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Analysis of the Diagnostic Test in Rizal: Life and Works

Unlike other Social Sciences subjects in whom results of the diagnostic tests are
predominantly low, the subject Rizal: Life and Works yielded a relatively fair to average
and even above average result which is very significant. This is so because of the
subjectivity of the topic not only because it discusses the biography of our National
Hero, but because of the familiarity of the students in connection with the main topic of
the test. A number of reasons can be deduced to support the result:

1. The life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal is much known to most of the
students because he is our National Hero.
2. The teaching of the life and works of Rizal being compulsory in the tertiary
but also in the primary and secondary (RA 1425: Rizal Law) made it
simple to comprehend the question in the diagnostic test.
3. Unlike Sociology and Anthropology, which is behavioral in nature, you
have to familiarize the, different concepts, laws of societies and theories
to be able to answer the questions correctly. Rizal: Life and Works
discusses only one topics which is the Life, Works and Writings of Dr.
Jose Rizal to which our students are already have prior knowledge in their
previous subjects in elementary and secondary.

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