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Systems Analysis and Design

System Proposal Documentation

1. Introduction
2. Problems statement and proposed solution
3. Project Planning
3.1 System Development Life Cycle Methodology
3.2 Gantt Chart
3.3 Work Breakdown Structure
4. Feasibility Study
4.1 Technical Feasibility
4.2 Economic Feasibility
4.3 Organizational Feasibility
5. Systems Analysis
5.1 Activity Diagram
5.2 Functional Requirements
5.3 Non-Functional Requirements
6. System Design
6.1 Analysis and Design Model
6.2 Entity Relationship Diagram
6.3 Interface Design

a. Existing System Setup Observation
b. Requirements Gathering
b.1 Sample Questionnaire and Summary
b.2 Sample Document and Review
b.3 Summary of Interview

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1. Introduction
The introduction serves multiple purposes. It presents the background of the study, introduces the
topic and objectives, and gives an overview of the paper. A good introduction will provide a solid
foundation and encourage readers to continue on to the main parts of the paper.

First paragraph: Introductory Statement

• Give a general introduction to the topic for a broad audience.
• Narrow the focus to the particular topic.
• State research problems and objectives.

Second paragraph: Literature Review

• Summarize the relevant literature about the topic.
• Briefly describe the current state of the beneficiary of the system proposal (note: this part
should be related to the literature).
• Note any gaps in the literature that your study will address.

Third paragraph: Research Target

• State the problem statement and proposed solution.
• Briefly describe how to accomplish the solution.
• Give an overview of the paper's content.

2. Problem Statement and Proposed Solution

2.1 Problem Statements

Begin by describing a significant real word problem that your audience can relate to. Show a
concrete example of this problem. This will serve as a "hook" to get the attention of the intended
audience and convince them of the importance of the project. Focus on the part of the problem you
want to highlight. Followed by examples focusing on a small but significant portion of the problem.
This is the part of starting an argument.

2.2 Proposed Solution

Having the audience into the problem, now paint a picture of what the world will be like in solving
the problem. The proposed solution should relate the current situation to the desired result and
describe the benefits that will accumulate when the desired result is achieved. Begin the proposed
solution by describing the desired result. Discuss the iterative development plan to show the
audience the steps leading to the results.

1. Write a two-paragraph document. The first paragraph should be a problem statement. This
should be brief (minimum of 100 words). The second paragraph should be a proposed
solution. This should be brief (minimum of 100 words).
2. In your document, strive for clarity and conciseness.

3. Project Planning
This is the fundamental process of understanding why an information system should be built and
determining how the project team will go about building it.
3.1 System Development Life Cycle Methodology
3.2 Gantt Chart
3.3 Work Breakdown Structure

4. Feasibility Study
During project initiation, the system's business value to the organization is identified: how will it lower
costs or increase revenues?
4.1 Technical Feasibility
4.2 Economic Feasibility
4.3 Organizational Feasibility

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5. Systems Analysis
This is the process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the problems, and decomposition
of the system into its components. This part focuses on what the system should do.
5.1 Functional Requirements
5.2 Non-Functional Requirements
5.3 Activity Diagram

6. System Design
This is the process of planning a new business system or replacing an existing system by defining
its components or modules to satisfy the specific requirements. This part focuses on how to
accomplish the objective of the system.
5.4 Analysis and Design Model
5.5 Entity Relationship Diagram
5.6 Interface Design


Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation(2019) .Systems Analysis and Design. Retrieved from:

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