Mudrex Teardown 1.1

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Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

SEPTEMBER 25, 2022

Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Introduction & Mission
Problem Statement
Empathy Map
User Journey
Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Introduction & Mission

Mudrex is a product which allows public to invest in crypto currencies easily
using expert curated crypto baskets based on themes called Coin Sets

The Mudrex team is on a mission to make crypto accessible to anyone and


The app is Downloaded by 7L+ user, available in 100+ Countries, $3B+ Trade
Volume and $20M+ Assets under Management

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Problem Statement
Many of the acquired users leave the app after initial few sessions
as they don't consider crypto as an asset class

Communication regarding the product and lack of faith

Coinset is the only asset
Conversions from Referrals is good
User is activated when they do their first investment
MAU is 10% of Downloads of the app

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Age: 25
Location: Pune
Income: 16 LPA

Anjali Profession: IT Engineer

Pain Points:
1. Confusing coinsets
2. Not enough info on coinsets to be decisive
3. No risk analysis for coinsets
4. Difficult to add funds (Lack of UPI options)
5. Government Policies

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Age: 35
Location: San Francisco
Income: $120k per annum
Ben Profession: Marketing

Pain Points:
1. Interested in investing in crypto but doesn't have time
to research
2. Doesn't understand the crypto world
3. Difficulty in trusting different apps in crypto space
4. Fears losses
5. Is concerned about his privacy

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Empathy Map

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

User Journey

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Sr. No. Pain Points Solutions

Collaboration with trusted financial influencers

1 Trust in Mudrex
Incentivise KYC completion

Adding additional info including risk analysis, expense ratio, exit load
2 Not enough info to choose a coinset
and handling charges for each coinset

3 Negative returns during bare market Assurance over notifications & in app personalised insights

4 Lack of Knowledge of Crypto & Confusing flow Recommendations & Knowledge Base

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Solution 1 -
Increasing trust in Mudrex leading
Incentivise KYC to successful KYC

the KYC in order to make user
finish their KYC
Motivating the user to invest
when most of the coinsets
have negative returns

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Solution 2 -
Risk Analysis
Helps users in risk comparison of
There is a scope to add expense
ratio & exit load (even if it is zero)

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Solution 3 - In app
Encourages users to buy during
the dip even after loss

Makes the user return to app if

the portfolio is going good

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Solution 4 - Mudrex
User can add his financial goal
and expected timeline

Mudrex Alpha recommends

coinsets to help users attain their

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Solution 5 -
Knowledge Base Invest CTA which will directly
take users to the invest page

Videos from popular creators &

influencers in the financial
domain on the coinsets

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Sr. No. Solution Reach Impact Confidence Efforts RICE

1 Incentivise KYC 5000 0.7 70% 30 81.66

2 Risk Analysis Meter 35,000 0.25 40% 45 77.77

3 Notifications 45,000 0.25 50% 25 225

Recommendations (Mudrex AI) &

4 7000 0.5 60% 60 35
Knowledge Base

Reach = No. of users per month

Impact = Scale of 0 to 1
Confidence = Scale of 0 to 1
Efforts = No. of Working Days

Index | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solution | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Success Metrics

Net Promoter Scores of existing users

No. of activated users per month
No. of recurring investments per quarter
Daily Active Users
Monthly Active Users
Average investment portfolio

Intro | Problem | Personas | Empathy Map | User Journey | Solutions | UX | Prioritisation | Success Metrics
Saranya Moore & Atharva Kulkarni

Thank You!

Consumers do not buy products. They buy product benefits. - David Ogilvy

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