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Underline the word that shows expressing of amazement!

1. A: You know, I got 10 in science exam last week.

B: really? How clever you are! Congratulation.
A: thanks, it means a lot for me.
2. A: what do you think of this dress?
B: what a beautiful dress it is! It must be very expensive dress.
A: yes, it is very expensive I think
3. A: what a nice phone! Is it your new phone?
B: yes, my father bought me this phone 3 days ago, because I got the first place in singing
A: how lucky you are! I wish I could be the winner in badminton competition.
4. A: our school will hold a design competition for our Independence Day and the door prize is
a new gaming laptop.
B: are you sure about that?
A: yes, I got the news from head master this morning.
B: what an interesting prize! I must join the competition.
A: yes, you must show your best!

Find the mistake and change it into the correct one!

Example: I get this bag 2 days ago. I got this bag 2 days ago

5. Last week I go to the cinema to watch barbie with my friend.

6. Do you buy this ball last week?
7. Where does you live?
8. Do you study math last night?
9. They cook pasta yesterday.
10. Yesterday I am late to come to school because I watch YouTube until 2 pm last night, I take a
bath and then ate my meal, I go to school by motorcycle. I arrive at my school at 7 in the
morning and I see may teacher stand in front of the class.

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