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Day 1.......


Hi and thanks for being here, I was just searching for someone to talk to when I
stumbled upon your profile and I must say that you're looking really good in that
picture, I hope you don't mind being a friend?

-OK cool, so why don't you tell me a bit about you? What's your name, how old are
you and where are you from?
Well I'm Jane from Florida, United States. I'm 28, the only child of my parents,
may their souls rest in peace. I'm also single, never married and I have no kids. I
like to explore and discover new things, I have a great sense of humor and I enjoy
the finer things in life like music, art, watching movies, things like that. I'm a
very easy going person and I love to be happy always. I like seafood and my
favourite color is black.

I am an adventurous risk-taker that's chosen to live an uncommon life. I am

kindhearted and I am also a person with a great sense of humor, I love great food,
friends, conversation.

I believe I have another lifetime in front of me and I would like to meet someone
with whom I connect physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually to
share it with. Someone I can get very very close to, someone to share a bond and
trust with, someone I can be silly and play with; I bring out the little boy in you
and you the little girl in me.

I'd love to let you know that I am an easygoing and optimistic woman who flies
solo, I am content to most of what life brings and always want to explore and
aspire great possibilities. I am also a pretty upbeat person with a decent and
healthy dose of passion, humor, honesty, spirituality, sensuality and intelligence.
You know the saying, "When life gives you lemon, you should make lemonades out of
it", I am a living example of that.

-What do you do for a living ?

I'm actually just restarting out my life after a really bad breakup and I'm going
into the business world right now, trying out new things. I'm testing the waters in
the fashion industry and applying my own twist to it, hoping it turns out well.
{Talk more about this}

-How long have you been working?

I've worked for almost 10 years now but I'm going into the business world because
I'm tired of working for someone else and I'm ready to be my own boss. I've been a
bartender, dancer, babysitter and I've worked as a model for almost five years.
I've been into the fashion business for a few months now and it's not looking too
bad, lol. I'm currently making some designs for a company for their beauty contest
and it's a lot of work so I'm very busy for now.

- Are you married and do you have any kids ?

I'm single, no kids.

-Do you have your own car?

Yes I do. I drive an old Toyota Camry.

-How long have you been single and what's being single like?
I've been single for 2 years now, mainly because I will only allow a certain type
of person into my life. There has been the odd fling now and again, but nothing
serious enough to call a relationship.

In a way, I like being single because it leaves me to concentrate my energy

elsewhere, although I sometimes miss the closeness that forms in a relationship. I
do not think a person is whole until they are entwined by love, so even though
single life can be easy, I would prefer to work hard at a relationship.

-What do you do for Fun?

I like to read and I love to write. I write poems and short stories, stuff like
that. I'm also a voracious reader and I'll read anything I can lay my hands on when
I'm bored because I have this thing where I try to read a book a week, lol. I like
bowling, fishing, cooking, dancing, camping and hanging with my friends and family.
I enjoy a lot of other things too, socializing, good food, sport, live music,

-You sound like a really interesting person, why don't you tell me a little more
about yourself, your likes and dislikes?
I'm really shy and a bit old school, I love to make people happy, I enjoy reading
fiction and non-fiction books as well as the Bible. Basically if it's got words in
it I will read it. Sounds simple I know, but people express their feelings a lot
more thoroughly through writing and music than in other ways.

I'm an expressive person and I don't keep my feelings bottled up as I believe that
communication is essential for any relationship to thrive, so I'm always honest
about who I am and what my intentions are and I don't care if anyone judges me by

I like to snuggle when it rains or read a good book, I enjoy shopping at a large
mall,reading any self-help books, listening to slow music and exercising. I want to
explore the world, do new things, meet new people and learn about other cultures
from all around the world. The world is a big, big place and I don't wanna die in
this little corner without seeing as much of the world as I can.

I love warm weather, tropical drinks and sandy beaches and although I like the cool
and quiet, I also like to party and have fun because I don't want no more drama in
my life. I like people who read to improve themselves and find value in self help
books, I like romantic evenings and bedroom talk, I enjoy music a lot. I am very
friendly and love to be surrounded by fun, outgoing, positive people. I'm a
religious person so I like people who are spiritual but not necessary religious.

-Do you have siblings?

I'm the only child of the family.

-Do you have someone here online or anywhere else?Side chicks? Ex's from the past
that won't leave?
Yeah I have a few people I've been chatting with but there's been nothing serious.
Just a lot of weird ass people.

-What do you seek here? Marriage or just friends?

I'm seeking friendship first, (no game playing please) with someone who appreciates
some of the same temperaments and interests I enjoy. That special someone is a man
with integrity, he's compatible with me, responsible, intelligent, has a sense of
humour, positive, is clean and neat in habit and appearance, romantic, passionate
about living and loving.

I like an adventurous person who likes travel, nature and enjoys being home, a man
who is at peace with himself enough to make him show interest and be supportive of
my work. I'm just looking for someone to have a good friendship, to share
experiences and nice moments with.

I think that love comes with a good friendship so right now I'm looking for some
new friends and maybe love will come, I don't know. Time will decide. I am hoping
to connect with people of like minds to form friendship first and then leave the
rest to Infinite Intelligence.

-At this point in your life, what sort of relationship do you seek? Are you looking
for a long term relationship?
I am seeking friendship to start with, as I have been through a lot of broken
relationships and heartbreaks too so right now I'm cautious with my heart and won't
take anything too lightly. I suppose I am looking for a best friend to possibly
develop into something more.
I know there is one special person out there for everybody and I am no longer
willing to settle for second best. The man I choose will be forever, because we
will connect our souls together in everlasting bliss. I believe strongly in inner
beauty, so although a physical attraction helps, I am seeking the man with a heart
of gold.

-Can you tell me about your past relationship and why it ended?
My last relationship was a collosal disaster in that we had been together for over
5 years before my ex left with all my money. What made it really difficult was that
he was my manager at the time because I used to model until about two years ago
when we split ways. It was a very different and difficult time for me and I'm just
trying to get my life back together, that's why I'm here hoping to just meet
someone real.

-What type of man are you, how do you treat your woman?
I am an old fashioned woman that believes a man needs to be showered with affection
and due respect. If he is what is believed to be the one, then my man would be
surrounded with protection, love, honesty, loyalty, support and compassion.

I'm not afraid to constantly reassure my partner of my feelings and I like when my
man reminds me that I'm still an important part of him.

- How emotional are you? Has a song ever made you cry?
Yes, I cried when I first heard Adele's "Hello". The first time I listened to John
Legend's "All of Me", I wept like a baby. Fresh out of a heart-wrenching break-up,
I couldn't understand how anyone could love another so much that the whole world
could tell just by listening to one song. I wanted to kill Chrissy Teigen, not only
had she stolen the love of my greatest celebrity crush, she also had a love I
wanted so much.

-What is the most inspirational saying you've ever come across?

Hmmm... Mine would be "All men dream but they are most dangerous who dream with
their eyes open".
-Have you ever hit a woman and would you hit your partner for any reason?
I won't do that. I would rather discuss it over than fighting. I abhor violence in
every form.

Day 2

I have good impression about you and I am interested to know more about you.

-What do you dislike in a person?

I don't like cheats, liars, or shallow people.

-What's that thing you dislike in women?

I dislike men who are insecure, not confident or too afraid to try new things. I
like a man who is trustworthy, faithful, sincere,always showing great regard and
values his relationship more than any other thing, someone who has a big heart,
someone who takes things that matter to their partner very serious and act on them.

-What are your hobbies?

Well as for me I enjoy slow dancing, taking long walks, romantic candle-lit
dinners, traveling, shopping and watching movies. If I'm feeling pretty sexy, I
enjoy playing the piano for that special person and I love snuggling and stealing
passionate kisses with that special person.

-What is your favorite local hot spot or travel destination?

I love any restaurant that serves good food or where a good band plays, generally
any small mom and pop restaurant, I like diners for breakfast, Gino's in Philly,
Dinner at Jackson and Fillmore in San Francisco and barbecuing in my back yard.
I love restaurants with romantic settings where I can be with my special someone
and sit for hours just looking into each others eyes and feeling that special

-How often do you exercise?

I enjoy daily exercises which either involves weight training or aerobics. I think
it is important to exercise and eat very healthy meals so I like a man who is
interested in exercise and physical fitness.

-Are you religious?

I am a Christian/Catholic and although I don't have my own church denomination, I'm
quite religious. I do go to church every Sunday, learning about the Lord. I enjoy
attending a good church that leaves you feeling better and peaceful when you leave.
I know that if the Lord wasn't in my life, there were days I would have just given
up but because He is, He keeps me going.

- What do you value most in a relationship?

What I value most in a relationship is communication, when two people can talk and
have an open, honest conversation about how they feel, what makes them happy and
what upsets them. If you don't tell your partner then they can't do what makes you
happy and vice versa. Communication, honesty and sincerity are very important to

-What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
It would be incredibly hard to give up on someone or something I truly love.

-Where have you been able to visit around the world?

I've been to China, Columbia, Italy and Indonesia but I still wanna see more of
what this world to offer. I want to visit more places and meet many more people.

-Do you think a good way to judge a person is by observing the way they treat their
I believe that irrespective of whatever happened in the past, the way a person
treats his/her parents reveals how they WILL treat you! If it's with love, kindness
and respect, then this is what you will receive. But if it's with criticism,
defensiveness and disrespect, then this too you will receive eventually. It's
almost certainly a guarantee! So I try to watch and listen to the answers in their
actions and words before we jump into bed.

-What percentage of your income are you comfortable spending versus saving?
I'm not very thrifty so I'd say 70 vs 30? Lol. I'm not very money driven and as
long as I have no money problems, I'm good. I'm not comfortable with people who
take money so seriously to the extent of allowing it to control or influence their
lives, I mean it's just money and it's not like we're going to take any of it with
us when we die right?

-Do you have any outstanding debts?

No I do not have any debts, I try to live within my means.

-At what age do you want to retire, ideally, and where do you imagine yourself at
that stage in life?
I'd like to retire at the ripe, old age of 50. At that stage I imagine I'm a
successful designer with stores all over the USA.

-Have you read a book that changed your life?

Yes definitely. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill has been one of the most
influential books I've ever read, it definitely changed my life.

-Do you believe in love at first sight or do you think it's bullshit?
I believe that love at first sight is real but like the gift of salvation, it
doesn't belong to everybody.

-If aliens came to Earth, would you be scared of them or would you welcome them?
I would run like hell! Have you seen Independence Day?

-What is your favourite ice cream flavour and why?

My favourite ice flavour is chocolate. Why? Well I just love chocolate! Lol.

-What do you want from your woman?

What I want from my man is to be open-minded and honest. I am just looking for
someone to love me for me and also treat me right and not hurt me. That is all I
need... is it too much?

Well I don't know maybe it is, because all my life I couldn't find such a man,
maybe I was a bad searcher or maybe men have simply forgot how to take care of
their woman, they are so used to being treated in the best way, and they seem not
to value this care and devotion anymore.

On the other hand, some men are more selfish, and they think more about themselves
than about women or kids, you know maybe it's even good, but I don't know, I'm
created and taught in such a strange way, I like to take care of others more than
myself, and I need to be loved in return.

I want someone who likes to do the simple things, such as a walk in the park, hand
in hand, spending a lot of time together, getting to know about each other. I am a
pretty easy going girl and it takes a lot to get me angry. I want that in a man as

-What kind of woman are you looking for?

I'm looking for someone with a good sense of humour who wants to explore the world,
someone I can trust and think about every second of every day because I know
they're thinking about me too, someone I can be the real me with.

I'm looking for someone to share every dream, secret and desire with because he
doesn't think any less of me for it, someone I want to kiss, touch and hold their
hand every time we're together.

I'm looking for someone who can at least understand that I'm not perfect and I have
flaws and is ready to accept me like that, someone who can see things in a grey
shade not just black and white.

I'm looking for someone who makes me laugh, who can be my best mate and my lover,
someone who doesn't let me "miss me" in our relationship, someone who is gentle yet
strong emotionally and physically but isn't too serious that he cannot cry in

I'm looking for someone to probably spend my "happy ever after" with. I don't ask
too much of a person, I like somebody who is honest, reliable, tender, funny, and
romantic, likes to show his emotions and communicate in the good or bad times.

I like to have a relationship based on love, communication, care for each other and
respect for each other's space, likes, dislikes. I want someone close to me.

I don't like lies, in truth I despise liars and no matter the situacion I want to
know the truth as I think that when people comunicate in a mature way things can be

I want a man who will look into my eyes and say the most incredible things to me
while lovemaking. It's like he can get into my mind and bring me to new heights
using only his words and his eyes.

I want a man, who will touch me, hugg me, kiss me and make love to me like he is
totally into it. He's not doing it JUST to make me happy, he's doing it because he
really enjoys my body and being with me. What a turn-on!!!

I'd love someone that is serious, confident, responsible, honest, kind, sociable,
communicative, gentle, cheerful and romantic, someone who believes in talking to
each other to work out our differences.

That special someone would be handsome, intelligent, affectionate, caring and

funny, a family oriented guy that still believes in soul mates, love notes, long
walks, holding hands, and true love.

-What is love to you?

To me love is all and all is love. It's that which turns the world because when
cupid's arrow has been hurled, it can raise you higher than the sky or break your
heart into a million fragments and that's no lie.

When love chooses its prey, forever joined they will stay, in love's sweet harmony
forever and always shining, never grey. Love is a perfect bond of heart and mind,
for two who will look and find, spirits meeting at the lover's gate, not one minute
or second late.

-What is your own definition of true love?

For me, true love is when two people are so connected that the most important thing
in their lives is each other. What makes love true is how it made you feel when the
lover wasn't around or after it was all over.

When a person finds someone who will work at keeping the relationship alive, they
want that feeling of looking forward to seeing each other after work, and when they
are away from each other, they can't wait to go home to each other, that's true

-Do you like public intimacy?

I think to show affection in public is part of the acceptance of a relationship,
public intimacy is my thing and I miss that. I like to hold hands and to walk while
holding hand still, it's fun I guess.

-What's the key to a succesful relationship?

I think the key to a successful relationship is to love with all your heart and to
always show that you do. And of course to always be honest. Commitment is the
greatest key to a successful relationship because if you are committed you will
always find a way to work things out.

-Where would you love to spend your honeymoon when you find the right woman?
I've always dreamed of going to an exotic island for a couple of weeks. We would
stay in a romantic bungalow with windows open, there would be lace curtains blowing
in a light breeze along with warmth coming from the sunshine shining through the
lace. Although this would be heaven on earth, I'd be in heaven just being with the
man God intended me to go through life's journey with.

-Why do you need a woman ?

I wouldn't say I need a man but I do have a lot of love to give and wasted love is
a crime above all others. I have a big heart that is ready to offer pure love and
respect, the only thing I demand is that I'm given same.
-What are the basic qualities you seek in a Woman?
I am looking for the essentials in a man. Honesty, loyalty, commitment, compassion,
but above all else I seek individuality. That one man who can touch my heart.

-Can you take my kids as yours if we are meant to be together?

I love kids & I treat all kids as if they are my own. I favor none but give my love
& support to them & try to be the godly woman I am supposed to be.

-Do you love to express your feelings or are you one to hide your feelings?
I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep
them locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them & are
there to support & encourage them. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with the person I
love. It makes my heart happy.

-Tell me the kind of woman you are looking to spend the rest of your life with,
describe to me your perfect woman.

I am looking to settle with someone who will really love me and make me his queen
and in return he will also be treated like a king. My perfect man is understanding,
caring and loving, a man who will always be there for me. Someone who is willing to

In some relationships only one person gives, but this is not what I want. A
relationship must take both people working together, and loving each other, doing
what ever it takes to make things work.

Like I said earlier, it is all about communication and communication is not just
talking but also being able to listen. Not just hear the person but to listen,
absorb and understand what the person is conveying to you.

I love individualism. Don't become what you think I will like, be yourself and let
me like you! With this as a foundation all the trust and honesty falls into place.
It becomes a given and not something you have to look for or ask for.

I enjoy the little kisses stolen throughout the day & the little mischievous smiles
he gives me from across the room while no one's looking. I believe a woman & man
are to walk side by side in life & so communication & honesty are VERY important.

My man has to be a man of God & for that reason alone I will not have to worry
about him treating me badly or cheating on me. I in turn will be completely
faithful to him & will support him during our lives together because a friend in
need is a friend indeed.

We don't always have to be together but we'll feel each others presence even when
we're apart. We will be eachothers rock to lean on & we will share dreams & goals
for ourselves & our children.

We will also support them & raise them to be God-fearing men & women who will have
faith & be strong even when life is looking down. I want my kids to be part of the
good guys because there's too many of the bad guys in the world and the world needs
good guys.

-Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship and how did you cope with the
Well if you really are someone who has patience and are ready to have a committed
relationship I think distance shouldn't be a problem to you. That's how I see it,
unless you're here for a one night stand and not a long-term type of relationship.

Besides, how long is it going to take two souls who really want to meet each other?
I will do great things, beautiful things, horrible things for someone I love for
what is love if there's such a challenge it can't overcome? What really can be the
obstacle when the love and feelings keep growing each and everyday?

I believe the world is such a big place to live and no one knows where he or she is
going to find their love so distance can and will not hurt a bond between two
people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love. Also I'm
willing to relocate to accommodate my partner if it eventually gets to that so
really, I think distance is just a test to how real love can travel.

-What Do You Define As A Family?

I feel like the easiest way is to define a family as a group of people who share a
deep bond of belonging and loyalty with one another.
On a personal level however, a family is that person or that group of people that
first come to mind when shit hits the fan. If you can consistently count on someone
in good and bad times, they're already family as far as I'm concerned.

-If You Could Live Forever, How Would You Spend Eternity?
If I could live forever, I'd spend eternity searching for the answer to life. Where
did we all come from?

What's Your Greatest Achievement And How Has It Shaped You?
My greatest achievement to date is my business. It took several months and all of
my willpower to pick up the pieces of my life and start living again after my last
breakup. I lost everything I ever had, I had to deal with several lawsuits and the
bills just kept pilling up. I'm really proud of myself to be where I am today.
Thanks to that experience I'm discovering the entrepreneur in me!

-If You Could Master One Skill You Don't Have right Now, What Would It Be?
I'd love to be a violinist! Oh God how I tried to learn that cursed instrument!

- Hi dear, I got your message and it was really nice hearing from you. I want to
use this opportunity to let you know that I am really happy and very excited that
we are writing each other but I would be happier if we chat more and get to know
each other better cos I feel really connected to you already.

I really want to know why an angel like you is still being lonely and I also want
to know a lot more about you. I really want someone to treat me right and also
treat me like a queen and I would do the same and also treat you more like a king.
I am looking for the one who I will cherish, adore, and call mine for the rest of
my days.

-How do you express your feelings to your partner?

I am a very affectionate person, I like to show somebody how I feel not just by
telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in bed, on the couch or
wherever, I love to cuddle while watching a good movie, I love to hug and kiss my
man at anytime and anywhere be it a store, mall or just on a sidewalk and I have no
trouble showing affection for the right man in public or private.

I'm very relationship oriented and I believe life is too short to waste. When I am
in a relationship I am committed, honest, loyal and I expect and demand same
because I think that falling in love is always a good thing, even if it doesn't
work out.

There is always something to learn from being with someone, and happy times and
memories should be cherished for as long as they can be remembered. Talking to you
these last days has gotten me all mushy, you are beginning to really grow on me and
I am looking forward to getting to know you better.

-Do you believe in gender roles in a relationship and how do you treat your
I believe that men need to be treated with respect and as equal partners in a
relationship (if only to massage their egos) but really all I seem to find are men
who do not know how to respond to that or worse, suspicious of it.

I feel like you should treat somebody with respect not because you're an ass-kisser
but because they are a person not a peice of meat or whatever and while I
completely believe that men and women are equal partners in a relationship, I'm not
so na�0�7ve as to assume equality means being the same.

I am the type of person who wants somebody to feel wanted not just as a trophy and
I'll spoil you well enough if you promise to be straightforward and sincere with

-How much money do you make?

I'm just getting started as an entrepreneur and I can't say for sure. I'm losing
money right now tbh but I am hopeful that this job I'm working will change all

-How tall are you?

I'm 5"7

-What City and state were you born?

I was born in Aranjuez, Madrid.

-Where do you live?

I live in Wellington, Florida, been here almost a year now.

-What are your parents' names?

Mum was Claire and dad's name was Wayne

-Are they alive?

No they're not. Dad passed on in 2009 and Mom in 2011.

-What is your favorite memory of your parents?

Oh well I remember always helping mom in the Kitchen. Dad and I used to play cards
at home all the time when he returned from work and I loved sitting beside him,
snuggled up close to him while I slept. I miss him so much, I miss them both so

-What do you think is your greatest asset?

That would be my heart because it is so loving and committed. I used to curse
myself for always being so committed even when it wasn't convenient to do so but I
have discovered that my commitment is a great advantage in the business world
because I can set my heart to a task and not stop until I've completed it.

- Have you forgiven all the past relationship and those that have offended you or
hurt you in the past? How will you treat your partner now?
Although I have been hurt many times before, I don't hold on to the past and always
start a new relationship with open arms because every relationship has it's ups &
downs, I will treat my man with lots of love & respect.

-What would you change about yourself if you could?

I think I like what I am now, but what I have to be careful with is to take easy in
loving someone. There is no "in-between" for me. It's either I'm all in or not at
all. It's taken me this long to get out there because I know that as soon as I find
that person, I can fall so hard that people say I'm getting crazy LOL.

-What type of lover are you? Can you describe what you expect in a partner?
I'm a gentle soul, quiet and certainly not what most people would assume - a social
butterfly. Instead I'm the quiet, watchful, listener who will provide you with a
listening ear after a tough day and not judge, or assume or tell you what to do.

I love nature and water and feel a special kinship to just being near water and
having water right near my home. I feel the peace of the world in the breeze across
the water, the lapping of the waves on the shore, the unassuming nature of water
and nature.

I am one with nature, and could spend hours just sitting by the beach, river, lake,
ocean and stitch, read, listen to music and feel at the end of a day that I've had
an incredible day. It is so hard to describe myself, as I know it is for many

I guess the best way to put it is that I am a genuine person with a huge heart. I
am family oriented and I am looking for someone with strong family values. I am
looking for a man who is the whole extension of the word "confident".

A man who is very intelligent, who has strong and clear values and ideals,
compatible with mine of course and most of all, with whom I could have an excellent

-Do you believe that a relationship should never involve a third party?
For me, all I want is a relationship that is free of obstacles, totally open and
based on the mutual confidence and trust.

I believe that in a solid relationship which there exists intimacy and mutual
knowledge and understanding of feelings, capacities, limits, etc, a third party
becomes a crowd, and although every relationship is different, even if a third
party were to be involved, it should be by mutual consent.

-Tell me your best and worst experience in meeting a lady on the Internet.
I've never met anyone online, between my parents dying and getting money for school
and then the whole modelling thing I didn't really have time to try online dating.

My worst experience on the internet however was getting hacked on an online store.
OMG It was a very nasty experience and I just barely managed to get out with my
skin intact.

-Have you ever met or fell in love with someone online?

I'm sorry you had to go through that, but it's okay not to worry about all that has
happned to you and never think about it. If you are ready to put that in the past
and look to the future, I am ready to make you happy if you can stick to me and
forget about the matter of money because I don't need things like that from you.

All I need is honesty, understanding, care, trust, and love so that everything will
be fine! Life is too short to forget that we will grow old someday and then realise
that we're not only alone, we're lonely.

-How much education did you get?

I have a degree in Business Management and many, many degrees of hard knocks from
the School of Life. Lol

-What are your favourite books?

There's so many to choose from! I love the entire Dan Brown series, The Economics
of Megacities, Pro Blogger, Wikinomics, Wall Street Journal, and OMG! George R. R.
Martin's Song of Ice and Fire, have you read those?

-Do you own any pets?

I have two dogs and a stray cat who never really stays home. My dogs are named Cara
and Suarez.

-What's your favourite way to unwind after a rough week?

I like dancing, swimming, camping alone or with friends, fishing, cuddling, I like
taking long walks, I really like reading, lol.

I enjoy gardening, cooking, good wine, theater, music, movies, traveling, sports,
shopping, going to the beach, flea markets, and traveling to new places. I am a
romantic at heart and a true lady at heart who just wants to please her man.

I start every day with a smile and always have a positive outlook on life. Laughter
is my secret ingredient for happiness and I make sure I get a healthy dose each
day. I enjoy a good joke, a belly hugging laugh from others or just a smile.

-You're saying all the right things and hitting the right notes, I need you to
level with me right now, are you a player or are you for real?
Yeah I am for real because I don't have time for games. It's very awful when
someone hurt another's feelings, I know because I have been hurt before so for me
it's rather simple because race, ethnicity, and physical appearance in general is
not a problem for me.
I just want people to be upfront about their intentions with me. I'm searching for
my life long partner to share a great life of love with, romance, long slow kisses,
feeling very special, intimacy, spirituality, pleasurable communication, dancing,
meeting of the minds, opening a door for you, flowers, traveling and other exciting
interests and adventures.

A GREAT LIFE of LOVE is all I seek, I am one who strongly believes in respect and
that without respect, you can't experience true love and generate a healthy

I believe in a smaller "wow" when it is first a friendship and then a larger "Wow"
later as it evolves into a beautiful, loving, committed relationship. I believe
it's not just what you are like on the outside, but more about what you are like on
the inside.


Honestly dear I've been unable to stop thinking about you since I read your last
message. You are starting to have an effect on me that's weird and wonderful at the
same time, I feel like I have known you all my life but I just want us to take it

I've been single since I caught my ex fucking my best friend in my hotel room, back
then they both claimed they were drunk so I forgave them but he repeated his filthy
attitude when he ran away with all my money, leaving me with nothing but bills.

I was so stupidly blinded by love that I wouldn't even read the contracts I was
signing while I was with him, because as my manager and boyfriend, I always felt
like he would never hurt me.

Meeting you has been a nice experience and I like the way you're making me feel. I
just want to know, these tingling sensation I'm getting, is this something that is
in my head or do you feel it too? I miss you already.

-What core values do you base your relationships on?

I feel that a relationship should always be based on honesty and acceptance. If you
can fully accept yourself, honesty will come naturally.

This in return will leave your partner feeling comfortable with you, knowing there
is nothing to hide.

If two people can see each other in full view with complete acceptance, they can
build a successful relationship from this.

-If you were to start a relationship today, what things will you look for in your
partner? I mean what do you hope to find in a relationship?

If I were to be honest, I'm looking for a new loving relationship, I don't know who
it is but the kind of man I'm looking for must be very responsible and reliable,
honest, caring, lovely, open minded and hard working.
He must be someone who I can trust enough to give him control of my business in
future, someone who has a great personality and sense of humor for I need someone
to lift my spirits above all else.

I generally prefer men who are older than I am because I believe age is just a
number, but I'm open to anyone depending upon their maturity.

Sharing the intimate side of myself with someone is a big deal for me and I need
someone willing to do the same, willing to make the same sacrifices I am.

I hope to find a man that I could possibly have a new life with because I am still
single, still searching for a man who will make me happy until the end of my days,
the man I can spend the rest of my life with in happiness.

-We have been talking about relationships for a while now, what do you define as a
Well for me a relationship is two people trusting each other fully, not being
afraid to tell the other what one thinks, whether it be good or bad, and the other
respecting their opinion.

-What make a good relationship?

It takes a lot to make a good relationship. It requires time and a lot of effort
but above all else, it takes trust.

The glue that holds all relationships together - including the relationship between
the leader and the led - is trust, and trust is based on integrity.

Presently I have something in secrecy which I'm going to disclose to the right man
of my life and although this can make us happy until the end of our lives, I am
presently apprehensive about men because I have been cheated by a man before so I
will like to know more about you and understand you better first.

-What to you is the key to a successful relationship?

The most important 'key' to a successful relationship would have to be trust
because trust is the easiest thing in the world to loose, and the hardest thing in
the world to get back.

With trust, love will follow. However what I have noticed is that many people
think, or expect that, trust is to be earned by the other person, when in actuality
it is something that comes from within yourself.

All too many times people will say they don't trust due to past experiences, what
they don't realize is that they have built up those proverbial walls to protect
them from the very thing they are searching for.

Yes, there is a risk in trusting someone, but when you finally find that 'right'
person, it makes all the past experiences and lessons learned very much worth the

One key secret to a successful relationship is compromise. Meeting halfway on

things shows your partner that you really do care about their viewpoint and you are
willing to work on making each other happy.

Every so often make it a point to do something that you normally would not agree to
or feel like doing, when you keep your partner constantly surprised by your
actions, you regenerate that "new love" feeling time and time again.

Commitment is the greatest key to a successful relationship. If you are committed

you will always find a way to work things out.

-Do you agree that people have the power to choose whether to fall in love or not?
To dream anything that you want to dream; That's the beauty of the human mind. To
do anything that you want to do; That is the strength of the human will. To trust
yourself to test your limits; That is the courage to succeed.

We have the power to choose and control every aspect of our lives and I think we
should carefully choose those to share our lives with because love is a choice you
make from moment to moment, day by day.

It is better to carefully choose a partner so that having done that, you have no
reason to doubt them later on in the relationship.

-What is that one thing you can't just accept in a partner?

I can't ever accept a man who is insecure or violent. If my man should hit me even
once, that's the end of our relationship and I'm definitely pressing charges this

I can't stand a man who is insecure because those types of people expect you to
continuously earn their trust and they eventually become abusive and possessive. My
man has to be trustworthy so much that I'm willing to vouch for him anywhere.

When you don't trust yourself you become insecure and it seems no matter where you
are in a relationship, it's always lacking trust because like a key opens a door,
trust is what opens a heart.

Without trust you begin to worry day and night somehow gaining insecurities within
yourself that makes you question the love you two share. You start to feel
unworthy, you have so much to say, will there ever be trust or just that constant
pain, because of those feelings there's an emptiness in your heart and the
relationship is doomed from the very beginning because love without trust isn't
love at all.

-What excites you most about meeting someone new?

I like discovering new things about a person I just met, I enjoy discussing our
shared interests as I am a person who looks for the possibilities versus what
cannot be achieved, life is better experienced with a special one and not just any

-What makes true love blossom?

True love blossoms where there is acceptance, mutual respect and trust. Without
trust, you close your heart to the happiness and joy that true love brings.

It's only my experience and it's what I believe has given me the wonderful gift of
true love which is a difficult and scary thing to find, but very much worth it.

This is not to go without saying that some people may betray your trust that's the
risk, but why allow past betrayals to prolong the pain by building a fortress
around your heart that not only protects you from pain/betrayal, but also denies
you the ability to experience happiness and joy?
-How do you find motivation to pick yourself up when life puts you down?
I have learnt through experience to motivate myself because it is the most
effective way to keep oneself focused.

Whenever I'm facing a difficult challenge and I seem out of sorts, I just leave it
all then put on some music, I have never needed anything more.

-How do you handle conflict and dispute in your relationship?

Resolving any conflict in your relationship depends on understanding that your
partner is an independent being with independent thoughts and ideas and therefore
not expecting them to always think and react to things the way you do.

It's important to respect your partner's feelings, even if they are different from
your own. If you and your partner both do this you can usually resolve bad
situations before they deteriorate into something worse.

-What do you think is the reason for so many failed relationships?

It's just a matter of finding the right person to be in a relationship with in the
first place. If you are with the right person the relationship would encounter many
challenges but it will always come out stronger.

Most have been hurt enough by more than one person, why allow them and their
actions to stop us from finding what we search for? I say open your heart to trust
and bask in the beauty, happiness, and joy, of the true love that will follow. For
everyone there IS a someone, you just can't find them if you hide away all your

-Can you love someone you don't trust?

Love without trust is like climbing the mountains on your own, it's like a movie
in-the-making that will never ever be shown.

Trust is the sweetest sound you will ever hear, it's so powerful that it could even
take away a person's deepest fear yet it's so weak that one blow and it all goes to
Without trust things will never be the way they are, Love will never grow nor
travel very far.

Love without trust is like winter without the cold, It's like a pirate's treasure
chest without the gold. Trust is the greatest landscape your eyes can see, there's
no doubt, even the blind man can agree. Without trust things will not fall into
place, Love will be forever lost in a maze.

-Do you believe that a relationship can work with enough care and understand
without love from both sides?
I think a good relationship requires being each other's best friend, and trusting
one another. I think each should respect the other's opinion and that stupid
arguments over stupid things are healthy, as long as they are not taken too far.

Never being ashamed of each other for any reason also helps just as surprising your
mate with a nice romantic date or evening together and telling each other I love
you. Even if there is a lot of caring in the relationship there has to be love in
order for a relationship to work.
-How often do you require communication in a relationship?
Communication at all times is so important, and most importantly, respect for each
other and their need for alone time as well as together time.

Being able to enjoy the same things with each other, enjoying each other, and being
able to take their separate lives and smoothly combine their lifestyles into a
couple's lifestyle.

On top of that you have to have faith and trust so that when your man goes out with
an old female friend you can completely trust him and know that no matter what
happens, he will always come home to you. I know it may not seem like much but as
long as you have that and love, you are in a wonderful relationship. :)

-What qualities make a good relationship?

A good relationship is when your partner is more than just a partner, they should
be your best friend too.

A good relationship is when two lovers understand each other, they're genuinely
concerned for each other and they respect one another.

A good relationship is one purely based on trust, if nothing else. Being able to be
miles apart from your partner yet never worrying a minute about what they're doing,
now that's a good relationship.

A good relationship exists when either individual has the freedom to leave but
neither wants to. I honestly think that a good relationship is one where there are
no secrets and you are completely open with each other but the biggest key is that
the other person knows the worst possible thing about you and they love you even
more for it.


From the very moment you came into my life I started thinking about you, you have
captured my heart unconditionaly that I think of nothing else but you. Meeting you
has reminded me of some of the life lessons I forgot along the way and I can't
thank you enough for that.

I have learned that God sends friends when we need them the most and every friend
has a special purpose in our lives. I know that we often find new friends in
unexpected places as I have found you my lovely friend, because despite the
distance between us a real friendship grows across the miles and I know that though
we sometimes expect someone to kick us down, a true friend helps us stand back up.
I have also learned that we should not wait to express our appreciation for those
we care about because if we do, it might be too late.

-Are you actively seeking your other half or is it something you're willing to
leave to chance?
I'm very serious about finding my significant half, for me this search is very
important because I want to marry once and never again all my life.

I'm a kind of woman who wants to devote all her life to the one and only man who
will appreciate my care for him and will pay me back the same way. I need to trust
him, only him and I need him to trust me, only me, with no others involved, even
relatives or friends.

I am sure that family relations are the personal question of two, and nobody else
has a right to penetrate into the family life with their advices or suggestions.

Two people create a family and it is up to only them to decide how to grow it and
which kind of soil and water to use.

There's lots of interesting men here where I live and even online but I am telling
you that after my last break-up, I vowed to make it a long journey before I would
give love another chance but when I checked things out I realised that I am gething
older and I need someone I could start a new life with, someone to make me happy
till the end of time, that's why I can't just accept the first guy who walks into
my life, my next relationship has to be THE relationship.

-Do you feel like we know enough about each other to make a serious decision about
being in a relationship? Are you truly ready to move forward in your life?
The best way to get to know another person is to open your own mind to them and to
be honest and sincere about yourself.

You made your step towards me, telling a bit about your life and sharing intimate
details with me and I am impressed by your knowledge and maturity.

I think this quality is one of the most important for me in my Mr. Right as I want
him to love children and to be able to accept life in the childish way - with joy,
humor and sincere wondering sometimes.

I want you to know that I also want love so bad, I crave a love that is unbreakable
and do believe in God and His principles/words and consider this so great in my
life that I will find my own special person.

When one finds a worthy husband, his value is far beyond pearls for what greater
honour is there for a woman than her husband entrusting his heart to her, as an
unfailing prize?

I want not only to love and be loved but the little joys that being in love
affords. Intimacy brings about friendship, friendship brings about relationship,
relationship brings about love, love brings about marriage and marriage brings
about eternal love when its bound by the love and fear of God in mind.

- What are some of the things you learnt from past relationships?
I would say that I have learned above all else that people are multi-faceted, I
learned that our friends should always take something good away with them each time
they cross our path, that friends sometimes hurt us unintentionally, but we should
forget and forgive them.

I also learned that friends change over time and that such change should be
welcomed as it's necessary for growth. I know that friends sometimes need time and
space, and we should be thoughtful and understanding of their needs.

I learned that you should treat a friend kindly today, for the people we love the
most are often taken away from us too soon.
I also learned that friendship is a candle that lights our way, and though it
flickers against the winds of time, distance, and change, its beauty endures and
shines forever in our hearts.

- How can a struggling couple find peace with each other?

I think each should respect the other's opinion and that stupid arguments over
stupid things are healthy, as long as they are not taken too far.
I guess that if two people really love each other and the word "love" here means so
many things; it means to respect, care for, be loyal to, you lover and to take care
about each other and respect one another's opinion.

If two people truly love each other and they both agree to be equal in rights and
responsibilities they will find a way out from any situation.

- What did you learn from growing up in your part of the world?
Growing up in Spain among a lot of people with diverse cultures, I learned that we
should be open to a friend's view as two people can look at the same thing and see
something different. I know that we should not judge our friends but respect their
way of life even if we disagree with it.

I learned that we should not only take the time to talk to our friends, we should
also listen and try to understand them and how they feel about us and if we can't
understand, we should accept the situation based on the trust in the relationship.

All of life's little lessons do not have to be painful, even when they seem so at
the time. You just have to chalk up the experience and move on because in the end,
nothing is worth closing your heart to, no life is worth living in a world of
constant fear of what bad may come to you.

- If someone asked you to judge the quality of their relationship, what do you
consider before you define it as a solid relationship?
I define a great relationship by the way you treat each other. You could hold them
and run your fingers down the side of their face and make their day just like that.

You can also define it with fighting. Fighting is not my favorite thing to do with
my boyfriend but sometimes it needs to be done, it's not a real relationship until
you do fight but when the couple listens and doesn't interrupt when they're trying
to work out a fight, you can tell they care for each other deeply and share similar

A good relationship is when the two of you can actually feel better about your
relationship after an argument; it's when you can really respect each other's
differences and openly discuss feelings at all times.

I think I would have to say good communication too! Equality, LOVE not just lust,
and most of all, friendship is needed because it is so much easier to love someone
you truly know than someone you met 5 minutes ago.

For me, a good relationship is being able to open up to each other even about the
simple things in life. A relationship between two people cannot grow without trust.
Loving a person alone is not enough, because if you've got doubts building up
inside then you your relationship won't work.

- What language does your love speak?

There are different "languages of love" you know because people like to have love
communicated to them in different ways. The terminology is from a book I read

Basically some people like to be told, some people like to be showered by gifts,
some people do little things that show how much they care, the point is you have to
find out what your partner likes so you can speak their "language of love".
I like to be showered with gifts from time to time and because I'm very passionate,
I like to show my love by being intimate with my man.

He could come home from work to meet me in bed, naked and spread-eagled with a
devilish smile on my face, I could come to his place of work and fuck him in his
office or I could just get naughty and blow him off while he's on the phone trying
to tie up a business deal. I'm a very playful person who loves to enjoy life and
I'm looking for someone who shares the same qualities.

- How can you help me understand you better so we may have a good relationship?
A good relationship must be on a give and take basis, in order for you to
understand each other. Never fail to listen and understand the situation you're in
to, be open minded and be ready to face any obstacle that will come in your way.

A good relationship is when both members fully trust each other and can have a
blast with each other, knowing how to laugh and be there for each other. It's
something divine, where the understanding between the two partners is mutual.

There is a difference between saying it and actually feeling it, where you can just
believe in each other, really believe. No talking required, but it's something you
can just feel, something special.

- What is your definition of love?

My definition of love is different from the books, my definition of love is more
than just a look, for me love is more than a word, more than a song, more than a
note, love is more than a poem more than anything I've wrote.

Love is closing your eyes and reaching out to touch someone even when you are not
sure that they are there. Love is leaning in to kiss someone to remind them that
you care, love is looking in the eyes and whispering sweet nothings in the ears,
love is cuddling when I cry and have you catching all the tears, love is the warmth
shared between hugs when everything else is cold, love is knowing they'll still be
there when everything else is old, love is hearts beating faster and faster while
everything else is slowed down, love is singing sweet songs to your partner even if
hundreds are around, love is driving through the rain to help someone through tough
times, love isn't just holding hands; love is holding hearts, love isn't where it
ends; Love is where it starts.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not
proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps
no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It
always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

-What does a relationship mean to you?

Well, a relationship can mean two things:
1) It can mean that we have a connection, which I think exists between us
2) A relationship also means to be romantically or sexually involved and I think we
aren't at that level yet.

So I think at this point, given the amount of time we have been texting, we
definitely have a friendship forming based on some external and internal
similarities that are developing into a relationship that will bring us a little
closer with good intentions, and the potential exists for the relationship to
evolve into something more significant.

I've been in several rapports where I was not fully appreciated. In fact, many
times I felt I was taken advantage of and that hurts. I'd like to meet someone who
recognizes the little things I do for him and knows how to be appreciative.

For instance, if I were to make breakfast in bed or draw a bath for my man, he
could thank me by giving me a hug or a kiss. Or perhaps sending me a card for no
particular occasion just to tell me 'thank you.' I'm very appreciative of what
people do for me and I'll reward them in my own little ways. To me, it's the little
things that mean a great deal.

-What does it really mean to be affectionate?

I love a man who can display his affections for me anytime and anywhere without
having to be shy. And a person who knows how to be affectionate is a big plus. I
love being affectionate.

This may be an odd one, but I've learned that there are many men out there that are
set in their ways. They have one way of doing things and are never open to
suggestions or advice. Stubborn men are a major turn off for me.

I like a man who is open to ideas, thoughts, and basically open minded. I think
being receptive brings about sensitivity as well. A man who is ignorant, mean, and
just plain insensitive is difficult to get along with.

I would say that I'm not afraid to display my emotions. I'd like someone who is
sensitive and caring. If I'm sad, I'd like for him to be able to comfort me and
cheer me up.

He doesn't have to do much, but just knowing that he's there to give me solace is
more than good enough. Have you ever had someone not stand up for you? I was deeply
hurt when someone I once knew wouldn't not stand up for me, even after he told me
he loved me.

I would never allow someone to hurt my husband, and I would always stand up for
him. One thing I will always do for my man is to protect him.

-What do you think is key to eternal happiness?

I think trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No matter how
much you love someone if you don't have these ingredients you will never succeed.

To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her first.
You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing
that will never fade until you die, your heart.

Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting
them with your heart. Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you
hold on to.

Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is
what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they
need some help. Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is
special, think that you are always there for them, to be with them, to make them
realize how much you really love them.
Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable. Love is
a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to
you to give again and again.

You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes
from your heart; it never lies. Trust it.
There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting
with your heart; choose wisely.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved, for you can love many, but
without trust you have nothing. The heart already knows what the mind can only
dream of. Trust your heart.

- Do you think distance between lovers can diminish love?

Distance or not, when you love and trust someone, they live inside you, but when he
or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.

Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not
proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps
no record of wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.

Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got,
even when you know it's not going be enough. Love is not always fireworks and
shooting stars sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people.

-Here is a Question for you- Are you over your feeling for your ex and are you
ready to go on with life?
I do want to go on with my life and I've asked God to bring someone into my life
who will want me for me and be good to me because I know that there has to be
someone out there for me.

I know just because the Lord has someone in mind for me to share the rest of my
life with because he doesn't want us to be alone or lonely. I miss those moments
when I burst out laughing for no reason at all, or just knowing when the other
person needs a hug.

When you are content just to listen to someone ramble about something in our lives
then you need to be honest with yourself and admit that they have found their way
into your heart and that's a good thing because some people get hurt once and build
so many walls, burn so many bridges that they eventually end up lonely, bitter and

- What's essential for the success of a long-term relationship?

Love is obviously a crucial element in a successful long-term relationship but
having love isn't enough. You need to be in love, give that deep kiss, sit next to
each other at a restaurant or hold hands in public.

The little things go a long way towards establishing a deep, intimate connection
with your partner. As simple as it sounds, this action is probably the most
commonly overlooked and ignored.

After a while together, some couples find it difficult to always communicate with
each other, be honest, never doubt each other and trust in one another. Love one
another and be as one.

Communication is important to me, because I believe if something is bothering you

about the other person, talk to them about it. Don't let it eat at you and hope
that they are going to change because how will they change if you don't tell them?

To be open and honest with the person you're with is a great advantage, lying about
things only means you have something to hide, and it only makes things worse for
everyone, without honesty in your relationship it will not work.

Lies have a tendency of catching up with you..

I think the most important key to a successful relationship is when you truly enjoy
each other's company.

-How do you really feel about me?

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a relationship with the
person who makes everything right.

I am quite impressed by your understanding and desire for true love and therefore
would be very glad to start a deeper correspondence with you. Let us explore the
mutual high esteem, affection, trust and love which will develop between us because
as you know, a good relationship requires being each others bestfriend, and
trusting one another.

If you would like to investigate into the bottom of my heart, I would like also to
do so into yours. Why don't we start the journey to find out whether we are soul
mates? Let's go have some fun together for the rest of our lives.

One more thing, I want you to promise me you're not going back on that site looking
for some other girl. I'm enough to take care of you and do not hesitate to ask me
for whatever you think you need me to help you with okay?

.......Day 7 :............

-Do you know what love feels like? That feeling that makes your heart so warm you
would never need the summer to come again. I want a man who will accept me like his
wife. We will help each other emotionally, spiritually, sexually, financially and
we support each other very much. Love is the most beautiful song, with its sweet
melody coming from the bottom of the heart, friendship is a pilgrimage of love from
one heart to another.

- I think I am in love with you baby, ever since I set my eyes on your profile pics
you have captured my heart. I think of you as if I have never been in love before,
I love every little thing about you.

I love your cute smile, your magical eyes, I can't wait to be with you and take
care of you my sweet. I love your gentleness, and I love the warmth I feel when I'm
right here talking with you, I would love to be in your arms right now my love, I
can't stop thinking about you when we are apart and I need you by my side. You
complete me.

I need you to know that you complete me because you mean the world to me, you are
the best thing that has ever happened to me. You may not understand what I'm saying
but the truth is you are the one I've always wished for.

I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you are and now that
I've found you I'm never letting go. I love and cherish each and every moment I
share with you on here my lovely angel, I love you for ever.

-I dont know what to say or where to start from sweetheart, you never cease to
amaze me with your words and feelings. I've met a very loving and caring man who
definitely knows how to treat his woman with love and respect and that man is you.

I do want to be happy finally having someone I know truly cares for me and not
afraid to tell how he feels. I feel great and I would say at this point I'm so
lucky to have you in my life because we both want the same things out of life.

I do want to settle down and have a family of my own, I want to wake up to kiss my
lovely husband and make breakfast for him or simply go to his place of work and
suprise him with flowers to bring smiles to his face. I want that so much and I
know we can both make it work well together.

-Baby I want you to know that you have created a positive impact in me so much that
I would love to spend more time with you here more often, I thoroughly want you in
my life and I know we could work together to actaulize this dream, I think I am in
love with you aleready, I love you and you mean so much to me.

We have been through so much pains and heartbreak in our lives, but we're here
today because we always come out on top. You mean so much to me and I want so much
to make you as happy as you make me.

Each passing day has me falling more in love with you. You can do the slightest
thing and it warms me. Most of the time you don't even realize it but you are
always in my thoughts and in my heart.

I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you, you have given me a
new perspective on so many things and I will always treasure our love and keep it
safe. I love you very much baby.

-Since day one we've shared something incredible, something that most people only
dream of. I had been searching for you all of my life and now I'm completely
fulfilled in your love.

You have made me the happiest I have ever been. You are a sincere, caring, loving
man, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I am so thankful and blessed that you
love me as much as I love you, and that you made me yours.

-My love I will love you and cherish every moment we share together. I love you
more and more everyday, thinking about our future fills me with anticipation and
excitement, we make the perfect husband and wife team and I cannot wait to bring
your child into our world.

Hopefully someday, we'll be together as one family, have an amazing life together
raising a family with so much love and happiness. All of our dreams are coming
true, baby! You are my everything.

-I'm just amazed at how you came into my life. All I've ever wanted is a good
relationship where you can trust and respect each other; where you can have passion
and romance whenever and wherever you wish.

A relationship where there is compromise, honesty, sensitivity, and a feel for the
needs and wants of the other person and yourself. A good relationship is when both
parties have trust and faith in one another and can freely express themselves with
one another because they have that open connection to be able to say anything to
each other.
-They say life is all about simple pleasures, what is your simplest pleasure?
I'm a very simple person who enjoys music and art.

- When you took my hand, you took me into the promise land, so baby I promise I
will be your woman. Anytime I go outside and I see the the things outside I always
have to close my eyes and visualise what it feels like to be living in paradise,
but when I see inside of you and I look into your eyes I never had to close my

-This is more than loving you, it's an extraordinary feeling, makes me feel like
I'm flying, wanna cross the ceiling, and I want you to be sure that am not lying,
there is no denying that I want you more and more everyday.

Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns, love leaves you pain, teaches you
until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you
belong. I love you so much.

- Love life and life will love you back, love people and they will love you back.
Love and kindness are never wasted, they always make a difference, they bless the
one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver

- #To dream anything that you want to dream, that's the beauty of the human mind.
To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To
trust yourself to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed.

You are like a falling star who has finally found it's place next to another in a
lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever. I'm falling for
you and I can't help myself.

-From the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew that you would be someone that
would make me smile again. You had such a warm, soft look on your face that I knew
there was comfort and friendship in your heart.

Although we started out as friends, I soon began to realised that what I was
feeling for you was more than friendship, something so overwhelming and wonderful
that I couldn't even believe it myself.

You opened my heart to new and wonderful things, showed me what love really is and
showed me that I was worth loving you are the rock I needed in my life. Thank you
for loving me baby.

- Describe to me your perfect date.

You would show up at my door with a small bouquet of flowers and we would go to a
dimly lit restaurant, find a table in the corner where we would not be disturbed.

After a romantic meal, we could then walk hand in hand through the mall enjoying
each others company then rent a movie and go home (whoever is closer) and cuddle on
the couch while watching the movie. We would steal gentle kisses periodically
throughout the movie while sipping a glass of wine. Just one glass. (I don't drink
too much).

- What kind of movies do you enjoy?

I enjoy chick flicks but I also like those movies you have to watch over again and
observe every little thing so you understand the plot and the ending, movies that
make you think.

Horror movies usually scare me pretty good, so I watch them very often. Action
movies about blowing stuff up are okay, comedy movies to make you laugh until you
can hardly breath are wonderful too, It makes you look forward to every day.

- What do you like to do with that special someone when it is raining?

I like snuggling on the couch or holding hands watching the rain or when it is
just drizzling, I enjoy sitting on the porch in the swing watching, talking,
playing kissing sharing jokes and telling stories.

-I do want to be your best friend and lover, at the same time be the woman who is
ready to share your sadness and happiness, who is ready to share her undying love
with you forever, we are so connected together even though we haven't seen each
other, it's absolutely crazy! This is more than just looking into each others eyes,
it's pouring our hearts together, putting our feelings into words, I definitely
cant wait to hear your voice.

===================== Day 8 ===================


I do want you to know that am not here for games. I want to be with you and show
you how I do care for you, spend forever with you. All I need for now is a very
serious relationship firmly rooted in love, understanding, honesty and caring for
each other where the overall aim of both of us will be victory inspite any odds.

I am a very caring person, with a lot of good feelings, honest, reliable with a
pleasant personality and have a great sense of humor. I am trying not to ramble
here but I am looking for the "One". What does that mean to me?

He is the person that I can't wait until he comes home from work so I can kiss him
and sit down and relax in front of the TV or go out and spend an evening together.
The person that just calls to see how my day is going but knows that it just got
much better because we are talking to each other.

He gives me a lift when I'm down and he can always make me laugh because we know
each other so well. The person that can simply lay in bed with my head on his chest
and our legs interlocked for hours and talk about what's on our mind.

�6�0He is my best friend, lover, everything. I'm not afraid to go for it and this
is what I want from life because we both deserve the best. I am opening up to you
and letting you know my heart because I would love to have a man like you in my

I trust you're not the type of man that hurts someone's heart, even though I
haven't seen you in person, I believe you're a different man, one in a million. I
feel that we have broken the ice and have found some very common grounds between us
and also I dont want you thinking am too good to be true because this is me, this
is what I really am.

Honey I need to know if we are going to spend the rest of our lives together, if
you are ready to live the rest of your life with and for, me because I'm absolutely
ready to do that for you. I want to be your wife, your friend and lover, with our
minds connected to none else but each other.

We will let no one come between us whether good or bad, we will be each others rock
both in sickness and in health, we will not let third party into our marriage, we
will support each other and our kids will attend the best schools so that they will
be well educated.

Honey I will like us to get a bigger house for our family, and to train our family
to be a God fearing and lovely family because with God all things are possible.

- Baby from the moment I met you, I knew you were someone special. I knew by the
way you talked to me and by the way you are there for me. I was afraid to love
again, afraid of
the pain it might bring, but in a short time, you showed me that real love wasn't
painful or deceiving.

You showed me that I deserved to be loved and happy. You gave new meaning to my
life and I could never thank you enough for that! You truly are a Godsend to me!

So, for all you've done for me, I promise to always be here for you, to cherish you
and to love you wholeheartedly. I promise to be a loyal and loving wife to you for
all the rest of my days. I promise to love you always!!

-You decide to give me a full body massage, where do you start?

- Although sometimes I question things, question all of this, deep inside I know
that you are the only one for me. When I'm not with you, you are the only one I'm
thinking of. Everything about you tells me that we can be together forever because
I feel like time stops when I'm with you.

Only you can make things better when it feels like the end. Only you can be the one
to smooth my fears away. For this I'm grateful and I hope you never leave. I love

-What is one thing that you find completely irresistible in a woman?

- I really appreciate all what you have said and I think that you are so beautiful
both on the inside and out. You're an amazing guy who is very down to earth and I
think you have really touched my soft spot.

I want to let you know that since we started talking to each other, I think about
you and I'm always looking forward to hearing from you. Sometimes I think and ask
myself if this is really happening to me because I feel so new and reborn, I just
want to make things go well between us.

�6�0You have opened up a part of my heart that will not let you go, you are so
special to me and I can only pray that you feel the same way.�0�2 I know that once
we are together we can start building a stronger foundation for what we now

�6�0I want us to grow and learn from one another and always keep God first.�0�2If
we do that I know�0�2He will bless us and our relationship.

-Have you ever just wanted to tear my clothes off?

This isn't make-believe, I am not saying all of this because I think it's what you
want to hear because I truly mean every word. I am looking for that lifetime love
that lasts always and I want to share that with you.�0�2

�6�0I believe that we can make this work because our feelings are already strong
and we have yet to meet face to face.�0�2 I am a very giving person and I plan to
give you my all if you prove deserving of it and I feel that you are.�0�2

So baby let's take this thing to the next level and prove to everyone that TRUE
LOVE is not dead.�0�2 I will do my best to make you happy and support you in
everything you do.�0�2

I want to be your best friend, your lover,�0�2 and the one you trust with your
deepest secrets. I will always bring smiles to your face and be there for you
Hugs and Kisses

Hi Baby, I hope everything is OK? I just had to use this opportunity to write you
and let you know I miss talking to you so much. I'm always happy when we get to
chat because I feel so good and I enjoy every bit of our chat, I feel secured
talking to you and sharing my life with you.

Baby please do not be afraid to tell me how you feel about me or if you're not
interested in me at all. I always feel something different about you when we get to
chat and I'm always excited having someone like you in my life, I promise not to do
anything to mess it up at all.

�6�0I would love to be that special woman you desire in your life, that woman who
will share her heart with you, show you so much love and happiness and never do
anything to hurt your heart.

I will always be there when you need me, sharing your happiness and sadness, that
woman who is not afraid to look into your eyes and tell you how much she loves you
so much.

�6�0I am that woman who is always going to be there to hold your hands while
kissing you softly, showing everyone how much love she has for you. I want to be
that SPECIAL WOMAN in your Life.

I believe that partners are 100% equal in a relationship and both should be able to
feel they can trust each other 100% at all times. I feel that any man who ever
disrespects a woman is not a man at all.

�6�0I am very affectionate and I have no trouble showing it for the right man in
public or private, I love to cuddle while watching a good movie, I love to hug and
kiss my man at anytime and anywhere be it a store, mall or just on a sidewalk.

�6�0It takes time and a lot of good effort to form a good relationship and I want
someone who is commited and ready to trade time and effort for happiness.

�6�0I want my man to be my best friend at all times, my sweetheart, love of my

life, my partner and soulmate all wrapped up into one lovely man. I would be all of
that for you and more, I will love you with all of my heart and have nothing but
good feelings for you if you promise to be true.

It seems you are the right man who I have been searching for to bring back the
smile and happiness into the darkness of my life. For a good relationship to grow
we need to trust each other and be honest with each other to acheive what we want
to acheive.

�6�0I am seeking a man who will be the flesh of my flesh and also the bone of my
bone. It's true I have never seen you and we have never met, never shaken hands or
even truly hugged, yet I know for sure you care for me by the kindness that you
give and show. �6�0Our keyboards and hearts keep us together, it doesn't matter
where we live.

-What do you prefer: Boy shorts or stringy things? Black lace or white t-shirt?

I am texting you to put a smile on your face, and to let you know that in my heart
you have a special place.
The sun is always shining just above the cloudy haze, as we share friendship across
an online maze.
We express love and kindness without a face, it comes from deep inside our hearts -
a special�0�2 place.

Within our lives we share special dreams, unusual and unique, and it is with our
keyboards that we speak. You are a true friend of mine from the messages we
exchange and I want it to be more than that baby, I want to be your best friend,
your lover, the woman you love deeply. I really do want you to know how I feel
about you from the bottom of my heart.

-What is your favorite part of my body?

You have brightened my life with the thoughtfulness you show, your words encourage
me more than you could know.
As people change and times keep changing too, one thing stays the same, the way I
feel for you.

What I feel for you will never change and I hope to make it better and stronger,
fight for your heart and make you trust your feelings for me and know I will never
do anything to hurt you sweetheart. Stay safe baby and hope we get to talk later on
today. Muaaahhhh.
- Is it wrong that I have dirty thoughts of you?

Sometimes I worry about everything you have told me and I totally understand a lot
has happened in your past and how much you've been hurt but baby I would really
wish for you to know this isn't about your past anymore.
- �6�0I want you to know every woman is not the same and all those people who hurt
you never truly deserved a man like you in the first place.
- �6�0I know you're a man full of love, affection and kindness and I still wonder
why anyone would hurt an angel like you but I realised the same thing has happened
to me. I gave all my heart to someone I truly loved and it got broken in the end.
- �6�0After so many heartbreaking experiences, I finally said to myself that I
would never settle for less than what I want and deserve. I will do everything I
can to fight for your heart and to let you know I am here to love you completely
and I would never do anything to break your heart.
- �6�0I would never do that to anyone because I've been through the same thing baby
and I just want you to see through my heart.
- �6�0I really do deserve someone as special as you in my life and you also deserve
someone like me so I'm not scared to give my heart to you because I know you will
never do anything to break it.
I love you endlessly.
-Would you rather see me in lingerie or in nothing at all?



Honey can I really trust you? Can I really confide in you? With all the information
I have revealed to you about me, my pictures and all my secrets I have revealed to
you so far, can I really trust you with them my love?
- Can I trust you with my life? You are the only man I have opened up my secrets
to, you know so many things about me that I have never shared with any one in my
life before babe.

I love and trust you with my life and I need you to tell me that I'm doing the
right thing, that I know I can trust you with my life.

- Have you truly chosen me to be your wife my love? Am I on a cloud, living in a

dream, or is this real?

- I am so grateful to God for having you as my lovely husband to be. I constantly

search for the words I could use to discribe the love I have for you, and they all
seem less than I truly feel.
- �6�0You are my life, my heart, and my soul. You are my best mate. You are my one
true love. I still remember the day we first met, I knew that you were the one I
was meant to be with forever.
- �6�0As the distance between us tears us apart, I still hold on to the memory of
you, I think of you every day and dream of you each night. Just when I thought love
had forgotten me, you came into my life and mde all my dreams come true and real.
- �6�0My heart was beating hard within my chest very sadly when I do not hear from
you, when I am all alone I feel like holding you right in my arms.

How pretty do you think sex is? Do you think sex is messy?

- I love you so much my darling. Before you came into my life, I was dead. I was a
zombie wandering around with no destination, or a robot that people commanded. I
didn't have a life, my hands were shaking and I could barely breathe because I had
no one to hold me tight.
- Now I have you, and all I want to do is be with you and feel ALL of you. I knew
this was meant to be forever the moment I stumbled on your profile pics, I need to
show you how much I love you, that you are the best soulmate and I promise to be
the wife that will never stop loving you.
- �6�0Nobody could make me feel happy the way
you do. When you said to me that you love me so much, I felt it was only a dream. I
knelt down before the altar of God and said to him "Father here is the man I have
chosen to stay with for the rest of my life, please bless our marriage for
- I catch you staring at me. What part of me were you looking at?

- I just wanna be the sun when you are awaken, I wanna be the super glue for your
heart when it's broken, I wanna be your friend, your family and everything else you
need me to be.
- I think about you so much it wounds my heart, you are the softest spot in my
heart if you leave my world I will commit suicide , I can't live without you.

- If you could see me wear anything, what would it be?

- Would you get jealous if we were walking down the street and you saw other guys
check me out?

- You are always on my mind I cant stop thinking of you. It's amazing how you got
me and trapped me. I never thought I could love this much but I was so wrong. I
just thank God for having you. We are meant for each other and no one can change
that. I love you with ALL my heart.

Do you ever dream of winning a Nobel prize? If yes, for what?

- �6�0Baby what do you know about Bitcoin?

- I will be traveling to some remote Columbian islands to get some rare materials
for my new designs baby and I'm going to need an easy way to exchange money.
- �6�0I was hoping you would be able to send me Bitcoins from time to time baby, it
would be much more easy for me than driving 30 miles to the nearest ATM baby.
- �6�0Is that something you think you can do?

-What word first comes to your mind when asked to describe me?

-What word first comes to your mind when asked to describe yourself?

- There is in every true woman��s heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies
dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and
blazes in the dark hour of adversity. You have woken this fire within me. I love

- What are the qualities you like in me most?

- I love you is an understatement. I adore and cherish your personality and I have
grown older than the age of playing games , what I need as a woman now is a honest
and good man that I would give the key to all I have got. Life is too short to play
games, I need something better from life. I want a soul mate that is gonna be there
for me till the end of time. �6�0Sweetheart you are the answer to my prayer , I
feel you deep down my heart. Darling although I didn't have the means to approach
you in person because of the distance between us, I hope you can see that my
feeling are true.
-�6�0I have so much inside my heart that it keeps me from breathing sometimes,
these feelings that I have for you keep glowing and growing every day. Now that I
am with you, I sleep thinking about you and the next morning I wake up smiling.
- Have you ever been jealous of your best friend?

I'm writing this for you to keep, and also to serve as a reminder of how I feel
about you my love. I've said it before and I'll say it again, words cannot express
how you make me feel. �6�0I make this promise to you my dear lovely husband, to
love you in rain and in sunshine. My love for you will never put you to shame but,
peace, love, respect, happiness. I will love you for all eternity the way that you
have loved me, I now ask you to look to the future and forget the past, your life
is mine and we will make it last for ever. �6�0I love you more today than I did
yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today. With all my heart I am
forever yours my lovely husband. TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS OUR MARRIAGE.


.........DAY 10: investment AND ASSET:...........

Honey tell me about your plans for our family. Do you have any investments or
assets for our unborn children? I'm asking because I have been thinking about you
so much these past few days and I think that God was thinking about a way to show
the world greatness when he created you.
-I wanna share some of my plans after we get married with you because I hope you
can join me in this business. I have no more family and there's no one I can trust
but you.
-�6�0I love animals and I will also love to have a farm someday, I also have some
real estate which I bought 6 years ago and they are worth quite a lot now, they
would be perfect for the family as well.

- My love, Everyday I wake up thanking God for you. You have made all my dreams
come true, especially now we have each other, we have all it takes to take care of
the lovely kids we will bring into this world.
- �6�0You have given me so much within the last few weeks and I don't know if I
will be able to give back all that you have given me, I just want to thank you for
loving me.
-You have been my guiding light when I was lost. You have been my comforter through
all my trials and sorrow, you have been my rock.
-There have been so many times when I wanted to give up, but then you gave me hope
and faith.
I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I will always be here
for you when you need me and I will love you no matter what life brings us. You are
my soul mate, honey and I vow to love you until the day that eternity is gone. I
love you baby.

-Two men were adrift in a lifeboat following a dramatic escape from a burning
freight vessel. While rummaging through the boat's provisions, one of the men
stumbled across an old lamp. Secretly hoping that a Genie would appear, he rubbed
the lamp vigorously.
-�6�0To the amazement of the castaways, one did come forth. This particular Genie,
however, stated that she could only deliver one wish, not the standard three.
Without giving much thought to the matter the man blurted out, "Make the entire
ocean into beer!"
-Immediately the Genie clapped her hands with a deafening crash, and the entire sea
turned into the finest brew ever sampled by mortals. Simultaneously, the Genie
vanished to her freedom.
-�6�0Only the gentle lapping of beer on the hull broke the stillness as the two men
considered their circumstances. The other man looked disgustedly at the one whose
wish had been granted.
-�6�0After a long, tension-filled moment, he spoke: "Nice going! Now we're going to
have to pee in the boat."

- Do you frequently have several task going on at the same time?

- Do you frequently have unfinished task and don't get back to them?

- Do you smoke or drink?


Are you alone?

This question is perfect to understand if she��s idle and all alone at home. You
obviously can��t flirt or talk sex if her friends are around her. Say something
bold like ��I wish I could be there with you�� when she reciprocates with an

What are you doing right now?

Play it nice and slow. This can help you be certain that she��s alone and bored
enough to give you her complete attention.

Do you like cuddling when you lie in bed?

Warm her up to a flirty conversation without overstepping the line. This can help
open her up by talking about cuddling with someone else.

What do you wear when you go to bed?

What are you wearing?
A curious question that��s perfect to ask a girl when she��s in bed already. It��s
personal, and yet not too sexual. Say something like ��Gosh, I can only imagine how
cute you look right now�� when she describes herself.
If it��s your girlfriend, ask her what��s she��s wearing and if she doesn��t
mention her lingerie *which she may not without a bit of coaxing*, ask about her
lingerie and also the color. A perfect start.

What do you think you look sexiest in?

Get her to talk sexual by talking about her sexy clothing. It��s flattering and
definitely sexual.

Have you ever watched someone else make out accidentally or on purpose?
This question gets both of you in the mood. And yet, by directing it at a third
person, you can avoid any uncomfortable situation at the start.

Has a guy ever touched you or discreetly groped you while clubbing or in a crowded
Girls have a thing about sexual groping. Even if it��s accidental, it��s something
they just don��t forget. You can answer something like ��I wish I could have been
that guy!�� after she tells you about an incident she likes.

Have you ever made out with a guy just because you were horny at that time?
Find out if she��s a girl who can be coaxed into having sex with a guy in the heat
of the moment.

If you had a pair of x-ray glasses, which part of a guy��s body *below his
shoulders* would you see first?
Time to get naughty. Really, how many things can a girl take a look at below a
guy��s shoulders? Let her answer the question so you always make it seem like
she��s the one talking dirty and not you.

Do you like boxers or briefs?

This is a clich��d question and even if a girl doesn��t care about it, she��d most
probably say that she likes a boxer. Answer this question by telling her what
you��re wearing. The whole focus here is to get her to think of your package
without really making it obvious.

What��s your secret move to turn a guy on?

By asking her to visualize making out with a guy and describe it to you, you��re
making her fantasize about sex. And at the same time, she may go into details just
to prove how good she is sexually.

If there��s one place a guy should touch you to make you horny, which is that?
This goes straight to sex and arousal. And if she does answer this truthfully, in
all probability, she��s already aroused.

Does a massage make you wet?

A full body massage makes almost all girls wet. You can always tell her something
like ��Just so you know, I came first in my masseuse class and I would love to give
you a massage. And don��t worry, now that I know you get horny while getting a
massage, I��ll linger in all the right places.��

If I kissed your lips accidentally while kissing goodbye, would you mind it?

Make her imagine your kiss. It��s a perfect question to get her to pucker up.

Do you like giving an oral or getting one?

No matter what she answers, you can always answer with the opposite of what she
says. If she likes giving an oral, say you like getting it. If she likes getting
it, tell her you love giving it!

How do you think my body would look better, shaved or natural?

Isn��t it a nice thought to know that the girl you like is picturing you naked the
minute you ask her this question?

What should a guy do to make you wet?

Get straight to the sweet spot. And when she does answer this question, get
descriptive about her pleasure spots.

If I were whispering all these questions in your ear, would you be turned on?
If you��ve got the conversation going this far, she��s obviously wet already. But
it always sounds a lot better hearing it from the girl you��re texting.

If you didn��t have a boyfriend, do you think we would have made out with each
/If I were with you right now, do you think we would have kissed each other?
This question can actually get you into her bed, but you need to wait for the last
question to get an invitation from her.

If a guy wants to come over to your place and make out with you right now, would
you like that?
Don��t talk about yourself just yet, unless you already know she wants you to come
over. If she answers ��yes��, go full speed ahead to her place.

Would you describe yourself as naughty or nice?�0�2

This one is bound to get her thinking and won��t really press her to feel the humor
until you insist on her justifying the answer. Then the giggles will make a sudden
and welcome appearance.

What would you do if you could be invisible for one day?�0�2

You can imagine some of the answers you might get to this question��nearly all of
them hilarious.

What is your most embarrassing sexual moment?�0�2

Embarrassment is nearly always funny, even when it��s your own, as long as it's
told in the right environment. Then it just becomes hilarious and something to be
shared and enjoyed.

What��s the funniest thing that��s ever happened to you?�0�2

The clue��s in the question. If it��s the funniest thing she��s ever experienced,
then it obviously has the potential to re-amuse at will. And you��ll be right there
to share the frivolity with her.

What��s the weirdest nickname you��ve ever had?�0�2

You have to be in a position of trust to ask this one, and if you are, the
embarrassment factor can deliver very funny results.

What��s the weirdest crush you��ve ever had?

Everyone has a funny story about some former puppy-dog crush, and an embarrassment
reciprocated of this kind can lead to laughter all around.

Who would you do between��?�0�2

A choice question. Choose three of the most objectionable individuals you can
imagine and then ask: if they had to have sex with one of them, who it would be?
Ask them to justify their answers to add to the laughter.
What are the best and worst things about being a woman?
Expect some flak for this one, being a male of the species, but that��s half the
fun. Let her unload on you and take it on the chin, showing her that you are a real
man who can enjoy a laugh at your own expense.

If I caught you masturbating would you carry on, or stop and pretend you weren��t?
An extremely embarrassing question leading to hilarious answers and a lot of fun
all around. Quite saucy too.

What��s your favorite joke?

Again, the clue��s in the question. It��s her favorite joke, so it is bound to get
her laughing. And even if it��s terrible, it can become a source of amusement in

What��s the habit you hate most in a boyfriend?

She will no doubt have some anecdote to hand about a former boyfriend that she can
bring to this question��and as we all know; former horrors are the amusing tales in
the future telling.

What��s the first thing you��d look at if you saw me naked?�0�2

She��ll roar with laughter at this one, and it will encourage her to be creative
with her answer. Always a good way of getting the laughter flowing.

What��s the worst thing someone has walked in on you doing?

She will probably fight telling you the truth on this one to begin with, but once
she eventually opens up, you��ll both be roaring with laughter.

If people could read your mind, what would they usually hear?
The creative side to her is encouraged to flow free with this question, and it
could range from the mildly embarrassing to the rip-roaringly offensive.

What��s the wildest sexual fantasy you��ve ever had?

A very naughty question, and one that could also be very funny too. [Read:�0�212
arousing sex fantasies worth trying in real life]

Would you rather be beautiful and dumb or ugly and clever?

No matter what the answer there��s great potential for fun, in addition to a well-
placed compliment or two.

Which sexual kink would you be least likely to try?

You could both get really creative and silly on this one, depending on what kind of
sense of humor you have, and have you ROFL for the rest of the evening.

Have you ever been caught naked by someone you didn��t want to?
We all have, and it��s always funny in the retelling��no matter how horrifyingly
embarrassing at the time.

If you could be a guy for just one day, what would you do?�0�2
Probably more than any other question on the list, this one has the potential for
so much hilarity you��d be a fool to leave it out.
Do you think you��d know if I was feeling horny?
This is a kind of poking-fun-at-yourself question. Women are quite proud of their
intuition on such things and find men��s equivalent crassness quite funny. A great
opportunity to encourage a fun gender battle.

How often do you masturbate?

This is a question that most women simply HATE to answer. There seems to be such a
taboo about female masturbation that they��ll go to all kinds of lengths to avoid
it. Or worst still, they��ll just flat out deny ever having done it at all.
However, if you elicit an unashamed answer along the lines of, ��As often as I
can,�� then you��ve definitely found the right woman for your own particular brand
of freakiness.

Have you ever slept with another woman?

This is pretty much every guy��s fantasy to witness or to be involved in, and her
admitting that she��s already been there opens up all kinds of freaky
possibilities. A definite plus.

Which part of me would you want to sit on first?

You need some nerve to ask this question, which rates highly on our ��instant slap
to the kisser�� scale. However, any positive answer, regardless of whichever part
of you she ends up saying, is a sign that you��ve scored yourself a true hellcat!

When was the last time you watched porn?

Much like masturbation, porn watching for single women seems to have something of a
taboo surrounding it. Any answer indicating that porn has been watched at any time
is, hence, a good one.

What��s your filthiest fantasy?

Again, it��s the admission of a fantasy that is more telling than its content,
although one that is particularly dirty is practically a guarantee of freaky
nighttime fun to come.

Do you have a secret dirty move you��d like to try with a guy?
Similar to the last question, this one focuses her attention specifically upon the
male form and gives you an insight into how her filthy mind works.

Are you noisy during sex?

Far from being just a stereotype, a woman who makes as much noise during sex as a
church mouse in slippers has all the passion of a gutted fish. You need a woman who
screams like a banshee and isn��t afraid to admit it.

Have you ever picked up guys just for sex?

If the answer is yes, how about a follow up question of, ��Want to do it again now?
�� A touch forward, but hey, that��s why we��re here, right?

Do you swallow?
The best kind of female lovers are the ones who get stuck in and aren��t afraid of
the messy sensual side of sex. This question, therefore, is a crucial one to
working out if she��s a sexual freak or prudishly meek.
Do you enjoy anal?
This really is hitting the extreme end of the sexual spectrum, and if you get a
woman who isn��t scared of admitting that she likes to give it a go from time to
time, then you can be sure that there isn��t much she�0�2wouldn��t�0�2do.

Have you ever done something illegal?

This is question number ten, multiplied to an exponential degree!

Are you shaved or trimmed?

The question itself isn��t nearly as important as whether or not she��s willing to
discuss her genitals with you. The woman who paints a picture of her bush *or lack
thereof* is no Bambi!

What��s your favorite position?

The answer to this question can be misleading, as there��s no reason why missionary
sex can��t be as passionate and fiery as any other. However, coming up with a
position you��ve never heard of before *an ��Atlantean piledriver��, for instance*,
betrays her vast sexual experience and a mind that is as attuned to freakiness as
is yours.

Do you own a vibrator?

�0�2If she doesn��t just own one vibrator but actually has a whole drawer entirely
dedicated to sex toys, then you know you��re on to a winner.

Have you ever had a threesome?

�0�2A good question to see how far she is willing to go, as well as to work out if
there��s any chance that you might get into your own little sandwich with her at
some point in the future

Have you ever done a Don Corleone?

The infamous Don Corleone, waking up with a horse��s head on the pillow, describes
that moment when you wake up from a drunken night��s reveling and find that you��ve
taken home a woman of less than perfect appearance. Although never a positive
thing, if she admits to having done the same with a guy, you know that she values
sex over appearances�� and that��s a nice freaky quality for a woman to have.

If you were a hooker, how much would you charge per hour?�0�2
Prepare for a slap that will send your face into next week when you ask this
question. However, if a slap-less answer is forthcoming, even if only in jest, then
you know you have someone on your hands who is very ready for action.

Would you be bothered if someone watched us have sex?

Not only have you slipped the word ��us�� into the question so that any affirmative
answer subconsciously betrays the fact that she��s thinking of having sex with you,
it also shows how freaky her sexual principles truly are.

Are you getting aroused by my asking these questions?�0�2

Just to make sure that she��s truly getting into the swing of things and not just
stringing you along or laboring under the misapprehension that it��s all some big
joke, this question highlights exactly what it is you��re after.

FUCKING YOU!!! (Before bed FMT)

-I'm laying down on my bed and just thinking about you baby, I really wish we were
right in each other's arms right now kissing and caressing each other cos it just
feels right babe, to hold you and to want to make sweet love to you because just
thinking about you really makes me horny. Always.
- I was just imagining us behind closed doors together, cuddling while we watch a
romantic movie and there and then I start kissing you slowly, not on your lips but
on your neck and shoulders.
- I sweep my lips over your skin and feel the tiny hairs on your skin rise as you
slowly rub my breasts and snuggle into me, your eyes closed as I continue to tease
you with kisses, coming close to your lips but never really touching them.
- I slowly start to undress you as I bring my kisses lower, kissing your collarbone
and going lower still. I remove your belt and take out your huge cock, I kiss it
slowly, sucking your dick as I grab and squeeze your balls softly babe.
- �6�0I can hear a soft moan escape your lips and I suck a bit harder, pinching
your nipple as you try to dispose whatever piece of clothing you still have. You
take off my pants and ever so lightly, ever so slowly rub your fingers against my
- Your �6�0touch makes me quiver as you start to kiss you lower still and place
your tongue into my pussy. I cry out in pleasure as you start sucking my clit, my
hands slowly rub your head while you are sucking me so slowly baby.
- �6�0You suck my pussy until it becomes so slimy and I can't take it anymore. You
can feel my sweat dripping slowly on your body baby, I close my eyes and hold you
so tight as if there's no tomorrow baby and beg you to fuck me.
- �6�0You look at me with a devilish look and keep sucking my pussy, I have your
hands around the back of your neck pressing you harder into me.
- �6�0As I put my legs around your shoulder and crush your pussy against my face,
you feel the saltiness of my juices in your nose and eyes as I grind my wet pussy
against your lips.
- �6�0You're making me moan as you suck the living day light out of me baby and
then when you are done sucking my tight pink pussy so hard and I'm begging you to
stop, you turn me around on my chest making my ass face you.
- �6�0The magnificent view of my ass and wet pussy makes your cock rock hard as you
squirm with anticipation and gently place your throbbing cock in my pussy and start
to slowly make love to me.
- �6�0Your cock fills me as you make it go to all the angles and corners of my
pussy baby, places I never knew existed. You spread my ass so wide and fuck me so
hard that it hurts, I beg you to stop but you can see that I'm enjoying it so you
- �6�0You continue digging my pussy so deep I feel like I'm going to be ripped
apart and I truly start begging you to stop but at the same time I'm moaning for
more baby.
- �6�0 I hold you so tight and close and put my arms around you, I'm screaming for
more baby, screaming "Fuck me harder baby, please baby I need you baby please hit
it harder baby".
- I turn you over so you are lying on your back and I start to ride you, fucking
you in reverse cowgirl style. �6�0I start fucking you faster and deeper, you smack
my ass and grab my tits, trying to grab as much of me as you can as I continue
shouting for more, saying "Babe please I need you more fuck me harder
- �6�0You can feel me panting and you know that I'm cumming so you smack your ass,
harder this time and you keep smacking my ass as you fuck me like a crazed demon,
squeezing my tits hard and shoving all of your huge cock into my pussy and explode
inside of me.
- �6�0You feel my pussy muscles stiffen around your cock as I cum with you and when
we're done, we lay together in each other's arms, spent and utterly fulfilled. I
look deeply into your eyes and whisper "I love you".
-I really cant wait to make love to you baby. Can't wait for you to rip me apart.
I love you so much.


I've been thinking of how to tell you something very important right now and I want
you to please consider me and do your best for me baby.

I am very worried and unhappy at the moment as I am having a little problem here
right now and I don't know if you can assist me because we're still getting to know
each other and it's very hard for me to tell you about my problem down here.
I think you might stop talking with me after this conversation but I want you to
know I am very honest with you and I will never hurt someone I love in my life.
I really need your assistance right now baby and I will be so happy if you can
render some help for me baby. I promise to never let you down or disappoint you.

Hunnie I'm in a sad mood right now and I don't know how to tell you this my Prince,
I know this might get to you unexpectedly and I hate to bother people with my
situation but I want you to know I'm not here for games and I will never let you
down because you have never for once let me down my Prince.

I am very sad to tell you about my problem, I'm also am ashamed of myself, because
we're just meeting and getting to know each other. I want you to know that I'm a
very proud woman baby and I work for my money so that I wouldn't have to depend on
anyone, I wouldn't be asking you this if I had a choice.

-I got a mail from my Anna now, Tito was in an accident this morning, he was run
over by a truck while riding his bicycle. She told me he's in a comma and going to
surgery because the doctors say they will need to operate on him.
-�6�0 She has deposited some money at the Hospital for the surgery because the
hospital requested for $5,500 and she told me she has deposited $1,700. I've sent
her $1,500 which was all I had and the little I could borrow but it's not like it's
going to be enough and that's why my Prince I really need your help right now.
- Sweets could you please help me with $2,200 or $2,300 and send it to her so she
can pay the remaining hospital bills? This is a matter of great urgency baby and I
need to know your answer right now.
-�6�0I don't want to loose my little Tito. My Prince please do try to bear with me
but I have no one else but you. What you will just do for me is send the money to
her directly and when I get paid at the end of this job, I promise you, your money
will be refunded back to you in full.
-�6�0I want you to trust me on this and I will be more than grateful if you can get
this done for me ASAP! He's in critical condition right now and as I type this I am
shaking and I have a headache because I've cried my eyes out. I've been crying
since I got this message from her.
- My love I really need you most in my life right now, more than I've ever needed
you before and I understand it's not easy but please do me this favor and I will
never forget this in my life.

Baby can you help me? As soon as I get out of here, I'll return your money baby.
I swear to you on my father's grave that I do not mean you any harm and I promise
you that I won't hurt you. I have to tell you this my beloved because you are my
last hope.
Please send me a reply soon so I can know my fate.
(Billing backup....)

Love without trust is like a perfume without a scent, It's like buying a home
without a single cent. Trust is the foundation of love, it's the steel in every
building, It's the soul in every body, where life is living. Without trust things
can easily fall apart, Including breaking a loved one's heart.
Love with trust in order to live each day well, Walk in a garden with pleasant
flowers to smell. Let your heart listen to the sweet sounds of trust, Let love
sorround it and make it the very crust. Open up your eyes, witness the solemn
peace, and how love with trust can put your life at ease.


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