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(1) V(5th Sm.

)-Political Science-H/DSE-A-1/CBCS

Paper : DSE-A-1
(Gender and Politics)
Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

Mary Wollstonecraft

Sexual Politics

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V(5th Sm.)-Political Science-H/DSE-A-1/CBCS (2)

[ English Version ]
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following questions (each in a single sentence) : 1×15

(a) Mention one source of patriarchal control.
(b) Who wrote ‘Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality’?
(c) Write the name of a book written by Mary Wollstonecraft.
(d) Who coined the slogan — ‘Personal is Political’?
(e) Who wrote ‘Sexual Politics’?
(f) Write the name of a Marxist Feminist.
(g) Write the name of an exponent of ‘intersectional feminism’.
(h) Mention one chief argument of liberal feminism.
(i) Write the name of one exponent of women’s reform movement in 19th century India.
(j) What is ‘gendered labour’?
(3) V(5th Sm.)-Political Science-H/DSE-A-1/CBCS

(k) In which year was the Dowry Prohibition Act framed in India?
(l) Name one environmental feminist in India.
(m) When was the Female Foeticide Preventive Act enacted in India?
(n) What is meant by ‘reproductive work’?
(o) Mention one major demand of the autonomous women’s movement in India.

Module - 1

2. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) How does the gendered nature of power operate in politics?
(b) Describe the main demands of Socialist Feminism.

3. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) Analyse the gendered nature of family in feminist perspective.
(b) Discuss the main arguments of Radical Feminism.

Module - 2

4. Answer any one question (within 100 words) : 10×1

(a) Describe briefly the Act related to the prevention of domestic violence.
(b) Write a short note on sex workers’ movement in India.

5. Answer any one question (within 500 words) : 15×1

(a) Explain the role of women’s movement in political empowerment of women in India.
(b) Write a note on the contribution of women in Indian labour economy.

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