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Contact NO: - 0550863188


Over 7+ years experience in industrial Analyzer and Instrumentation. Experienced in installation,
loop testing, troubleshooting and pre-commissioning of DCS, ESD and Fire gas systems which
includes the field & control room instrumentation.

Educational Qualification
Passed Matriculation from BSEB in the year of 2005. Passed Intermediate from BSEB in the year of
Technical Qualification
Passed Diploma in Electronic Engineering in the year of 2015

Commissioning & pre commissioning, Projects, and Maintenance activities. Hot cut over in
Plants of Refineries, petrochemicals, Oil/gas and power plants. To be the part of an
organization which uses my skill and expertise in its process of growth and change while
giving me opportunities to learn and enrich my competencies. Always think safety before
staring any job, work in full compliance with the health safety and environment procedures
of the organization

Total Experience 7 Years

Name of company : TUV NORD
Project : Saudi Aramco Technician
Position : Tasnee (Maintenance)
Duration : 05-Feb-2022 to 22-Sep-2002

Name of Company : Gulf Asia

Project : HVAC
Position : HVAC Technician
Duration : 9-Oct-2021 to 6-Dec-2021

Name of Company : Kentz

Project : Instrument Technician
Position : Aramco Jazan Refinery Technician
Duration : June-2016 to Nov-2020


Project : OFFSHORE BERRY 89, TP 10
Position : HVAC Technician
Duration : July-2014 to Aug-2017


1. Installation

 Setting Up New Systems: Technicians are responsible for the installation of new HVAC
systems according to manufacturer's specifications and local building codes. This
includes laying out and connecting electrical wiring, installing ductwork, and setting up
the main units like heaters, air conditioners, and ventilation systems.
 System Upgrades: They may also be involved in upgrading or replacing old systems
with new, more efficient models.

2. Maintenance

 Routine Check-Ups: Regular maintenance is crucial for the efficiency and longevity of
HVAC systems. Technicians perform inspections and maintenance tasks, including
cleaning ducts, changing filters, and checking refrigerant levels.
 Preventive Maintenance: Implementing a schedule for preventive maintenance to
ensure systems operate smoothly throughout the year, especially before peak seasons of
high demand due to extreme temperatures.

3. Repair

 Diagnosing Problems: HVAC technicians must be adept at diagnosing issues within a

system, from minor faults to major breakdowns.
 Performing Repairs: This involves fixing or replacing defective components,
troubleshooting system failures, and ensuring that systems operate efficiently after

4. Customer Service and Consultation

 Advising Clients: Technicians often advise clients on how to maintain their systems,
energy efficiency practices, and when to consider system upgrades.
 Emergency Services: Providing prompt service in case of system breakdowns, especially
during extreme weather conditions, is a critical part of the job.

5. Compliance and Safety

 Following Regulations: Ensuring that all installations and repairs comply with national
and local regulations, including safety standards and environmental laws.
 Handling Refrigerants Safely: Technicians must be certified to handle refrigerants, as
these substances can be hazardous and are regulated under environmental laws.

6. Documentation

 Maintaining Records: Keeping detailed records of installations, inspections,

maintenance, and repairs performed is essential for warranty purposes and future
 Reporting: Technicians may need to prepare reports on system performance, problems
encountered, and work carried out, especially when working for larger companies or on
commercial projects.

7. Continuous Learning

 Staying Updated: The HVAC industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and
regulations. Technicians need to stay informed about the latest developments in HVAC
technology, energy-efficient practices, and green initiatives.

8. Specialization

In a diverse market like Saudi Arabia, technicians might also specialize in certain types of HVAC
systems, such as residential, commercial, or industrial, or focus on specific technologies like
solar air conditioning, which is gaining traction in the region due to its sustainability benefits.

Given the harsh climate and the importance of reliable air conditioning and ventilation in Saudi
Arabia, HVAC technicians play a critical role in ensuring the comfort and safety of inhabitants.
Their work not only involves technical skills in dealing with complex systems but also requires a
commitment to customer service and environmental responsibility

 I do hereby declare that all the above information’s are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. Thanking you.

 Date:
Place: Jubail Analyzer Technician


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