Pal 1977

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INDUCTION AND HYSTERESIS MACHINES rotor inside diameter = 0-01914 m
rotor radial thickness = 000133 m
In paper 7664P [Proc. IEE, 1976,123, (5), pp. 4 2 1 ^ 2 8 ] , Dr.
O'Kelly has given a general theory for hysteresis machines and used an (b) Heat treatment for 35% cobalt steel:
emperical method, which, in his opinion, has taken care of the effect (i) 950°C ± 10°C for 15 min soaking and still-air cooled
of rotational hysteresis. (ii) 1 h soaking at different tempering temprature shown in Table
Theories and performances of hysteresis machines have been well B and still-air cooled.
documented through the publication of articles, particularly those
referred to by the author. Perfections on these are still being attempted
to advance the technology. Dr. O'Kelly has studied only one thickness It can be seen from Table B that the tempering temperature of 600°C
of 35% cobalt-steel rotor, and, therefore, it would be interesting to helped to achieve the desired performance. The increased current at
know in which way his analysis has proved that he has included the lower tempering temperature for this motor confirms the character-
interaction of hysteresis and eddy-current effects, which, he told us, istics of the material as shown in Table A.
has usually been excluded in the analysis of hysteresis motors. In view of this experience, Dr O'Kelly's comment on any effect the
Dr. O'Kelly would be aware that tubular rotor construction has heat treatment might have on his results would be welcome. In
been accepted as standard practice because larger output from a addition, his views on whether harmonic effect is the major influence
hysteresis motor can be obtained, provided that a uniform airgap is on the error between the calculated and measured values, or whether,
maintained. This is achieved by avoiding slottings in the rotor and for example, improved handling of rotor material, optimum airgap,
closing the stator slot openings by soft-iron slot wedges or rings, as proper stator slot-bridge thickness, suitable magnetic slot wedge or
shown by RotersA and Wakui. ring slot closure, optimum radial thickness of rotor, lead to further
As regards the suggestion of the author to use ferrite material for improved results.
the rotor of hysteresis motor, this material has high demagnetisation Dr. O'Kelly's experimental motor enabled him to study only one
and very low remanence, although it possesses high hysteretic energy airgap. Proper selection of airgap is an important factor that in-
loss per cycle per unit volume. To attain such high loss per cycle, a fluences the performance of hysteresis motor. The effect of airgap on
large m.m.f. would be required, which makes an inefficient motor the output torque in terms of runup time to reach to synchronous
because of the extra space needed for conductors, heating due to speed for the motor described is given in Table C for 0-0014 m radial
winding loss and space harmonics. It is an established phenomenon ring thickness of rotor tempered at 600° C.
that a rotor made from hysteretic material should have high energy loss The author stated that the 'solid rotor of low hysteresis material,
per cycle for small coercive force coupled with high remanence for high such as mild steel, develop good asynchronous (induction) torque
efficiency of the motor. Among hysteretic materials with such charac- characteristic, particularly starting torque per ampere'. Hysteresis
teristics are P6, 17% and 35% cobalt steel and Vicalloy. These materials, motors are still considered low output synchronous motors in small
or their equivalents, are predominantly used in high efficiency hysteresis sizes, and, therefore, if one compares the performance between two
motors. physically similar motors, one with a mild-steel rotor and the other
Dr. O'Kelly has used static complex permeability implying the pre- with a hysteretic rotor, it would be interesting to know whether Dr.
ference of dynamic and static permeability. Like other hysteretic ma- O'Kelly, following his theory, would expect more output torque
terials, 35% cobalt steel is very sensitive to machining, and, therefore, (asynchronous) from an m.s. rotor if a hysteretic rotor output torque
to achieve optimum performance this material is heat treated after is, for example, up to lOmNm at supply frequency of 50 Hz for 2,4
machining. Hence, the static permeabilities will also vary owing to and 6 poles.
heat treatment. Therefore, to calculate the performance of the hyster-
esis material from the static B/H curve, its heat treatment conditions 8th May 1977 S.K. PAL
must be known. For a particular loss per cycle of the 35% cobalt steel
used by the author, the coercive force is dependent on tempering tem- 70 Mary Green
perature, and is highest at room temperature and decreases if tempered London NW8 OBS
at elevated temperature. The flux density, on the other hand, is lowest England
at room temperature and increases at higher temperature tempering
before attaining saturation. This is shown for three different energy
loss per cycle in Table A.


Energy loss per cycle Tempering temperature X590 480 370 260 150 25
kJ/m 3 Magnetising force kA/m 6-7 9-2 10-8 130 15-4 19-6
12 Flux density T 1-24 0-93 0-8 0-7 0-64 0-57
Magnetising force kA/m 8-6 10-6 120 140 16-5 20-6
18 Flux density T 1-4 112 0-97 0-87 0-78 0-68
Magnetising force kA/m 12-6 130 13-8 150 16 7 22-0
24 Flux density T 1-7 1-26 11 0-99 0-89 0-76

It is well known to the manufacturers of hysteresis motors that, if

the influences of these characteristics of the rotor material are ignored, Table B EFFECT OF VARYING TEMPERING TEMPERATURE
there will be a difference between the developed torque calculated on „Tempering
. temperature
. Input current per
the basis of static loop and the torque measured. It would not be justi- h Observation
fied if this influence was attributed to harmonics alone.
°C mA
The effect of heat treatment of rotor fabricated from 35% cobalt
steel for a hysteresis type spin motor is shown in Table B. The duty of 400 220 did not synchronise
this motor was to synchronise the inertia wheel of a rate gyroscope. 500 210
There was limitation on input current, 200 mA maximum with space 600 195 synchronised in 40 s
at premium and runup time, 45 seconds maximum, to synchronous
speed. The motor data and heat treatment are as follows:
(a) Motor details:
26 V 3-phase 400 Hz 24000 r/min Airgap Current per phase Runup time
stack length of stator = 00065 m m mA s
outside diameter = 0 0189 m
number of slots =12 000007 180 65
000009 185 47
turns per coil =67 000012 200 44
wire size = 0000122m

PROC. IEE, Vol. 124, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 1977 791

During runup, a hysteresis motor with a ferromagnetic rotor de- energisation the sample thickness was such that negligible eddy-current
velops both induction and hysteresis torques. The effect of eddy- action was present, and hence the influence of hysteresis is different
current action in the rotor material is to reduce flux penetration pro- for the two modes.
ducing the well known 'skin effect' phenomenon, although only to a Table A, provided by Mr. Pal. is useful in showing the profound im-
small degree with the materials and sizes of machine commonly em- portance of heat treatment on rotor characteristics. Commercial
ployed. The analysis presented in the paper uses an elemental-layer reasons prevented publication of the heat treatment used on the rotor
technique in which the eddy current in each layer is calculated and its of the test machine mentioned in the paper. Several attempts were
influence on the net magnetising force acting in a layer included necessary before the characteristic shown in Fig. 1 was achieved.
(within, of course, the limitations of the stated assumption, i.e. the However, the purpose of the paper was not to optimise material per-
neglect of harmonic components). Many authors consider the two formance, but to establish an analytical technique on the basis of a
effects (hysteresis and eddy-current action) independently. Fig. A known material characteristic. It is suggested that factors such as
shows theoretical computed results for two hysteresis machines with airgap etc. may be optimised using this approach, but significant
different pole pairs, assuming a constant rotor surface magnetising errors will probably be present, due to harmonic effects, until an im-
force for all speeds. With a 2-pole machine the hysteresis component proved method of accurately predicting their influence is established.
of torque is considerably less at starting than at synchronous speed It is impossible to generalise on the relative performance of small
compared with results for a 4-pole machine. With no eddy-current induction and hysteresis machines, since stator impedance, number of
action the theoretical hysteresis torque is constant and independent of pole pairs, surface magnetising force Hox, resistivity p etc. can produce
speed. widely different relative values. However, using the material parameters
and the generalised curves, Fig. 8 and 9 given in the paper, the follow-
ing example shows the locked rotor torque of a mild steel rotor to be
2-pole 4-pole superior to the hysteresis machine. For a 4 pole, 50 Hz machine with
rotor dimensions £> = 0-02m and L — 0025m, a hysteresis rotor
develops lOmNm with Hox = 12kA/m. A similar mild steel rotor
energised with the same value of Hox has a locked torque of over 4
times this value, but the corresponding rotor voltage is 150% larger.
With identical rotor voltages the mild steel rotor produces 4 mNm at a
value of only 2-5 kA/m for Hox.
Invariably, the power factor of the mild-steel rotor is higher than
that of the cobalt steel rotor, and is typically 0-87 compared with 0-5
or less, respectively.
In my opinion, the analysis described in the paper provides
a solution that takes into account the major aspects of hysteresis ma-
terial behaviour and machine performance. However, further work in
the field will require a more accurate solution of the electromagnetic
cos 0 field problem, but, before this is worth while, considerably more data
speed speed
on material characteristics are necessary.
Fig. A
Theoretical computed results for two hysteresis machines with dif- D. O'KELLY
ferent pole pairs School of Electrical Engineering
University of Bradford
I am aware that rotor slotting is considered to be disadvan- Bradford BD7 1 DP
tageous, but, since tests were not carried out on slotted rotors, no England
definite conclusions were given on this apsect.
I agree with the observations on hysteresis materials, although the References
emphasis should be on high remanence and maximum energy storage
in the second quadrant per unit of coercive force as the important A ROTERS, H.C.; 'The hysteresis motor-advances which permit economical
properties. fractional horse-power ratings', AIEE Trans., 1947,16, pp. 1419-1430
Mr. Pal appears to have misunderstood the terms static and dynamic B WAKUI, G.: 'Optimum conditions in design of hysteresis motor', Electr.
Eng. Jap., 1966, 86, pp. 95-105
referred to B/H characteristics. These results are for the same material
excited in two different modes, namely by d.c. and a.c. With a.c. DTC55 P

OPTIMAL AND SUBOPTIMAL CONTROL OF index / of eqn. 3 of the paper; the general practice is to determine
DUAL-EXCITED SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS suitable values of <2, and Q2 by trial and error, where intuition again
plays a very important role. Because of the uncertainty in choosing
In the introduction to Paper 7764 P [Proc IEE, 1976,123, (10), these matrices, the optimal controllers designed are not necessarily the
pp. 989-992], Daniels and Lee claim that most previous attempts to best. Also, in certain situations the linear optimal controller results in
improve the transient performance of the dual-excited synchronous decreased stability limits.0
machines have been based on an intuitive approach. They have then
used linear optimal-excitation control to supposedly overcome this 18th April 1977 O.P. MALIK
drawback, as optimal control theory provides a more systematic Department of Electrical Engineering
approach. They have, however, chosen to ignore the previous University of Calgary
workA>B relating to the application of optimal control to dual-excited Calgary, Canada T2N IN4
synchronous generators. In fact, Reference A and B employ nonlinear
optimal-control techniques for the improvement of the transient
performance of the dual-excited machines, and have thus gone further The list of References given in the paper was never intended to be a
than the work reported in this paper. complete bibliography on the subject of either the dual-excited
In their paper, the authors further claim that the system performance machine or control methods for such a machine. The main object of
with linear control is inferior to that obtained from the suboptimal the paper was to compare the performance of such a machine under
control described by eqns. 10 and 11 of the paper. The authors do not the action of two closed-loop excitation control systems: the optimal
give any systematic basis on which the suboptimal feedback controls controller based on a linearised model and the so-called suboptimal
and the performance index of eqns. 10 to 12 are derived. It would controller based on a nonlinear model and obtained by function
seem to me that the structure of their suboptimal control is based on minimisation using dynamic-sensitivity analysis. In this context,
an intuitive approach that is no different from that employed in References A and B of Prof. Malik's correspondence item do not
determining the additional signals for the 'conventional control'. appear to be relevant, since both papers referred to seem to derive
Maybe the authors would like to either comment on this or give a open-loop controllers. Analytical studies of such open-loop controllers
more systematic basis for the suboptimal control structure employed may well go further academically than the work reported in our
by them. paper, but are, we suggest, very difficult to implement on real physical
It should be pointed out further that as there are no guidelines systems, a point confirmed by comments in Reference C of the corres-
available in choosing the matrices Qy and Q2 in the performance pondence. Incidentally, none of the three References quoted appears
792 PROC. IEE, Vol. 124, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 1977

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