STS New Good Life

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Good Life


At the end of the discussion, you are
expected to
explain Aristotle's eudaimonia and
differentiate instrumental good from intrinsic
Ancient philosophers who answered the
question 'what is the good life'?

The question is a universal concern among the


Aristotle-keen observer of nature and

systematic philosopher provided us an option
on how to achieve a good life
Who is Aristotle?

Please key in your answers in the chat box or

use your microphones

Brief Biography
Aristotle ( 384 - 322 BC)
Greek philosopher and scientist
He was a student of Plato
Lyceum- school
Nichomachean Ethics- compilation of lecture
-dedicated to his son Nichomachus
-became a foundation of Aristotle's ethics
composed of ten books
Agree or Disagree (Polling)
1. The purpose of life happiness.
2. According to Aristotle, happiness comes
from pleasure, wealth and recognition.
3. A life of happiness is a result of a balance
between two extremes.
4. A happy life is a virtuous life.
5. According to Aristotle, intellectual and
moral virtues are the ingredients of

What is good life to you?

Key in your answers in the chat box/use mic
Nichomachean Ethics
Fundamental basis for Aristotelian ethics

Good Life
In the Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle says that every
action aims at some goods.

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Types of Good
1. instrumental - The instrumental good is a means to
achieve something else
2. intrinsic good is good in itself or ultimate good
(Eudaimonia or human flourishing/happiness)

- if we want to live a good life then we must develop

the intellectual and moral virtues
What is Eudaimonia?
Greek word - human flourishing or
Eudaimonia as ultimate good - final end of
our action

Categories of Good
1. instrumental good-aims at something else
2. intrinsic good- final end or good in itself

Cite examples for the above categories

Example of Instrumental and

For example, enrolling in this course is good because
you will learn something and get a grade at the end of
the day
1. Why do you want a grade?
2.Why do you want to get a degree?
3.Why do you want to get a job?

final end - eudaimonia

Studying in college is instrumental good if it helps

you to achieve happiness

studying in college is intrinsic good if you are happy

with what you are doing right now
Share other examples

Misconceptions about
1. Pleasure
2. Wealth
3. Fame
4. honor

Eudaimonia is exclusive only for a human

being who exercises the faculty of reason

Why is eudaimonia exclusive for man?

Aristotle’s Tripartite Soul

What is Arete?
Arete- concept in achieving a good life/Eudaimonia
or happiness
Arete (Greek) means 'excellence of any kind' in terms
of intellectual and moral virtues

1. Intellectual virtue – education, time, and experience

2. Moral virtue - constant practice of an action that
promotes good life

Example: courage becomes a virtue when it is properly

displayed in the right time, right manner, and right
place in the face of danger

-cowardice - fearful and incapable of acting on the

problem in the face of danger
Cite examples e of your

How is Aristotle’s philosophy being

applied in science and technology?
Science and Technology and
Good Life
The automation of communication,
transportation, food productions, education,
modernization of medicine, and etc. must be
geared towards a good life

Guided with the concept of good life,

policymakers, state leaders, and technocrats can
work hand-in-hand to make our world a better
place to live in

A world is in a state of balance between the

excess and deficiency

Key takeaways

Differentiate the traditional and non-traditional
framework of development by Jason Hickel
God bless us all

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