TLP 4 Factoring The Difference of Two Squares

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Tel.Nos: 487-8927/ 487-7670/ 09562796609

A Teaching- Learning Package in Mathematics 8

Teacher: Maryland V. Pasilan

Method: General Psychological Unfolding
TLP 4: Factoring the difference of Two squares
Objectives: Through the discussion and examples, the students should be able to:
1. Identify binomials which are the difference of two squares; and
2. Factor binomials which are the difference of two squares.

In the previous lesson, you found a pattern that led to the following products.
You can reverse this pattern by the symmetric property of equality to find a pattern for factoring the difference
of two squares.

Now that you have learned how to factor polynomials using their greatest common factor we can move to the
next type of factoring, which is the difference of two squares.
Why do you think it was given such name?______________________________________________
To model it, let’s try doing the activity that follows.
Description: This activity will help you understand the concepts of difference of two squares and how this
pattern is used to solve numerical expressions. Investigate the number pattern by comparing the products then
write your generalizations afterwards.

a. (11)(9) = (10 + 1)(10 – 1) = 100 – 1 =
b. (5)(3) = (4 + 1)(4 – 1) = 16 – 1 =
c. (101)(99) = (100 + 1)(100 – 1) = 10000 – 1 =
d. (95)(85) = (90 + 5)(90 – 5) = 8100 – 25 =
e. (n – 5)(n + 5) =

How do you think products are obtained?

What are the different techniques used to solve for the products? ________________________________
What is the relationship of the product to its factor?
Have you seen any pattern in this activity?
For you to have a better understanding about this lesson, observe how the expressions below are factored and
observe the relationships of the term with each other.
a. x2 – y2 = (x + y)(x – y) c. a2b4 – 81 = (ab2 – 9)(ab2 + 9)
b. 4x2 – 36 = (2x + 6)(2x – 6) d. 16a6 – 25b2 = (4a3 – 5b)(4a3 + 5b)
Remember the factored form of a polynomial that is a difference of two squares is the sum and difference
of the square roots of the first and last terms.
• 4x2 – 36y2 = the square root of 4x2 is 2x and the square root of 36y2 is 6y. To write their factors write
the product of the sum and difference of the square roots of 4x2 – 36y2, that is (2x + 6y)(2x – 6y).
Example 1:
Factor x2-100
x2 is the square of x.
100 is the square of 10.
Therefore, x2-100=(x+10)(x-10)

Try This #1!

Factor a2-25
Students are given time to answer on their own. After, some students will be called to answer the
following items on the board.

Try This #2!

Factor 4b2-81c2
Students are given time to answer on their own. After, some students will be called to answer the
following items on the board.

Example 2:
Factor 9y2-36z2
9y2 is the square of 3y.
36z2 is the square of 6z
Example 3:
Factor 25x2-36
√(25 x 2) = 5a find the square root of each of the term
√ 36 = 6
25x2-36=(5x+6)(5x-6) since it is difference of sum of two squares, the two
monomials or
factors should have different operations(+ and -)

Try This #3!

Factor 49h2-121
Students are given time to answer on their own. After, some students will be called to answer the
following items on the board.
Example 4:
Factor 16x4-9y2
√(16 x 4 ) = 4x2 find the square root of each of the term
√(9 y 2 ) = 3y
16x4-9y2 = (4x2+3y)(4x2-3y)

Try This #4!

Factor 9f4-25g2
Students are given time to answer on their own. After, some students will be called to answer the
following items on the board.

Example 5:
Factor a4-b4
√(a4 ) = a2 find the square root of each of the term
√(b 4 ) = b2
a4-b4 = (a2+b2)(a2-b2)
Notice that the second factor,(a2-b2) is also a difference of two squares and still factorable, so you can
carry factoring further. a2-b2 =(a+b)(a-b)
Therefore, a4-b4=(a2+b2)(a+b)(a-b)

Try This # 5!|

Factor h4-i4
Students are given time to answer on their own. After, some students will be called to answer the
following items on the board.

Example 6:
Factor 45m2-20n2
Notice that the expression has a common factor, so you have to factor first the common factor before
you can apply the rule for factoring difference of two squares.

45m2-20n2=5(9m2-4n2); √ 9 m2 = 3m , √ 4 n2 = 2n

Try This #6!

1.Factor 16m2-81n2 2. Factor 49y2-9
Students are given time to answer on their own. After, some students will be called to
answer the following items on the board.

Question of Lesson Unfolding
 The teacher asks the question for students to answer. Based on the students’ answer, the teacher asks the
next questions. The next question is based on the students’ answer and so on.
 After, students are tasked to prepare a questions to their classmates. They can choose someone to answer
their question.
Complete the phrase below.
The binomial of x2 – y2 is called ______________. In identify the binomial that is a difference of two
squares, we need to check if ________________________. In factoring the difference of two squares first,
_____________________________ , then _________________________ lastly
*Students are called to complete the phrase above.*
Guided Practice!


A. Factor each of the following differences of two squares. Show your solutions.

1. x 2−16 y 2 6. 36a2 – b2

2. y 2−225 7. 49y2 - 9

3. b 2−49 8. 121m2 – 169n2

4. 36 a 2−b2 9. 4x2 – y2
5. 225x2-121 10. 400a2b2 – 9x2

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