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Kariyono Kariyono Feb 1, 2019

Dear Kariyono Kariyono,

FIG Working Week, 22–26 April 2019

at Vietnam National Convention Center, Hanoi

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the largest and most prestigious conference of surveying
professionals in 2019, this year held in Vietnam. We expect 1,000–1,500 surveying and spatial experts
from around 70–80 countries. The week-long conference offers a mix of interesting plenary and technical
sessions and workshops, a trade exhibition and a variety of side events and social functions. The
technical programme will consist of around 400 presentations within the field of surveying including best
practice and new research.

With the theme Geospatial information for a smarter life and environmental resilience, the conference
will focus on how to work towards a smarter life both through the development of smart sustainable cities
and the development of rural areas. Spatial information, big data, surveying, BIM, land administration
and much more are essential factors in this development.

FIG Working Week gives passionate professions the opportunity to:

• Learn globally
• Learn across silos from other countries, industries and professional roles
• Make improved impacts in career, organization and community.
FIG Working Week accelerates learning and impact through:
• Methods to more quickly complete daily projects and stretch objectives
• Network globally and locally to find expertise to more effortlessly achieve objectives
• Enabling people and organizations to save time and money.
The International Federation of Surveyors has been organizing conferences since 1878. FIG is the
premier international organisation supporting the interests of surveyors and the advancement of the
profession worldwide. FIG is a UN-recognised non-government organisation representing more than 120
countries through a federation of national member organisations.

More information about the conference is available on the conference web site
Please note that this letter is an invitation to participate in the Working Week, but not a personal
sponsorship of your stay in Hanoi or Vietnam, nor a letter to obtain visa.

We hope to see you and look forward to welcoming you in Hanoi.

On behalf of the organisers FIG and VGCR,

Louise Friis-Hansen Trinh Anh Co

FIG Director and Co-Conference Director Co-Conference Director
Kalvebod Brygge 31–33 VGCR – Vietnam Association of Geodesy –
DK-1780 Copenhagen V, DENMARK ­Cartography – Remote Sensing

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