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Answer in a sentence or two

1. Why did Ota Gandhi leave Porbandar?

A. State intrigues compelled Ota Gandhi to leave Porbandar and seek refuge in Junagadh.

2. Which of Ota Gandhi's sons became the Prime Ministers in Porbandar?

A. Karamchand Gandhi, alias Kaba Gandhi and, Tulsidas Gandhi both became Prime Ministers in
Porbandar, one after the other.

3. Why was the Rajasthanik Court considered an influential body?

A. The Rajasthanik Court was considered a very influential body as it settled disputes between the chiefs
and their fellow clansmen.

4. What type of man was Karamchand Gandhi?

A. Karamchand Gandhi was a lover of his clan. He was truthful, brave and generous, but short-tempered.

5. Why did the ladies of the court think highly of Gandhi's mother?

A. The ladies of the court thought highly of Gandhi's mother, as she had strong common sense and was
well informed about all matters of State.

6. When and where was Gandhi born?

A. Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar.

7. Why did Gandhi's father leave Porbandar?

A. Gandhi's father left Porbandar for Rajkot to become a member of the Rajasthanik Court.

8. What were the sole companions of Gandhi during his school days?

A. Books and lessons were the sole companions of Gandhi during his school days.

9. Which play left an indelible impression on Gandhi's mind?

A. The play Shravana Pitribhakti Nataka left an indelible impression on Gandhi's mind.

10. What were the two distinct rites in Kathiawad?

A. The two distinct rites in Kathiawad were betrothal and marriage.

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