Exp 6

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Name ...................................................... Code .................................. Section .................

Group No. ................. Date ....................................... Time ……………………………

Report Data

Conc. of HCl Area of Zn Time: t rate

Section (mol/L) (cm2) (s) (mol H2/ s)
1 0.5 24
2 1.0 24
3 0.5 48

1. The reaction of hydrogen gas

………… + ……….. ……….. + …………

2. Determine the rate

Section 1. A 3 cm 4 cm of zinc plate with 24 cm2 surface area reacts with 0.5 M
HCl solution
6mL 1molH 2
rate 1 =
.........s 24,862mL

rate 1 = .................................mol H 2 / s

Section 2. A 3 cm 4 cm of zinc plate with 24 cm2 surface area reacts with 1.0 M
HCl solution
6 mL 1molH 2
rate2 = ×
.........s 24,862mL

rate2 = .................................mol H 2 / s

Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers


Section 3. Two of 3 cm 4 cm of zinc plate with 48 cm2 surface area reacts with
0.5 M HCl solution
6mL 1molH 2
rate 3 = ×
.........s 24,862mL

rate 3 = .................................mol H 2 / s

3. Calculate order of reaction with HCl (m)

rate1 = ………………………. mol H2/s

rate2 = ………………………. mol H2/s

rate2 k(1) m (24) n ...................

= m n
= .
rate1 k(0.5) (24) .....................

= ……………………………….

2m = ……………………………….

m = ……………………………….

4. Calculate order of reaction with zinc ( n)

rate 1 = ……………........…… mol H2/s

rate 3 = ………………………. mol H2/s

rate3 k(0.5) m (48) n .......... ..........

= m n
rate1 k(0.5) (24) .......... ..........

Chemical Kinetic

= ……………………………….

2n = ……………………………….

n = ………………………………...

6. Calculate k of rate 1, 2 and 3

k =
Cm n
HCl C Zn

k1 = =…………………… for rate 1.
(.......) (........)(.......) (........)

k2 = =……………………for rate 2.
(.......) (........)(.......) (........)

k3 = =…………………… for rate 3.
(.......) (........)(.......) (........)

7. Calculate average of k
k1 +k 2 +k 3
kavg =

= ………………………..

Fundamentals of Chemistry for Engineers


8. Write an equation for the rate of reaction rate = k C m n

HCl C Zn by replacing k, m and n

from the experiment




Chemical Kinetic

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