Final Report Phase-I

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GAURI FULE B190243061



Ms. Deepali Bendale






Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society’s
PIMPRI,PUNE – 411018

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Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society’s


PIMPRI, PUNE – 411018


This is to certify that the project phase-1 report entitled “Image Forgery Detection System” submitted by

Aditya Dhavale B190243050

Gauri Fule B190243061
Vishal Khendake B190243118

Is record of Bonafide work carried out by them under my guidance, in partial fulfillment of requirement for the
award of Final Year Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) of Savitribai Phule Pune

Place: Dr. D.Y.P.I.T., Pimpri, Pune-18

Ms.Deepali Bendale Dr. D. G. Bhalke Dr. L. K. Wadhwa

Project Guide H.O.D. Principal

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In today's world, lots of pictures are being edited and changed using computer tools. This causes a big problem
because it's hard to know if a picture is real or if it has been changed. To solve this, we made a smart system
called the Image Forgery Detection System (IFDS). The IFDS is like a detective for pictures. It uses really smart
techniques from computers and machines to figure out if a picture has been messed with. It can find different
kinds of changes, like copying parts of a picture, adding things, fixing things, or painting over things. Here's
how it works: First, it looks at all the details in a picture, both big and small. Then, it uses a special kind of
computer learning to understand tricky patterns that show if the picture is normal or changed. It also uses math
and numbers to make sure it's making the right decision.
We trained the IFDS by showing it lots of different pictures that were changed in
many ways. This helps it learn how to spot all kinds of tricks people might use to fake a picture. When we tested
the IFDS, it did really well. It could find fake pictures with high accuracy and didn't get fooled by common
problems like weird spots or different lighting. It also worked great with all sorts of picture sizes and types. This
smart system isn't just for detectives and police. It helps everyone trust pictures they see online or in the news.
Whether it's for stories, social media, or proving something is real, the IFDS makes sure pictures are honest,
even with all the fancy tools people use to change them.

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Flowchart for System Architecture……….......................................................................................11

Figure 2: Flowchart for Algorithm Design……………………………………………...………………….13

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Research Motivation .......................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2. Literature Survey .................................................................................................. 8

Chapter3. Software Design ...................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 4. System Specification ........................................................................................... 11

Chapter 5. Algorithm Design & Development .................................................................... 12

Chapter 6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 14

References ............................................................................................................................... 15

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Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction

The proverb "A picture is worth a thousand words" assumes new significance in today's digital era, where
advanced tools for image manipulation challenge the authenticity of visual content. According to Merriam-
Webster, digital image forgery involves the fraudulent alteration of a digital image, a concept dating back to
1840 when French photographer Hippolyte Bayard created the first tampered image titled "Self Portrait as a
Drowned Man." Instances of image manipulation have persisted throughout history, including a composite
photo of General Ulysses S. Grant during the American Civil War and a more recent case involving Iran's
missile test image. The paragraph underscores the diverse applications of images in various fields such as
forensics, criminal investigation, surveillance, intelligence, sports, law, medicine, insurance, and journalism.

Over the past decade, substantial research efforts have focused on forgery detection techniques, evident in the
increased publications related to copy-move, image splicing, resampling, and retouching detection. A chart from
Google Scholar reveals a surge in copy-move forgery detection and heightened attention to image splicing
detection in the last decade. However, retouching detection has received less emphasis, possibly due to its
perceived lower impact. Forgery detection techniques are broadly categorized as active (non-blind) and passive

Active techniques, which require prior information embedded during image capture, encompass digital
watermarking and digital signatures. However, these may not be practical for forensic investigation, as images
used in such cases rarely contain embedded watermarks or signatures. In contrast, passive forgery detection
techniques, not relying on prior knowledge, extract intrinsic features to identify manipulations. Passive forgery
is further classified into dependent forgery, involving cloning or image splicing, and independent forgery, where
properties within the same image are manipulated. Examples of independent forgery include resampling,
retouching, image rotation, scaling, resizing, addition of noise, blurring, and image compression. The absence
of prior knowledge requirements makes passive forgery detection more applicable in real-life scenarios.

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1.2 Research Motivation :
The motivation behind conducting research on an image forgery detection system arises from the growing
concerns surrounding the widespread prevalence of image manipulation in the digital era. With the extensive
use of advanced digital tools and the ubiquitous sharing of images on social media and the internet, ensuring
the authenticity of visual information has become an increasingly complex challenge. Image forgeries pose a
significant threat to trust and credibility, especially in fields like journalism, law enforcement, and forensics,
where the accuracy of images holds paramount importance. The emergence of deepfake technology further
exacerbates these challenges, underscoring the critical need to develop sophisticated forgery detection systems
capable of discerning between authentic and manipulated content. Legal implications, such as the submission
of forged evidence in court, highlight the necessity for reliable detection methods. The utilization of recent
advancements in machine learning and computer vision presents an opportunity to effectively address these
issues. Additionally, the research aims to contribute to the protection of personal and sensitive information,
recognizing the crucial role images play in personal identification and authentication.

By tackling existing challenges in forgery detection methods, the research not only advances academic
understanding but also carries practical implications for safeguarding individuals from identity theft and
ensuring the integrity of visual information across various domains. Ultimately, the development of an effective
forgery detection system contributes to both academic knowledge and real-world applications, providing
solutions to the evolving landscape of digital image manipulation.

1.3 Objectives:

The project focuses on these objectives, which are:

• Dataset Creation and Annotation: Create a comprehensive and diverse dataset of forged and authentic images
with accurate annotations. This dataset can serve as a benchmark for evaluating detection techniques and may
involve various types of image forgeries (e.g., copy-move, splicing, retouching).
• Evaluation of Real-World Applications: Investigate the practicality and effectiveness of image forgery
detection techniques in real-world scenarios, such as social media content of verification.
• User-Friendly Interface: Develop a user-friendly software tool or application that integrates one or more forgery
detection techniques, making it accessible to non-experts and enabling them to analyze images for potential
forgeries efficiently.
• Evaluation of Existing Techniques: Assess and compare the performance of various image forgery detection
methods, including traditional and deep learning-based approaches, to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

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Chapter 2. Literature Survey :

Ref No. Author Name Contribution Observations

1 Kunj Bihari Reviewed various techniques in Intrinsic features based methods of camera
Meena, Vipin digital camera image forensics hardware are more reliable and better in
Tyagi [2019] terms of accuracy as compared to methods
based on other camera software parts.
Camera identification methods
outperform as compared to other forgery
detection methods.
2 Mohassin Ahmad Categorized the image forgery Due to the advancement of image
and Farida detection techniques into five manipulation tools, an arms race between
Khursheed. groups (pixel-based. format-based, the forger and forensic analyst is
[2021] camera-based. physically based inescapable.
and geometric-bused)

3 Marcello Reviewed various method based Existing methods produce considerably

Zanardelli, on blind image forgery higher false positive rates than which are
Riccardo reported in the existing papers.
Leonardii, Nicola
Adami. [2022] Need to develop more reliable and robust

4 Zankhana J. Reviewed state of the art Keypoint-based methods better than

Barad, Mukesh approaches pertaining to copy- block-based methods in term of
M. Goswami. move forgery performance (execution time), however,
[2020] block-bused methods give better
detection accuracy.

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Chapter 3: Software design:

Our model's architecture relies on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a powerful technology known for
its excellence in understanding images. Think of the model as a virtual detective that breaks down a picture
into different layers, like floors in a building. The input layer is where we give the model the picture to analyze.
The hidden layers are like the inside layers of the building, where the model looks at different parts of the
picture to understand the details. The crucial step, called the convolutional process, is like using a special tool
(filter) to pick out important things in the picture, helping the model focus on specific features for better
recognition. Finally, the output layer is where the model gives us its final result. This architecture allows the
model to be a smart detective, making it effective in detecting if a picture is real or fake.
● Convolutional layer: 32 nodes ●Convolutional Layer: 64 nodes ● Fully connected layer: 128 nodes

The final layer is also a fully connected layer with 2 nodes. In all the layers, a Relu activation function is used
except the output layer.

Software Requirements :-
VS Code: Python 3, Python Libraries.
Python 3 Libraries: Numpy, Tensorflow, openCV, keras Pygame.
Operating System: Windows 10.


In the first phase of our project, we designed the front end using HTML and CSS. Now, we are taking it up a
notch by integrating ReactJS and JavaScript for a more interactive and user-friendly experience. ReactJS
brings efficiency, and our focus is on creating a responsive website that works well. Use of ReactJS signifies
a commitment to enhancing user engagement and information delivery. This module lays the foundation for
our progression from the initial static design to a more dynamic and responsive interface, showcasing our
dedication to creating an effective and user-friendly website.


We focus on the essential elements that lay the groundwork for the effectiveness of our Image Forgery
Detection System. We have a diverse collection of datasets like CASIA, MICCF-220, encompassing various
image manipulation types, to ensure our model's robustness in detecting real-world forgeries. These datasets
will be instrumental in training and evaluating the system's performance. Additionally, we have identified and
incorporated key libraries and software vital for implementing our Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in
the forthcoming stages. Leveraging the capabilities of Python libraries such as TensorFlow or Numpy will
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enable us to efficiently develop and deploy our forgery detection algorithms.


We are focusing on the back-end development. We have chosen technologies that make things run smoothly,
like Django or Flask. These technologies help manage our data, keep track of user information, and handle the
technical details of our system. We are creating special pathways, called APIs, to make sure the front-end and
back-end can talk to each other seamlessly. Inside the back-end, we are putting smart algorithms to work, so
when users upload images, our system can quickly figure out if anything looks suspicious. We are also making
sure everything is secure and can handle lots of users without slowing down. Thorough testing and
documentation ensure everything works well and is easy to manage in the future. This part is crucial for making
our Image Forgery Detection System effective and reliable.

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Chapter 4. Block Schematic:

Figure 1: Flowchart for system architecture

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Chapter 5.Algorithm Design and Development :

In the context of image forgery detection, the CNN algorithm is used to classify an image as either authentic or
forged based on the features extracted from the preprocessed images. The algorithm is trained on a large dataset
containing both authentic and forged images, and the features are learned through a process of convolution,
pooling, and activation functions. The convolution layer applies a set of learnable filters to the input image to
extract relevant features, such as edges and shapes. The pooling layer reduces the spatial dimensions of the feature
maps and helps to extract the most important information from the features. The activation function applies a
nonlinear transformation to the output of the convolution and pooling layers, which enhances the ability of the
network to learn complex features and patterns. After feature extraction, the output of the network is passed
through a fully connected layer, which maps the learned features to a set of probabilities. During training, the
CNN algorithm learns to optimize the parameters of the network to minimize the loss function and improve the
accuracy of classification. The CNN algorithm is effective in detecting various types of image forgery, including
copy-move forgery, splicing forgery, removal forgery, and retouching forgery. By analyzing the features
extracted from the preprocessed images, the algorithm can identify the inconsistencies and artifacts that are
associated with image forgeries. The accuracy of the CNN algorithm in detecting image forgeries depends on the
quality and diversity of the training dataset, the complexity of the network architecture, and the optimization
algorithm used for training.

Figure 2: Flowchart for algorithm design

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Chapter 6. Conclusion:

Our project is like building a strong base for future improvements in figuring out fake images. We are
committed to staying ahead in stopping tricky image changes. The teamwork, smart technology, and flexibility
of our approach show that our tool is important for catching fake images, moving us forward in the world of
digital investigations. Our Image Forgery Detection System, powered by Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN), has excelled in identifying manipulated images. Through a user-friendly interface and a well-
structured architecture, the system will showcase superior performance, surpassing existing methods in

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[1] Kunj Bihari Meena, Vipin Tyagi, Image Forgery Detection: Survey and Future Direction. IEEE
International Conference Indian Inform, (2019)
[2] Mohassin Ahmad and Farida Khursheed, Digital Images Forgery Detection Approaches. A Cataloging in
Publication Record, Artech House Inc, Norwood, MA, USA (2021)
[3] Marcello Zanardelli, Riccardo Leonardii, Nicola Adami, Image forgery detection: A survey of recent Deep
Learning approaches. IEEE Trans. Multimedia, (2022)
[4] Zankhana J. Barad, Mukesh M. Goswami, Image Forgery Detection using Deep Learning: A Survey. In:
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. (2020)
[5] Mohammed, Tajuddin Manhar Bunk, Jason Nataraj, Lakshmananent, Boosting Image Forgery Detection
using Resampling Features and Copy-move Analysis, (2018)

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