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What Is the Definition of Sound

In simple terms, sound energy comes from vibrations moving
through something. Solids, liquids, and gases all transmit sound
as energy waves.
Sound energy is the result when a force, either sound or
pressure, makes an object or substance vibrate. That energy
moves through the substance in waves. Those sound waves are
called kinetic mechanical energy.

Why Are Sound Waves Called

Mechanical Waves?
Sound waves are sometimes called mechanical waves because
sound waves require a physical medium to propagate. Liquids,
gases, or solid materials transfer the pressure variations, creating
mechanical energy in waves.
Like all waves, sound waves have peaks and valleys. The peaks are
called compressions, while rarefaction is the term used for the
The oscillations between compression and rarefaction move
through gaseous, liquid, or solid media to produce energy. The
number of compression/rarefaction cycles in a given period
determines the frequency of a sound wave.
Scientists measure sound energy’s intensity and pressure in Pascals
and decibels. Sound waves are also sometimes called pressure
waves because the pressure of the sound wave moves the
particles through which it passes.
How Are Sound Waves Measured?

Wavelength, period, amplitude, and frequency are the four
primary parts of a sound wave, regardless of the wave type and
the medium through which the sound travels.

 Wavelength: Imagine a wave traveling along a horizontal

axis; in that case, the wavelength is measured as the
horizontal distance between two successive and equivalent
points on the wave. Thus, in basic terms, a single
wavelength is one cycle between the two equal points.
 Period: A wavelength period is the time it takes a single
wavelength to pass a certain point. Generally, a more
extended period indicates a lower pitch.
 Amplitude: We measure sound amplitude (strength or level
of sound pressure) by the height of the sound wave. It’s
related to the relative volume of the sound. When the wave’s
amplitude is significant — as from a loud sound — the wave
is high. The reverse is also true; softer sounds produce
waves with a smaller amplitude. Lower volume equates to
lower decibel (dB) levels; a decibel measures sound
intensity. Zero decibels equates to the quietest sounds a
human ear can hear. Decibels increase by a factor of six. A
normal speaking voice is 60 dB.
 Frequency: Hertz (Hz) measures a sound wave’s frequency.
Hertz measures a sound wave’s cycles per second that pass
a set point on the horizontal axis. (Remember, each process
has one compression and one rarefaction.) The frequency
sound waves are measured in hertz. Therefore, Hertz (Hz)
indicates the number of cycles per second that pass a given
location. For example, if, while speaking, your diaphragm
vibrates at 900 Hz, your diaphragm generates 900
compressions (increased pressure) and 900 rarefactions
(decreased pressure). Pitch is a function of how the brain
interprets sound frequency. A higher pitch is the result of
higher frequency; lower frequency translates as lower pitch.

Is Sound Energy Potential or Kinetic

When energy can do work but isn’t actively applying force, it’s
called potential energy.
In physics, work is measured by the energy transferred. When
something is moved over a distance by an external force, that’s
The coiled spring of a Slinky is an example of potential energy.
Until the spring is released, it’s not doing work. The work occurs
when the spring moves (is released), becoming kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.
Sound energy can be both: either kinetic energy or potential
An example might be that of a musical instrument. When the
instrument is played, it generates sound waves, producing kinetic
energy. But when that same musical instrument is at rest, only the
potential for energy is there.

Do Sound Waves Share Characteristics

and Behaviors?
In addition to a wave’s primary constituents — frequency,
amplitude, wavelength, and frequency — scientists categorize
waves based on three distinguishing characteristics: longitudinal,
transverse, and surface movement.
Using the movement of a medium’s particles relative to the
direction of travel is a standard method for distinguishing the kind
of wave.
To understand transverse waves, we’ll talk about the Slinky again.
Consider a Slinky’s movement as your hand alternates up and
down. The energy of this “activated” Slinky moves vertically along
the direction of travel, displacing the coils (which, in this case,
represent wave particles) up and down.
Types of transverse waves include:

 Vibrations in a guitar string

 Sports fans standing up and sitting down in a synchronistic
wave around a sports stadium
 Electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves

On the other hand, longitudinal waves move the wave’s energy right
or left along the wave’s horizontal axis. So our Slinky, when
stretched out horizontally and pulsed horizontally like an
accordion, will pulse horizontally along its left-right direction of
travel parallel to the wave’s axis.
Sound waves are longitudinal waves, as are ultrasound waves,
and seismic P-waves.
The chief characteristic of a surface wave is its particles’ circular
motion. Only the particles on the medium’s surface move
circularly; the movement decreases as the particles move away
from the surface.

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