on)
As I was explaining, I don’t think it’s just a possibility, I’m certain
that we’ll lose the turnover if we don’t do something soon.

4. Maria : …so if Allen takes over from Harry, Harry will be able to support
Sarah’s team during the…
Bob : Sorry for interrupting but…
Maria : _________________________________ (keep talking). Where
was I? Oh, yes. If Allen takes over from Harry, he’ll be able to
support Sarah’s team during the final phase of the project.

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Usually, the chair will be the one who invites certain people to speak during certain sections
of a meeting. However, when a discussion is in progress, every member might want to have
a say on the topic. There are rules or principles for establishing who talks and then who talks

Activity 3
Match the turn-taking situation to the appropriate language expression.

Situations Language expression

Interrupting   I’m not sure what I want

to say yet, so…

Changing your   Can we get back to the

mind about point on the agenda?

Ending   Sorry, please carry on.


Accepting the   I think I’ve made my

turn when point.
offered first

Speaking first   I wouldn’t usually

interrupt, but…

Getting back on   Thanks. I won’t take

track long.

Getting the other   I think you’ve covered

person to speak everything.

Signalling the   I’d like to start the

end of your turn discussion by…

Turning down the   No no, you go on.

chance to speak

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2022-23/CEL2105/CM 4

Offering other   How about you?

people the
chance to speak

Activity 4
A. This is a role play activity for a group of 5-6 members. Write a dialogue for a 20-minute
business meeting. The agenda of the meeting is to make decisions and plans for
revamping the company website in conjunction with the company’s 20 th anniversary. Each
member must assume a role (e.g.: Chair, Finance manager/ officer, IT manager/ officer,

In your meeting, you are required to:

- approve minutes
- discuss arising matters
- discuss the items of agendas
- discuss any other business
- adjourn the meeting
- use appropriate language expressions

Dialogue for Role-play

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2022-23/CEL2105/CM 4

B. Video record the role play and bring the video in Week 5.


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