Analysis & Rates

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6/14/23, 10:04 AM Analysis & Rates, Analysis and rates for construction work, labour for construction work,

on work, Material required for construction - …

Analysis & Rates

The capacity of doing work by an artisan or skilled labour in the form of quantity of work per day is known as the
task work or out turn of the labour.

The out-turn of work per artisan varies to some extent according to the nature, size, height, situation, location,
etc., In bigger cities where specialized and experienced labour is available the out-turn is greater than small
towns and country sides. In well organized work less labour is required.

The following may be taken as the approximate quantity of work or out turn or task for an average artisan per

SNo. Quantity Perday

Particulars of items

1. Brick work in lime or cement mortar in 1.25cum (45cuft)per mason

foundation and plinth
2. Brick work in lime or cement mortar in 1.00cum (35cuft)per mason
3. Brick work in mud mortar in foundation 1.50cum (55cuft)per mason
and plinth
4. Brick work in mud mortar in 1.25cum (45cuft)per mason
5. Brick in cement or lime mortar in arches 0.55 cum (20cuft)per mason

6. Brick in cement or lime mortar in jack 0.55 cum (20cuft)per mason

7. Half brick wall in partition 5.00sqm (50sqft)per mason

8. Coursed rubble stone masonry in lime 0.80cum (30 cuft)per mason

cement mortar including dressing
9. Random rubble stone masonry in lime or 1.00cum (35cuft)per mason
cement mortar
10. Ashlars masonry in lime or cement 0.40cum (15cuft)per mason
11 . Stone arch work 0.40cum (15cuft)per mason

12. Lime concrete in foundation or floor 8.50cum (300cuft)per mason

13. Lime concrete in roof terracing 6.00cum (200cuft)per mason

14. Lime concrete 1:2;4 5.00cum (175cuft)per mason 1/13
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15. RB work 1.00cum (35cuft)per mason

16. RCC work 3.00cum (125cuft)per mason

17. 12mm (1/2) plastering with cement or 8.00sqm (80sqft)per mason

lime mortar
18. Pointing with cement or lime mortar 10.00sqm (100sqft)per mason

19. White washing or colour washing coats 70.00sqm (700sqft)per white

20. White washing or colour washing coats 200.00sqm (2000sqft)per white
21. Painting or varnishing doors or windows 25sqm (250sqft)per painter
one coat
22. Coal tarring or soligum painting one 35.00sqm (350sqft)per painter
23. Painting large surface one coat 35.00sqm (350sqft)per painter

24. Distempering one coat 35.00sqm (350sqft)per painter

25. 2.5cm(1’) CC floor 7.50sqm (75sqft)per painter

26. Flag store floor laying with lime or 10.00sqm (100sqft)per painter
cement mortar excluding LC
27. Brick on edge in floor lime or cement 7.00sqm (70sqft)per painter
mortar excluding LC
28. Brick bat floor as in above 8.00sqm (80sqft)per painter

29. Ti m b e r f r a m i n g s a l o r t e a k w o o d 0.07cum (2.5cuft)percarpenter

30. Ti m b e r f r a m i n g s a l o r c o u n t r y w o o d 0.15cum (5cuft)per carpenter

31. Door and window shutters paneled or 0.15sqm (7sqft) per carpenter

32. Door and window shutters paneled or 0.80sqm (0.80sqft)percarpenter

33. Sawing hard wood 4.00sqm (40sqft) per pair of
34. Sawing soft wood 6.00sqm (60sqft) per pair of
35. Single allahabad tiling or mangalore 6.00sqm (60sqft) per tile layer
36. Double allahabad tiling 4.00sqm (40sqft) per tile layer

37. B r e a k i n g o f b r i c k b a l l e s t 4 0 m m ( 11 / 2 ” ) 0.75cum (35cuft)per labourer

gauge or breaker 2/13
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38. Breaking of brick ballest 25mm (1”) 0.55cum (20cuft)per labourer

gauge or breaker
39. B r e a k i n g o f s t o n e b a l l e s t 4 0 m m ( 11 / 2 ” ) 0.40cum (10cuft)per labourer
gauge or breaker
40. Breaking of stone ballest 25mm (1”) 0.25cum (10cuft)per labourer
gauge or breaker
41. Ashlar stone dressing 0.70cum (25cuft)perstonecutter

42. Flag stone dressing 1.50sqm (25sqft)perstonecutter

43. Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil 3.00cum (100cuft)per belder

44. Earthwork in excavation in hard soil 2.00cum (75cuft)per belder
45. Excavation in soil 1.00cum (35cuft)per belder
46. Number of bricks laid by a mason in 600 bricks per mason
brick work upto a height of 3m(10”)
47. Amount of work done by a mazdoor
helper per day
Mix 3.00cum (100cuft)mortar per
Deliver brick 4000 nos to a distance of 15m
(50”) per mazdoor
Deliver mortar 5.5cum (200cuft) per mazdoor
48. S c a ff o l d i n g cost for single storey Re.0.50per (Rest.1.5%cuft) of
building cum brick work.
Items 46,47 and 48 are based on the committee report on rates and cost government of India.


Extracts from the report on productivity projects in building industries issued by National Building Organisation
are given below:-

a) Earthwork per 28.30 cum (12000cuft)

1) Excavation in foundations, trenches etc., in ordinary soil including disposal up to
30m (100’) and lift of 1.5m(5ft) –5 beldars and 4 mazdoors can do 28.30 cum
( 1 0 0 0 c u f t ) p e r d a y.
2) Refilling excavated earth in foundations, pointh etc, including consolidation in
15cm(6”) layers-3 beldars, 2 mazdoors and ½ bhisti can do 28.30 cum (1000cuft) per
d a y.
3) Disposal of surplus earth within a lead of 30m (100’)-1 mazdoor can do 2.83cum (100
c u f t ) p e r d a y. 3/13
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b) Cement concrete work per 2.83 cum (100cuft)

laying cement concrete – 2 beldars, 3 mazdoors, ¾ bhisti and ¼ mason, can do 2.83 cum
( 1 0 0 c u f t ) p e r d a y.

c) R C C work:-

1) Laying reinforced concrete – 3 beldars, 3 mazdoors, 1½ Bhisti and ½ mason can do

2 . 8 3 c u m ( 1 0 0 c u f t ) p e r d a y.
2) Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces – 4 beldars and 4 carpenters (II class) can
d o 9 . 6 s q m ( 9 6 s q f t ) p e r d a y.
3)Reinforcement work for R C C –1 blacksmith or fitter and 1 beldar can bend and place
i n p o s i t i o n 1 q u i n t a l ( 2 c w t ) o f s t e e l p e r d a y.

d) Stone work per 2.83 cum (100cuft)-

Random rubble masonry with blue stone in foundations-3 masons, 3 beldars, 2 mazdoors
and 1/4bhisti can do 2.83 cum (100cuft0 per day

e) Brick work per 2.83 cum (100cuft)-

First class brick work in 1:4 cement mortar in superstructure partition walls, junctions of
roof, parapet walls and string course – 2½masons,4½ mazdoors and 1/2 bhisti can do
2 . 8 3 c u m ( 1 0 0 c u f t ) p e r d a y.

F ) Wo o d w o r k : -

1) For the frames of doors and windows –2 carpenters and 1 beldar can work 0.18 cum
(6.40cuft) of wood equivalent to door frames 7.5cm x 10m of 1.2m x 2.1m (3’x4’of
3 ’ x 11 ’ x 7 ’ ) s i z e p e r d a y.
2) For paneled, glazed, etc, shutters-15 carpenters and 4 beldars can make and fix 4
s h u t t e r s 4 0 m m t h i c k o f s i z e 2 . 0 0 m x 1 . 1 5 m ( 1 ½ t h i c k o f s i z e o f 6 ’ - 9 x 3 ’ - 9 ’ ) p e r d a y.
Quantity of wood per shutter – 0.075 cum, ie2.66 cuft.
g) Iron work :-

1) Fixing 40mm x 3mm=38cm(1 ½ “ x ½ ‘x 15”0 flat iron holdfasts-1 blacksmith (II class),
I m a s o n a n d I b e l d a r c a n f i x 3 6 h o l d f a s t s p e r d a y.
2) Fixing 16mm dia. 5/3” dia) M S rods –1 blacksmith (II class), 2 carpenters (II class)
a n d 3 m a z d o o r s c a n f i x 1 6 . 5 m ( 5 4 r f t ) p e r d a y.

h) Flooring: -
4cm thick (1 1/2 “)thick cement concrete flooring of 40sqm (400sqft) require 5 masons, 4
beldars, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti per day for mixing laying and finishing.

I) Finishing :- 4/13
6/14/23, 10:04 AM Analysis & Rates, Analysis and rates for construction work, labour for construction work, Material required for construction - …

1) Plastering with any mortar 12mm (5”) thick – 3 masons, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti can
p l a s t e r 4 0 s q m ( 4 0 0 a f t ) p e r d a y.
2)White washing or colour washing (3 coats) – 1 white washer and 1 mazdoor can do
6 0 s q m ( 6 0 0 s q f t ) p e r d a y.
3) P a i n t i n g t w o c o a t s s u c h a s c h o c o l a t e , r e d , g r e y, e t c o n w o o d a r e s t e e l – 3
P a i n t e r s a n d 2 m a z d o o r s c a n p a i n t 1 0 s q m ( 1 0 0 s q f t ) p e r d a y.


Quantity or Number
Sl# Particulars of materials On Kachcha Road On Pucca Road
1. Brick 19 cm x 9cm x 9cm 275nos 400nos

2. Brick ballast 0.85 cum (30cuft) 1.10 cum (40cuft)

3. Stone ballast 0.70 cum (25 cuft) 1.00 cum (35cuft)

4. Kankar 0.85 cum (30cuft) 1.10 cum (40cuft)

5. Sand surkhi 0.85 cum (30cuft) 1.10 cum (40cuft)

6. Lime 1.10 cum (40cuft) 1.40 cum (50cuft)

7. Ti l e s A l l a h a b a d o r M a n g a l o r e 275nos 400nos

8. Cement 15bags 20 bags

9. Steel 0.75 tonne 1 tonne

Note; A bullock ……..carry about one tonne load. The average speed for a bullock cart may be
taken as 3.20km (2 units) per hour and ¾ hour may be allowed for loading and unloading.
Ta k i n g 8 h o u r s w o r k i n g p e r d a y, t h e n u m b e r o f t r i p s p e r d a y, c a n b e c a l c u l a t e d .


O N P U C C A M E TA L L E D R O A D –

Tr u c k s 3 t o n n e r s 5 tonners8 tonners diesel truck

Brick or Allahbad tiles or

Mangalore tiles1000nos 1500nos2000nos

Cement, steel and other

Heavy materials 3 tonne 5 tonne8 tonne

Other materials –
B a l l a s t , K a n k a r, g r i t
Sand coal, etc., 2.8cum 4.20cum5.6cum
(100cuft) (150cuft)(200cuft) 5/13
6/14/23, 10:04 AM Analysis & Rates, Analysis and rates for construction work, labour for construction work, Material required for construction - …

On kachcha earthen road the load will be less by 33 per cent.


T h e r e q u i r e m e n t o f m a t e r i a l s f o r d i ff e r e n t i t e m s o f w o r k s i s a s g i v e n b e l o w : -

Sl# Particulars Quantity

1. Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3” or 20 cm x 1350 nos for 50000 nos per %
10cm x 10cm nominal size) for 100cuft cum (500nos.per
brick work cum)
2. Dry mortar for brick work 30% 30cuft for 100 cuft 30cum for 100
3. Stone for rubble stone masonry 125cuft for 100 125cum for 100
125% cuft cum
4. Dry mortar for rubble stone 42cuft for 100 cuft 42cum for 100
masonry 42% cum
5. Bricks for brick ballast for lime 1050cuft for 100 37000cum for 100
concrete cuft cum
6. Brick bats or brick ballast for lime 150cuft for 100 150cum for 100
concrete cuft cum
7. Brick ballast for lime concrete 100cuft for 100 100cum for 100
cuft cum

Sl# Particulars Quantity

8. Dry mortar for lime concrete I 35cuft for 100cuft 35cum for 100
foundation and floor 35% cum
9. Dry mortar for lime concrete in roof 45cuft for 100cuft 45cum for 100
terracing 45% cum
10. Materials for cement concrete 1:2:4

Ballast or grit 88% 88cuft for 100cuft 88cum for 100

Sand 44% 44cuft for 100cuft 44cum for 100
Cement 22% 22cuft for 100cuft 22cum (60
bags)for 100 cum
11 . Materials for 2.5cm (1”)cc 1:2:4
Stone grit 8cuft for 100sqft 2.40cum for 100
Sand 4cuft for 100sqft 1.20cum for 100
Cement 2 ¼cuft (2 bags) 0.08cum (24
for 100cuft bags)for 100 cum 6/13
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12. Bricks for R B work 1200 nos for 42000nos/%

100cuft cum(420 mps.[er
13. Dry mortar for R B work 45% 45cuft for 100cuft 45cum for 100
14. Dry mortar for 12mm (1/2) 6cuft for 100sqft 2.00cum for 100
plastering sqm
15. Dry mortar for pointing in brickwork 2cuft for 100sqft 0.60cum for 100
16. Lime for white washing one coat 1kg for 100sqft 10kg for 100 sqm

17. Dry distemper for ist coat 0.65 kg for 100sqft 6 ½ kg for 100
18. Dry distemper for 2nd coat 0.50 kg for 100sqft 5kg for 100 sqm

19. Snow-Cem for Ist coat 3kg for 100sqft 30kg for 100 sqm

20. Snow-Cem for 2nd coat 2kg for 100sqft 20kg for 100 sqm

21. Paint ready mixed for painting one 1/3gl.for 100sqft 10ltr for 100 sqm
22. P a i n t ( s t i ff ) f o r p a i n t i n g o n e c o a t 1kg for 100sqft 10kg for 100 sqm

23. Bricks (20 x 10 x 10cm) for brick 500 nos for 5000nos.for
floor or half brick wall 100sqft 100sqm
24. Dry mortar for brick floor or half 12cuft for 100sqft 3.20 cum for 100
brick wall sqm
25. Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3”) for brick flat 350 nos for 3500nos.for
work 100sqft 100sqm
26. Dry mortar for brick flat floor 8cuft for 100sqft 2.25cum for 100
27. Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3”) required for 325 nos for 3250 nos.for
honey comb wall 100sqft 100sqm
28. Dry mortar for honey comb wall 8cuft for 100sqft 2.5cum for 100
29. Materials for 2cm (3/4”)thick damp
proof course of 1:2 cement mortar
Cement 3cuft (2.5bags) for 0.90cum (27
100sqft bags)for 100 cum
Sand 6cuft for 100sqft 1.80cum for 100
Compound or impermo @ 1kg per 2.5kg for 100sqft 27kg for 100 sqm
bag of cement
30. Materials for 2.5cm (1”)cc 1:1 ½ :3
damp proof course
Stone grit 8cuft for 100sqft 2.25cum for 100
cum 7/13
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Sand coarse 4cuft for 100sqft 1.13cum for 100

Cement 2 ½ cuft (2 ½ 0.75cum for
bags) for 100sqft (221/2bags)for100
Compound or impermo @ 1kg per 21/2 kg for 100sqft 22½ kg for 100
bag of cement sqm
31. Bitumen or asphalt for painting on 15 kg for 100sqft 150 kg for 100
D P C or on roof – 1st coat sqm
2 coat 10 kg for 100sqft 100 kg for 100
32. G G I sheet for roof 128sqft for 100sqft 128 sqmfor
33. A G corrugated sheet for roof 11 5 s q f t f o r 1 0 0 s q f t 11 5 sqmfor
34. Ti m b e r for paneled door shutter 15cuft for 100sqft 4.5 cum for 100
4cm (1 ½”) thick cum
35. Ti m b e r for battend door shutter 13cuft for 100sqft 4.0 cum for 100
4cm (1 ½”) thick cum
36. Ti m b e r for paneled & glazed 11 c u f t f o r 1 0 0 s q f t 3.0 cum for 100
shutter 4cm (1 ½”) thick cum
Ti m b e r f o r f u l l y g l a z e d s h u t t e r 4 c m 8cuft for 100sqft 2.0 cum for 100
(1 ½”) thick cum

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