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 Professionalism – no specific definition, but with health care workers it could

mean dedicating themselves and doing their best on the job and providing and
maintaining high-quality service.

 Professional Attitude – refers to the way a person thinks and feels. Health care
workers with a professional attitude approach work positively and
enthusiastically. They think in terms of what they can give. Patient welfare is the
primary focus of the worker with a professional attitude.
 Be committed to your work
 Use an objective approach to situations
 View problems as opportunities for positive action
 Develop and practice self-discipline
 Professional behaviors
 Be dependable
 Perform all duties as assigned and needed
 Be flexible
 Accept differences
 Treat everyone with courtesy and consideration
 Practice good communication skills
 Put personal problems aside during work time
 Be well-organized and plan your work
 Behave ethically at all times and set high personal standards
 Conduct yourself calmly
 Serve as a role model for good health.
 Set professional goals and aim for continual improvement

 Professional appearance
- It is an outward sign of professionalism.
- Strongly influences the way you are perceived by patients and coworkers
- Generally conservative
- Unacceptable: tattoos, body piercing
 Practice personal cleanliness
 Use deodorant or antiperspirant
 Pay attention to dental hygiene
 Avoid the use of perfumes and strong smelling hair sprays
 Avoid extreme styles in dress and grooming (hair color, green nail polish)
 Avoid wearing anything that can be grabbed or caught (dangling earrings and
untied long hair

 Professional health care skills

 Develop an in-depth understanding of your work
 Observe and listen carefully
 Consult the employee manual and/or ask questions if you are unsure about a
policy or procedure
 Perform all work as neatly and accurately as possible
 Dedicate time to acquiring new knowledge and skills

 Professional Distance refers to a healthy balance in the worker-patient

relationship. It means demonstrating a caring attitude toward patients without the
goal of becoming their friend. It is inappropriate to personally depend on the
friendship and approval of patients. Working to please, rather than serve
appropriately, can be counterproductive. Keep the focus on the patient’s health
goals and what must be done to achieve them

 Professional Handling of difficult situations

Being professional requires that you know yourself well and attempt to
understand the basis of your reactions to workplace problems. Learning to
recognize the causes of a behavior can help you change it, if necessary

 Professional acceptance of criticism

Criticism and correction can be valuable learning resources. Being willing to
recognize and work on imperfections is a sign of emotional maturity and

 Professional Organizations
 Continuing education
 Participating in an organization
 Networking

 Elements in Professionalism
1. the ability to integrate personal objectives with organizational goals.
1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications
set for the profession
1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the course of managing
oneself based on performance evaluation
1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of

2. the ability to set and meet work priorities

2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational
goals and objectives.
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and
2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are
followed as per established procedures

3. maintaining professional growth and development

3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job
3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career
3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed

Work Ethics: avoid the following

 Dishonest logging and tampering of the Daily Time Record (DTR).
 Tardiness amounting to three counts.
 Stealing/ pilfering.
 Immorality of any kind.
 Flirting or having a relationship with any of the employees in the establishment.
 Insubordination.
 Involvement in irresponsible petty talks.
 Disrespect to superiors and workers.
 Any violation of establishment policies.

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