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European and Central Asian Nuclear Safety Network (EuCAS)

Workshop to Share Experience in

Radioactive Waste Classification

12 – 14 June 2017

Hosted by the

Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA)

Sofía, Bulgaria

Ref. No: J5-CS-48553 -???

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A. Introduction

During the first Steering Committee (SC) Meeting of the European and Central Asian Safety Network
(EuCAS) held in IAEA Headquarter, Vienna, Austria, in December 2016, a proposals were made to
organize next SC meeting of EuCAS Network and a Workshop to Share Experience in Radioactive
Waste Classification in Sofia, Bulgaria, in June 2017.

B. Objectives

The objectives of the workshop is to share experience in radioactive waste (RW) classification in
Members States, focusing on legal and regulatory requirements for RW classification and practical use
of established system for RW classification by the RW producers and RW management organizations
(e.g. national operator for RW management). The workshop will also address the discussions how RW
classifications established in Member States are correspond with disposal options for recognized types
of RW and how interdependences between predisposal management of RW (characterization, sorting,
treatment, conditioning, storage) and disposal of RW are provided.

Establishing of boundaries between different classes of RW, approaches for classification of spent fuel
(SF), disused radiation sources (DRS), wastes from uranium mining and milling industry as
“radioactive waste”, practical use of clearance procedures to decrease volume of RW, RW
management approaches, methods and technologies implemented or foreseen for the different
classes/streams of RW, end-points for the different RW classes/streams defined in the national
strategy/program, waste acceptance criteria (WAC) established for the each end-state, timescales for
the implementation of disposal; disposal facilities will be considered also.

The workshop will include presentations, discussions of issues mentioned above. As expected outputs
of this Worksop, a list of challenges, areas of common interest related to the establishment of
classification of radioactive waste in Member States will be prepared and prioritized; proposals for the
future activity of WG on safety of RW and SF management will be prepared. Additionally, a list with
questions or problematic issues which will be the similar for the most of participants will be defined to
be used as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

The workshop will also serve as an opportunity to stimulate exchange between the participants and the
experts in the field of RW classification as particular issue in the contest of safe radioactive waste
management in general, as well as among the participants, with regard to their respective approaches
for, and experience with, demonstrating the challenges and approaches for updating of national RW
classification systems.

C. Target Audience

Members of EuCAS Network nominated by the National NLO’s.

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D. Working Language

The working language of the workshop will be English.

E. Structure

The workshop will be structured around national presentations and / or discussions on issues related to
radioactive waste classification system and practical implementation of it in the area of radioactive
waste management. Presentations and discussions will cover aspects of establishment and
implementation of RW classification, including establishment of legal and regulatory requirements
and guidance, but also technical and safety aspects of use of RW classification by the RW
management organizations including RW producers. The interdependency between established classes
of RW and their disposal routs will be an important component to be discussed during the workshop.

The participants to the workshop will be requested to prepare and give a national presentation on the
classification of radioactive waste in their country giving an emphasis on such aspects as:
1. Legal framework for safe and compliant management of RW.

2. RW Classification:

- national schemes for RW classification,

- comparison with the classification of RW, proposed by the IAEA (GSG-1),
- approaches for classification of DRS, SF and waste arising from mining and processing
industries, if any,

3. End-points for the different RW classes/streams defined in the national strategy/program; WAC
established for each end-state; timescales for the implementation of disposal; disposal facilities.

4. RW management approaches, methods and technologies implemented or foreseen for the different
classes/streams of RW,

5. RW arising from mining and processing industries, if any: classification, management, end-points.

6. Establishment of clearance levels and progress in clearance procedures to decrease volume of RW.

7. Challenges in planning and implementation the national programs for RW management related to
the processing, storage and disposal capacities and prospective; funding; legacy waste, etc.

The expected outputs of this workshop will include:

- Identification and evaluation of challenges, areas of common interest related to the

establishment of effective classification of radioactive waste in Member States; preparation of
a list of prioritized challenges, areas of common interest to be addressed to the planning of
future activity of WG on safety of RW and SF management;
- Development of proposals for implementation of activities identified in the list of prioritized
challenges and areas of common interest;
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- Identification and preparation of a list with questions and possible answers for problematic
issues that will be defined by the most of participants of WG on safety of RW and SF
management (such list of questions can be used as FAQ and answers to this questions will be
useful for any members of EuCAS Network).

F. Application Procedure – should be clarified!

Prospective participants should first apply through the ANSN website ( If requested by
the national authorities, the completed Nomination Forms should then be endorsed by these and
returned through the established official channels (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Atomic
Energy Authority, or office of the United Nations Development Programme). They must be received
at the IAEA, Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria, not later than
26 August 2015. Nominations should also be copied to the Local Organizer, Mr Syahrir, via his
official email address: Nominations received after that date or applications
which have not been routed through one of the aforementioned channels cannot be considered.

In case of technical problems with the online nomination system, nominations may also be sent to the
IAEA Project Management Officer, Ms Julie Parlange, via email to:, via the
IAEA’s official email address (, or via fax: +43 1 26007. The email should
contain the following basic information about the candidate(s): name, age, gender, academic
qualifications, present position (including exact nature of duties carried out), proficiency in English,
and full working address (including telephone and fax numbers and email address) to enable the IAEA
to carry out a preliminary evaluation of the candidate(s).

G. Arrangements

Nominating Governments will be informed in due course of the names of the selected candidates and
will at that time be given full details on the procedures to be followed with regard to administrative
and financial matters.

H. Venue

The workshop and second SC Meeting of the EuCAS Network will be held at the Bulgarian Nuclear
Regulatory Agency (BNRA), in Sofia, Bulgaria.

I. Organization

IAEA Project Management Officer:

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Networks Management and Partnership Section (NMPS)

Office of Safety and Security Coordination
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 100

Tel.: +43 1 2600 25785

Fax: +43 1 26007

IAEA Technical Officer:

Mr Gerard BRUNO
Waste and Environment Safety Section
Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 100
Tel.: +43 1 2600 21469
Fax: +43 1 26007

Waste and Environment Safety Section
Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 100
Tel.: +43 1 2600 26922
Fax: +43 1 26007

IAEA Project Assistant: - should be clarified!

Mr Tom Velanguparackel
Safety and Security Coordination Section
Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
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International Atomic Energy Agency

Vienna International Centre
PO Box 100
Tel.: +43 1 2600 26178

Local Organizer (from Host Organization):

Deputy Chairman
Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA)
69 Shipchenski prokhod Blvd.,
1574 SOFIA,
Tel: (+359 2) 9406-800
Fax: (+359 2) 9406-919

Mr. Alexander ROGATCHEV

Director of Department "International Cooperation"
Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA)
69 Shipchenski prokhod Blvd.,
1574 SOFIA,
Tel: (+359 2) 9406-940
Fax: (+359 2) 9406-919

Chair of EuCAS Working Group on safety of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management
Mr Nikolay GROZEV
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria
To the International Organizations in Vienna
Rechte Wienzeile 13
Tel.: + (431) 585 7226
Fax: + (431) 585 2001

Subsequent correspondence on scientific matters should be sent to the IAEA Project Management
Officer and correspondence on other matters related to the meeting and workshop to the IAEA Project
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J. EuCAS Website –

Please visit the EuCAS website regularly for new information regarding the meeting and workshop:

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