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10/17/23, 10:05 AM untitled


25 Pertanyaan

1. A driver....the taxi

A On B In

C At

2. Let's meet.....Saturday

A On B In

C At

3. Let's meet.....two hours

A On B In

C At

4. Do you want yo go there.......the morning?

A At B On

C In 1/4
10/17/23, 10:05 AM untitled

5. I can't work....night

A In B At

C On

6. I like goinh to the beach......the summer

A On B At

C In

7. I am Mirae Park and I live....Korea

A On B In

C At

8. I like studying.....night

A On B At

C In

9. My parents are always......lunch time

A In B At

C On

10. Ask me again.....two or three minutes.

A In B On

C At

11. Wirya's birthday is........27th June.

A In B On

C At 2/4
10/17/23, 10:05 AM untitled

12. We have lessons.....Friday morning

A On B In

C At

13. My parents usually go out......the evening

A At B On

C In

14. I was born.....2002

A At B In

C On

15. The Road Safety Campaign begins _____ 9.00 a.m.

A at B in

C on

16. Hani waited for her mother ____ the bus stop.

A on B at

C in

17. The boys waited for their friends ____ the school hall.

A in B at

C on

18. My teacher pointed to the poster ______ the wall.

A at B on

C in 3/4
10/17/23, 10:05 AM untitled

19. He visited many interesting places _____ France.

A at B in

C on

20. The road safety exhibition starts ____ the second of April.

A at B in

C on

21. We live in a small town _____ Perak.

A at B in

C on

22. There is a beautiful picture _____ the cover of the book.

A at B in

C on

23. James and his brother learnt to swim ____ two months.

A in B at

C on

24. The children had a lot of fun _______ the party.

A in B on

C at

25. The girls go jogging _____ the evening.

A on B in

C at 4/4

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