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[Causes] Pollution problems: (mainly caused by human activities – deforestation, industrialization…)
Global: 2018, according to WHO: 9 out of 10 ppl breathe air containing high levels of pollutants, air pollution accounts for ~7mil. deaths globally per yr
(2.2 mil. in Western Pacific Region alone)
VN: The economic loss due to ambient air pollution each year is equivalent to 5% of the country’s GDP; VN ranked 4th in the number of pollution-
linked deaths in the Western Pacific, with 50,232 deaths caused by air pollution (2017 report by Global Alliance on Health and Pollution)
[Effects] Global warming: NOAA’s 2020 Annual Climate Report: the combined land & ocean temp has increased at an ave. rate of 0.08°C per decade
since 1880; NASA: 9 of the 10 hottest years on record have occurred in the past decade.

More frequent extreme weather events: SG: more flash floods, heavy rainfall; forest fires, heat waves
Rising sea level & melting of polar ice caps -> flooding of low-lying coastal areas: (WWF) Arctic sea ice is melting at a rate of almost 13% per decade,
if emissions continue to rise unchecked, the Artic could be ice-free in the summer by 2040; (IPCC) Sea levels could rise by as much as 1.1 meters by
2100; (NASA) Maldives (lowest-lying nation in the world): More than 80% of the country’s land area lies at less than 1m above sea level, which could
become uninhabitable by 2050.
Loss of habitat: (INPE research) With the current rate of global warming, if total deforestation in the Amazon exceeds 20-25%, btwn 50-60% of
Amazon rainforest could become a dry savanna in 20 or 30 years.
Eg. Wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal energy
Iceland: Geothermal power facilities currently generate 25% of the country's total electricity production.
Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy, contributing over 16% of world electricity production. Problems: geopolitical strife (eg.
Mekong River water dispute)
[Cause] Advertisements -> persuade consumers to buy more products by appealing to their social, emotional, envir. needs; Tech gadgets: new
models, technology released each yr -> dissatisfaction w/ the ‘old’
[Effect] Fast fashion, ‘throwaway culture’; It has been estimated that if everyone on earth consumed the same amt as the ave. US citizen, 4 planet
earths would be needed to sustain the current global population.
->Envir. impacts: Envir. cost of producing a t-shirt & a pair of jeans in terms of CO2 emissions is 2.6kg & 11.5kg; (IPCC) The fashion industry produces
10% of global CO2 emissions & uses ~ 1.5 tri. litres of water each yr.
->Global inequality: In 2005, 59% of the world resources were consumed by the wealthiest 10% of the population, while poorest 10% = 0.5% of
resource utilization.
US: (poll by AARP) 78% of older adult workers say they’ve seen or have experienced age discrimination in the workplace, 49.3% of older adults, aged
55 and above, that are in the job market are long-term unemployed

(Report by ILO) ~470 mil. of the world's working age ppl have some form of disability. Over 60% of people with disabilities are of working age,
however, they experience an unemployment rate 80-100% higher than average non-disabled workers. In Europe, 52% of all people with severe
disabilities do not participate in the labour force.
(2019 CNA article) interviews with former offenders, criminal lawyers and human resources experts showed that the indelible records of someone
with a criminal past in cyberspace could have wide-ranging consequences, from employment prospects being affected, tarnished reputations, to their
loved ones being harassed.
Women: (UNICEF) Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls btwn the ages of 15-19 are neither employed nor in education or training, compared to 1 in 10 boys.
1 in 20 girls btwn the ages of 15-19 (~13 mil) hv experienced forced sex.
LGBTQ+: SG: Criminalising sex between consenting male adults (legal for women), with up to 2 years of jail, caning and fines.
Paternity leave for men
SG: ‘Chinese privilege’ and the call-out culture; In 2021, out of an average of 379 workplace discrimination complaints, 60% were nationality-based.
VN: Malnutrition rates among ethnic minority children are double those of the majority. Just 13% of Hmong and Dao children attend upper secondary
school, versus 65% of Kinh and Hoa.
2021 World Inequality Report: The richest 10% of the global population owns 76% of all wealth (valuable assets), while the poorest half owns just 2%.
VN: Concerns abt disparities btwn the rich & poor are greater when a person believes that the disparities are driven by illegitimate practices.
(Corruption); In 2020, the income of the highest-income group was 8 times higher than that of the lowest-income group.
Pressure from parents/teachers, academic rat race -> mental problems (depression), suicide

South Korea: ‘Hell Joseon’ Societal pressure, competition and family expectation weigh heavily on young adults. The suicide rate in South Korea is one
of the highest in the world. (2019 survey published in Hankyoreh newspaper) 83.1% of young women and 78.4% of young men consider Korea “hell”,
29.8% of young women and 34.1% of young men consider themselves “losers.”
SG: (2019 OECD study) 3 in 4 Singapore students fear failure, higher than global average
Appearance, Social media influene, Cyber bullying, Peer pressure (unhealthy competition)
Eg. 60% of young people have witnessed online bullying- most do not intervene; Only 1 in 10 teen victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their
abuse; (Pew Research Center survey) 59% of U.S. teens have been bullied or harassed online.
(2001 US survey involving 13,601 students in 9-12th grade) Due to body-shaming, 19% had considered suicide, 9% had attempted it.
GenZ – Strawberry (bruise easily like strawberry)/Durian generation (soft on the inside & unable to fend for themselves -> rely on their sharp and
thorny exterior-their parents-to protect them). Some ppl say that young ppl today are lazy (lethargic), self-absorbed (narcissistic), demanding (needy),
entitled. [Causes] overly pampered by parents -> entitled; the fear to get out of their comfort zone (fear of failure); unrealistic expectations (media
influencers); technology has made life much more convenient -> lazy

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