Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The are all gathered by the log, the sun hitting them. Ralph is sitting on a fallen trunk, he was
uncertain as to what to do. All at once at he found he could talk.
Ralph: Well then, we’re on an island, we saw no houses, no people, no footprints, no boats.
We are on an inhibited island with no other people on it.
Jack: (interrupts)"But what if there are others, lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on
us when we least expect it?"
Ralph: Raises an eyebrow "Jack, let's not start imagining things. We need to focus on survival
and finding a way to get rescued."
Piggy: Nods in agreement "He's right, Jack. We can't afford to let fear cloud our judgment.
We need to stay rational and come up with a plan."
Simon: Softly speaks up "Perhaps we should explore the island further, see if there are any
signs of civilization or resources we can use."
Roger: Grinning mischievously "Or maybe we could build a fort to defend ourselves, just in
Ralph: Sighs "Let's not jump to conclusions. We need to assess our situation calmly and come
up with a plan together. But first, we need to establish some basic rules to maintain order
and cooperation."
Ralph: Raises the conch "So you see, we need hunters to get us meat. And another thing...
There aren't any grownups. We shall have to look after ourselves."
Jack: Eagerly "Yes! We'll form an army of hunters, and I'll lead them to hunt pigs for us!"
Piggy: Interjects "But we need to be careful. Hunting can be dangerous, and we must ensure
everyone's safety."
Ralph: Nods "Exactly, Piggy. Safety comes first. And another thing... We can't have
everybody talking at once. We need order and structure."
Jack: Excitedly "Yes! We'll establish rules! Lots of rules! And when anyone breaks them—"
Ralph: Interrupts "Whee—oh! Wacco! Bong! Doink!"
Jack: Laughs "Exactly! We'll have consequences for breaking the rules, to maintain order and
Piggy: Calmly "But let's remember to be fair and just in enforcing these rules. We're all in this
Ralph: Nods "Agreed. And to ensure everyone gets a chance to speak, we'll use the conch.
The person holding it will have the floor."
Simon: Softly "Perhaps we should also listen to those who are quieter, to ensure everyone's
voice is heard."
Ralph: Smiles "That's a good point, Simon. Everyone's opinion matters here. With rules and
cooperation, we'll make this work."
Ralph: Taking the conch "Alright, let's focus. We need to address the most important thing.
Who knows we're here? Eh?"
Piggy: Nods "Nobody knows where we are. Perhaps they knew where we were going, but we
never got there."
Ralph: Holding the conch "Exactly. The plane was shot down in flames. We may be here a
long time."
Simon: Softly "But we can make the best of it. We've explored the island and found
Jack: Excitedly "There's food, water, and even pigs for hunting! We can have a good time
Ralph: Grinning "Yes, it's like something out of a book. This is our island, and until the
grownups come, we'll make the most of it."
Jack: Eagerly "And don't forget the bathing water in the stream! We can have fun exploring
and enjoying the island."
Ralph: Nods "Exactly. Now, let's hear from this young boy. What's this about a snake-thing?"
Piggy: Interpreting "He saw a big snake-like creature. He's scared and wants to know what
we're going to do about it."
Ralph: Reassuringly "There's no need to worry. We'll figure out a plan to keep everyone safe.
Now, let's hear more about this 'beastie' he saw."
Ralph: Kindly "You couldn't have a beastie, a snake-thing, on an island this size. You only get
them in big countries like Africa or India."
Jack: Assuringly "Ralph's right, there isn't a snake-thing. But if there was, we'd hunt it and
kill it. We're going to hunt pigs to get meat for everybody. And we'll look for the snake too."
Ralph: Annoyed "But there isn't a snake!"
Jack: Assertive "We'll make sure when we go hunting."
Ralph: Defeated "But I tell you there isn't a beast!"
Jack: Taking charge "Alright, let's focus on the most important thing. We want to have fun,
and we want to be rescued."
Ralph: Grinning "That's right. We'll be rescued sooner or later. My father's in the Navy, and
he said there aren't any unknown islands left. So the Queen has a picture of this island, and
sooner or later, a ship will put in here. We shall be rescued."
Jack: Nodding in agreement "Yes, sooner or later, we'll be rescued."
Ralph: Basking in the applause "Thank you, thank you. Now, let's work together and make
the best of our time here until we're rescued."
Jack: Clapping "Well said, Ralph!"
Piggy: Admiringly "You did great, Ralph."
Ralph: Waving the conch "Alright, let's get organized and make this island our home until
help arrives. But first, let's establish some rules and responsibilities."
Ralph: Urgently "If a ship comes near the island, they may not notice us. So we must make
smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire!"
Jack: Excitedly "A fire! Make a fire!"
Piggy: Skeptically "Like kids! Acting like a crowd of kids!"
Ralph: Trying to regain control "Quiet! We need to organize this properly. Jack, we can't just
rush into it."
Jack: Ignoring Ralph "Come on, follow me!"
Ralph: Helplessly watching everyone follow Jack "I bet it's gone tea-time. What do they think
they're going to do on that mountain?"
Piggy: Disgusted "Like a crowd of kids..."
Ralph: Looking at the pile of wood "Down there we could get as much wood as we want."
Jack: Determined "Let's build a pile. Come on."
Ralph and Jack: Working together to build the pile "One! Two! Three!"
Piggy: Laboring cautiously "My! You've made a big heap, haven't you?"
Jack: Spotting Piggy's glasses "His specs—use them as burning glasses!"
Piggy: Panicking "Here—let me go! Mind out! Give ’em back!"
Ralph: Taking charge "Stand out of the light."
Ralph and Jack: Using Piggy's glasses to start the fire "More wood! All of you get more
Roger: Panting "That was no good."
Piggy: With the conch on his knees "We haven’t made a fire that’s any use."
Jack: Contemptuously "A fat lot you tried."
Simon: Defending Piggy "He helped that way."
Piggy: Indignantly "I got the conch. You let me speak!"
Jack: Dismissing Piggy "The conch doesn’t count on top of the mountain, so you shut up."
Ralph: "I've got the conch in my hand."
Maurice: "Put on green branches, that's the best way to make smoke."
Jack: Fiercely "You shut up!"
Ralph: Taking control "We need special people to look after the fire. And we need more
Jack: Agreeing "I agree with Ralph. We're English, we need to do the right things."
Roger: Gloomily "There hasn't been the trace of a ship. Perhaps we'll never be rescued."
Ralph: Assertively "We'll be rescued sometime. We just need to wait."
Piggy: Taking the conch "I got the conch! I said about our meetings and things, and then you
said shut up!"
Ralph: Realizing the fire spreading "You got your small fire all right."
Piggy: Bleakly "We've got to let that burn out now. And that was our firewood. There ain't
nothing we can do. I'm scared..."
Jack: Mocking "You're always scared. Yah—Fatty!"
Piggy: Holding the conch "I got the conch, ain't I Ralph?"
Ralph: Distracted "What's that?"
Piggy: Continuing "We ought to have made shelters down there by the beach. It wasn’t half
cold down there in the night. But the first time Ralph says 'fire' you goes howling and
screaming up this here mountain. Like a pack of kids!"
Ralph: Realizing the seriousness "We need to find out if the little ones are safe."
Piggy: Gasping for breath "That little 'un...him with the mark on his face...I don't see him.
Where is he now?"

The boys looked at each other fearfully, as the drum-roll of the fire continued beneath them.

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