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1st Steering Committee Meeting of the European and

Central Asian Safety Network (EuCAS Network)

7-9 December 2016, Vienna, Austria
Meeting Room: C0213


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Part 1: Opening of the Steering Committee Meeting

09:30-10:30 Welcome and opening remarks by IAEA – J-C. Lentijo (Deputy Director General NS,
IAEA) - to be confirmed
Introduction of participants, adoption of the agenda – L. Guo (NMPS, IAEA)
Overview of development and current status of the EuCAS Network – J. Parlange
Election of the Chair EuCAS Network, Discussion on Co-Chairs and Observers

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-11:30 TC Europe - Overview of current and upcoming safety projects. Discussion.

11:30-11:45 Other regional safety initiatives & possible interactions with EuCAS - IAEA

Part 2: EuCAS Members Presentations

11:45-12:30 EuCAS Members Presentations (15 to 20 min each, based on provided template (safety
challenges and priorities, which activities would it be interesting to address in the
context of EuCAS Network)

12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:30 Members Presentations continued

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:30 Members Presentations continued

17:30 End of the day for participants

[Short Coordination Meeting: IAEA (PMO, TO/Moderators) + Chair, Sessions chairs]

Thursday, 8 December 2016

09:00-10:30 Members Presentations continued

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Part 3: Definition of EuCAS Working Groups and Activity Plan

11:00-11:20 Presentation of the preliminary work plan and proposed working groups developed

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during the CS in June 2016 - tbc

11:20-11:45 Synthesis of priorities based on Members presentations and on the CS in June 2016 –
IAEA or Chair
Proposed organization of discussions, Introduction of the Moderators and Session Chairs

11:45-13:00 Session 1: Safety Infrastructure

Session Chair/Rapporteur: Zoran Tesanovic (State Regulatory Agency for
Radiation and Nuclear Safety, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Moderator: Vasiliki
Kamenopoulou (IAEA)

- Creation of a Working Group (WG) on Safety Infrastructure: review and approval

of technical scope and title of the WG,

- Planning: identification of projects (i.e. on a 2 to 3 years period) and related

activities to be conducted in 2017.

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:15 Session 2: Waste Management

Session Chair/Rapporteur: Nikolay Grozev (BNRA, Bulgaria), Moderator: Gerard
Bruno - to be confirmed (IAEA)

- Creation of a Working Group (WG) on Waste Management: review and approval of

technical scope and title of the WG,

- Planning: identification of projects (i.e. on a 2 to 3 years period) and related

activities to be conducted in 2017.

15:15-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-17:00 Session 3: Environmental Remediation

Session Chair/Rapporteur: Kazakhstan SC Member
Moderator: John Rowat - to be confirmed (IAEA)
- Creation of a Working Group (WG) on Environmental Remediation: review and
approval of technical scope and title of the WG,

- Planning: identification of projects (i.e. on a 2 to 3 years period) and related

activities to be conducted in 2017.

17:30 Cocktail Reception – VIC Restaurant – Salon X

Friday, 9 December 2016

Part 4: EuCAS Website Development and Functionalities

9:30-10:00 Presentation of EuCAS Website and Information on Access and Contributor’s Rights -
Sameer Kunjeer (NMPS, IAEA)

Part 5: Rapporteurs ‘presentations

10:00-10:20 Presentation of Results from Session 1 - Rapporteur

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10:20-10:40 Presentation of Results from Session 2 - Rapporteur

10:40-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-11:20 Presentation of Results from Session 3 - Rapporteur

Part 6: Closing Session

11:20-13:00 Wrap-up and next steps

Election of Co-Chairs (if SC Members volunteer) and WG Coordinators
Next EuCAS Network Meeting: date and place
Closing Remarks - Chair and IAEA

13:00 Closing of the meeting

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