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February 20, 2024

Jail Booth with a Twist Proposal

Since the IADBI Foundation Day is fast approaching, we would like to establish a
Jail Booth with a twist, we are confident that this booth will have a wholesome
activities. This booth will not only create a fun memories but also build a new
relation with their fellow Immaculadians. Jail Booth is not for harassment nor
sexual intention, but only for entertainment and mind blowing challenges inside
the Jail.
We are adding a twist to our Jail Booth to make it more wholesome and trough this
twist, it will help to encourage student to know more about our School. The
following are the mechanics of the game to further elaborate the rules of this game.

1.) Only the students who signed the contract paper can join this game. Those
students who didn’t write their signature cannot be jailed nor pay this booth.
2.) 10 pesos is good for two person as a pair.
3.) After paying 10 pesos, you can now write down the names and information
about the two suspect.
4.) Once the two suspect are chased. They are obliged to choose between two
boxes. The Color blue and color red.
5.) Each boxes has different challenge. One box may contain the QUIZ BEE
challenge. While the other box may contain the GUESS MY MIND
6.) The Quiz Bee challenge has 20+ random questions about general informations
in our school. Such as Vision and Mission, How many years the IADBI until
now, or Who is our New School Principal.
7.) The two suspect will be questioned 5 general questions and 5 Getting to know
each other questions. Overall there are 10 questions.
8.) The Guess My Mind Challenge however is a game challenge where the two
couples will be given a random Category and they must answer together in
the same time.
9.) All of their answers and challenges will have a score. If they both got a perfect
score, they will be given a Souvenir “Perfect Couple”, if they didn’t get the
perfect score but yet got the passing score, they will be given a “Better luck
next time” souvenir. However if they didn’t pass any challenges, they will
receive a “Poor Match” souvenir.
10.) The souvenir will serve as their remembrance as a duo during the task.
Moreover, this booth is not mandatory and we will respect the privacy and decision
of the student. They have the rights to decline when being arrested but they must
pay 10pesos as a bail. However, if you’re inside the Jail, you can’t bail yourself
out. Ask for help to bail you out!

In Addition, we are also putting a Get out of Jail Cards. These can be use only once
as a coupon for getting out of jail for free. These cards are scattered around the
school premises. Go find them to secure yourself from being arrested.
We are doing this kind of twist to ensure that all Immaculadians will have a thrill
and memorable
IADBI Day experience even just in 1 day celebration. Thank you for patiently
reading this and we hope your kind consideration. God bless!

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