Final Computer Fundamental Project

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SDIC i.e SUBHAM DIGICARE IT CENTRE greeting ! A very warm

welcome to you on behalf of ‘Subham Digicare IT Centre’ the new global

vision in the World of ‘Information, Education and Service Opportunity’ .

We are pleased to associate with you and sincerely to fulfill your objective in

The field of information Technology and Computer science.

Information Technology has been the greatest source of change and

promises to play even a bigger role in the coming years.It touches every

of human life,even in communication, entertainment, education. The breaking

of old barrier & building new connection in fast emerging global village is

being gradually the chief determination in national progress, communities

and individuals. Thus IT has boomed the requirement of new set of education

to every citizen of the nation.

Today’s tremendously competitive world demands an education that’s highly

focused on transforming students into specialized professionals. SDIC has

proved it to be a lesding provider of IT and Computer Science. In the field of

information technology SDIC offers you a range of comprehensive computer

courses. With our proven course wares and training programs, we will be able

to provide our students the need of the day as per their expectation i.e. to

achieve success in highly competitive world. The skill certainly open the

doors of opportunity and fulfill the extreme of candidates.


1. Introduction to computer training centre.

2. What is computer and history?(hardware and software)
3. Use of computer in different fields.
4. Features of computer.
5. Generation of computer.
6. Basic computer organization(input, output, storage and processing unit).
7. Computer hardware parts.
8. Application of computer.
9. Classification of computer on the basis of capacity.
10. Digital Theory (Number System Binary, Decimal).
11. Number system (Octal, Hexadecimal).
12. Type of languages.
13. Computer coding process.
14. Virus and Antivirus concept.
15. Types of software (System, software, operating system, utility programs).
16. Practical for Paper 1 basic on/off system of computer typing speed practical (Use
17. of typing master) Computer internal parts identification basic shortcut keys.
COMPUTER : A computer is an electronic machine
that processes raw data to give information as output
An electronic device that accept data as input, and
transforms it under that influence of a set of special
instruction called programs, to produce the desired
output (referred to as information).
Explanation ;
A computer is described as an electronic device because; it is made up of
electronic components and use electric energy (such as electricity) to
operate. A computer has an internal memory, which stores data and
instructions temporarily awaiting processing, and event holds the
intermediate result(information) before it is communicated to the
recipients through the output devices.It is work on the data using the
instructions issued, means that, the computer Cannot do any useful job on
its own. It can only work as per the set of instruction Issued.
A computer will accept data in one form and produce it in another form.
The data Is normally held within the computer as it is being processed.

The first counting was used by the primitive people. they used stick, stones
and bones as counting tools. As human mind and technology improved
with time more computing devices were developed. Some of the popular
computing devices starting with the first to recent ones are described

The history of computer begins with the birth of
abacus which is believed to be the first computer. It is
said that Chinese invented abacus around 4,000 years ago.
It was a wooden rack which has metal rods with beads
mounted on them. The beads were moved by the abacus
operator according to some rules to perform arithmetic
calculations. Abacus is still used in some countries like
china, Russia and Japan . An image of this tool is shown below.
It was a manually-operated calculating device which was
invented by John Napier (1550-1617) of Merchistone. In this
calculating tool, he used 9 different ivory Striopsor bones
marked with numbers to multiply and divide. So, the tool
became Known as “Napier’s Bones. It was also the first
machine to use the decimal point.
Pascaline is also known as Arithmetic Machine or
Adding Machine. It was Invented between 1642 and 1644 by a
French mathematician – philosopher Biaise Pascal. It is
believe that it was the first mechanical and automatic
Pascal invented this machine to help his father, a tax accountant. It
could only perform addition and subtraction. It was a wooden box with a
series of gears and wheels. When a wheel is rotated one revolution , it
rotates the neighboring wheel. A series of windows is given on the top of
the wheels to read the totals.
In the early 1820s, it was designed by Charles
Babbage who is known as “Father of Modern Computer”. It
was a mechanical computer which could perform simple
calculation. It was a stream driven calculating machine
designed to solve tables of numbers like logarithm tables.

This calculating machine was also developed by
Charles Babbage in 1830. It was a mechanical computer that
used punch-cards as input. It was capable of solving any
mathematical problems and storing information as a
permanent memory.
It was invented in 1890, by Herman Hollerith, an
American statistician. It was a Mechanical tabulator based on
punch cards. It could tabulate statistics and record or Sort
data or information. This machine was used in the 1890 U.S. Census.
Hollerith Also started the Hollerith? Tabulating Machine company which
later became International business machine (IBM) in 1924.

It was the first electronic computer introduced in the
united state in 1930. It was an Analogy device invented by
vannevar Bush. This machine has vacuum tube to switch
Electrical signals to perform calculations. It could do 25
calculations in few minutes.
Computers are plating a vital role in almost every field and making our
day-to-day Tasks more manageable. Computer were only used to perform
complex numerical Calculations in a previous time, but they have reached too
far and now perform many Different roles. They are now performing diverse set
function from complicated Calculation to generating business reports, bill
generation to education, programming or development to entertainment , etc.
Because of their characteristics and powerful functionalities, computers are used
In various fields, such as homes, business, government officers, research
organization Educational institutions, medical, entertainment, etc. computers
have taken industries And businesses to a whole new level. In this article, we
have elaborated the most common uses of computers in different fields;
Currently, computers can be seen in almost every business. Computers are
almost part of a business set up because they increase productivity and help race
a competitive environment . in businesses, computers are primarily use to stare
and manage accounts and personal data, maintain projects, track inventory
status, and make reports and presentations. bedsides, computers are best suited
for transaction processing because they are more accurate and faster than
humans. Computers also help people analyze their investment, expenses, profits,
sales and many otheraspects of the business.

Scientists amongst one of those people who use computers as their
primary work tool. In science, research and engineering, computers are best
suited for collecting analyzing, categorizing, and storing the data. They also help
scientists to vexchange data with each other both internally and internationally.
Computers enablescientists from different locations (such as different countries)
to work together on the same project with could support. Besides, computers play
a crucial role in launching,maintaining, controlling spacecraft, and operating many
other technologies.
In the government sector, computers are beneficial. They are getting
used to Performing various functions in different departments and improving their
services quality, efficiency, and productivity. Some examples of such services are
city planning, traffic control, law enforcement, infrastructure developments, and
tourism. In most cases, the primary purposes of using computers are performing
data processing tasks maintaining citizen’s database, and promoting a paperless
environment. Apart from this, computers are playing a crucial role in the country’s
defense system. They are helping in missile development, rocket, satellite
launches, etc.


Computer are radically changing the methods of diagnosis in hospitals.
They Are used for maintaining patients information, records, live monitoring of
patients, X-rays, and more. Everything is being digitized with the help of computer.
Computer help configure lab-tools, monitor heart rate, and blood pressure,etc.
Doctors get extra advantages in treating patients with proper drug and medicines.
Additionally,computers enable doctors to exchange patient’s data easily with other
medical specialist. Besides, advanced surgical devices are based on robotics that
helping surgeons to conduct complex operations and surgeries remotely.
Computers are broadly getting used in the education field. They help
people get different educational materials (such as images, videos, e-books,
etc.) in one place. All such information can be accessed through the internet.
Additionally computers are Best suited for online classes, online tutoring,
online examination, and creating assignments and projects. Apart from this,
they can also used to maintain and monitor student performance and other

Computers are used in industries to perform various task, such
maintaining inventory, interior designing, designing samples or virtual
products, communicating over video conferencing, and more. Online
marketing has made it easier for people to buy products in rule areas. Online
training in stoke market has also seen a significant revolution due to its easy
participation potential computers have enable people from different locations
to participate easily in stoke marketing.

Banking has become so advanced in the past few years. Most countrie
use Online banking systems where customers can access their data using directly
using Computers and internet. People can check their account balance, transfer
money, and pay online bills, including credit cards. Besides, bank use computers
to perform transaction and store customer data, transaction records etc. Bank
have reduced the number of manual errors, number of employees and costs to
great extent by using computers. ATMs are best example of computers that are
helping people to withdraw and deposit the money themselves.

Computers nowadays are one of the best mediums for entertainment.
Computers can be used to watch movies, play games, listen to music, etc.
Computers combined with MIDI instruments can be used to record audio
thought artificial instruments. Besides, people can also enjoy recording their
videos with webcam and apply several entertaining AI effects. Several photo
editor programs are also available with fabulous powerful features.
Most companies use computers to provide training to their
employees.Computer-based training helps companies save their time, money,
and increase Productivity. Also, computer-based training can be used to train
employees for largedistances in various locations. This will eliminate travel time
and costs, making the training process much more comfortable and smoother.

Computers have become part of art, photography, dance, and culture.
Computers with advanced features allow users to draw their projects directly on it.
Besides, people can use computers to digitize their photos. There are several photo
editor software that can help people edit and customize their photos. Apart from
this, the dance’s movements and steps can be shown live with animation’s help.

In today’s technologically developed world, computers are being used in almost
every almost every sport. There are many sports activities where computers are
making hings possible. In sports, computers are mainly used to maintain
scoreboards, records, and other statistics. Furthermore, they are used to analyze
player movements and make various in-game decisions. Computers help make
complex in-game Decisions (especially in umpiring), which cannot be seen by human

Robotics is one of the emerging fields of technology that uses computers
for science and engineering as well as designing machines. These machines can be
virtual (such as software bots) and physical ones that can reduce or eliminate huma
workload. Additionally, some machines can perform heavy tasks that humans
cannot complete, or that may take a long time to complete. Car manufacturing was
one of the first examples where robots helped to assemble car parts and perform
many other heavy tasks. However, nowadays, robots are beneficial in many fields,
such as exploring areas where conditions are difficult for humans, helping the
military, helping law enforcement and helping health professionals, etc.
Computers are capable of working together with different
equipment, tools, and technologies. When it comes to safety, computers
are widely being used with the security camera. Almost every private and
government organization are equipped with security cameras to monitor
people and goods. Also, these camera are helping security intelligence
agencies to identify teritorists or criminals in public places. Computers
attached with a fingerprint scanner and face-recognition technology have
made it harder for fraudsters to use fake identities and take government
benefits using someone else’s identify. Security systems have become so
powerful with the introduction of computer technology and the internet.

Computers are one of the first choices when it comes to publication.
Computers are mainly used for designing newsletters, novels, posters, magazines, or
newspapers, etc. They are suitable for almost every type publication. Computers can
be seen in both types of publishing methods, either its hard-copy or e-books. Apart
from this, computers play a vital role in blogging and writing articles on websites.

Weather forecasting is never easy for humans because it depends on many
Factors that are continually changing. It is almost impossible for human to predict
the weather without using a computer. The weather forecasting process involves
complex computation and monitoring of data from satellites and many other
technological devices. The computer has made it a little easier to predict weather
conditions because it can process information from different sources and make
complex calculation related to it, which are necessary for forecasting. Computers
process enormous amounts of metrological information during weather

Computers have become one of the primary sources of communication.
Modern computers come with a built-in webcam and microphone to make use of
Communication easier. People can use software like Skype and hangout to connect
with other people over the internet. Because of the videoconferencing feature,
people can connect to their relatives, business to organize meetings, and companies
to take interviews, between two different locations that are too far. Apart from this,
older communications methods such as emails are also still used widely.

A computer work with much higher speed and accuracy compared to
humans while performing mathematical calculations. Computers can process
millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for
their operations is microseconds and nanoseconds.
Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to
data inconsistency or inaccuracy.
A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same
consistency and accuracy. it doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its
memory also makes it superior to that of human beings.
Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of
works with same accuracy and efficiency.
A computers is reliable as it give consistent result for similar set of data i.e; if
we give same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result.
Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks
without manual intervention.
A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data.
Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are
also used to store data.

The modern computer took its shape with the arrival of your time. It had
been around 16th Century when the evolution of the computer started. The
initial computer faced many changes, obviously for the betterment. It
continuously improved itself in terms of speed, accuracy, size, and price to urge
the form of the fashionable day computer. This long period is often
conveniently divided into the subsequent phases called computer generations:


The technology behind the primary generation computers was a fragile glass
device, which was called vacuum tube. These computers were very heavy and
really large in size. These weren’t very reliable and programming on them was a
really tedious take as they used low-level programming language and used no
OS. First – generation computers were used for calculation, storage, and control
purpose. They were too bulky and large that they needed a full room and
consume rot of electricity.
Second-generation computers used the technology of transistor rather
than bulky vacuum tubes. Another feature was the core storage. A transistor
may be a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a sing or
opens or closes a circuit. Transistors were invented in Bell Labs.


During the third generation, technology envisaged a shift from huge
transistors to integrated circuits, also referred to as IC. Here a variety of
transistors were placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors. The most
feature of this era’s computer was the speed and reliability. IC was made from
silicon and also called silicon chips. A single IC ,has many transistors, registers,
and capacitors built on one thin slice of silicon.

The value size was reduced and memory space and dealing efficiency were
increased during this generation. Programming was now wiped out Higher
level languages like BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code).
Minicomputers find their shape during this era.

Fourth Generation Computers:(1971-Present)

In 1971 first microprocessors were used, the large scale of integration LSI
circuits built on one chip called microprocessors. The most advantage of this
technology is that one microprocessors can contain all the circuits required to
perform arithmetic, logic, and control functions on one chip.

Fifth Generation Computers

The technology behind the fifth generation of computers is al. It allows
computers to behave like humans. It is often seen in programs like voice
recognition, area of medicines, and entertainment. Within the field of games
playing also it” s shown remarkable performance where computers are capable
of beating human competitors.






The fundamental operation of most To execute a sequence of
stored instruction called program.The program represented by a series of
number that are kept in some kind of computer Memory.There are four steps
that nearly all CPUs use in their operation; fetch,decode,execute,and write


Retrieving an instruction from program memory.The location in program

memory is determined by a program counter (PC)After an instruction is
fetched, the pc is instruction word in terms of memory units.

The instruction is broken up into parts that have significance to other

portions of the CPU.The way in which the numerical instruction value is
interpreted is defined byThe CPU’s instruction set architecture (ISA).Op code,
indicates which operation to perform.The remaining parts of the number
usually provide information required forFor that instruction, such as operands
for an addition operation.Such operands may be given as a constant value or as
a place to locate a value: a register or a memory address, as determined by
some addressing mode.


During this step, various portions of the CPU are connected so they can
Perform the desired operation.If, for instance, an addition operation was
requested, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) will be connected to a set of inputs
and a set of outputs.The inputs provide the numbers to be added, and the
outputs will contain theFinal sum.If the addition operation produces a result
too large for the CPU to handle, An arithmetic overflow flag in a flags register
may also be set.


 Simply “writes back “ the result of the execute step to some form of money.
 Very often the result are written to some internal CPU register for quick
Access by subsequent instructions.
 In other cases result may be written to slower, but cheaper and larger, main


An input device is a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a

computer. An input device allows used to communicate and feed instruction and
data to computers for processing, display storage and/or transmission.Input device
enables the user to send data information, or control signals to a computer. The
Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer receives the input and processing it to
produce the output. Some of the popular input devices are:

 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Scanner
 Joystick
 Light pen
 Digitizer
 Microphone
 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
 Optical Character Reader (OCR)


The keyboard is a basic input device that is used

to enter data into a computer or any other electronic
device by processing keys. It has different sets of keys
for letters, numbers, characters, and functions Keyboards are connected to a
computer through USB or a Bluetooth device for wireless communication.

(ii) MOUSE

The mouse is a hand-held input device which is used to

move cursor or pointer across the screen. It is designed to used
an a flat surface and generally has left and right button and a

scroll wheel between them. Laptop computers come with a touchpad that
works as a mouse. It lets you control the movement of cursor or pointer by
moving your finger over the touchpad. Some mouse comes with integrated
features such as extra buttons to perform different buttons.

The mouse was invented by Douglas C. Engelbart in 1963. Early mouse

had a roller ball integrated as a movement sensor underneath the device.
Modern mouse devices come with optical technology that controls cursor
movements by a visible or invisible light beam.


The scanner uses the pictures and pages of text as input.

It scans the picture or a document. The scanned picture or
document then converted into a digital format or file and is
displayed on the screen as an output. It uses optical character
recognition techniques to convert image into digital ones.

A joystick is also a pointing input device like a mouse. It is

made up of a stick with a spherical base. The base is fitted in a
socket that allows free movement of the stick. The movement of
sick controls the cursor or pointer on the screen.

The first joystick was invented by C.B.Mirick at the U>S> Navel

Research Laboratory. A joystick can be of different types such as
displacement joysticks finger-operated joystick, hand oper5ated, isometric
joystick, and more. In joystick, cursor keeps moving in the direction of the
joystick unless it is upright, whereas, in mouse, the cursor moves only when the
mouse moves.


A light pen is a computer input device that looks like a

pen. The tip of the pen contains a light-sensitive detector that
enables the user to point to or select objects on the display
screen. Its light sensitive tip detects the object location and
sends the corresponding signals to the CPU. It is not compatible with LCD
screens, s it is not in use today. It also helps you draw on the screen if needed.
The first light pen was invented around 1995 as a part of the Whirlwind project
at the Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT).


Digitizer is a computer input device that has a flat surface

and usually comes with a stylus. It enables the user to draw
images and graphics using the stylus as we draw on paper with
a pencil. The images or graphics drawn on the digitizer appear on the computer
monitor or display screen. The software converts the touch inputs into lines
and can also convert handwritten text to typewritten words.

It can used to capture handwritten signatures and data or images from

taped papers. Furthermore, it is also used to receive information in the form of
drawing and send output to a CAD (Computer-aided design) application and
software like AutoCAD. Thus, it allows you to convert hand-drawn images into
a format suitable for computer processing.

The microphone is a computer input device that is used

to input the sound. It receives the sound vibrations and
converts them into audio signals or sends to a recording
medium. The audio signals are converted into digital data and
stored in the computer. The microphone also enables the user
to telecommunicate with others. It is also used to add sound to presentations
and with webcams for video conferencing.


MICR computer input device is designed to read the text

printed with magnetic. MICR is a character recognition
technology that makes use of special magnetized ink which is
sensitive to magnetic fields. It is widely used in banks to
process the cheques and other organizations where security is
a major concern. It can process three hundred cheques in a
minute with hundred-percent accuracy. The details on the bottom of the
cheques (MICR No.) are written with magnetic ink. A laser printer with MICR
toner can be used to print the magnetic ink.

The device reads the details and sends to a computer for processing. A
document printed in magnetic ink is required to pass through a machine which
magnetizes the ink, and the magnetic information is then translated into


OCR computer input device is designed to convert the

scanned images of handwritten, typed or printed text into digital
text. It is widely used in offices and libraries to convert
documents and books into electronic files.It process and copies
the physical from of a document using a scanner. After copying
the documents, the OCR software converts the documents into a two-color
(black and white) version called bitmap. Then it is analyzed for light and

dark areas, where the dark areas are selected as characters, and the light
areas is identified as background. It is widely used to convert hard copy legal or
historic documents into PDFs. The converted documents can be edited if
required like we edit documents created in ms word.
An output device is any device used to send data from a computer to
another devices or use. Most computer data output that is meant for humans is
in the form of audio or video. Thus, most output devices used by humans are in
these categories. Examples include monitors, projectors, speakers, headphones
and printers.
Following are some of the important output devices used in a computer.
. Monitors
. Speaker
. printer
(i) Monitors

Monitors, commonly called as visual display unit (VDU),

are the main output device of a computer. It forms images from
tiny dots, called pixels
That are arranged in a rectangular form. The sharpness of
the image depends upon the number of pixels.

Speaker are output devices that allow you to hear sound from
your computer. Computer speakers are just like stereo
speakers. There are usually two of them and they come in
various sizes.

(iii) Printers

Printer is an output device, which is used to printers

information on paper.There are two types of printers.Impact
printers .Non-impact printers


Purpose of storage

The fundamental components of a general-purpose computer are arithmetic

and logic unit, control circuitry, storage space, and input/output devices. If
storage was removed, the device we had would be a simple calculator instead
of a computer. The ability to store instructions that form a computer program,
and the information that the instructions manipulate is what makes stored
program architecture computers versatile.
Primary Storage

Primary Storage is directly connected to the central processing unit of the

computer. It must be present for the CPU to function correctly, just as in a
biological analogy the lungs must be present (for oxygen storage) for the heart
to function (to pump and oxygenate the blood). As shown in the diagram
primary storage typically consists of three kinds of storage:

Processors register

It is the internal to the central processing unit Registers contain information

that the arithmetic and logic unit needs to carry out the current instruction .
They are technically the fastest of all forms of computer storage.

Main memory

It contains the programs that are currently being run and the data the
programs are operating on. The arithmetic and logic unit can very quickly
transfer information between a processor register and location in main storage,
also known as a “memory addresses”. In modern computers, electronic solid-
state random access memory is used for main storage, and is directly
connected to the CPU via a “memory bus” and a “data bus”.

Cache memory

It is a special type of internal memory used by many central processing units

to increase their performance or “throughput”. Some of the information in the
main memory is duplicated in the cache memory, which is slightly slower but
of much greater capacity than the processor registers, and faster but much
smaller than main memory.


Memory is often used as a shorter synonym for Random Access

Memory (RAM) . This kind of memory is located on one or
more microchips that are physically close to the
microprocessor in your computer. Most desktop and notebook

computers sold today include at least 512 megabytes of RAM (which is really
the minimum to be able to install an operating system).They are upgradeable,
so you can add more when your computer runs really slowly.
The purpose of storage in a computer is to hold data or information and get
that data to the CPU as quickly as possible when it is needed. Computer use
disks for storage: hard disks that are located inside the computer, and floppy
or compact disks that are used externally.

 Computers method of storing data & information for long term basis i.e.
even after PC is switched off.
 It is non-volatile
 Can be easily removed and moved & attached to some other device
 Memory capacity can be extendad to a greater extent
 Cheaper than primary memory

Storage Involves Two Processes

 Writing data
 Reading data

(i)Floppy Disks

The floppy disk drive (FDD) was invented at IBM by Alan shugart in 1967.The
first floppy drives used an 8-inch disk(later called a “diskette” as it got
smaller), which evolved into the 5.25-inch disk that was used on the first IBM
Personal Computer in August 1981. The 5.25-inch disk held 360 kilobytes
compared to the 1.44 megabyte capacity of today’s 3.5-inch diskette.

The 5.25-inch disks were dubbed “floppy” because the diskette packaging was
a very flexible plastic envelope, unlike the rigid case used to hold today’s 3.5-
inch diskettes.

(ii) Hard disks

Your computer uses two types of memory: primary

memory which is stored on chips located on the
motherboard, and secondary memory that is stored in the
hard drive. Primary memory holds all of the essential
memory that tells your computer how to be a computer.
Secondary memory holds the information that you store in the computer.

Hardware Components of a Computer:-

Hardware Components of a computer refers to the collection of physical
parts of a computer system that we can touch or feel. This includes the computer
case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts inside the
computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many
others. The hardware components of a computer or personal computer is
categorized into 4 primary

categories: -
 System Unit
 Display Device
 Input Devices
 External Devices

 System Unit

A System Unit is the main component of a personal computer, which houses

the other devices necessary for the computer to function. It is comprised of a
chassis and the internal components of a personal computer such as the system
board (mother board), the microprocessor, memory modules, disk drives, adapter
cards, the power supply, a fan or other cooling device and ports for connecting
external components such as monitors, keyboards, mice, and other devices.

b. Display Devices
A display device is a personal computer component and is an output device
that enables user to view the text and graphical data associated with a
computer program. Display devices commonly connect to the system unit via a
cable, and they have controls to adjust the settings for the device. They vary in size
and shape, as well as the technology used. System Unit Components

c. Input Devices

An input device is a personal computer component that enables users to

enter data or instructions into a computer. The most common input devices are
keyboards and computer mice. Input devices can connect to the system via a cable
or a wireless connection.
Display Device

 Keyboard
 Mouse

d. External Devices

Any peripherals devices that are not housed inside the system unit are
inherently external devices. A personal computer’s functionality can be enhanced
by connecting different types of external devices to the system unit, often called
peripherals devices. These devices typically provide alternative input or output
methods or additional data storage. External devices are connected to the system
unit via a cable or wireless connection. Some of them have their own power source
and some draw power from the system. There are several categories of external

System Unit Components:-

 The System Board
 Central Processing Unit
 Memory
 Power Supplies
 Cooling Systems etc

 The System Board:-

The system board is the personal computer component that acts as the
backbone for the entire computer system as it serves as a single platform to connect
all of the parts of a computer together. It connects the CPU, memory, hard drives,
optical drives, video card, sound card, and other ports and expansion cards directly
or via cables. System Board is also known as motherboard. It consists of a large,
flat circuit board with chips and other electrical components on it.

 Central Processing Unit (CPU):-

The Central Processing Unit (CPU), sometimes called microprocessor or
just processor, is the real brain of the computer and is where most of the
calculations take place. CPU is considered as the brain of the computer. CPU
performs all types of data processing operations. It stores data, intermediate
results, and instructions (program). It controls the operation of all parts of the
Now, the CPU itself has following three components: -

 Memory or Storage Unit Control Unit

 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Memory or Storage Unit:-

This unit stores data, instructions & results for processing and stores the
final results of processing before these results are released to an output device.
It is also responsible for the transmission of all inputs and outputs.

Control Unit (CU): -

This unit controls the operations of all parts of the computer but
does not carry out any actual data processing operations.

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU):-

All calculations are performed in the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) of the
computer. It also does comparison and takes decision. The ALU can perform
basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc and
does logic operations viz,>, <, =, ‘etc. Whenever calculations are required, the
control unit transfers the data from storage unit to ALU once the
computations are done, the results are transferred to the memory unit by the
control unit and then it is send to the output unit for displaying results.

III. Memory;-
A memory is just like a human brain. It is used to store data and
instructions. Computer memory is the store space in computer where data is to be
processed and instruction required for processing and store the memory is divided
into large number of small parts called cells.

IV. Power Supply:-

Power Supply known as switch-mode power supply (SMPS) is an electronic circuit

that converts power using switching devices that are turned on and off at high
frequencies, and storage components such as inductors or capacitors to supply
power when the switching device is in its non-conduction state. Switching power
supplies have high efficiency and are widely used in a variety of electronic
equipment, including computers and other sensitive equipment requiring stable
and efficient power supply.
v. Cooling System

Cooling may be required for CPU, Video Card, Mother Board, Hard Drive, etc.
Without proper cooling, the computer hardware may suffers from overheating.
This overheating causes slow downs, system error messages, and crashing. Also,
the life expectancy of the PC's components is likely to diminish. The following
are commonly used techniques for cooling the PC or Server components:

 Heat Sinks
 CPU/Case Fans
 Thermal Compound
 Liquid Cooling Systems

Heat Sinks:-

The purpose of a heatsink is to conduct the heat away from the processor or any
other component (such as chipset) to which it is attached. Thermal transfer takes
place at the surface of a heatsink. Therefore, heat sinks should have a large surface
area. A commonly used technique to increase the surface area is by using fins. A
typical processor heat sink is shown
cpu Fan:-
The Fan is primarily used to force cooler air in to the system or remove hot air out
of the system. A fan keeps the surrounding cooler by displacing air around the
heatsink and other parts of the computer. A typical CPU fan is shown below.
Heatsink with Fan CPU Fan

Thermal Compound:-

A thermal compound is used for maximum transfer of heat from CPU to

the heatsink. The surface of a CPU or a heatsink is not perfectly flat. If you place a
heatsink directly on a CPU, there will be some air gaps between the two. Air is a
poor conductor of heat. Therefore, an interface material with a high thermal
conductivity is used to fill these gaps, and thus improve heat conductivity between
CPU and heatsink.
Liquid Cooling Systems:-

Like a radiator for a car, a liquid cooling system circulates a liquid through a
heat sink attached to the processor. First, the cooler liquid passes through the
heatsink, and then gets hot due to transfer of heat from the processor to the
heatsink. Then the hot liquid passes through the radiator at the back of the
case, and transfers the heat to the secondary coolant (air). Now, the liquid is
cool enough to pass through the hot processor heatsink, and the cycle repeats. The
chief advantage of LCS (Liquid Cooling System) is that the cooling takes place very
efficiently (since liquids transfer heat more efficiently than air/solids). The
disadvantages include bulkier cooling system, cost, and additional reliability issues
associated with LCS.

A computer has high speed of calculation, diligence, accuracy, reliability, or
versatility which madeit an integrated part in all business organisations.
Computer is used in business organisations for:

 Payroll calculations
 Budgeting
 Sales analysis
 Financial forecasting
 Managing employees database
 Maintenance of stocks etc.

Today banking is almost totally dependent on computer. Banks provide following

 Banks provide online accounting facility, which includes current balances,

deposits, overdrafts, interest charges, shares, and trustee records.
 ATM machines are making it even easier for customers to deal with banks.

Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to-date with the help of
computers. The insurance companies, finance houses and stock broking firms
are widely using computers for their concerns. Insurance companies are
maintaining a database of all clients with information showing

 procedure to continue with policies

 starting date of the policies
 next due installment of a policy
 maturity date
 interests due
 survival benefits
 bonus
The computer has provided a lot of facilities in the education system.

 The computer provides a tool in the education system known as CBE Computer
Based Education.
 CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
 The computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of number of computer
 There are number of methods in which educational institutions can use computer
to educate the students.
 It is used to prepare a database about performance of a student and analysis is
carried out on this basis.

In marketing, uses of computer are following:

Advertising - With computers, advertising professionals create art and graphics,

write and revise copy, and print and disseminate ads with the goal of selling more
products. At Home Shopping - Home shopping has been made possible through use
of computerized catalogues that provide access to product information and permit
direct entry of orders to be filled by the customers.

Health Care
Computers have become important part in hospitals, labs, and dispensaries. The
computers are being used in hospitals to keep the record of patients and
medicines. It is also used in scanning and diagnosing different diseases. ECG,
EEG, Ultrasounds and CT Scans etc., are also done by computerised machines. Some
major fields of health care in which computers are used are:

Diagnostic System - Computers are used to collect data and identify cause of

Lab-diagnostic System - All tests can be done and reports are prepared by

Patient Monitoring System - These are used to check patient's signs for
abnormality such as in Cardiac Arrest, ECG etc.

Pharma Information System - Computer checks Drug-Labels, Expiry dates,

harmful drug’s side effects etc.

Surgery : Nowadays, computers are also used in performing surgery.

Engineering Design
Computers are widely used in Engineering purpose. One of major areas is CAD
Computer design. That provides creation and modification of images.

Some fields are:

Structural Engineering - Requires stress and strain analysis for design of Ships,
Buildings, Budgets, Airplanes etc.

Industrial Engineering - Computers deal with design, implementation and

improvement of integrated systems of people, materials and equipments.

Architectural Engineering - Computers help in planning towns, designing

buildings, determining a range of buildings on a site using both 2D and 3D

Computers are largely used in defence. Modern tanks, missiles, weapons etc.
Military also employ computerised control systems. Some military areas where a
computer has been used are:

 Missile Control
 Military Communication
 Military Operation and Planning
 Smart Weapons

Communication means to convey a message, an idea, a picture or speech that
is received and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is
meant for. Some main areas in this category are:

 E-mail
 Chatting
 Usenet
 Telnet
 Video-conferencing
computers play an important role in government. Some major fields in this
category are:

 Budgets
 Sales tax department
 Income tax department
 Male/Female ratio
 Computerization of voters lists
 Computerization of driving licensing system
 Computerization of PAN card
 Weather forecasting

Computers can be classified in the following ways:

Analogue computers
Analogue computers are designed to process analogue data. Analogue data is
continuous data that changes continuously and cannot have discrete values. We can
say that analogue computers are used where we don't need exact values always such as
speed, temperature, pressure and current.Analogue computers directly accept the data
from the measuring device without first converting it into numbers and codes. They
measure the continuous changes in physical quantity and generally render output as a
reading on a dial or scale. Speedometer and mercury thermometer are examples of
analogue computers.

Advantages of using analogue computers:

 It allows real-time operations and computation at the same time and continuous
representation of all data within the rage of the analogue machine.
 In some applications, it allows performing calculations without taking the help of
transducers for converting the inputs or outputs to digital electronic form and
vice versa.
 The programmer can scale the problem for the dynamic range of the analogue
 It provides insight into the problem and helps understand the errors and their
Digital Computer
Digital computer is designed to perform calculations and logical operations at high
speed. It accepts the raw data as input in the form of digits or binary numbers (0 and 1)
and processes it with programs stored in its memory to produce the output. All
modern computers like laptops, desktops including smart phones that we use at home
or office are digital computers.

Advantages of digital computers:

 It allows you to store a large amount of information and to retrieve it easily
whenever you need it.
 You can easily add new features to digital systems more easily.

Different applications can be used in digital systems just by changing the program
without making any changes in hardware

 The cost of hardware is less due to the advancement in the IC technology.

 It offers high speed as the data is processed digitally.
 It is highly reliable as it uses error correction codes.
 Reproducibility of results is higher as the output is not affected by noise,
temperature, humidity, and other properties of its components.

Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computer has features of both analogue and digital computer. It is fast like
an analoguecomputer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers. It can
process both continuous and discrete data. It accepts analogue signals and converts
them into digital form before processing. So, it is widely used in specialized
applications where both analogue and digital data is processed. For example, a
processor is used in petrol pumps that convert the measurements of fuel flow into
quantity and price. Similarly, they are used in airplanes, hospitals, and scientific

Advantages of using hybrid computers:

 Its computing speed is very high due to the all-parallel configuration of the
analogue subsystem.
 It produces precise and quick results that are more accurate and useful.
 It has the ability to solve and manage big equation in real-time.
 It helps in the on-line data processing.
Supercomputers are the biggest and fastest computers. They are designed to process
huge amount of data. A supercomputer can process trillions of instructions in a second.
It has thousands of interconnected processors.Supercomputers are particularly used in
scientific and engineering applications such as weather forecasting, scientific
simulations and nuclear energy research. The first supercomputer was developed by
Roger Cray in 1976.

Characteristics or applications of supercomputers:

 It has the ability to decrypt your password to enhance protection for security
 It produces excellent results in animations.
 It is used for virtual testing of nuclear weapons and critical medical tests.
 It can study and understand climate patterns and forecast weather conditions. It
can run in NOAA's system (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

that can execute any type of simple and logical data.

 It helps in designing the flight simulators for pilots at the beginner level for their
 It helps in extracting useful information from data storage centres or cloud
system. For example, in insurance companies.
 It has played a vital role in managing the online currency world such as stock
market and bitcoin.
 It helps in the diagnosis of various critical diseases and in producing accurate
results in brain injuries, strokes, etc.
 It helps in scientific research areas by accurately analysing data obtained from
exploring the solar system, satellites, and movement of Earth.
 It also used in a smog control system where it predicts the level of fog and other
pollutants in the atmosphere.

Mainframe computer
Mainframe computers are designed to support hundreds or thousands of users
simultaneously. They can support multiple programs at the same time. It means they
can execute different processes simultaneously. These features of mainframe
computers make them ideal for big organizations like banking and telecom sectors,
which need to manage and process high volume of data.Mainframe computers are
designed to support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. They can support
multiple programs at the same time. It means they can execute different processes
simultaneously. These features of mainframe computers make them ideal for big
organizations like banking and telecom sectors, which need to manage and process a
high volume of data that requires integer operations such as indexing, comparisons,

Characteristics of Mainframe Computers:

 It can process huge amount of data, e.g. millions of transactions in a second in
the banking sector.
 It has a very long life. It can run smoothly for up to 50 years after proper
 It gives excellent performance with large scale memory management.
 It has the ability to share or distribute its workload among other processors and
input/output terminals.
 There are fewer chances of error or bugs during processing in mainframe
computers. If any error occurs it can fix it quickly without affecting the
 It has the ability to protect the stored data and other ongoing exchange of
information and data.

Applications of mainframe computers:

 In health care, it enabled hospitals to maintain a record of their millions of
patients in order to contact them for treatment or related to their appointment,
medicine updates or disease updates.
 In the field of defense, it allows the defense departments to share a large amount
of sensitive information with other branches of defense.
 In the field of education, it helps big universities to store, manage and retrieve
data related to their courses, admissions, students, teachers, employees and
affiliated schools and colleges.
 In the retail sector, the retail companies that have a huge customer base and
branches use mainframe computers to handle and execute information related to
their inventory management, customer management, and huge transactions in a
short duration.

It is a midsize multiprocessing computer. It consists of two or more processors and
can support 4 to 200 users at one time. Minicomputers are used in institutes and
departments for tasks such as billing, accounting and inventory management. A
minicomputer lies between the mainframe and microcomputer as it is smaller than
mainframe but larger than a microcomputer.
Characteristics of minicomputer:
 It is light weight that makes it easy to carry and fit anywhere.
 It is less expensive than mainframe computers.
 It is very fast compared to its size.
 It remains charged for a long time.
 It does not require a controlled operational environment.

Applications of minicomputers:
A minicomputer is mainly used to perform three primary functions, which are as

 Process control: It was used for process control in manufacturing. It mainly

performs two primary functions that are collecting data and feedback. If any
abnormality occurs in the process, it is detected by the minicomputer and
necessary adjustments are made accordingly.
 Data management: It is an excellent device for small organizations to collect,
store and share data. Local hospitals and hotels can use it to maintain the records
of their patients and customers respectively.
 Communications Portal: It can also play the role of a communication device in
larger systems by serving as a portal between a human operator and a central
processor or computer.

A small computer, that literally fits in your palm. Compared to full -size computers,
palmtops are severely limited, but they are practical for certain functions such as phone
books and calendars. Palmtops that use a pen rather than a keyboard for input are
often called hand-held computersor PDAs. Because of their small size, most palmtop
computers do not include disk drives. However, many contain PCMCIA slots in which
you can insert disk drives, modems, memory, and other devices.Palmtops are also
called PDAs, hand-held computers and pocket computers.

A computer designed to fit comfortably on top of a desk, typically with the monitor
sitting on top of the computer. Desktop model computers are broad and low, whereas
tower model computers are narrow and tall. Because of their shape, desktop model
computers are generally limited to three internal mass storage devices. Desktop models
designed to be very small are sometimes referred to as slimline models.
Workstation is a single user computer that is designed for technical or scientific
applications. It has a faster microprocessor, a large amount of RAM and high speed
graphic adapters. It generally performs a specific job with great expertise; accordingly,
they are of different types such as graphics workstation, music workstation and
engineering design workstation.

Characteristics of workstation computer:

 It is a high-performance computer system designed for a single user for business
or professional use.
 It has larger storage capacity, better graphics, and more powerful CPU than a
personal computer.
 It can handle animation, data analysis, CAD, audio and video creation and

Microcomputer is also known as a personal computer. It is a general-purpose
computer that is designed for individual use. It has a microprocessor as a central
processing unit, memory, storage ar ea, input unit and output unit. Laptops and
desktop computers are examples of microcomputers. They are suitable for personal
work that may be making an assignment, watching a movie, or at office for office work.

Characteristics of a microcomputer:
 It is the smallest in size among all types of computers.
 A limited number of software can be used.
 It is designed for personal work and applications. Only one user can work at a
 It is less expansive and easy to use.
 It does not require the user to have special skills or training to use it.
 Generally, comes with single semiconductor chip.
 It is capable of multitasking such as printing, scanning, browsing, watching
videos, etc.

A tablet is a type of notebook computer that has an LCD screen on which the user
can write using finger and swipe actions or by using a special-purpose pen, or stylus.
All user input is directly via the LCD screen and not a keyboard or mouse. On a tablet
computer, handwriting is digitized and can be converted to standard text through
handwriting recognition, or it can remain as handwritten text. The stylus also can be
used to type on a pen-based key layout where the lettered keys are arranged differently
than a QWERTY keyboard. Tablet PCs can be equipped with a keyboard and/or a
mouse for input.The tablet PC relies on digital ink technology, where a digitizer is laid
under or over an LCD screen to create an electromagnetic field that can capture the
movement of the special-purpose pen and record the movement on the LCD screen.
The effect is like writing on paper with liquid ink.

These are types of computers used to provide resources, services, and functionality to
client computers in a server-client network model. Resources provided are based on
the functions of a particular server, which may fall under these categories:

a. File server

b. Database server

c. Print server

d. FTP servers

e. Application server

f. Web server

 Their sizes will depend on purpose and tasks in the network. Of course bigger
and more multitasking installations will require multiple system and storage
 A common errant is that desktop systems can be used as servers. Far from it, true
server systems are specialized computers with abilities far beyond what personal
computers can deliver.
 Servers are optimized to run 24 hours and are capable of hot swapping of storage
and other hardware without having to shut down the system.

Number System in Digital Electronics

Definition: In digital electronics, the number system is used for representing the
information. The number system has different bases and the most common of them are
the decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. The base or radix of the number system
is the total number of the digit used in the number system. Suppose if the number
system representing the digit from 0 – 9 then the base of the system is the 10.
Types of Number Systems
Some of the important types of number system are

1. Decimal Number System

2. Binary Number System
3. Octal Number System
4. Hexadecimal Number System

1. Decimal Number Systems

The number system is having digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; this number system is
known as a decimal number system because total ten digits are involved. The base of
the decimal number system is 10.

2. Binary Number Systems

The modern computers do not process decimal number; they work with another
number system known as a binary number system which uses only two digits 0
and1.The base of binary number system is 2 because it has only two digit 0 and 1.The
digital electronic equipments are works on the binary number system and hence the
decimal number system is converted into binary system.The table is shown below the
decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers from 0 to 15 and their equivalent
binary number.

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

0 0000 0 0

1 0001 1 1
2 0010 2 2

3 0011 3 3

4 0100 4 4

5 0101 5 5

6 0110 6 6

7 0111 7 7

8 1000 10 8

9 1001 11 9

10 1010 12 A

11 1011 13 B

12 1100 14 C

13 1101 15 D

14 1110 16 E

15 1111 17 F
3. Octal Numbers
The base of a number system is equal to the number of digits used, i.e., for decimal
number system the base is ten while for the binary system the base is two. The octal
system has the base of eight as it uses eight digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.All these digits
from 0 to 7 have the same physical meaning as by decimal symbols, the next digit in
the octal number is represented by 10, 11, 12, which are equivalent to decimal digits 8, 9,
10 respectively. In this way, the octal number 20 will represent the decimal digit and
subsequently, 21, 22, 23.. Octal numbers will represent the decimal number digit 17, 18,
19… etc. and so on.

4. Hexadecimal Numbers
These numbers are used extensively in microprocessor work.The hexadecimal number
system has a base of 16, and hence it consists of the following sixteen number of
digits.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.The size of the hexadecimal is much
shorter than the binary number which makes them easy to write and remember. Let
0000 to 000F representing hexadecimal numbers from zero to fifteen, then 0010, 0011,
0012, …etc. Will represent sixteen, seventeen, eighteen… etc. till 001F which represent
thirty open and so on.


Introduction to Types of Computer Language

The computer language is defined as code or syntax which is used to write programs
or any specific applications. It is used to communicate with computers. Broadly the
computer language can be classified into three categories:- assembly language,
machine language, and high-level language. The machine language is considered as
oldest computer language among all three. In machine language, the input is directly
given as binary input which is processed by the machine. Binary inputs mean one and
zero form. For computer language processing the system needs a compiler and
interpreter to convert the language into computer language so that it can be processed
by a machine.
Different Types of Computer Language:

1. Machine Language
The machine language is sometimes referred to as machine code or object code
which is a set of binary digits 0 and 1. These binary digits are understood and read by a
computer system and interpreted easily. It is considered a native language as it can be
directly understood by a central processing unit (CPU). The machine language is not so
easy to understand, as the language uses the binary system in which the commands are
written in 1 and 0 form which is not easy to interpret. There is only one language that is
understood by computer which is machine language. The operating system of the
computer system is used to identify the exact machine language used for that
particular system.The operating system defines how the program should write so that
it can be converted to machine language and the system takes appropriate action. The
computer programs and scripts can also be written in other programming languages
like C, C++, and JAVA. However, these languages cannot be directly understood by a
computer system so there is a need for a program that can convert these computer
programs to machine language. The compiler is used to convert the programs to
machine language which can be easily understood by computer systems. The compiler
generates the binary file and executable file.

Example of machine language for the text “Hello World”:-

01001000 0110101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100

2. Assembly Language
The assembly language is considered a low-level language for microprocessors and
many other programmable devices. The assembly language is also considered a second-
generation language. The first generation language is machine language. The assembly
language is mostly famous for writing an operating system and also in writing different
desktop applications. The operations carried out by programmers using assembly
language are memory management, registry access, and clock cycle operations. The
drawback of assembly language is the code cannot be reused and the language is not so
easy to understand. The assembly language is considered a group of other languages. It
is used to implement the symbolic representation of machine code which is used to
program CPU architecture. The other name of assembly language is assembly code. For
any processor, the most used programming language is assembly language.In assembly
language, the programmer does the operation which can be directly executed on a
central processing unit (CPU). The language has certain drawbacks as it does not
contain any variables or functions in programs and also the program is not portable on
different processors. The assembly language uses the same structure and commands
which machine language does use but it uses names in place of numbers. The
operations performed using the assembly language are very fast. The operations are
much faster when it is compared to high-level language.

3. High-Level Language
The development of high-level language was done when the programmers face the
issue of writing programs as the older language has portability issues which means the
code written in one machine cannot be transferred to other machines. This led to the
development of high-level language. The high-level language is easy to understand and
the code can be written easily as the programs written are user-friendly in a high-level
language. The other advantage of code written in a high-level language is the code is
independent of a computer system which means the code can be transferred to other
machines. The high-level of language uses the concept of abstraction and also focuses
on programming language rather than focusing on computer hardware components
like register utilization or memory utilization.The development of higher-level
language is done for a programmer to write a human-readable program that can be
easily understood by any user. The syntax used and the programming style can be
easily understood by humans if it is compared to low-level language. The only
requirement in a high-level language is the need for a compiler. As the program written
in a high-level language is not directly understood by the computer system. Before the
execution of high-level programs, it needs to be converted to machine-level language.
Examples of high-level languages are C++, C, JAVA, FORTRAN, Pascal, Perl, Ruby, and
Visual Basic.

The JAVA programming language is an object-oriented language that is based on
objects and classes. The main motto of the development of this language is to make a
computer program run on any system. JAVA code is machine-independent code means
the code needs to be written once and can be executed on any machine. The memory
management is done automatically in the java programming language.


The C is a procedural and general-purpose programming language used for writing

programs. This language is mostly used for writing operating system applications and
desktop applications.
Pascal is a procedural programming language that is based on data structures. It uses
the concept of recursive data structures such as graphs, lists, and graphs.

As there is continuous development in the field of programming language from
machine language to low-level language to high-level language the programmers get
the maximum benefit as they don’t have to write a complex program. The programs
can be written easily and can be easily understood by a human. The only need is to
convert it into machine language.

Computer Virus & Antivirus

A computer virus is a malicious program that is transmitted into the user’s computer
without the user’s knowledge. It replicates itself and affects the files and programs on
the user’s PC. The actual intention of a virus is to make sure that the victim’s computer
will never be able to work properly or even at all. These computer viruses are present in
multiple types and all of them can infect the devices differently.

Computer Virus: Definition

A computer virus is a piece of code that gets implanted in a program and is
constructed with the ability to self-replicate; affecting other programs on a computer.
It’s just like how humans get a cold or flu, it can remain dormant within the system
and get activated when you least expect it.A virus has the potential to cause
unexpected damage to the system, such as harming the system software by corrupting
or destroying data.A computer virus is formed to diffuse from one host to another and
thus there are numerous ways how the user’s computer catches it. It can be through
email attachments, downloaded files, during software installations, or using unsecured
links. These viruses can steal the user’s data such as passwords, hack into their social
media accounts or online banking accounts, and also wipe out all the saved data.When
a virus program is executed, it replicates itself by changing other computer programs
and rather enters its coding. This code infects a file or program and if it grows
massively, it may ultimately result in the crashing of the device. Certain indications can
help you analyze that a device is virus-hit. Given below are some of them:
 In case a virus is fully executed into a user’s device, the time needed to open any
application may become longer and the entire system processing becomes
 Started getting too many pops up on the window or screen while working, this is
also an indication of a virus attack on the system.
 Files or applications may begin to open by themselves in the background of the
system without the user’s knowledge.
 In case of a virus attack, the possibility of accounts getting hacked increases and
even the user might get logged out of all the systems and applications.
 In most cases, if the virus grows at maximum then changes can be seen in the
files and programs, and this may even lead to a system crash.

Computer Virus: Names and Definitions

Explained below are the various types of computer viruses:

Boot Sector Virus

It is a kind of virus that affects the boot sector. This type of virus enters the system
when computers are booted from floppy disks. Nowadays, these viruses can even
penetrate in forms of physical media such as external hard drives or USBs.

The Boot sector includes all the files which are needed to start the Operating system
of the computer. The virus either overwrites the existing program or replicates itself to
another part of the disk.

Direct Action Virus

When a virus connects itself directly to a .exe or .com file and penetrates the device
while its execution is named a Direct Action Virus. It is also known as a Non-Resident
Virus as it does not install itself. These viruses are active only when the user executes
the file containing the virus, otherwise, it remains dormant. The main objective of this
type of virus is to replicate and infect files inside the folder.

Resident Virus
Unlike Direct Action Virus this type of virus installs itself in the primary memory of
the computer and then infects other files and programs. A resident virus can affect
anytime when an operating system loads; heading towards file and program
corruption. These viruses are hidden in the memory and are hard to find and removed
from the system.
Multipartite Virus
This variety of viruses are very infectious and can infect and spread in various ways. It
can infect multiple parts of the system including program files, memory files, and boot
sector. If a multipartite virus hits your system, then you are at risk of cyber threat.

Overwrite Virus
One of the most damaging viruses, the overwrite virus can fully remove the existing
program and substitute it with the malicious code by overwriting it. These types of
viruses generally spread through emails and are difficult to trace, to remove the virus
one needs to delete the infected file.

Polymorphic Virus
A polymorphic virus is difficult to track or remove as these viruses alter their code
each time an infected file is executed. Spread through spam and infected websites.

File Infector Virus

As the name hints, it first infects a single file and then later grows itself to other
executable files and programs. The main cause of this virus are games and word
processors. It is also named a parasitic virus which typically affects files with .exe or
.com extensions. This type of virus generally slows down the performance of the
program followed by many other damages.

Spacefiller Virus
As the name implies, this type of virus fills in the empty spaces of a file with viruses
without affecting the size of the file such that the user cannot detect it easily. It is also
recognized as a “cavity virus”.

Macro Virus
Macro viruses are composed in the same macro language adopted for software
applications. These viruses are normally stored as part of a document and can spread
when the files are transferred to other computers, often through email attachments.

Browser hijacker
This type of virus targets and modifies the user’s browser settings. It is often termed
a “browser redirect virus” as it redirects the user’s browser to other malicious websites.
This virus can also lead to shifting the default home page of the browser.
Web Scripting Virus
This type of virus utilizes the code of web browsers and web pages. If the user enters
such a web page, the virus can contaminate their computer. Web scripting viruses can
steal user’s cookies and use the data to post on the user’s behalf on the infected

What is an Anti-Virus?
Antivirus software is a usually available and extensively used program or set of
programs that are outlined to restrict, search for, detect, and remove software viruses,
and other malicious software like worms, Trojans, adware, and more. But since, as it’s
mentioned above, most malware periodically morphs in appearance to avoid being
caught, Webroot works differently. Rather than storing examples of recognized
malware on the device, it saves malware definitions in cloud storage. This enables us to
acquire less space, scan quicker, and manage a more robust threat library. Some of the
examples of antivirus are Norton(for Android and Windows), McAfee( iOS and Mac),
Vipre, Avast, and Kaspersky. We hope that the above topic on Computer Virus is
helpful for your exam preparations. Stay tuned to the Testbook app for more updates
on similar topics from Computer Awareness, and numerous such subjects. Also, access
the test series available to test your knowledge regarding various exams.

The 3 types of computer software

This article discusses the differences between system, utility, and application
software that can run on a computer. Software is used to control a computer. There are
different types of software that can run on a computer: system software, utility
software, and application software.

1. System software
If you think of software as being in layers, the system software is the bottom layer: it
sits between the hardware and the application software. Operating systems like
Windows, mac OS, Android and iOS are examples of system software. Operating
systems are loaded into RAM when the device starts up, and have access to the hard

2. Utility software
Utility software is part of the system software and performs specific tasks to keep the
computer running. Utility software is always running in the background. Examples of
utility software are security and optimisation programs. Security programs include
anti-virus software that scans and removes viruses. Most computers will include some
sort of anti-virus software, but you can add your own. Optimisation programs can
include tools for system clean-up, disk defragmentation, and file compression. These
tools are typically installed as part of the operating system. They have access to the
hard drive to keep it tidy.

3. Application software
This is everything else! Anything that is not an operating system or a utility is an
application or app. So a word processor, spreadsheet, web browser, and graphics
software are all examples of application software, and they can do many specific tasks.
You can remove and add applications on your computer using the operating system.
Application software like a word processor regularly directs the operating system to
load and save files from and to the hard drive. When you are working on a file, it is
saved temporarily in the RAM. It is only when you choose to save it that it is written to
the hard drive. This is why, if the computer crashes while you’re working on a file, you
may lose any changes you didn’t save. Data stored in the RAM is volatile. The data is
lost when the RAM loses power.

The operating system

Application software also uses the operating system to talk to the hardware on the
computer and to other software. When a web browser wants to load a web page, it is
the operating system that controls access to the internet and fetches the information
from the web. Similarly, the operating system also provides the application software
information about what key is being pressed, and about the mouse: where it is, what it
clicked, and where it’s moving on screen. Application software relies heavily on the
operating system to do these tasks and send it all this information.

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