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 The term HRM expands to Human Resource Management; it implies the

implementation of management principles for managing the workforce of an

organisation. It is concerned with the process of hiring, developing and retaining
the manpower, with a view to making them more efficient.

 SHRM is the process of aligning the business strategy with the company’s
human resource practices, so as to attain strategic goals of an organization. In
SHRM, the workforce of the company is managed proactively. Its primary
purpose is to improve the performance of the business and maintain a culture that
encourages innovation and works continuously to gain competitive advantage.

Meaning Human resource management SHRM is a managerial function

(HRM) implies the governance of which implies framing of HR
manpower of the organization in a strategies in such a way to direct
thorough and structured manner. employees efforts towards the goals
of organization.

Nature Reactive: Proactive:

Reacting to the past rather than Acting before a situation becomes
anticipating the future. a source of confrontation or crisis.

Responsibility Staff specialist Line manager

lies with

Approach Fragmented Integrated

Scope Concerned with employee relations Concerned with internal and external

Time horizon Short term Long term

Basic factor Capital and products People and knowledge

Change Follows change Initiates change

Accountability Cost center Investment center

Control Stringent control over employees It exhibits leniency.

 Cost-reducing measures
One of the most common reasons for layoffs is because the company is cutting costs
for some reason. This could be because the business has to pay off debts, there are
fewer sales, or the company no longer has the financial backing of investors.
Whatever the case may be, a way that the company could save money is by
eliminating some positions and allocating those funds elsewhere.
 Bloomberg reported the layoffs seemed structural, rather
than based on performance. Some workers said that most
or all of their teams were laid off.
 CEO Sundar Pichai said the company had hired too quickly
and couldn't keep all its staff on in the current "economic
 Pichai didn't specify which departments were affected by
the layoffs, but Insider on Friday reported that Google's
hardware, Chrome, Fi, and Fiber may be among the areas
where the company trims costs.


 Such rule has its merits, but its observance is not a statutory duty of the employer.
In accordance with the Labor Code, for a valid implementation of a retrenchment
program, the employer must serve written notices on the employees
and DOLE at least thirty (30) days prior to the intended date of

What are the requirements for valid retrenchment?
Thus, for a valid retrenchment, the employer must show that: (a) retrenchment was a
necessary measure to prevent substantial and serious business losses; (b) it was
done in good faith and not to defeat employees' rights; and (c) the employer was fair
and reasonable in selecting the employees who will be retrenched.

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