MA1101 2018 MidSemester

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l\Iicl semester exc-1111: I\IA1.

IISER Kolknta

17 September :2018 Full :'.\larks: 20 TI~IE: l HOUR

l. Let _-\. B and C' be subsets of a universal set [-such tlrnt

A uB == A u C and .-11- B = A n C.

Pron' tlrnt B = C.

_ I.ft.· <
.--i -- f'l"3 J ..6 -i
L-" ..- 1_r anc I p - {(''-· •'))
_ . (''-· ..3) •(•')
~ .. C\J1• (3 ••'3) ••("J. o') . (6J. 6)} . F'.me l p -] . (\Jfflp1·
p-1 ·J ,o and r1 c p-1. ;; ·<'-" li
:1. Let A be a finite non-empty set wit h 11 elements and f A --:- .-1 be surjecrive. \\'ill f he
ir',it·cti\'(·? .Justiiy your answer. i:-1· J

P1c11"' t!:·11. c1:::irn:·

tli1! definitions of integers and nrn!tiplication and addition on:<:..

1(\1 ·-'.! '1- -:2.

r b: For o, b. c E Z. a >< ( b + c) = u :' b + o x c.

·). J..:: m.:1.p E 1\ such tlrnt m +p =n + p. Tlwn show tlrnt m = n.

: H:·:1 · '·'-c.: induction on p).

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