Database Management System

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Database Management System: -

Question: -
Due Week 2 and worth 100 points Choose one of the professional scenarios provided in Blackboard...
Due Week 2 and worth 100 points
Choose one of the professional scenarios provided in Blackboard under the Student Center tab
Chosen Scenario

4. Paul works for the website division of SuperMega retail company. He receives an email late Friday afternoon
that explains a new computer will launch at the end of next June and it will be in high demand with limited
stock. Also contained in the three-page-message is that customers will be able to preorder the item 30 days
before launch according to the production company. Paul is asked to create a landing page for consumers who
are interested in learning more about the product.
By mistake, Paul sets up a preorder page for the product that afternoon (well in advance of the company
authorized period) and late Friday evening consumers begin to preorder the product. Sharon, Vice President of
Product Sales at SuperMega, learns of the error Saturday morning and calls Paul to arrange a meeting first
thing Monday morning. Sharon explains to Paul on the phone that the company intends on canceling all of the
preorders and Paul responds that the company should honor the preorders because it was not a consumer
error. After a heated exchange, Paul hangs up on Sharon when she insists that the preorders will be canceled
because of Paul’s error.
Write a of BCOM9) from the perspective of a character in the scenario. The email should discuss the
communication issue provided in the scenario and should be addressed to another character from the scenario.
The message should take the form of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course
The professional email message must adhere to the following requirements:
1. Content:

1. Address the communication issue from the scenario.

2. Request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue (at a specific time).
3. Concentrate on the facts of the situation and avoid using overly emotional language.
4. Assume your recipient is learning about the situation for the first time through your communication.

2. Format:

1. Use a descriptive subject line or heading.

2. Include an appropriate and professional greeting / salutation.
3. Use email form including: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.

3. Clarity / Mechanics:

1. Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.

2. Run spell/grammar check before submitting.

4. Your assignment must:

1. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer
University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

5. Submitting your assignment:

1. Submit your assignment through the online course shell only.

6. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

1. Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.

2. Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
3. Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.

Answer: -
Subject: Request for Meeting Regarding Preorder Page Error

Dear Sharon,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to address the recent communication issue regarding the preorder
page for the new computer launch.

Firstly, I want to express my sincere apologies for the error that occurred in setting up the preorder page. It was
not intentional, and I understand the gravity of the situation. I take full responsibility for the oversight and the
inconvenience it has caused.

I believe it would be beneficial for us to discuss this matter face-to-face to ensure clarity and understanding on
both sides. Therefore, I kindly request a meeting at your earliest convenience. I suggest Monday morning at 9:00
AM as a suitable time for us to meet and address the issue comprehensively.

During our meeting, I am prepared to provide a detailed explanation of the sequence of events that led to the
premature setup of the preorder page. Additionally, I am open to discussing potential solutions to mitigate the
impact of this mistake and ensure customer satisfaction.

It is important to note that my intention was not to disrupt company operations or cause any financial
repercussions. I understand the company's decision to cancel the preorders, but I also believe that we should
consider alternative options that prioritize customer trust and loyalty.

I assure you that I am committed to rectifying this situation and implementing measures to prevent similar
incidents in the future. I value the opportunity to address this issue directly with you and work towards a
resolution that aligns with the company's goals and values.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to meeting with you to discuss it further.

Best regards,


[Your Contact Information]

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