Act 1 - Prof Ed 10

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Nabua, Camarines Sur

College of Technological and Developmental Education

Name: _Charena Prades Nillo__________________

Course: BTVTEd
Major: _Food Service Management______________
Year & Section: _3A____________
Subject: _Work – Based Learning with emphasis on Trainers
Subject Teacher: Donn Raymond L. Bermundo

1. Explain comprehensively what Work-Based Learning is. Why do we need this in the field of
technical vocational education? Cite some concrete examples to justify your answer.
 Work- Based Learning is training where the trainees are exposed in workplace. Through
this, the trainees had an opportunity to develop their skills and capabilities. In our field
of technical vocational education work-based learning is important because throughout
the training we can develop our skills as a future educator and as if we work at the
industry, based on my own experience on our On the Job Training, I will say that I had
many things I developed during the training process such as the communicating skills,
cooking skills, Food and Beverage skills, Office department skills and we also experience
the house keeping, I realized that through this training we learned a lot and we have a
knowledge of the entire process of how the industry operates and this experience is
important in our field and also to have an awareness about what career path we will
pursue in the near future.

2. Differentiate the types of Work-Based Training including their pros and cons to its application
in the WBL.
Types of Work- Based Training Pros Cons
Job Shadowing - Through job shadowing it can help - Emphasize observing the
- It is On-the-job training that allows you decide if the career you are workplace, not participating as a
an interested employee to directly interested in is the right fit for you. productive worker.
observe and follow another employee - It's Not Job Experience.
executing the role.
Internship - It provides a student with the - No Guarantee of a job
- a professional learning opportunity chance for career exploration and - It may be unpaid
that provides meaningful, practical job advancement, as well as the
connected to a student's subject of acquisition of new skills.
study or career interests.
Apprenticeship Program - Get practical experience - Only businesses have registered,
- It is a training and employment - Improve skills recognized apprenticeship
Nabua, Camarines Sur
College of Technological and Developmental Education

program involving a contract between programs and also the apprentices

an apprentice and an employer on an can be hired for programs covered
approved apprenticeable occupation. by TESDA.

Learnership Program - practical experience, -Only companies with

- is a work-based learning programme - qualifications TESDA approved and registered
that leads to a nationally recognised learnership programs can hire
qualification that is directly related to learners.
an occupation

Dual Training System - Assures higher employability of - lack of scholarships for students
- is a mode of training delivery which graduates. during training, or before they are
combines theoretical and practical - Offers quality relevant training due entitled to receive an allowance.
training. It is called “dual” because the to accessibility of resources and well-
training happens in two venues – the coordinated delivery of instructional
school and the company. activities.
School-Based Enterprise - Hands on learning -lack of decision-making skills
- As part of a school curriculum,
trainees are generally involved in the
management of a business that
produces or sells goods and services.

3. As a future educator in the field of TVET how are you going to promote WBL as one of the
modalities for effective and efficient teaching-learning process?
 We all know that TVET provides skilled manpower, for the world of work. As a future
educator I will promote WBL as one of the modalities for effective and efficient
teaching-learning process by advocating it in school and let the students be aware of
this learning, and that through experiencing work based learning, we can measure if the
student's learning has improved. And by the WBL we are expecting that are student will
learn and had an opportunity to develop their skills.

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