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An Investigatory Project

Submitted to the

Faculty of

Compostela Science and Technology High School







The purpose of the project is to lessen the temperature, thus to give comfort to

everyone who is living in an area with high temperature.

The study aims to progress an alternative air cooler that is not annoyance to

anyone who will make an entity like this, because materials from these schemes were

easy to find, yet it can reduce the high temperature.

The phases desired to be done is to cut holes in the cover part of the ice bucket

and put the mini-fan. Next, cut holes in the side part of the ice bucket and put the

plastic bottles that were cut into half. Lastly, paint it with any color you want to add


The data congregated were analogous to what we are expecting with an average

temperature of 27.3℃ in setup 1, 26℃ in setup 2, 25.5℃ in setup 3 and 23.6 ℃ in

setup 4, which means that the air cooler chills down the temperature of an area.

With the data gathered, the researchers conclude that our project rejected the null

hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect between the cooling time and the

cooling temperature of the alternative air conditioner. For the p-value we got

0.000683 for cooling temperature which is way lower than the set alpha value which

was 0.05.


With boundless love and appreciation, the researchers would like to extend our heartfelt

gratitude and appreciation to people who generously extended their help and support to bring this

study into reality with the title “Use of Table Salt as an Additive to the Alternative Air Cooler”.

We, the researchers would like to extend our profound gratitude to the ff.

To our adviser, Mr. James Ulysses Gastador, who`s expertise, consistent guidance, ample

time spent and consistent advice that help us bring this study into success.

To our principal, Madam Maria Teresa P. Selanoba, for her favorable response and support

regarding our study.

To Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Arioja Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ramil Bocado, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin

Monsalud and Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Pasana for their moral support and providing our financial

assistance and deep concern all the way through the study.

To all the grade 10 students, classmates and schoolmates, especially to Aianna Sofia

Bernardo and Francis Jover Laum for the support they have given who helped the researchers to

accomplish this study.

Above all, to our Almighty God, for His grace, abundant blessings and gift of knowledge.

The Researchers


Cover page i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii


A. Rationale 1-2

B. Review of Related Literature 2-8

C. Conceptual Framework 9

D. Statement of the Problem 10

E. Statement of Hypothesis 10

F. Significance of the Study 10-11

G. Scope and Limitation 11-12


A. Research Design 13

B. Materials/Equipment 13

C. Procedures 13-14

D. Definition of Terms 15


A. Results and Discussions 16-17

B. Conclusion 17

C. Recommendations 17-18



A. Letter to Conduct a Study 22

B. Parents’ Consent (Form 1B) 23-26

C. Form 1 27

Form 1A 28

Form 3 29

Form 7 30

D. Documentations in the making of the Proposal and Project 31-33

E. Statistical Results 34

F. Snapshots of the Project Log Book 35-36

G. Timeline of Activities 37

H. Budget and Expenditures 38

I. Curriculum Vitae 39-42



Rationale of the study

For the past years, the world experiences blistering temperature and this hotness of

temperature is the root for us to sweat more and get weary easily. Every summer, all of us

experience the scalding temperature.

According to Environmental Protection Agency (2016), greenhouse gases are trapping

more heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, which is causing average temperatures to rise all over the

world. Temperatures have risen during the last 30 years, and 2001 to 2010 was the warmest

decade ever recorded as the earth warms up, heat waves are becoming more common in some


According to (2017), Philippines is one of those countries which are located near

the equator, where the sun rays directly hit. From March to June, you can expect hot and dry

weather. May is the hottest month of the year. Summer, or dry, in the Philippines will mean hot,

sunny days, perfect for going to the beach and malls. According to, temperatures

are quite high, with the highest temperature in the Philippines registered at 39.3 degree Celsius.

The average year-round temperature measured from all the weather stations in the Philippines,

except Baguio city, is 26.6 degree Celsius.

According to the Freeman, Alfredo Quiblat Jr., PAG-ASA-Cebu officer-in-charge, said that

cities like Cebu with several buildings and pavements have increasing heat index not more than

41 degrees Celsius.

The climate in Cebu is hot, oppressive, windy, and overcast. Over the course of the year, the

temperature typically varies from 24 degree Celsius to 32 degree Celsius and is rarely below 23

degree Celsius or above 34 degree Celsius. According to, average

temperatures in Cebu vary very little considering humidity, temperatures feel hot all year with a

chance of rain throughout most of the year.

In Compostela, the area is far less temperate than some compared to other places in Cebu.

According to, the warmest time of the year is generally mid-May where

highs are regularly around 33.1 degree Celsius with temperatures rarely dropping below 25.9

degree Celsius at night.

To address this problem, the researchers proposed of creating an alternative air cooler with

the use of table salt as an additive to be used by locals.

Statement of the Problem

This investigatory project aims to determine the use table salt as an additive to the

alternative air cooler.

Furthermore, the intention of this study is to answer the ff. questions:

1.What is the melting time of ice with regards to the following salt concentration/amount of the

alternative air conditioner as to:

1.1 Control; (no salt)

1.2 With 100g salt;

1.3 With 300g salt; and

1.4 With 500g salt?

2.What is the cooling temperature of the alternative air conditioner in terms of different salt


3. Is there a significant effect between the melting time and the cooling temperature of the

alternative air conditioner in regards to different salt concentration/amount?

Statement of Hypothesis

Hₒ There is no significant effect between the cooling time and the cooling temperature of the

alternative air conditioner.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following individuals:

First, the business owners. Most of the business here in our country are expose to heat like

school supplies store, restaurants, mini grocery store, and the like. They can certainly benefit in

our project since Philippines is located near the equator and the temperature is blistering. Air

cooler throws out cool and warm air by way of water. A fan blows the warm air over and creates

a moister before blowing it out into the environment. This process is nature-friendly and does not

use harmful chemical coolants.

Second, the household members. There is a specific time of the day wherein the house is

very humid. Too much high heat can affect our health, especially those who live in the city

which has buildings and cemented roads that can also be the reason of the increasing heat index.

We can’t stop this hot temperature, but we can use air cooler to lessen the temperature and that is

one of the benefit of our project.

Third, the teachers and students. Since most of the schools here in Philippines isn’t air-

conditioned because of its expensive price. Teachers and students can benefit from it since we

nearly stay in the school almost whole day every day and the classrooms are very warm because

of the heat and it is getting hotter for the reason that there are many people staying in one area

and also, they can benefit from our air cooler because the materials used isn’t expensive, easy to

find and there is no chemical mixed.

Lastly, the future researchers. The result of this study is indeed helpful and can be used by

future researchers to further explore, improve and make this project enhanced.

Scope and Limitation

This study was focused on the use of table salt (NaCl) as an additive to the alternative

air cooler. In this study, the alternative air cooler refers to the decreasing of temperature in a

room for a specific amount of time with the help of table salt. Table salt is one of the most

common household chemicals. Table salt is 97 percent to 99 percent sodium chloride, NaCl. The

cooling temperature and the cooling time of the alternative air cooler were gathered and

tabulated to measure the supposed room with 4 by 3 meters in size.

The study considered Compostela Science and Technology High School and one of the

researchers place. This is because of the making of the project and where the project is

conducted and where they gather the data.

Specifically, the factors in this research were the table salt as to which it helps in the

melting of ice. The aims of this is to save electricity which is very high nowadays and of course

money. This study also target our leisure time to be comfortable and cool our body.



Review of Related Literature

Ice and its Properties

Rockenfeller and Kirol (1991) stated that the portable cooler of the existing invention

offers a fluctuate to using ice or other pre-frozen cooling materials, thereby anticipating the

detriments and difficulties of using and furnishing ice common with the above-described coolers.

Moreover, it doesn’t require a source of electrical power for cooling operation. Portable coolers

or ice chests for keeping foods and beverages cold, are commonly of a weight and size for being

handy that it can be easily carried and transported by a person. For typical recreational

portability, containers up to around 40 gallons are appropriate. Here, the container is designed,

molded, and insulated to accommodate such a container that is to be used for storing or

transporting detailed containers or goods. For instance, where flasks, tubes or other containers

for medicines, biological samples, some specimens, organs and the like are to be stockpiled or

transferred, it is made and designed to meet the expectancy of the cooling capacity that is

required together with the adequate reactor capacity, insulation, and temperature control modes,

for upholding essential cooling chamber temperatures for up to at least about 100-150 hours or

more. The mechanism of the present invention comprehends a portable cooler assemblage

including a container that has a cooling cavity or chamber, an evaporator in thermal

communication with the cooling chamber, a reactor assemblage consisting of one or more

reactors that contains a complex compound of ammonia or other adequate polar refrigerant and

one or more metal salts, modes for heating the complex compound within the reactor and a valve

channel for directing the refrigerant amongst the reactor assemblage and the evaporator. These

two components may be enduringly installed in the portable cooler or may be detachable. The

LiCl complexes consist of numerous coordination steps amongst 0 and 3. The most ideal

complexes are those, of SrCl2 and CaCl2. The compound in the reactor may be a complex

compound of a single metal salt, or, a combination of salts may be cast-off. For example, where

the amount of adsorption and/or desorption is vital for quick cool down, load control, etc., one or

more additional salts can be used to take advantage of complex compounds partaking such


Aside from that, Paul (1975) acknowledged that the previous to the present invention,

countless discoveries have been untested which are adapted for the usage of ice in demand to by-

pass the normal refrigeration cooling equipment which is a part of emblematic air conditioners,

but have such large and bulky and far from effectual, and infrequently of a size that might be

considered truly portable in nature. One portable unit was found in U.S. Pat. No. 2,170,993, in

which the air channels are passed through the chilled water in which refrigeration loops or ice are

situated to unruffled the water which cools the coils and air inside them which is propelled

directly to the external area to be air-conditioned. Even though it’s not of a size and persistence

to be portable, the air conditioner of U.S. Pat. No. 2,469,259 isolates ice from water disseminated

through an air-circulation space wandering (extending) horizontally, the water channels

extending vertically across the path of horizontal flow for air to be cooled.

The greater the cooling effectiveness, and the less misused cooling and avoidance of

over-cooling, the longer the life of the ice applied to outcome the cooling.


Biby (1988) mentioned that by means of the present invention, this discovery of new

schemes provided a portable air conditioning unit for law enforcement surveillance units,

although, it is beneficial as well in vans that we use in our everyday lives, campers, boats,

automobiles and it could also be used in tents or similar enclosures, that is essentially noiseless

and may be applied in any small areas to be cooled. This is because the coolant that’s used is

natural ice to which anti-freeze or salt may be added to increase the cooling capacity. One

superiority of this instant unit is the use of natural ice instead of dry ice and another is its high

cooling capacity efficiency. Once the portable air conditioner is filled with ice, the unit can last

for 2 to 4 days. This unit is also capable of cooling a van, with outside temperature of 100

degrees F., to the low 70’s for an advance period of time. Even though it is designed especially

for a surveillance unit, it can easily be identified that it could also be used in a civilian car, vans,

boats, the tents or other small enclosures where there is a high efficiency unit. In repetition, the

case is first occupied with natural ice so that the cooling pipe is surrounded by coolant. By way

of warm air that is lapped into the inside of the case, the warm is cooled through its cooling pipe

that connects to it. When this thing is forced over the port opening and out of the outlet, the

anticipated cooling effect is accomplished. By adding the anti-freeze or the salt to the coolant

mixture, greater cooling effect may be attained. The addition of anti-freeze is found to be

desirable only under extreme heat conditions not normally encountered.

As well as, Hall (1988) revealed that this information, combined with measured ice

melting temperatures in these inclusions, can be used to determine the total amount of dissolved

salt in the inclusion fluid, provided that data on freezing point depression for salt solutions are

available, depending on the total salt concentration and the ratios of different salts.

Unfortunately, such data for ternary and higher order systems are rare, which prevents a

rigorous interpretation of the combined microanalytical-micro thermometric measurements.

Fluids from many geological environments are closely linked to the NaC1-KC1-H20 system.

Air Conditioner

Martello (2005) affirmed that a portable air conditioner using low-power draw

components, meek and efficient construction, and implementing simple ice water as intermediate

for heat exchange, has been disclosed. The objectives of these invention are to provide a justly

portable air conditioner in both process and power consumption, another is to provide an air

conditioning system that is reduced in rate to factify and operate, yet it also provides an air

conditioner that is reduced its difficulty to used but the efficiency remains. And lastly, to provide

an air conditioner with a lesser footmark for comfort while travelling around or transporting. The

present invention relates to a portable air conditioner, mainly one that has a small size, requires

low power, has a simple both structure and ease of use. In the traditional process of air

conditioning, a very complicated, large and expensive system of components is amassed to

control the climate in a place that you desired. The present invention of a portable conditioner is

consequently a much-improved device and process of implementing an air-conditioning system

that can be used in effectively boundless applications and locations, mostly because it

incapacitates the multitude of problems declaimed. In operation, portable air conditioner will be

processed by filling the basin first with the cooling fluid which is the ice water. In relation of this

invention, cooling fluid is fundamentally an amount of ice with a small volume of water added to

permit the fluid that is to be picked up by the pump. As the exchanging of heat occurs, the ice

will liquify, increasing the amount of fluid that is available inside, removing the need to add an

extra fluid throughout operation, i.e., fluid will only essential to be added when to get the process

to begin. Other fluids may be used, or changes made to develop moreover the cooling effect or

the longevity of the fluid. To create a greater fragment, or variance amidst the return air or intake

and the release air or exhaust, an additive such as salt might be added to the invention to lower

the temperature of the fluid while keeping the fluid in its liquid form so that it may flow freely

through pump and evaporator coil. Once the fluid has been added to the basin, cover should be

closed-fitting to insulated structure so that, in order to keep the fluid as cool as possible, to

enhance the effectiveness of this portable air conditioner. The plug should be linked to a proper

power source, whether that will be a battery, a car’s 12V outlet, or a wall outlet, it depends on

the application. At that point, shift thermostat, or another monitoring device should be stimulated

to start the cooling process. When it is energized, fan and pump of it will start to operate, with

pump illustrating cold water up from the basin and through the evaporator coil, then back into

basin. At the same time, fan will illustrate the ambient air from close return inlet into partition

and transfer the air across the cold evaporator coil. Once the air will become cool, it will be

frequently strained by fan out of partition and sent out through a discharge channel into the space

anticipated to be climate measured, thus cooling such a space.

Similarly, Tomizawa and Arita (1991) specified that the present invention relates to a

moderately condensed portable cooler effective by using the endothermic and exothermic

phenomenon that relates to a relatively compact referring to a chemical reaction. With the

preceding downsides of the prior art in opinion, it is an entity of the present invention to provide

a cooler effective by applying the endothermic and exothermic phenomenon relating to a

chemical reaction, which the cooler is compressed, portable, meek in structure and can be mass-

produced less costly. The cooler taking such removable heater is smaller in its size and is handier

to bring than the cooler that has an essential heater, and hence is chiefly fit for camping or just

similar outdoor activities in which the electricity is not willingly available. The working medium

preferably is water, alcohol or a mixture of both, thereof such working medium has a large

concealed heat of vaporization which conveys about large cooling capacity per unit weight and

by this means diminishes the inclusive size of the cooler. Water, alcohol or a mixture of the two

is a desirable working intermediate since it has a large dormant heat of evaporation and in that

way provides a large cooling capacity per unit weight which is mainly beneficial to the decrease

of the general size of the cooler. The ether pressure of such working medium is small so that the

reaction chamber forms nearly a perfect vacuum.

In addition, Xu (2001) detailed that the liquid air conditioner of geothermal energy kind

of the present invention, gathers and supplies the immense low level cold and heat basis

comprehending underneath the ground, and transfers the low level cold and heat energy of the

heat accumulator of geothermal energy type to the energy lift device, then the lifted high level

cold and heat energy is conveyed to the place where necessitates cold and, heat. For this

invention, none of any contaminated and detrimental materials, public nuisance and pollution is

produced during operation, and the air conditioner costs lower. It can be used for room heating or

cooling, and for providing local water. The storage box, which can be finished into cylinder-

shaped model, includes a storage container, storage cylinders that is filled with the phase

conversion materials, e.g. water, glycerin, salt water or ethanol etc., located in stagger by

numerous layers in the container, an upper flow equalizer having regularly dispersed through

holes placed on the top layer of the storage cylinders, and a back plate having evenly distributed

through holes placed beneath the bottom layer of the storage cylinders.

Similarly, Atthajariyakul & Lertsatittanakorn (2008) declared that this paper proposes the

use of small fan - assisted air conditioners for human thermal comfort and energy saving in

Thailand, since Thai people have a high air temperature tolerance and are accustomed to high air

movement by electric fans in non - air conditioned spaces.

In the study, a total of 15 students were tested in a 2.5x 3.5x2.5 m3 test room equipped

with a 12,000 Btu / h split air conditioner. Temperatures varied between 25, 26, 27 and 28 ° C

every 1 hour during the tests.

Moreover, Bobby Lee Car (2006) declared that a small fan with a diameter of 15 cm was

placed in front of each subject. The small fan was varied in each hour to supply a small area with

a speed of 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 m / s. In each condition, the subjects were asked to vote for their

thermal sensation.

A battery-powered, portable air conditioner device is provided having an isolated chest

with two holes placed in the lid. A fan is situated in one of the holes for drawing air into the

chest, where warmth is replaced with the innards of the chest, and the other hole is an aperture,

through which the conditioned air withdrawals.

The present invention relates mostly to a portable air conditioning device, and in an

identifiable to a device having a battery powered fan, affixed in the lid of the ice chest, which

pushes a stream of air into the ice chest, across the insides and through a vent in the lid. The

invention also comprises means to mount a rechargeable battery pack, for powering the fan, on

the outside of the ice chest.

Mahlia, Masjuki and Choudhury (2002) also stated that a room that has cooling system

designed to produce convenience in assembly and improve productivity. As a results of fast

economic growth within the past, the usage of electrical appliances such as air conditioner for

the last twenty years has redoubled quickly. In order to cut back energy consumption within the

residential sector, the Department of Electricity and Gas supply considers implementing energy

labels for social unit electrical appliances, together with room air conditioners.

In addition, Anderson (1958) avowed that this discovery of his relates to a new and

beneficial enhancements and operational refinements in air coolers, and the primary object of

this discovery is to provide a fully self-sufficient, portable cooler which may be opportunely

carried for use in baseball stadiums, theatres, auditoriums, automobile races, or any other

comparable indoor or outdoor settings where personal coziness and liberation from heat are


Some of the compensations of the discovery exist in its uncomplicatedness of edifices, in

its lightness and suitable portability, in its resourceful operation, in its toughness, pleasing

appearance, and adaptability to economical production.

Cooling Capacity

According to Glassman (1992), the primary object of the present invention is therefore to

provide an improved container for the receipt of a liquid and the maintenance of the received

liquid at a desired temperature for a considerable period of time.

It is also the object of the current invention to have a liquid-receiving container of this

general type which considerably isolates the inner, liquid-receiving portions of the container

from the surface parts of the container which the user must grasp.
It is also the object of the present invention to supply a liquid-receiving container of this

general type that is simplified in construction, both in the molded forms used and in the general

methods used to assemble such molded various forms.

Moreover, Wu (1993) stated in this paper, an end reversible heat refrigerator is

thermodynamically modeled. The fridge directly uses low temperature waste heat to create a

cooling effect. The maximum cooling capacity of the absorption system shall be analyzed.

However, Xu (2011) said that the body ventilation systems (BVS) reduce heat stress

productively, but the amount of heat a BVS removes from a human body is unclear. The purpose

of this study was to propose a method for quantifying BVS cooling capacity using manikin

evaluation and modeling. The cooling capacity was estimated as the maximum cooling potential

product and the cooling efficiency. The maximum cooling potential is computed as the enthalpy

correlation between air entry and exit of the BVS where the air temperature at the outlet is equal

to the skin temperature with a relative humidity of 100%.

Same as Yang (2001) specified that this invention concerns a complex cooling ventilator. It

is the primary object of the present invention to provide a complex cooling fan composed of a

plurality of fans that allows it to have more blades than the conventional cooling fan and to form

an air guide passage between two adjacent blades to increase the cooling capacity.

Another object of the current invention is to provide a complex cooling ventilator that can be

manufactured by molds without sharp angles, thus preventing molds from damaging work or

transport and thus reducing manufacturing costs.

Davis, Mewes, Joffe, Andrews and Ketterle (1995) specified that they have discovered phase

transition cooling of magnetically trapped sodium atoms. a unique technique, rf induced

evaporation, was accustomed cut back the temperature by an element of twelve and increase the

phase space density by over a pair of orders of magnitude.

Freezing Point Depression

According to Bodnar (1993), SALINITIES OF H20-SALT inclusions are often determined

by measuring the ice melting temperature in the participation and then referring this value to an

equation or table that describes the relationship between salinity and depression at the freezing

point. Data for the H20-NaCl system are generally used to determine a NaCl equivalent salinity

due to a lack of information about the salts (or other electrolytes) that actually contribute to the

freezing point depression. The equation most often used to determine the salinity of H2O-salt

inclusions from freezing measurements is POTTER et al. (1978).

Banin (1974) also detailed that the combining salt concentration equations by removing

water from porous bodies with those for freezing point depression in normal solutions, equations

are developed for the calculation of freezing point depression shifts due to the gradual removal

of water when freezing in porous bodies.

The same equations can be used to calculate shifts in water's osmotic potential in drying

porous bodies using a simple conversion factor. Graphs relating the remaining water content to

the freezing point shift for different initial soluble salt content are given.

There is good agreement between the measured depression point shifts for a silty clay soil

treated with three concentrations of sodium chloride and dimethyl sulfoxide at various unfrozen

water content and the calculated values. The order of magnitude of the expected shifts are

discussed in different natural conditions.

Furthermore, Hall (1988) detailed that the recent advances in fluid inclusion microanalysis

using techniques such as SEM-EDA (Haynes et al., 1988) and Raman microprobe analysis

(Dubessy et al., 1982) allow the identification and relative proportions of the main components

of the inclusion fluids.

This information, combined with measured ice melting temperatures in these inclusions, can

be used to determine the total amount of dissolved salt in the inclusion fluid, provided that data

on freezing point depression for salt solutions are available, depending on the total salt

concentration and the ratios of different salts.

Conceptual Framework

Energy Crisis

Air Cool

Salt Melting time

Concentration of ice

Air temperature output

Energy Conservation
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 displays that because of energy crisis we derived to a product that is nature-friendly

in which can help us conserve energy and this is the air cooler. To accomplish the anticipated

result, the melting time of ice depends on the amount of salt added to the air cooler which as we

go through, we observed that the more salt added, the longer the melting time of ice. And

because of the air temperature output, we’ve found out that it can help us in conserving energy.



Research Design

The researchers used an experimental research design because the study was conducted

using different setups and trials from the concept and the framework. By doing an effort on each

of the setups, the researchers were able to regulate and deduce the consequences and possibilities

of the product. The independent variable of our project which is the alternative air cooler is

directed to the experimental group and not in the controlled group. This aids the researchers to

reach valid conclusions about the relationships between the independent variable which is the

alternative air cooler and the dependent variable which is the table salt. The controlled variables

in this research study are the melting time and cooling capacity.


In our investigatory project, the researchers castoff decomposable resources in

manufacturing this project just for it to work. The materials that the researchers used were easy

to find and has an economical price. First, the researchers used medium size ice bucket, this will

be used as the storage of the ice and to trap the cold inside. Two 1.5 liter of plastic bottles will be

used as a way out of the wind inside the bucket. Different colors of plastic bags used as a design
in the opening of plastic bottles. A mini electric fan, we used this as a substitute airstream to

blow the ice inside the bucket. Cutter to cut the plastic bottles into halves and to cut holes on the

sides of the ice bucket and scissors to cut the plastic bags into small strips. The researchers also

used paints as a design to embellish our ice bucket so that it will look more pleasing to the eyes.


Preparation of the Materials. These are the process that we do while creating our investigatory

project. First, prepare all the materials needed. Next, get the ice bucket and paint it with any

color you want or you can put something like a cartoon character, portrait, anything you want to

put in the bucket using the paintings you prepare. When the painting in the ice bucket become

dry, using the cutter, cut one circle at the top of the ice bucket that the mini fan you bought will

fit in and the two circles in front of the bucket that the bottles will also fit. Then, cut the plastic

bottles into halves using the cutter and use the top part of the plastic bottles only. After you’re

done cutting it, put the mini fan in the circle at the top and the two plastic bottles in the circles at

the front using the glue gun and glue sticks. Make sure that the big opening of the plastic bottles

after you cut it are facing outside the bucket. Cut a small strips of plastic bags and put it at the

opening of the bottles so that you’ll see if there’s a wind that goes out inside the bucket. Lastly,

put ice inside the bucket. Make sure that you put sufficient ice then plug the mini fan onto the

outlet for it to start working.

Testing of the Alternative Air Cooler. The researchers determine the cooling time and cooling

temperature of the project which is the alternative air cooler. First, the researchers put 14 ice

inside the bucket. Then, the researchers identify the cooling capacity of the alternative air cooler

in 4 setups. We added table salt in every setups except in set up 1 since the researchers also

needs to identify the cooling time and cooling temperature of the project without the additive

which is the table salt and to associate the results with the results of the other setups with table

salt. The first setup is deprived of table salt, second setup is with 100 grams of table salt, third

setup is with 300 grams of table salt and the last setup is with 500 grams of table salt. Using the

steel tape, we measure the size of the room and using the thermometer, we measure the

temperature of the room after accomplishing the experiment.

Gathering and Analyzing Data. To gather data for this study, you have to measure the melting

time and the cooling temperature of the air cooler using 4 setups which in every setups have

different amount of salt added in the experimentation excluding setup 1. In ice, we used 3/8

block of ice in every setups to accomplish the said outcome. In gathering and analyzing data, the

researchers used One-way ANOVA since it has two or more independent groups.

Definition of Terms

For the better understanding of the study, the following terms are hereby define

conceptually and operationally:

Additive. It refers to or characterized by addition (Meriam, 2018). As used in the study, it

assistances in conducting our study by the use of salt.

Air cooler. It refers to a device that cools air through the evaporation of water (Meriam,

2018). As used in the study, it plays a vital role or it is the main part of our project.

Alternative. It refers to different from the usual or conventional (Meriam, 2018). As used in

the study, we adapted the air cooler.

Table Salt (NaCl). It refers to a salt suitable for use at the table and cooking (Meriam, 2018).

As used in the study, it is an additive that can help in the melting of ice.



Melting Time of ice with regards to salt concentration

Setups Amount of Amount of

ice salt

Setup 1 3/8 block of ice No salt

Setup 2 3/8 block of ice 100g

Setup 3 3/8 block of ice 300g

Setup 4 3/8 block of ice 500g

Table 1.

In table 1 shows four different setups with same amount of ice and different amount of salt

added in every setups. As per observation, setup 4 which has 500g of salt added helps the

temperature to decreased quickly compared to the other setups such as setup 1, setup 2 and setup

3 because this setups has no salt or has lesser amount of salt than setup 4.

Cooling Temperature of the Air Cooler


Setups Trial No. Trial No. Trial No. Average
in Degrees
1 2
(20mins) (30mins)

Setup 1 30℃ 29℃ 28℃ 25℃ 27.3℃

Setup 2 30℃ 28.3℃ 26.4℃ 24.7℃ 26.5℃

Setup 3 30℃ 27℃ 25.4℃ 24℃ 25.5℃

Setup 4 30℃ 26℃ 23.7℃ 22℃ 23.6℃

Table 2.

Table 2 shows the data the researchers collected after measuring the temperature of the room

in four setups with three trials and the average. As per observation, setup 4, having 500g of salt

added into the air cooler demonstrates that the more salt you add in the alternative air cooler, the

temperature decreased quickly as the time increased. And setup 1, without salt added into the air

cooler illustrates that if there is no salt added, the temperature decreased slowly as the time

increased. The researchers sought the average of each setups for every trial, in setup 1 without

salt, the average is 27.3℃ while in setup 2 with 100g salt, the average is 26.5 ℃. For setup 3

with 300g salt, the average is 25.5℃ and setup 4 with 500g salt, the average is 23.6℃.

Variables Tested p-value α-value Decision in H₀ Interpretation

Cooling 0.0007 0.05 Failed to The p-value

Time reject the null is lesser than the

hypothesis level of

significance or

the α-value

Cooling which is 0.05,

Temperature therefore, the

null hypothesis

is hereby

rejected. There is

no significant

effect between

the cooling time

and cooling

temperature of

the alternative

air cooler.

Significant difference between cooling time and cooling temperature of alternative air


Table 3.

Table 3 depicts that the p-value is lesser than the level of significance therefore, the null

hypothesis is hereby rejected and there is no significant effect between the melting time and the

cooling temperature of the alternative air conditioner in regards to different salt





The results attain a conclusion with the use of p-value. Observe that the consociated p-value

is = 0.000683 which is lower than ɑ= 0.05 level of significance. Following the decision rule, the

null hypothesis is hereby rejected

This means that there is enough claim suggesting that the use of table salt as an additive to

the alternative air cooler is effective in terms of delaying melting time of ice.


The researchers strongly commend to the future researchers of the following:

 The size of the hole of the ice bucket where the air goes out should be more big.

 The same kind of room thermometer should be used.

 Size of the Ice Bucket must be bigger.

 Add more holes for the air to come out to make the temperature colder.

 The more speed of fan, the better, that`s why it needs more speed of fan.

 Exact amount of ice used in every set up.


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Documentations in making the Proposal and the Project

The making of papers in Chapter I and Chapter II.

The making of the product.

The experimentation.

The temperatures that we’ve measured while doing the experimentation.

Statistical Result



Groups Count Sum Average Variance

30 3 90 30 0

29 3 81.3 27.1 1.33

28 3 75.5 25.16666667 1.863333333

25 3 70.7 23.56666667 1.963333333

27.3 3 75.6 25.2 2.17


Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Groups 72.756 4 18.189 12.41287534 0.00068343 3.478049691

Groups 14.65333333 10 1.465333333

Total 87.40933333 14

Observe that the consociated p-value is = 0.000683 which is lower than ɑ= 0.05 level of

significance. Following the decision rule, the null hypothesis is hereby rejected.

Snapshots of the Project Diary

Written outputs of our research papers from Chapter I to Chapter III that is approved and ready

to encode with dates above and some corrections.

Timeline of the Activities

Statement of the Problem June 26, 2018

Statement of the Hypothesis June 26, 2018

Rationale June 28, 2018

Significance of the Study July 4, 2018

Scope and Limitation July 19, 2018

Research Design July 19, 2018

Conceptual Framework August 7, 2018

Review of Related Literature August 13, 2018

Materials August 13, 2018

Procedures August 13, 2018

Definition of Terms August 13, 2018

References August 13, 2018

Appendices August 13, 2018

Acknowledgments September 9, 2018

Abstract September 9, 2018

Results and Discussions September 9, 2018

Conclusions September 9, 2018

Recommendations September 9, 2018

Budget and Expenditures

Material Quantity Cost

Ice 4 block of ice (3/8) P200.00

Salt 1kg P17.00

Ice Bucket 1 P290.00

Mini Fan 2 P640.00

Glue Stick 3 P15.00

Total: P1,162.00

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Yvonne Bridget L. Arioja

Nickname: Lalab

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: Highway Looc Danao City

Birth date: January 24, 2002

Mother's Name: Maideth L. Arioja

Occupation: Teacher

Father's Name: Cesar Arioja

Occupation: Government Employee

No. of Siblings: 1



2015-2019: Compostela Science and Technology High School


2009-2015: St.Thomas Learning Center

Name: Ramelle Felean M. Bocado

Nickname: Pilin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: Mahayahay II, Catarman, Liloan, Cebu

Birth date: November 20, 2001

Mother's Name: Naomi M. Bocado

Occupation: Housewife

Father's Name: Ramil P. Bocado

Occupation: Business

No. of Siblings: 4



2015-2019: Compostela Science and Technology High school


2009-2013: Academia Del Christifidelis

2013-2015 Formative Academic and Skills Development School

Name: Nina Louise L. Monsalud

Nickname: Nin, Nya

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: Landing, Catarman, Liloan, Cebu

Birth date: January 20, 2002

Mother's Name: Meraluna B. Lawas

Occupation: Housewife

Father's Name:Erwin L. Monsalud

Occupation: Engineer

No. of Siblings: 4



2015-2019: Compostela Science and Technology High School


2009-2015: Catarman Elementary School

Name: Kyle Alnah P. Pasana Nickname: Kakai

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: Maslog Danao City

Birth date: May 3, 2002

Mother's Name: Marissa Pasana

Occupation: Housewife

Father's Name: Rodrigo Pasana

Occupation: Driver

No. of Siblings: 2



2015-2019: Compostela Science and Technology High School


2009-2015: Maslog Elementary School


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