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Original Research

Effectiveness of Four Different Obturation Techniques

on the Penetration Depth of Bioceramic Sealers into
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the Dentin Tubules: An In Vitro Study

Ghaith Hamid Faris, Raghad Abdulrazzaq Alhashimi
Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq
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Introduction: We aimed to assess the penetration depth of bioceramic sealers into the dentin tubules following different root canal obturation
techniques included (A) warm vertical compaction, (B) carrier-based technique, (C) cold lateral compaction, and (D) single-cone obturation.
Methods: This study utilized 40 extracted lower first premolars with developed apices and circular and straight root canals. The roots were
eliminated to achieve an 11-mm length with a coronal flat measurement point. ProTaper Next rotary system was used for instrumentation. For
obturation procedures, gutta-percha and Bio-C bioceramic sealer were employed, and the roots were randomly divided into four study groups,
including (A) warm vertical compaction, (B) carrier-based technique, (C) cold lateral compaction, and (D) single-cone obturation. Depth of
sealer penetration into the tubules was assessed using scanning electron microscopy. Result: We found significant differences in the
penetration depth of bioceramic sealers based on obturation techniques (p < 0.001), location of dentin tubules (coronal, middle, or apical third)
(p < 0.001), and the interaction between obturation techniques and location (p = 0.042). Conclusion: The warm vertical compaction and
carrier-based technique showed superior penetration depth into the dentin tubules.

Keywords: Endodontics, Root canal obturation, Root canal sealants, Dentin, Scanning transmission electron microscopy

INTRODUCTION Epoxy resin-based sealers are currently the most widely

utilized root canal sealants that are clinically available.[8]
The two major substances required for obtaining the desired
Because of their low solubility, disintegration, and adequate
three-dimensional (3D) sealing of the root canal space are
dimensional stability, these sealants have been used
gutta-percha (GP) and root canal sealer.[1] To seal off root
extensively for decades.[9] Although resin-based sealers
canals in three dimensions while maintaining fluid tightness,
have been widely utilized, they now face challenges
a few obturating techniques have been suggested, such as cold
including volumetric shrinkage, the release of harmful
lateral compaction, single-cone technique, Tagger’s hybrid
substances such as formaldehyde, an extended working
technique, carrier-based obturation, and continuous wave.
period, and tooth staining.[2] Kim et al. found that
Each of these methods uses a different kind and form of
compared to calcium silicate–based sealers, resin-based
GP, as well as a different type of sealer material.[2,3]
sealers lack bioactive characteristics, or osteogenic
Endodontic sealers help with sealing the canal system by
filling irregularities in anatomical structure, ramifications,
Address for correspondence: Ghaith Hamid Faris,
and dentinal tubules, enhancing the adaptability of root filling Master Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry,
at the dentin material contact.[4] Root canal sealers must have College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
both bioactivity and biocompatibility since they are in close E-mail:
proximity to the surrounding tissues and can alter the healing
process.[5,6] They come in a variety of chemical forms, Received: 14 June 2023 Revised: 1 October 2023
Accepted: 5 October 2023 Published: 28 November 2023
including those based on calcium silicate cement, glass
ionomer, zinc oxide eugenol, silicone, and epoxy resin.[3,7] This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
Access this article online others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as
appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical
Quick Response Code:
Website: For reprints contact:

How to cite this article: Faris GH, Alhashimi RA. Effectiveness of Four
DOI: Different Obturation Techniques on the Penetration Depth of Bioceramic
10.4103/denthyp.denthyp_69_23 Sealers into the Dentin Tubules: An In Vitro Study. Dent Hypotheses

© 2023 Dental Hypotheses | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 107

Faris and Alhashimi: Penetration depth of bioceramic sealers into the dentin tubules

potential.[10] Moreover, the ability of recently developed with a size 17/04 rotary file and increasing up to a size
calcium silicate–based bioceramic sealers to release 25/06 with a speed of 300 rpm and torque of 300 g/cm until
calcium, exhibit bioactivity, possess biocompatibility, and the working length. For obturation procedures, GP (DiaDent,
possess antibacterial and antifungal properties is making British Columbia, Canada) and Bio-C bioceramic sealer
them more and more popular.[7,8] (Angelus Dental, Londrina, Brazil) were employed, and
the roots were randomly (using divided into
The penetrability of the sealer into the root dentin and its
four study groups, including the following: (A) warm vertical
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marginal sealing ability are crucial factors influencing the

compaction, (B) carrier-based technique (GuttaCore
success of endodontic treatment. An ideal sealer should have
Obturator, Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte, USA), (C) cold
low surface tension to facilitate penetration into irregularities
lateral compaction, and (D) single-cone obturation.
and exhibit good wettability for achieving a hermetic seal.
Instrumentation and obturation of the root canal were
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Excellent penetration and adaptability from a root canal sealer

carried out according to well-known guidelines published
increase the surface area of contact between the obturating
by the American Association of Endodontists (
substance and root canal dentin, improving sealability and
overall obturation effectiveness.[11] The removal of the smear
layer, the permeability of the dentin, and the utilized filling
technique all have an impact on how well sealer cement The obturated samples were then wrapped in gauze, soaked in
penetrates into the tubules of root dentin. Therefore, it is normal saline, and kept in an incubator for 2 weeks at 37°C
important to assess the penetration and adaptability of sealers and 100% humidity to allow the sealers to fully set. Then, the
to root dentin when using various obturation techniques.[12] filled roots were sectioned longitudinally using a diamond
The purpose of this study is to assess the penetration depth of disk. The samples were dehydrated, mounted on an aluminum
bioceramic sealers into the dentin tubules following different stub, and coated with gold using a sputtering technique, and
root canal obturation techniques, including warm vertical the depth of sealer penetration into the tubules was assessed
compaction, carrier-based technique, cold lateral using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Axia
compaction, and single-cone obturation. ChemiSEM, Waltham, USA). Data were analyzed via two-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey post hoc
MATERIALS AND METHODS test using R 4.3.0 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
Vienna, Austria).
The research was conducted in accordance with the principles
outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki, and the study protocol
was approved by the ethics committee of Dentistry School, RESULTS
University of Baghdad on April 17, 2022 (Ref number 548, The study (overall model test: p < 0.001) found significant
Project No. 548522). This study utilized 40 extracted lower differences in the penetration depth of bioceramic sealers
first premolars with developed apices and circular and based on obturation techniques (p < 0.001), the location of
straight root canals. The teeth were extracted for dentin tubules (coronal, middle, or apical third) (p < 0.001),
orthodontic reasons, cleaned, and disinfected with 2.5% and the interaction between obturation techniques and
NAOCL (Promida, Odunpazarı, Turkey) for 30 minutes location (p = 0.042). Post hoc analysis revealed significant
and stored in normal saline. The roots were eliminated to differences for all pairwise comparisons related to obturation
achieve an 11-mm length with a coronal flat measurement techniques and location of dentin tubules (p < 0.05), except
point. ProTaper Next rotary system (Dentsply Sirona, for pairwise comparisons between lateral condensation
Charlotte, USA) was used for instrumentation, beginning technique and single-cone obturation (p = 0.998) [Figure 1].

Figure 1: Box and whisker plot demonstrated variations in the amount of bioceramic sealers penetration depth into the dentin tubules.

108 Dental Hypotheses ¦ Volume 14 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ October-December 2023

Faris and Alhashimi: Penetration depth of bioceramic sealers into the dentin tubules

DISCUSSION followed by the injectable GP technique, while the lateral

compaction technique demonstrated the least penetration.[2]
To achieve the most favorable results in root canal obturation,
a high volume of GP and a low volume of sealer with The lower pressure levels used in the single-cone obturation
improved penetration into the canal irregularities and technique compared to warm obturation procedures may
dentinal tubules are required.[13] In the current study, the cause one of the observed discrepancies in the penetration
findings revealed that across all four groups, the penetration of the sealer into dentinal tubules, as demonstrated by our
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depth was higher in the coronal part compared to the middle analysis. This contrast in pressure levels may facilitate
part, while the apical part exhibited the lowest penetration enhanced sealer penetration into dentinal tubules during
depth. Similarly, according to Dasari et al., who studied the the heated obturation processes across all three thirds of
effects of three obturation techniques, including lateral the root.[24]
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compaction, warm vertical compaction, and injectable However, one of the main limitations of this study is the
thermoplasticized technique, on the depth of penetration utilization of a scanning electron microscope instead of a
and adaptation of a bioceramic root canal sealer, the sealer confocal laser microscope, which could have provided more
penetration at coronal level was significantly deeper than the detailed imaging and analysis. Another limitation is the
middle and apical portions of the root canal in all of the inclusion of only four obturation techniques rather than
obturation techniques tested.[2] A systematic review of in examining all available techniques and using a sealer from
vitro studies conducted by Ashkar et al. about calcium a single company, which may not fully represent the entire
silicate-based sealer dentinal tubule penetration also range of obturation options and sealer variations.
showed that in all included studies, the sealer penetration
into the dentinal tubules was lower apically and increased
coronally.[14] This can be attributed primarily to the Financial support and sponsorship
histological characteristics of the apical root dentin, which Nil.
is characterized by being sclerotic and poorly permeable and
containing fewer dentinal tubules compared to the middle and Conflicts of interest
cervical thirds of dentin.[15,16] There are no conflicts of interest.
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