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Sekolah Alam Islami Nashirus-Sunnah (SDIT SAINS)
Jl. H. Ghofur, Ds Cilame, Kec Ngamprah, Kab Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, 40552. Call Center:

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Nama : ………………………………………
Kelas : V (Lima)
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 60 Menit
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c or d !
1. Hamzah: ……..
Ali : today is Sunday.
a. What is your name?
b. How are you today?
c. What time is it?
d. What day is today? (1)

2. Fatimah:…….?
Maryam: I like Social Studies …………..?
Fatimah: I like math.
a. What subject do you like?, how about you?
b. What day is today, what subject do you like?
c. How are you today. How about you?
d. How about you? have a nice dream. (1)

3. What is this?
a. This is Indonesian book
b. English book
c. Math book
d. Religion book (1)

4. what does Zainab do?

a. She takes the book
b. She hit the pencil
c. She sharpen pencil
d. She is check the schedule (1)
5. What does Fatimah do?
a. She is cooking
b. She does her homework
c. She is check the schedule
d. Put the math book in the bag (1)

6. What does aisyah do?

a. She puts math book in the bag
b. Sharpen the pencil
c. Take the math book
d. She plays a doll (1)

7. what does syarifah do?

a. She puts math book in the bag
b. Sharpen the pencil
c. Take the math book
d. She plays a doll (1)

Time Monday Tuesday wednesday Thuesday Friday

07.15-08.00 Flag Science Religion Social arabic
ceremony studies
08.00-09.00 Indonesian Math Art and cafts English Science
09.00-09.30 Break
09.30-10.30 English Pe Math Science religion
10.30-11.30 Arabic indonesian Social studies pe Artand cafts
11.30-12.30 Praying
8. Ahmad has indonesian on?
a. Monday and Tuesday
b. Friday and Monday
c. Wednesday and Friday
d. Monday and Friday (1)

9. Ahmad learn Math every?

a. Monday and Tuesday
b. Friday and Monday
c. Wednesday and Friday
d. Tuesday and Wednesday (1)
10. Ahmad doesn’t have English on?
a. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
b. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
c. Tuesday,Thuesday Friday
d. Monday,Friday,Tuesday (1)

11. Ahmad has……..On monday

a. Pe,math and flag ceremony
b. flag ceremony,indinesian, English and Arabic
c. science, Math and Pe
d. religion only (1)

12. Ahmad has……..On Wednesday

a. English and Arabic
b. Indonesian and pe
c. Religion,art and crafts,math and social studies.
d. Religion and English (1)

13. What time ahmad break ?

a. 07.00-07.30
b. 08.30-09.00
c. 09.00-09.30
d. 11.30-12.00 (1)

14. What time ahmad has English ?

a. 09.30-10.30 and 08.00-09.00
b. 12.00-13.00 and 12.30-13.30
c. 10,20-13.00 and 13.00-14.00
d. 07.30-08,30 and 12.20-12.30 (1)

15. what time is it?

a. It is five o’clock
b. It is six o’clock
c. It is nine o’clock
d. It is ten o’clock (1)

16. what time is it?

a. Aquarter past nine
b. Aquarter past six
c. Half past four
d. Aquarter to four (1)
17. what time is it ?
a. Five past ten
b. Twelf past ten
c. Six past ten
d. One past ten (1)

18. What time is it?

a. Fifteen to eight
b. Ten pas nine
c. A half to six
d. Nine to eight (1)

19. What gtime is it?

a. Seven o’clock
b. Nine o’clock
c. Twelf o’clock
d. One o’clock (1)

20. Ali: May I borrow pe book please?

Kholid: sure
Kholid: no problem
a. Thanks a lot
b. Bye bye
c. Nice to meet you
d. Be careful (1)

21. Aisyah: Fatimah may I borrow your English book ?

Fatimah: sorry aisyah, Iam still read the book, give me more minutes for finish this
Aisayah: …………..
a. Thanks a lot
b. I don’t tink so
c. Ok, never mine Fatimah anyway thank you
d. Sorry (1)
22. “ bangun tidur” in English
a. Tidy up
b. Stretch arms
c. Wake up
d. Clean up (1)

23. “breakfast” in Indonesia

a. Selamat siang
b. Sarapan
c. Makan malam
d. Cemilan (1)

24. Mandi in English

a. Take a bath
b. Take away
c. Get dreses
d. Take a walk (1)

25. Menyikat gigi in English

a. Brush teeth
b. Take a bath
c. Breakfast
d. Wake up (1)

II. Fill in the blank below!

1. When does hawa has Indonesian?

_________________________________________________________ (2)

2. Where does hawa study?

_________________________________________________________ (2)

3. When does hawa has the shortest time at school?why?

_________________________________________________________ (2)

4. When does hawa learn religion?

_________________________________________________________ (2)

5. How many hours does hawa spend at school every week

_________________________________________________________ (2)
6. Yusuf: Assalamulaikum I am yusuf, I live next door. What is your name?
Imron: Waalaikum salamYusuf I am imron
Yusuf:Nice to meet you Imron, This is my cousin,ahmad, ahmad this is imron my
new neighbour
Imron:Hi siddiq, nice to meet you too Yusuf and siddiq I hove we can be friends.
Yusuf : _____________________________ (2)

7. Zainab:Assalamulaikum, Hi I am Zainab I live next door

Maryam: Waalaikumsalam, Hi Zainab, I am Maryam and this my brother, Abdullah
and my causin, dafiya
Zainab: Hello Abdullah hello dafiya,
Abdullah and dafiyya: _____________________________________. (2)

8. She__________bread ( make/makes) (2)

9. I ____________rice (eat/eats) (2)

10. We___________in the field (Play/plays) (2)

III. Fill in the blank below!

1. Could you help me preper the dinner ?


Could you help me mop the floor?

Could you clean the bedroom?

Could you was the dishes?

Could you help me do laundry?

No statment True false
1 Ali and jamal do not come to the writer house on
2 The writer feels happy on Sunday
3 Husin is the writers cousin
4 Husin is not from aceh
5 They have snack before starting to the their
6 They stay in the living room
7 Ali’s mother prepars drink and food for them (3)
8 After that Sunday the writer knows husin

Arrage the following words!

3. Ahmad-ali-football-and-play-field-in.
____________________________________________________ (3)

4. Fatimah-book-in-class-the-reads.
____________________________________________________ (3)

5. Please make your the daily activity.

My daily activity


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