Présentation Anglais

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Presentation of the country :

1. Localisation
The Netherlands is a country located in northwestern Europe
with overseas territories in the Caribbean. The Netherlands consists
of twelve provinces; it borders Germany to the east and Belgium to the
south, with a North Sea coastline to the north and west. It has a border
with France on the split island of Saint Martin in the Caribbean. It
shares maritime borders with the United Kingdom, Germany, and
Belgium.Netherlands entered a unique era of political, economic, and
cultural greatness, ranked among the most powerful and influential in
Europe and the world; this period is known as the Dutch Golden Age.
The official language is Dutch, with West Frisian as a secondary official
language in the province of Friesland.[1] Dutch, English,
and Papiamento are official in the Caribbean territories.[
With a population of 17.9 million people,the Netherlands is the 16th
most densely populated country. Nevertheless, it is the world's second-
largest exporter of food and agricultural products by value, owing to
its fertile soil, mild climate, intensive agriculture, and inventiveness.The
four largest cities in the Netherlands are Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The
Hague and Utrecht.[26]
Amsterdam is the financial and business capital of the Netherlands.And
it is the country's most populous city (en particulier)the 5th-busiest
tourist destination in Europe, with more than 4.2 million international
visitors.and the nominal capital.
Its mixed-market advanced economy has the eleventh-highest per
capita income globally. The Hague holds the seat of the States
General, Cabinet and Supreme Court.[29] The Port of Rotterdam is
the busiest in Europe. The Netherlands is a founding member of
the European Union, Eurozone, G10, NATO, OECD, and WTO, as well
as a part of the Schengen Area and the trilateral Benelux Union.
The Netherlands is described as a consociational state. Dutch politics
and governance are characterised by an effort to achieve broad
consensus on important issues. The monarch is the head of state, at
present King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Constitutionally, the
position is equipped with limited powers. By law, the King has the right
to be periodically briefed and consulted on government affairs.
The head of government is the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, who
often is the leader of the largest party of the coalition. The Prime
Minister is a primus inter pares, with no explicit powers beyond those of
the other ministers. Mark Rutte has been Prime Minister since October
Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, agriculture, trade, and banking
have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy.
The Netherlands is one of the world's 10 leading exporting countries.
Foodstuffs form the largest industrial sector. Other major industries include
chemicals, metallurgy, machinery, electrical goods, trade, services and
The Netherlands has the 17th-largest economy in the world, and ranks 11th in
GDP (nominal) per capita. The Netherlands has low income inequality, but
wealth inequality is relatively high.

Presentation of the impact of globalisation :

effect of globalisation on the economy ?
Globalisation generally leads to an overall higher level of economic
production in a country
Globalisation has economic advantages, But it also has disadvantages.
The Dutch economy relies strongly on foreign trade, with the biggest
port of Europe located in Rotterdam . The Netherlands is particularly
characterised by a very high degree of economic globalisation. Firstly, this is due to
its role in the trade of goods via the ports of Rotterdam, where most goods in
Europe are shipped.
Lastly, one of the easiest places to see globalization is the economy of
the Netherlands. As a major hub of the transportation of goods and
services, this nation is one of the most globalized nations in the world .
Major holders in the economy, such as farmers and domestic
companies, are positively impacted by the international transportation
systems. Domestic farmers export their goods to numerous outside
countries in Europe. This positively expands their global outreach in the
world. Companies do the same thing by exporting goods to a larger
customer base. All of this is available because of the geographical
location of the Netherlands. Its ports make it one of the largest countries
that trade goods and services to the rest of the world
And, secondly, the Netherlands, like Switzerland, is a financially attractive location
for companies and the financial sector.

Effect of globalisation on the population ?

The Dutch still in support of globalization
The Dutch feel positive about globalization, which means that they favor open
borders and increased international trade and cooperation.
the Dutch don’t reject globalization, nor do they wish to diminish it. While it
might often seem that the Dutch are tired of globalization, this does not apply
to the majority of the population.
People with a higher level of education tend to view open borders more
favorably. This coincides with the common notion that the higher educated
are “the winners of globalization.” The research also revealed significant
differences in views depending on the respondent’s political leaning.
it also appears that people see more advantages than disadvantages in
globalization. Common controversial topics such as refugee policy are part of
the general conversations , but they don’t appear to be a divisive topic in
social relations.
Many practical problems concerning globalization in the workplace were
mentioned, such as insecurity due to language differences.The Netherlands
continues to be one of the leading European nations for attracting foreign
people Because of this culturally diverse and educated Dutch society, many
people move to the Netherlands globalisation may lead to an increase
in inequality in a country. Economists have traditionally highlighted
the net advantages of globalisation while the disadvantages are
ignored. Globalisation also implies migration. This trend has
continued over the years. the history of migration in the
Netherlands. The starting point is the description of migration since
the sixteenth century, the so-called Golden Century. After describing
migration globally, tthe migration flows from the 1960s in depth. The
focus lies on the major ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands:
the Turks, the Moroccans, the Surinamese and the Antilleans.
migration is one of the largest factors impacted by globalization in the world.
One of the largest cities in the Netherlands, Amsterdam is known for its
incredibly diverse population. It alone is home to over 200 different
nationalities. In addition, freedoms of religion, culture, and language are
specifically protected within the Dutch constitution. Schools have also
adapted to the growing diverse populations in the nation. The educational
system promotes education of multiple languages and requires
. Because of this migration, this has had a major impact on the labor force in
the country.

Effect of the globalisation on

technologie ?
Technology also plays crucial part in globalization in the
Netherlands.Technology also furthers communication among different
societies and cultures. Logistics, as part of technology, coordinates many of
the major ports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The port of
Rotterdam is known for its world-class logistics . Because of the growing
technology in the Netherlands, there is a steady growth in jobs associated
with technology through research or development projects. Because of this
growth in technology, it is a significant force of globalization in this nation
Within the agricultural industry, the rapidly growing technological advances
within the world has decreased the labor force in agriculture. however,
although technology has replaced the need for many agricultural workers, the
agricultural industry in the Netherlands is one of the largest in the world .
Machines have replaced the majority of the jobs in agriculture, so there doesn’t seem to
be a need for many actual workers. Although it seems that many go on to find other jobs in
the service industry, this an increasing and alarming problem for unemployment.
Technology has already impacted the agricultural industry, and the natural gas industry
seems to be mirroring this as well. .

Express your opinion :

has globalisation really been helpful for the development of this country ?

According to the my presentation , the Netherlands’ role as a world leader is thanks partly
to its strong starting position: it is located in the most connected region (Europe), has an
average-sized population, a high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and excellent
access to the sea. Globalization plays a major role in the Netherlands, helping

the economic and cultural interdependence of the country . Because the

Netherlands is a major port for trade in Europe, globalization helps the
country’s economy immensely. Three examples of the positive impact of
globalization in the Netherlands is with migration, technology, and the
economy. Without it, the Netherlands would not have as thriving as an
economy as it has today. While there are many pros of globalization for this
nation, there could be some cons associated with technology and migration
as well. Although the Netherlands doesn’t seem to have a problem with this
yet, they could eventually have a major problem with immigration within the
country. Like how the United States is faced with the problem of many
immigrants taking over specific jobs, this could potentially become a problem
with the Netherlands. In addition, technology is to blame for the decreasing
labor force in agriculture

World leader

Source :

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