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Program: Construction of the water transmission line and water Reservoir

Document Submission Sheet

Programme No: 00102 Sedra P2
Construction of the water transmission line and water Reservoir – Riyadh,
Project Name:
Document Title: Security Plan
Document No.: 00102-AST-REQ-AP-00015
Revision No.: R01

Action Print Name Role Date
Ibrahim Ishaq Abdul
Prepared By Project Manager 29-08-2022
Mahdi Alhurub

A - Approved B - Approved As C - Revise & D – Rejected E – Noted

Noted Resubmit

Engineer Comments:
Implementation of this plan is the responsibility of CONTRACTOR. Security staff must be
vigilant in their duties.
Name Khalid Mahmood Signature Date 5 Sep 2022
PM (CORE TEAM) Review:

Page 1 of 2
Program: Construction of the water transmission line and water Reservoir
Document Title: Security Plan

Reviewer Name: Signature: Date:

Submission Details

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Contract, Agreement, or
2 Specification Reference(s)
*Limit to 5Nos. References

This document has been prepared, checked and

approved in accordance with Management System
3 Compliance Statement
processes and complies with the Contract, Agreement, or
Specification References above.

Revision History

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Document No : 00102-AST-REQ-AP-00015 Page 2 of 2


Riyadh SEDRA-2 Water Transmission Line & Water Tank

Document type
and title

Document code

This document details the security measures implemented to security

Entity Organization: ASTRA

Author Checked Reviewed By Approved By

Ibrahim Alhurub Sufian Obaid Baher Jaber
Construction Project General
Manager Manager Manager

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1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION............................................................................ 4

2.1 Persons of Contact List ................................................................................................ 4

2.1.1 Security................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 After the site is fenced and security dispositions established: ...................................... 5

2.3 Responsibilities and Conduct ....................................................................................... 5

3.0 RISK ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................... 6

4.0 SECURITY CONTROL MEASURES ............................................................................... 7

4.1 Critical Points ............................................................................................................... 7

4.1.1 Perimeter .............................................................................................................. 7

4.1.2 Gate Operations ................................................................................................... 8

4.2 Lighting ........................................................................................................................ 8

4.3 Photographs/Cameras ................................................................................................. 9

4.4 Personal property ........................................................................................................ 9

5.0 ACCESS CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 9

6.0 SPOT-CHECKS AND AUDITS .......................................................................................10

7.0 INCIDENT REPORTING ................................................................................................10

7.1 Incidents .....................................................................................................................10

7.2 Emergency Directory ..................................................................................................10

8.0 SECURITY EMERGENCY PLANS .................................................................................11

8.1 Labor unrest................................................................................................................11

8.2 Attempt of or actual trespassing ..................................................................................11

8.3 Sabotage ....................................................................................................................11

8.4 Bomb threat ................................................................................................................11

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8.5 Terrorist attack or indiscriminate shooting. ..................................................................12

9.0 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................12

10. GENERAL ......................................................................................................................13


12. VEHICLES ENTERING AND EXITING THE SITE ..........................................................13

13. GATE OPERATIONS. ....................................................................................................17

13.1 General. ......................................................................................................................17

13.2 Security Guards Duties for Gate Operations. ..............................................................17

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1.1 Purpose

To provide access control and minimize the risk of loss, theft, vandalism, sabotages or otherwise
to the works, permanent or consumable materials, equipment construction plant, office sites
facilities and personal property.


All Projects including Astra Camps, construction sites.

2.1 Persons of Contact List

A contact list for essential emergency contacts is to be maintained by the HSSE Manager and
located at each guard post.

Position Name Mobile Email

Site Manager Ibrahim Alhurub 0581020733

Site HSSE Shoaib Muhammad 0568119826


Site Engineer Abdulrahim Alfaleh 0531014377

Site Engineer N/A N/A N/A

night shift

Security Guard Ahmad Abdalla 0568601846 N/A

Security measures to be established

To ease and facilitate the initiation of works it has been agreed with Site Manager that security
measures will be established.

Before the site is completely fenced.

2.1.1 Security

Astra Construction shall manage onsite Security consisting of two guards 24/7 before site

The manning of one properly trained Security Guard posts 24/7 in three shifts of 8 hours each:

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o Shift A: 0600 to 1600

o Shift B: 1600 to 0200

Security Guards to have the following Equipment:

o Communication Device (Mobile Phone / Walkie Talkie)

o First Aid Kit located at the Guards Cabin (Security team trained).
o The production of a log of entries / exit of personnel and vehicles.
o The production of a log for any incidents.

2.2 After the site is fenced and security dispositions established:

This phase will start when Astra Has:

o A fence completely surrounding the construction area.

o A staging area for vehicles before the main entrance.

An entry/exit gate with the following elements:

o A gate with barrier/Door.

o A guard with adequate visibility to the entry area. Arrangement for good ventilation or air
condition, two chairs, fresh water and fire extinguisher.
o A vehicle barrier on site as per requirement.
o Shall have a properly visible Stop Sign, and a Warning Sign indicating “No Parking”, “No
Trespassing. Unauthorized Entry is Forbidden” both in Arabic and English.
o A sign notifying that no photography, cinematic or electronic devices with such features
are not allowed for use on the site.
o The gate will have at least one security Guard on a 24-hour basis.

There are different elements in the site Security Organization:

o Site Management. Through Site Manager who is responsible for Site Security.
o Security Management. Through Astra HSE Manager who are responsible for producing
a Site Security Plan

2.3 Responsibilities and Conduct

The security guards are responsible for controlling the access and egress to the project sites for
authorized vehicles and persons and to ensure the correct procedure for signing in is complied

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The security guards will also check and monitor the correct paperwork for equipment/materials
either coming onto or leaving the site is correct.

 All security guards will be professional, approachable and polite at all times.
 All security guards will form a professional approach to defuse any situation as they are
qualified to deal with.
 Any situation that cannot be dealt with amicably must be defused and the senior security
guard will intervene.
 All security guards must be smart in appearance.
 The Security guards position if necessary is to refuse entry to unauthorized personnel in
a polite but firm and professional manner.
 To secure and control access at the entrance/exit gates located at strategic points on the
perimeter, so as to only allow authorized personnel into the project site locations.
 To prevent entry to unauthorized personnel who may have alternate agenda and/or be of
a dubious nature.
 To prevent equipment/material being removed from site without the correct authorization.
 Monitoring of vehicle traffic movements and parking within the project.
 Control of vehicles movements at the access/egress points
 Foot patrols throughout the project.
 Provide surveillance against unauthorized removal of property or equipment from the
project site.
 Control and liaise with visitors or law enforcement agencies.
 To assist with and control emergency situations/evacuations where necessary.
 To control and monitor the movements of operatives outside of the site perimeter on their
journey to and from waiting transport (where possible transport must be boarded or
alighted within the site perimeters)
 To monitor and log visitors on and off the project.
 To assist visitors with general advice when required.


To be produced

Description of Operations

Security Alert States

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Alert State Threat Description

Normal situation - Routine
No special indication of terrorist or other criminal threat, an anti-terrorist
operation, and/or civil unrest, and/or armed conflict.
Tense situation - Vigilance
Yellow Some indication about a significant risk of a terrorist or other criminal
MODERATE threat, an anti-terrorist operation, and/or civil unrest, and/or armed
conflict. There is
Worsening Situation - Restrictions & greater vigilance
Orange Confirmed credible indication of a high risk of terrorist or other criminal
HIGH threat, and/or civil unrest, directed against the industry or an anti-terrorist
operation possibly affecting business activities, and/or armed conflict.
Work stops
Red Direct evidence of severe risk of a terrorist or other criminal threat,
EXTREME and/or civil unrest, directed against the company or an anti-terrorist
operation likely to affect business activities, and/or armed conflict.
Green Zone - The green zone is the project’s secure working area, where adequate security
measures exist and internet and telephone is in working range of the site.

Security control measures will be established that takes in account different alert levels.


4.1 Critical Points

 Site Critical Points include:

 Site perimeter
 Site gate / Barriers
 Site Power Generators and fuel tank
 Site IT & Communication room
 First Aid Room

These areas are to be protected from outside threats and access restricted to essential
personnel. A sign is to be posted stating “RESTRICTED AREA – ACCESS BY AUTHORIZED

4.1.1 Perimeter

The perimeter of the site is fenced and marked with signs both in English and Arabic indicating:

As appropriate also the following signs will be located: NO PARKING ALLLOWED AT ANY TIME.

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Perimeter checks must be performed to ensure that there are no breaches in the fence that can
allow unauthorized entry to personnel or animals.

4.1.2 Gate Operations

Gate Operations will depend on Security Alert State.

Every gate at site will be operated by a security guard. His duties for gate operations are the

 Ask every person entering or exiting the Site to show his Astra Personal ID Card.
 Ask every driver entering or exiting the Site to show his Astra Construction Vehicle Access
 Conduct cross ID personnel checks when directed to do so.
 Conduct cross vehicle checks when directed to do so.
 Conduct vehicle search when directed to do so.
 Provide visitors with a Visitor ID card and register in the personnel visitor book.
 Provide visitor’s vehicles with a Vehicle Visitor Card and register in the visitor book.

In case of driver and vehicle bringing deliveries to Guard will make sure it is on the “Expected
Delivery List” he should receive from Site Manager or whom he designates to do so:

o If it is on the list, he will let the vehicle in site after registering the driver and the Vehicle in
the appropriate book.
o If it is not on the list, the Security Guard will call to the designated person at site to ask if
the driver and vehicle are admitted at site or not. Meanwhile the driver and vehicle will wait
in the site staging area.

4.2 Lighting

i. Position.

Lighting must allow visibility at night of the perimeter fences and accesses.

 Perimeter
 Site gates
 Power generators and fuel tanks
 IT communications room

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• First Aid Room

ii. Control.

Control of the lighting is vested with the Site Manager.

iii. Hours of Operation.

Lighting is to operate between dusk and dawn.

4.3 Photographs/Cameras

Site Manager should provide authorization for the limited use of specific cameras on the site,
only for construction purposes and statutory reporting, progress reporting, supplier claims,
incident investigations or similar.

Astra Construction reserves the right to view, and possibly disallow any photographs taken
before distribution to third parties.

Persons found on site using any camera other than that mentioned above should be dealt with
as trespassers and all data storing devices found in the possession of such persons will be
confiscated / deleted.

4.4 Personal property

All personnel at Sites will take care of their personal property and keep their valuables with them
or in closed cabinets, lockers or drawers.


The description and procedures for access control are detailed at Annex C

Access control will become more stringent according to increased Alert levels.

Alert Level Green Yellow Orange Red

Access Control
Visitors Name notified Green check Green Check No access unless
prior to arrival + Visits restricted to notified to and
ID check at main minimum possible authorized by
gate + issue of security
Visitor Badge + management
escort by sponsor
employee (no free
roaming on site)

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Alert Level Green Yellow Orange Red

Deliveries Name notified Green check + Yellow check No access unless

prior to arrival + sign-out by Deliveries notified to and
ID check at main warrant for exit restricted to authorized by
Gate + escort by certain days and security
warrant times management

Employees Vehicle ID Card Green check + Yellow check + Unless directed
check in and out Check in/ out detailed search otherwise by the
vehicle mandatory Site Manager,
permanent no vehicle is
documents allowed to move
in and out of the
Visitors Vehicle notified Green check + Yellow check + Unless directed
prior to arrival + Check-in/ out detailed search otherwise by the
issue of Car vehicle mandatory Site Manager, no
Visitor ID permanent vehicle is allowed
documents to move in and out
of the perimeter

Deliveries Deliveries notified Green check + Yellow check + Unless directed

prior to arrival + cursory search detailed search otherwise by the
trade documents Site Manager, no
(order, invoice) + vehicle is allowed
issue of Car to move in and out
Visitor ID of the perimeter


Spot-checks of the security control measures are to be done on the following basis:

An audit and revision of the security plan shall be made monthly.


7.1 Incidents

In case of any security – related incidents the Security Guard will use his judgment and common
sense. Violence must be always considered as the last resource. De – escalation and trying to
calm down must be always the first response. Any incident must be reported immediately to the
Site Manager.

7.2 Emergency Directory

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Service Telephone
Emergency 112
Ambulance 997
Police 999
Fire Department 998
Traffic Incident town 993
Traffic Incident highway 996
Najm for Insurance
920 000 560

Explain the incident and provide Site Location:


In the event of an emergency situation not covered in this plan the Security Guards shall call the
Site Manager immediately.

8.1 Labor unrest

Follow the instructions of site manager, in case the situation turns violent call police.

8.2 Attempt of or actual trespassing

Call the site security guards and report it. If the person refuses peacefully to leave the site or
turns violent call Site Manager and Site manager.

8.3 Sabotage

Stay calm and follow the orders of the Site Manager / engineer.

Be prepared to close and lock the gate and to receive Police.

8.4 Bomb threat

Most bomb threats are made over the phone and the overwhelming majority are hoaxes, often
the work of malicious jokers, although terrorists do make hoax calls with the intent of causing
alarm and disruption. Any hoax is a crime and, no matter how ridiculous or unconvincing, must
be reported to the police. Calls may be of two kinds:

 Hoax threats designed to disrupt, test reactions or divert attention.

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 Threats warning of a genuine device – These may be attempts to avoid casualties or

enable the terrorist to blame others if there are casualties. However genuine threats can
provide inaccurate information about where and when a device might explode.

What to do:

 Stay calm, listen and take notes.

 Obtain as much information as possible – try to get the caller to be precise about the
location and timing of the alleged bomb and whom they represent. If possible, keep the
callers talking.
 Ensure that any recording facility is switched on.
 Immediately report the incident to the relevant manager or security team to decide on the
best course of action, whom suspending all operations, and notify the police. If you cannot
get hold of anyone, and even if you think the call is a hoax, inform the police directly. Give
your impressions of the caller and an exact account of what was said.
 If you have not been able to record the call, make notes for the security staff or police. Do
not leave your post – unless ordered to evacuate – until the police or security arrive.

8.5 Terrorist attack or indiscriminate shooting.

 The best option in case of terrorist attack or indiscriminate shooting is to hide or stay away
and to follow this guidance:
 Do not move. Movement attracts attention from human eye … and bullets.
 Disconnect the sound of your telephone.
 Try to keep calm and learn what is going on.
 Economize your calls keep an eye on your mobile battery.
 Only move to go to a better / safer / hiding place and slowly consider WHERE, WHAT
WAY, HOW and WHEN before moving.



The scope of this procedure is to describe Astra Construction Access Control System for
personnel, vehicles and deliveries and establish the procedures for obtaining an ID card and to
access Astra Construction Offices, Sites and premises.

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All Astra Project sites employees and subcontractors should familiarize themselves with the
guidelines of this procedure.


Astra Construction will establish a comprehensive Access Control System. The final system is
still under study. This document establishes an interim Access Control System.

The Access Control System addresses personnel, vehicles and deliveries entering or exiting the

The ultimate responsibility of granting access to Astra Construction Site / Office / Premise relies
on the Site / Office / Premise Managers in cooperation with Security Department.

The Interim Access Control system described below is a management tool to ease Access /
Egress. Managers responsible for Site / Office / Premises can use their authority and
responsibility to grant access to their Site / Office / Premise to any person, vehicle, plant or
delivery provided they use the appropriate Register book / log.

In case of massive deliveries, the Site Manager should provide adequate support at the main
gate with Site Staff or workers to ease smooth operations with adequate control.


i. Visitors to Astra Sites, offices and premises.

 Security Guard will provide the visitor an above mentioned ID card after getting Iqama.


The security guard must ensure all the following steps are undertaken when vehicles are entering
the project

A card system has been developed.

 Perform periodic vehicle searches for all ingoing/outgoing vehicles.

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 Fill out a visitors register for all incoming and outgoing vehicle/s, clearly indicating vehicle
details and times, if searched indicate by inserting (s) next to the vehicles registration
number details in the log.
 When unidentified cars, trucks or alike arrive, security must ensure Delivery Vehicle
Induction is given to all personnel and signed for in the Visitors Safety Induction
 If there is any doubt regarding vehicles or pedestrians entering/leaving the site, then a
request for the vehicle to be parked up or the visitor to remain at the security checkpoint
must be requested by the security guard until clarification can be confirmed for the vehicle
of person to enter the site.

The following must be checked prior entry at the gate:

 Driver’s license.
 Driver or/and passengers have had a Safety Induction if proceeding to site, if not yet
attended, guard must inform the safety department. The vehicle to remain outside the
gate until such time induction has been completed.
 If a person is only attending the site offices, then they must be escorted to the correct
office or a representative from the office collect the visitor from the security location.
 Driver and passenger shall have prior authorization from a site representative to enter
the site.
 Description of the contents or load of the vehicle.
 Drivers and passengers going inside the construction site must be issued with hard hats,
safety boots and a high visibility vest by their respective HSE Department.

The security guard must conduct a physical check of all outgoing material and must ensure that
the driver has Material Equipment Exit Approval signed by a Site Superintendent or Manager. The
forms must be retained by the guard for records.

i. Astra Construction Staff Vehicle Card

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ii. Astra Subcontracted Staff Vehicle Card

a. How to obtain an Vehicle Access Card for a Vehicle:

Astra Site Manager will provide an above mentioned Vehicle Access Card of the types I or ii
upon request taking for granted that the requested vehicles or plant have “legal clearance” to
work at Astra Sites, Offices and Premises.

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Legal clearance means they are legally contracted have valid Istarama, insurance policy and
whatever document or requirement that is legally needed for the vehicle or plant to be used in
the KSA and/or to work at sites.

Clearance also means that authorised drivers have a valid driving licence (international or local)
in accordance with the document they stand on (Passport / Iqama).

The process to provide Vehicle Access Cards of all Astra (employees and consultant),
subcontractors, worker and visitors at Sites / Offices or any kind of Astra premises is the

The Request must include:

i. For Vehicles:
 Vehicle Make
 Vehicle Colour
 Vehicle Plate number

ii. For Plant:

 Make: vg John Deere
 Type: vg Excavator
 Plate Number or Plant ID / serial Numb


a. How to Access an Astra Site, Office or Premise as a Visitor Vehicle?

Only pre-appointed accepted visitors’ vehicles will be accepted on-site.

Vendors, persons bringing their CVs, etc. will leave their business cards – company profile or
CV at the Security Guard Gate. The Security Guard will render all of them to whom he is
directed by the site Manager.

In order to fasten visitors’ vehicles identification and accreditation process, any Astra employee
inviting a visitor to Astra Sites Offices and Premises will send to the Site, Office or Premise
Manager or whom he authorizes a notification.

Site, Office or Premise Manager, or whom he authorizes, will provide the Visitors Vehicle
information to the Security Guard to facilitate identification and register.

Visitors Vehicles are to be logged in the Visitor Registration Book.

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Site / Office / Premise managers, or whom they task, will provide the Security Guard a daily list
of expected incoming and outgoing deliveries at site.

Unexpected or unannounced delivery vehicles and drivers will stay at Site / Office or premise
Staging Area and will be announced by the Security Guard to the Site / Office / Premise
managers, or whom they task, who will authorize the entrance / exit of the delivery vehicle and
driver in or out of the site.


13.1 General.

Every Astra separate Site / Office / Premises will have all entry / exit gates manned by Security

13.2 Security Guards Duties for Gate Operations.

 Ask every person entering or exiting the Site / Office / Premise to show his Astra
Personal ID Card. Ask every driver entering or exiting the Site / Office / Premise to show
his Astra Vehicle Access Card.
 Ensure gate pass form signed by site responsible for material removal. No material can
be move without gate pass.
 A copy of gate pass will keep in file and weekly submit to site responsible
 Conduct cross ID personnel checks when directed to do
 Conduct cross Vehicle checks when directed to do so.
 Conduct Vehicle search when directed to do so.
 Produce Personnel and or Vehicle Visitor ID as indicated in this procedure.
 Register Personnel and or Vehicle Visitor on the appropriate Registration Book.
 In case of driver and vehicle bringing deliveries to Site / Office / Premise, the Security

Guard will make sure it is on the “Expected Delivery List” he should receive from Site Manager
or whom he designates to do so.

o If it is on the list, he will let the vehicle in site after registering the Driver and the Vehicle
in the appropriate book.

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If it is not on the list, the Security Guard will call to the designated person at site to ask if the
Driver and Vehicle are admitted at site or not. Meanwhile the driver and vehicle will wait in the
Site Staging Area.

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